Donovan escorted Maccabee down the long carpeted hall toward her hotel room. After checking with Security, he learned a Hazmat team had inspected every inch of her room and found no hint of explosives, biological and chemical toxins and nothing suspicious in the air vents.

He was even more relieved to see Theo, her guard, on duty.

“Any evildoers, Theo?”

“Bad ones.”


“Drunk Norwegian car dealers.”

“That’s terrifying!”

“Yeah… ”

Maccabee and Donovan laughed as they walked on down to her door.

She turned, looked at him and said, “I feel like Cinderella!”

“Me too,” he said.

She laughed. “All that palace pomp… ”

“Don’t forget the circumstance….”

“Like the circumstance last night?”

“What circumstance last night?” he said, wondering.

“Saying goodnight the Belgian way.”

“Oh… ”

“Tonight, let’s try the American way!” She leaned forward and kissed his lips softly.

Her kiss surprised him, but not as much as it pleased him. Things quickly became more impassioned. He knew he should back away now, but he couldn’t. His lips seemed to have a mind of their own. And, so did the rest of him now that he noticed.

“Maccabee, maybe we should ah… ”

“Check my room for drunk Norwegian car dealers?”

“Yep. They’re scary.”