In Stuart Woods’s newest thriller, Stone Barrington enters the picturesque town of Dark Harbor off the coast of Maine, where the shocking deaths of three people have cast a long shadow over this island haven—a locale as mysterious as it is exclusive.

A Stone Rattled

Stone Barrington hasn’t heard from his cousin Dick Stone in years. Then an otherwise pleasant meal at Elaine’s is interrupted by the CIA with news of Dick’s death—apparently by his own hand. It seems that Dick Stone, a quiet family man who doubled as a CIA agent, methodically executed his wife, daughter, and himself—or did he? Appointed executor of Dick’s will, Stone must settle the estate and—with the help of his ex-partner Dino and friend Holly Barker—piece together the elusive facts of his cousin’s life and death as a CIA operative. At every step, Stone knows he is being watched by Dick’s family—and one of them just may be the killer….