‘DID YOU SLEEP WELL?’ Alessandro’s polite enquiry pulled Charlie from her thoughts as they sat having breakfast together in the tranquillity of his apartment. The jeans and shirt he wore hugged his body to perfection and she fought hard to keep her mind where it should be—on her brother and the car she was here to help promote. Thinking about the handsome Italian she’d kissed last night wasn’t going to help her at all and she forced herself to be as rational and in control as he appeared.
‘Yes, thanks,’ she replied, taking a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice. Sleeping in the room Seb had used should have helped her, but it hadn’t. It had had the opposite effect. She’d wept silent tears for her brother, finally finding release from the grief she’d kept locked away, but little comfort. It hadn’t banished the idea that Alessandro was to blame for the accident or that he was hiding something from her.
He looked at her, his keen gaze lingering on her face just a little too long. She was aware the dark circles beneath her eyes would tell him she hadn’t slept well at all. Thankfully, he had the good grace to let it go.
‘There are a few things I need to do this afternoon in preparation for the launch, but we can either go to the office or to the test track this morning.’
Test track. Those words careered into her, dragging her back to a time when she’d always been at the test track, her father and brother at her side. It was where she’d learnt to drive, really drive, much to her mother’s disgust.
‘I’d like to see the car,’ she said thoughtfully. ‘It feels as if I haven’t been at a track for a long time.’ She’d missed the thrill and excitement of the place. Her garden, whilst a safe sanctuary she’d been happy in, suddenly seemed tame.
‘Sì,’ he said as he sat forward, placing his now empty cup back on the table. ‘Seb told me it was a big part of your childhood too.’
She looked into her juice, not able to meet the intensity in his eyes. They made her feel vulnerable and she didn’t do vulnerable. ‘I spent a lot of my time there. I loved it.’
‘What did your mother think of that?’ His question nudged at issues which had erupted often when she was a teenager.
‘She didn’t have any objection to Seb being there.’ Charlie hesitated and looked up into his handsome face and instantly wished she hadn’t.
He appeared relaxed as he sat back in his seat again, but something wasn’t quite right. He reminded her of a big cat, lulling its quarry into a false sense of security. Any moment he would pounce, strike out and get exactly what he wanted with unnerving accuracy.
‘I sense a but.’ He spoke softly, then waited, the silence hanging expectantly between them.
Before she could think, his question had thrown open things she’d do better to keep to herself—because it was a very big but. How much had Seb told him? Did he know of her mother’s disapproval of her involvement in the racing world? Did he know she’d hated the lifestyle, hated the way her husband had flirted with all the women. Her mother had resented being second best so much she’d left the family home, deserting her teenage children.
‘My mother didn’t like me being there. She didn’t think I should be driving those cars and certainly not working on them. She thought I should behave more like a lady instead of a tomboy and it became a constant battleground as I grew up.’ She wasn’t bitter any more. In fact she could now see why her mother had been so against the racing world, why she’d wanted her daughter as far away from it as possible. But she wasn’t about to go into all that now, especially not with Alessandro.
He smiled, a gorgeous smile that made his eyes sparkle, full of mischief. ‘Now I understand. Your insistence on being called Charlie was to remain a tomboy.’
‘Something like that.’ She finished her juice, wondering how she had become the topic of conversation.
‘But you are a beautiful woman, Charlotte, why hide it?’ The intensity in his eyes scared her, made her heart pound, and she bit down on her lower lip, suddenly very much out of her depth.
‘I was a rebellious teenager,’ she explained, giving in to the need to offer some sort of explanation. Heat infused her cheeks and she looked out over Milan to hide her embarrassment. It was time to change the subject; she’d said more than enough to him. This wasn’t about her—it was about Seb. ‘Can we go now? I’d like to see the car.’
‘Of course,’ he said as he stood up, preparing to leave. ‘If you are sure this is what you want to do.’
She’d never been more certain about anything, which was strange, given that just twenty-four hours ago she’d thought she never wanted to see this man. His timing had been impeccable, arriving so soon after the conversation she’d had with her father about getting her life back again.
‘Before we go,’ she asked, unable to keep the hint of suspicion from her voice, ‘what did my father say to you when you told him about the launch?’
He looked directly at her, his stance bold and intimidating. ‘It appears he wants only your happiness.’
‘I need to contact him, tell him I will be at the launch.’
‘He knows.’ She looked at him. There was not a hint of conceit on his handsome face, but she sensed he was keeping something from her. She decided to let it go—for now. At the moment, seeing the car which had become Seb’s world was at the top of her list and talking like this wouldn’t help at all. She tried to deflect his interest with light-hearted words.
‘And will he be there too?’
‘He hopes to be.’
‘That sounds like Dad.’
‘This way,’ he said as he picked up his keys and slipped on a leather jacket. The understated style only emphasised the latent strength of his body and she had to pull her gaze away, force herself to think of other things. This was not the time or the place to become attracted to a man—especially not this man.
* * *
Alessandro wasn’t able to negotiate the morning traffic of Milan with his usual ease. He could hardly concentrate on driving. His main focus was instead on the woman beside him. She didn’t say anything, merely looked around her, taking in the vibrancy of the city he loved.
‘Have you always lived in Milan?’ Her voice was soft and should have soothed his restless mind, but it didn’t. The slight husky tone to it only intensified the way his body seemed on high alert just being next to her.
‘For most of my adult life, yes.’ He knew it was only small talk, but discussing his family with outsiders wasn’t what he usually did. But Seb had become like a brother to him, even in such a short time, so didn’t that make Charlie anything but an outsider?
‘Seb mentioned your family lives in Tuscany and produce wines.’ Her voice was light in an attempt to make conversation, but such questions made him uneasy. When a woman asked about family, there was usually intent behind it. But what motivation could Charlie possibly have?
He shrugged and turned onto the open road, leaving the city behind as they headed for the test track. The sun shone with the promise of another hot day. ‘That is true, but my love was for cars, not wine. So I moved to Milan, finished my education and began working for my uncle, turning the company around and making it the success it is today. The rest, I believe you would say, is history.’
‘And this car? Was that also part of your love for cars?’ She almost caressed the words, setting his pulse racing at an alarming rate.
He glanced across at her, watching as she looked around the interior with genuine interest, proving all that Seb had told him about her was true. She wasn’t much older than his sister but, at twenty-four, had made her way to the top of her career, promoting first her father’s racing team, then Seb’s. She was a successful woman in her own right, and that success had been born out of her passion for cars and racing, which was why Seb had wanted her at the launch of the car.
She ran the tips of her fingers across the dashboard in front of her, leaving him in no doubt of her love of cars—and that she was a woman of passion. She’d shown him that much last night with her kiss. He pressed down on the accelerator in a bid to focus his attention on anything else but her, and the car responding willingly. Thinking of last night’s kiss wouldn’t help to quell the lingering desire she’d awakened.
‘Impressive,’ she said quickly, laughter filling her voice.
Inwardly he groaned. She thought he was putting the car through its paces for her, when all he’d been doing was giving his mind something other than her to focus on. Again he glanced at her, shocked to see a smile on her lips, and instantly he wished he wasn’t driving, that he didn’t have to concentrate on the car so that he could enjoy her smile—the first real smile he’d seen on those sweet lips.
‘It is not far now.’ Grazie a Dio! He didn’t think he could take much more of this enforced proximity, the way her light perfume weaved its scent throughout the car. His body was excruciatingly aware of each tiny movement she made.
The streamlined car willingly ate up the miles as they drove in a silence laced with tension—not angry tension but that of restrained desire. Her kiss last night had more than hinted at her attraction for him. He couldn’t deny that he was tempted by her but it was something he wouldn’t act on. To do so would be to dishonour his friend’s memory and the promise he’d made.
A sigh of relief left him as they turned off the road and down a smaller road which led to the Roselli test track. Never before had a drive here been so long and so tense. Thankfully, he parked the car behind the large building which housed the prototypes for all his cars currently being tested.
Charlie got out of the car, her full attention now on the building before her, and he knew she was anxious. The tight set of her shoulders betrayed her nerves. ‘You don’t have to do this. We can just go back to the office.’
She turned to look at him, her hand reaching up to keep her hair from her face as the wind toyed with it. Instantly he remembered how he’d pushed his hands through it just hours ago, how he’d clutched it hard to enable him to kiss her deeper, and the way she’d responded.
Maledizione! Did he have to keep going back to something that should never have happened?
‘Mr Roselli, I want to do this and I will, no matter how many times you try to dissuade me.’ The fire of her spirit sounded in every word and, as she looked at him, her pretty face set in fierce determination, he fought the urge to smile.
‘I think we can dispense with formalities now, don’t you, Charlie?’ He saw her green eyes glitter as he used her preferred name.
‘As you wish, Alessandro.’ The sweetness of her voice didn’t mask her irritation.
‘Sandro,’ he said as he locked the car and came round to her. ‘I’d much prefer it if you’d call me Sandro.’
Her gaze locked with his, challenging him with unsaid words. They held the same fire and courage Seb’s always had, although the green of hers was more like emerald. Hard and glittering.
‘As you wish, Sandro.’ She shrugged casually and turned to look up at the building. ‘Now, can I see the car?’
‘It is only the test car. The actual car will be revealed at the launch.’
She glanced briefly at him before returning her attention to the modern building, its streamlined design which curved around them. ‘Even better. I’d like to know what changes have been made since Seb drove it.’
There it was again. Accusation.
‘It is an exact copy of the prototype Seb drove. There weren’t any improvements to be made.’
She turned and looked at him, her brows raised in surprise. ‘None at all?’
He watched her intently for a moment as she did anything other than look at him. ‘No. This way.’ He moved purposefully towards the door, keyed in his code and stood back for her to enter, hoping she wouldn’t pursue the conversation further. He didn’t want to lie to her, but at the same time he didn’t think she would be able to handle the truth.
His team of mechanics were working on another project and glanced up as they entered. He noticed she ignored their speculative gazes and instead walked towards the grey test car parked in the centre of the white workshop floor, ready for them.
He followed but held back as she approached the vehicle, wanting to give her time with something that had been as much a part of Seb’s life as it was his.
She paced slowly along the car, her long jeans-clad legs doing untold things to him, and he gritted his teeth against the sizzle of attraction. This was one woman he couldn’t have but, as she slid her hand over the front wing of the car, following the sleek angles of the bodywork, he couldn’t help but wish he was the car.
‘Can I?’ She gestured towards the door and he nodded, not able to string even a few words together in any language after those thoughts.
As she slid into the driving seat he moved towards the car and leant on the open door. He looked down at her, trying hard not to notice how the seat curved around her thighs. Instead, he kept his eyes on her face, watching as she openly devoured everything with hungry eyes. Slowly she wrapped her fingers around the steering wheel, clutching it tight until the leather creaked. She looked as if she belonged behind the wheel of a car and as if this particular car had been made for her.
‘It’s amazing.’ Those words were so light and husky. He gritted his teeth hard, trying to subdue the lust which now throbbed in his veins, demanding satisfaction.
With a sudden movement which caught her attention, he pushed his body off the car door. ‘We’ll take it out now,’ he said as he gave the signal to his team to raise the doors. Sunlight poured in as they silently opened.
‘I’d like to drive.’ Her words were firm as he walked back to the car, reminding him of the stubborn little girl he’d grown up with. His sister had nearly always got her way with such a tone, especially with him.
‘Maybe it would be better if I drove first.’ He didn’t want her thinking too much about her brother whilst behind the wheel. It was obvious she blamed him for Seb’s accident and grief could manifest itself in various forms. ‘You can sit back and enjoy the ride, just as Seb would have wanted you to.’
‘You didn’t know Seb that well if you think that.’ She raised her delicate brows suggestively at him and smiled. He knew he was beaten. ‘Seb would want me to drive so he could sit there and listen. He’d want to feel the car and be at one with it.’
He leant on the car, one hand on the roof, one hand on the open door, and lowered his head, bringing him very close to her. The enticing scent of her perfume met him and he resisted the urge to inhale it. Her passionate little speech just now had already done enough.
‘Va bene, you may drive, but carefully and I will, of course, be with you.’
She smiled up at him, a genuine heartfelt smile that made her eyes light up. Right there and then he decided he wanted her to smile more and assigned himself the mission of making that happen.
‘I am able to drive.’ Her lips formed a sexy little pout as she put on a show of pretend petulance and it was all he could do not to lean down and kiss her. The first woman who’d stirred his dormant body since he’d extricated himself from the mistake of his marriage and she was out of bounds. So far off limits she might as well be on the moon.
‘I don’t doubt that you can, but having dealt with one female who drove too fast I’m reluctant to do it again.’
‘Oh.’ The word was full of disappointment and he couldn’t hide his smile.
‘My sister. A while ago now. She took a corner too fast, despite my warnings, and ended up a bit the worse for wear.’ He made light of it when really he wished he could go back and change things, make her listen. Just as he now wished he could with Seb.
‘Well, you don’t need to worry about me,’ she said and started the engine, the throaty growl forcing her to raise her voice slightly. ‘Sebastian Warrington was my brother, after all.’
She was wrong, so wrong. He did have to worry. His promise to Seb meant that not only would he involve her in the launch but he’d look after her, be a brother figure to her, and he couldn’t do that when hot lust shot around his body like off-course fireworks.
He walked around the front of the car, watching her through the windscreen. Her face was full of concentration as she studied the array of information on the driver’s screen. As if she sensed his scrutiny, she looked up and smiled, this time a more hesitant smile. Should he be letting her do this? He knew only too well what could happen if someone drove beyond their capabilities.
Her gaze followed him as he moved to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door. ‘Ready?’ He kept the word light as he slipped down into the seat and shut the door. It was a lightness he didn’t feel, not when they were suddenly very close, much more so than in his car.
She nodded her head and looked forward, focusing on the task, but he couldn’t concentrate. The engine growled in anticipation and the car moved slowly out into the morning sunshine. He breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t as hot-headed as her brother had been the first time he’d taken it out.
Carefully she manoeuvred out onto the track and with a steady speed began the first circuit. He looked over at her, taking the opportunity to study her as she focused on driving. Her thick hair was scrunched up in a haphazard sort of style, looking as if she’d just left her lover’s bed. Her lips were pressed together in concentration, the same gesture Seb had used when he really focused on driving, but on Charlie it was cute, sexy even.
The engine grew louder as she pushed the speed up, bringing his mind back from the dangerous territory it had just wandered to.
‘Relax.’ The laughter in her voice didn’t match the intense concentration on her face and, probably for the first time ever, he didn’t know what to say. With shock, he realised she was making him nervous. He sensed she was holding back, that, just like her brother, she wanted to take the car to its upper limits, but was she capable? Could she really drive a car like this to its full potential?
‘You’re not nervous, are you?’ The teasing question finally focused his mind. ‘I have been taught to do this properly.’
‘No,’ he lied as he tried to sit back and relax. With each passing second it was obvious she could drive and if she’d had the same tutor as Seb, what more guarantee did he need? ‘I make a bad co-pilot. I like to be in control at all times.’
She glanced quickly at him, the green of her eyes flashing with amusement. ‘Are we just talking about driving?’
He couldn’t help the laugh that rumbled from him. ‘I was only referring to driving, but now you come to mention it...’
‘Let’s see what she’s made of then.’ The laughter in her voice gave way to a serious tone full of purpose.
Before he could utter one word of protest, the car lurched forward like an angry stallion, pressing him back in the seat. The trees around the track blurred as the engine roared. His heart pounded and he had images of arriving at the scene of his sister Francesca’s accident and comforting her while he waited for help to arrive.
‘Slow down!’ he demanded, hating the sense of being totally unable to avert a crisis.
‘Don’t spoil it now. I know what I’m doing.’ Her raised voice did little to assuage the doubt he had in himself to trust her driving ability.
‘Charlotte!’ He snapped her name loudly, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the corner they were hurtling towards.
* * *
Charlie could barely hear Alessandro. Her heart was thudding with the excitement of being behind the wheel of a powerful car again. It had been too long and she had no intention of stopping now. This was exactly what she needed to chase the demons away.
She pressed harder on the accelerator, elated to find the powerful engine still had more to give. As the countryside blurred to a sway of green she knew this was the right thing to do. Seb had driven this car, felt its power and had been at one with it. Driving it now brought her closer to him; it was as if he was here with her.
‘Slow down, Charlotte. Now.’ Alessandro’s curt tone was full of authority but she couldn’t stop now, couldn’t deny herself this moment.
‘This is amazing,’ she enthused, pushing the car to its limits around a corner. Tyres squealed but held the track like nothing she’d known before.
‘Do you ever do as you are told?’ The rich timbre of his voice was edged with steely control. She sensed him sitting there, rigid with anger at her disobedience. The thought made her laugh.
‘Didn’t Seb tell you that I’m exasperating?’ Another corner took her concentration and beside her he cursed fluidly in Italian. Was she really worrying him or was it just that she wouldn’t do what he wanted? There wasn’t any doubt in her mind that he was the type of man who liked to be in total control of every situation.
‘That, cara, is something we didn’t discuss. Slow down.’ His voice was firm, full of discipline, making her smile and itch to push the car harder.
‘Do you always spoil everyone’s fun?’ She slowed the car enough to be able to talk with him, but the engine protested, tempting her with its power once more.
‘Only when my life is on the line.’ The acerbic tone of his voice didn’t go unnoticed as he raised it to be heard over the engine. They headed down a long straight and she had to resist the urge to push the car harder.
‘Your life is not on the line, Sandro—don’t be so dramatic. I’ve been trained to the highest level to drive cars just as powerful as this.’ She drove into the next bend, restraining herself from showing him just how capable she was of handling the car.
‘By whom?’ Those two words were curt and heavily accented and she wondered again if he genuinely was afraid.
‘My father. He taught Seb and me everything he’d learnt, so relax and enjoy your car, feel it, be at one with it.’
She pushed the car into another bend, her body infused with adrenaline, something she’d missed when she’d taken up the more genteel pursuit of gardening. It just hadn’t given her the same buzz.
A long straight stretch spread out before her again as she came out of another bend and, forgetting everything, including the hurt and pain of losing Seb, she pushed the car to its limits one last time.
It felt so good. Nothing like it on earth had ever come close. It was exhilarating. The car ate up the tarmac as they sped along the straight stretch.
‘Dio mio, stop!’ The harsh command penetrated the bubble of excitement she’d slipped into and she let her foot off the accelerator, the car slowing.
‘We’re halfway around the track; I can’t just stop!’ she protested, but moderated the speed to a more sensible level.
‘Stop. Right now.’
‘Right now?’ Anger sizzled inside her. Anger because she had to do as he told her. Anger because she’d lost control in front of him but, most of all, anger at him. If things had been different, it might have been Seb at her side.
‘Now, Charlotte.’ His hard tone brooked no argument.
‘Okay, have it your way.’ As the words snapped from her she pressed hard on the brake pedal.
Tyres squealed in protest as the front of the car lowered dramatically to the tarmac, but it was nothing compared to the anger which still hurtled around her. This was all his fault.
‘Are you insane?’ The car jolted to a stop and those words rushed at her.
She couldn’t look at him yet. Her heart thumped so wildly in her chest she was sure he could hear its wild beat. She was mad, yes, she’d lost control. In her bid to forget the real reason she was here she’d been reckless, but it was still his fault.
‘Yes—’ she turned her head sharply to look at him, her breathing coming hard and fast ‘—I was mad to come here with you.’
Before she could think in any kind of rational way, she threw open the door, unclipped the seat belt and bolted—from him and the car. She ran from everything she’d tried to hide from these last twelve months.
‘Charlotte!’ She heard the deep tone of his voice, now edged with exasperation, but she didn’t turn, didn’t stop. She marched off the tarmac and onto the grass without any idea of which way to go. All she wanted was to get away from him, away from the car and away from all the pain which now surged through her.
Pain he’d induced.
As she began to break into a run he reached her, grabbed her arm and pulled her so quickly to a stop that she was turned and jolted against the hardness of his chest. For an instant all the breath seemed to leave her body and she couldn’t speak. All she could do was stand looking into his eyes, glittering with anger as he held her captive with his firm grip. Her breathing was now so rapid she was panting as if she’d just run a hundred-metre sprint.
‘Let me go.’ Her furious demand only made his hand tighten on her arm.
‘Not until you calm down.’ He said the words slowly, but she didn’t miss the glinting edge of steel within them.
‘It shouldn’t have been you.’ A cocktail of emotions rushed to find expression. ‘I should have been here with Seb. Not you.’
‘I should never have brought you here, not after what your father told me.’ Each word was delivered in a cool and calm tone, but there was still that underlying steel.
‘My father?’ She gasped in shock, trying unsuccessfully to release her arm from his grip. ‘What has he said?’
‘That you’ve been hiding from this since the funeral.’ He released her arm but remained excruciatingly close. It was all becoming too much. Memories of Seb entwined with whatever it was between her and this man. She couldn’t deal with either of them at the moment.
‘I have not been hiding from anything—except the cruelty of the media.’ She looked up into his face, so close she could smell his aftershave, but fury kept her expression hard.
He blinked, his head drawing back from her just a fraction. ‘The media?’
She pulled free from him, turned and stalked away, tossing her next words over her shoulder. ‘Yes, the media. You know the ones. They like to dig all the dirt on you and your family when you’re down.’
‘Charlotte, don’t walk away from me.’ His tone was harsh but she carried on walking—or was she running yet again?
‘Just leave me, Alessandro. Take the car back and leave me.’ She stopped and turned to look at him; his strides were so long that he was almost directly behind her and again she found herself against a wall of pure maleness.
‘No, cara.’ He spoke more softly, looking down at her.
Infuriated, a well of exasperation opened deep within her. ‘Worried what everyone will think when you go back alone?’ She couldn’t prevent the tart edge creeping into her words.
‘I don’t give a damn about anyone else. The only thing that matters right now is you.’
She looked up into his eyes; the angry glitter was gone from them now. She resisted the urge to close hers, to give in to the invitation of his words and let him care for her, soothe her. But that hadn’t been what he’d meant.
‘Why? Because of your promise to Seb?’ she retorted, fighting back once more.
His brow furrowed and he shook his head in denial. Guilt niggled at her. She was deliberately provoking him. It’s his fault Seb isn’t here, she reminded herself sharply.
‘Not completely.’ He stepped closer, so close she could just reach up and kiss him if she wanted to. Just as she’d done last night.
Mesmerised by his nearness, the heady scent of his aftershave doing strange things to her senses, she remained exactly where she was. Their eyes locked and she was sure he was thinking the same thing, feeling the same hot sizzle arcing between them.
Slowly, maintaining eye contact, she raised her chin up and saw his eyes darken to the blackness of a starless sky. She paused, an unspoken question emanating from her. His answer was to claim her lips with his.