April 18, 2017
TRINA (4:07 pm): Hey guys
NICK (4:08 pm): Sup
MEL (4:08 pm): I didn’t even know I still had this app installed
TRINA (4:10 pm): I thought we should talk
MEL (4:11 pm): Are you sure it’s safe? It might ruin your reputation.
NICK (4:12 pm): You only wish you were that edgy, Mel.
MEL (4:14 pm): I meant if she gets caught talking to you, nerd squad.
NICK (4:14 pm): Can you have a nerd squad of one?
MEL (4:14 pm): You are nerdy enough to count as four point seven nerds for the purpose of squads. Basic science.
TRINA (4:15 pm): Guys.
NICK (4:15 pm): Um, Trina, “guys” is a sexist term created by the patriarchy to imply that maleness overrules femaleness in a group setting
MEL (4:15 pm): Shut up I don’t sound like that
NICK (4:16 pm): a) yes you do and b) you know I dig it
MEL (4:17 pm): Were I but heterosexual my friend
NICK (4:17 pm): You know you’d be all over me
MEL (4:17 pm): Hell yeah. my pasty-white love stallion.
TRINA (4:17 pm): As glad as I am that you two are still friends . . .
MEL (4:18 pm): Where’s Anthony?
MEL (4:18 pm): And sorry, I regret everything
NICK (4:18 pm): I don’t
ANTHONY (4:18 pm): I’m watching you two reverse-flirt or whatever it is you’re doing. Can’t talk much. Hiding my phone during “family time.”
ANTHONY (4:19 pm): Sorry, answering your question, Mel.
MEL (4:19 pm): We know how chats work. How’s the rev
ANTHONY (4:19 pm): She’s fine thanks. Wants to see you in church more.
MEL (4:20 pm): That’s just bc she loves me more than you
ANTHONY (4:20 pm): Why isn’t Sara in the chat?
MEL (4:20 pm): Oh snap
NICK (4:20 pm): Wait, what?
MEL (4:20 pm): Like she’d answer anyway
ANTHONY (4:21 pm): She wasn’t at school today, either.
TRINA (4:21 pm): I left Sara off because we need to talk about what to do and I don’t want her shutting us down.
TRINA (4:24 pm): So . . . what are we going to do?
ANTHONY (4:25 pm): I’m going. Whatever anyone else decides.
TRINA (4:25 pm): Me too.
NICK (4:25 pm): I was already planning on it. Vanessa wants to go. Going out for dinner in a few minutes, then out ghost hunting.
MEL (4:26 pm): Sorry, have to—NICKY HAS A GIIIIRLFRIEEEEEND.
NICK (4:26 pm): Is there a middle finger emoji? Wait. Found it. [redacted]
MEL (4:27 pm): I don’t see what the point is. It’s not like anything is going to happen. And besides, I have a date.
MEL (4:28 pm): [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
MEL (4:28 pm): [redacted]
TRINA (4:29 pm): Does anyone know if Sara’s going?
MEL (4:29 pm): [redacted]
ANTHONY (4:30 pm): Yeah. She is. She told me.
TRINA (4:30 pm): You talked to her? Is she okay?
ANTHONY (4:31 pm): Yes. Last night. And no. I don’t know. She’s the way she’s been.
MEL (4:32 pm): Someone should be there if she’s going but we don’t all have to be. This isn’t an intervention. She just needs someone so she doesn’t slit her wrists in the woods or something.
TRINA (4:33 pm): That’s insensitive and crass.
MEL (4:33 pm): Insensitive and crass is basically my brand so
NICK (4:33 pm): This is perfect—you show up and save Sara from herself and she’s so grateful she swoons into your firm yet supple embrace.
MEL (4:33 pm): You know I will cut you if you say the word supple in any context ever again and also shut up.
ANTHONY (4:34 pm): Mel. Cut it out.
MEL (4:34 pm): It was a joke.
ANTHONY (4:34 pm): Kyle tried to kill himself a couple months ago.
MEL (4:35 pm): Fuck
MEL (4:35 pm): Really?
MEL (4:35 pm): KYLE?? That’s why he wasn’t in school? I thought he had the flu.
ANTHONY (4:35 pm): He’s okay-ish. I think. Just lay off the jokes.
MEL (4:35 pm): Sorry
ANTHONY (4:36 pm) There’s always a chance she doesn’t show.
TRINA (4:36 pm): Then it’s on us.
MEL (4:36 pm): Uh. What’s on us.
TRINA (4:37 pm): The game.
MEL (4:38 pm): IT’S NOT REAL
ANTHONY (4:38 pm): I’m bringing someone in case Sara doesn’t show. Unless you want to partner up, Trina.
TRINA (4:38 pm): I already agreed to go with someone.
TRINA (4:39 pm): There’s something else I need to talk to you about.
ANTHONY (4:39 pm): What’s up?
NICK (4:39 pm): Cool. That settles it, then. Midnight in the woods, yeah?
TRINA (4:40 pm): I don’t actually know where to go.
NICK (4:40 pm): Vanessa got the GPS coordinates. I’ll text you guys.
MEL (4:44 pm): Don’t bother. I’m not going. BECAUSE NONE OF IT IS REAL. Becca’s gone. She’s dead or she’s shooting up in a flophouse or whatever, but she’s not in the woods and she’s not the prisoner of some stupid ghost from an old urban legend. You’re all delusional if you think she is for even a moment. You should do yourselves a favor and admit that so you can move on.
<MEL has left the chat>
TRINA (4:45 pm): See you guys tonight?
ANTHONY (4:46 pm): Yeah. See you.
NICK (4:46 pm): I’ll be there. Ciao, bitches.
<NICK has left the chat>
ANTHONY (4:47 pm): Trina, what did you need to talk about?
TRINA (4:47 pm): I
TRINA (4:47 pm): Fuck I really don’t know how to say this
ANTHONY (4:48 pm): Are you okay? What’s going on?
TRINA (4:48 pm): I found out something and I don’t really know what to do
ANTHONY (4:49 pm): Do you want to call? Or come over?
TRINA (4:49 pm): No. I don’t know.
TRINA (4:50 pm): I have to go
ANTHONY (4:51 pm): Wait
TRINA (4:52 pm): I have to go. Chris* is home.
<TRINA has left the chat>