Newspaper clipping from the Briar Glen Beacon

November 1, 1983

Satanic rituals or a prank gone wrong? The residents of Briar Glen were treated to quite the sight last night when a troop of girls dressed as the infamous Lucy Gallows cavorted through the town, leaving an odd litany of graffiti messages in their wake. With recent disappearances blamed on the popular “game” connected to the same legend, some residents were on edge, but the girls were identified as the cheerleading squad at our own Briar Glen High School. Senior Jenny Hudson organized the Halloween parade.

When asked what inspired the antics, Hudson said, “I’ve been having dreams about her. She’s waiting at the end of the road. She’s been waiting a long time. I hear her whispering. She’s calling. More and more.”

Junior Candace Thompson had a less dramatic take. “We just thought it would be fun and spooky. Halloween pranks are traditional, right?”