Dear Reader,

I hope you found my story to be informative, entertaining and sweet. I enjoyed learning about the Deaf culture in my research. That’s Deaf with a capital D. It is a culture every bit as interesting as the Amish people I normally write about.

I have tried to be accurate and sensitive to the Deaf in my telling of this story. I would like to thank Elsa Sjunneson for her help. Her insight was extremely helpful. I am not deaf. Nor do I personally know anyone who is. The emotions and conflict between Esther and Gabe have come wholly from my imagination. Errors or misinformation I have shared are entirely my own fault.

I love being back in New Covenant, Maine. It’s a state that is dear to my heart and very far from my Kansas farm. If you haven’t visited Maine, you should. It has a wild beauty that feeds the soul.

I hope you and yours are well. As I write this story, I am shut in my home because of the COVID-19 virus. I’ve been praying for the country and the world. I look forward to the day this is over. Maybe by the time you read these words, it will be. There, that’s my hope and my prayer.


Patricia Davids