The Last Interview

“In Eshkol Nevo’s extraordinary The Last Interview, a writer reflects on that which sustains and troubles the human heart, including the fragility of love, the friability of truth, the constancy of friendship, and the certainty of loss. Through engaging prose, poignant storytelling, and the sorrowful yet irresistible voice of Nevo’s unforgettable narrator, we are asked to consider the question: How should we be in the world? Always heartfelt and often heartbreaking, The Last Interview is ultimately a balm for those of us living in these troubled times.”

—Judith Claire Mitchell, author of A Reunion of Ghosts

“Like J. M. Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello, Eshkol Nevo tells us one writer’s views of the world as he answers a series of questions posed in an online interview. His unflinchingly honest responses—on work, marriage, children, friendship, envy, guilt, and even the soul of Israel itself—make for an affecting portrait of a modern Israeli man looking for the truths of his life. The narrator reaches deep within my heart as he asks the ultimate question: How can we love, knowing there will be loss?”

—Elayne Klasson, author of Love Is a Rebellious Bird

“The Last Interview is a compelling, layered portrayal of friendship, family, and identity. Formally inventive and propulsive, Nevo braids threads of the political and personal with nuance and sensitivity.”

—Amy Feltman, author of Willa & Hesper

“Eshkol Nevo’s The Last Interview is a generous, graceful book—at once wry and raw, mournful and hopeful, ironic and tender. This book is a moving story of loss, love, and friendship, a thoughtful meditation on the porous borders between reality and fiction, and a true joy to read.”

—Moriel Rothman-Zecher, author of Sadness Is a White Bird