H is lips came down hard on hers, his tongue thrusting deep. She gasped in surprise, reaching out to clutch his shoulders. True to his word, his kiss began the slow spread of fire through her blood.
“I have no control when I am near you,” he confessed huskily, and slid a hand down her belly and between her legs.
He slid a finger into her cunt and she lost all ability to stand.
“Gods, you are soaking already.” He moved his finger, wet with her juices, up to her clit and began a slow rub over her eager flesh.
Her body had been ready for him since he’d brought her to climax back in her room. She’d wanted to touch him, to explore him with her hands and mouth, had almost been disappointed when he’d rushed them out.
She pulled away and took a step back.
“Talia?” His brows drew together, his breathing heavy.
“Please. Is it not my turn to pleasure you?” She sank to her knees in the grass, reaching for the fastening on his pants. Once she had it free, she pushed his trousers down to his knees and his erection sprang thick into her hands.
“Oh gods, princess,” he hissed and reached down to stroke her hair.
She wrapped her fingers around him, feeling his girth and trailing a fingernail over the swollen red head.
Placing her hands on his thighs, she flicked her tongue over his length. His guttural groan encouraged her, made her bolder. Reaching down, she massaged his sac as her tongue moved over the length of his cock.
He tightened his hands in her hair and pressed his hips forward so that his erection slid past her lips.
She opened her mouth, licking the salty pre-cum off the tip before he slid farther in to touch the back of her throat.
“You are incredible.” He groaned again and began timing his hip movements so that he was fucking her mouth as she sucked on him.
She increased the pressure of her fingers as she massaged his sac and was rewarded as it clenched beneath her hand.
“I need to be inside you.” He gently pushed her mouth off him and then lifted her to her feet.
He grabbed her ass, lifting her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist while he walked them backward. The smooth trunk of a tree connected with her back, and she was trapped between it and his hard chest.
He lifted her even higher and then dipped his head to her breasts. His teeth caught one of her stiff nipples and teased the sensitive flesh.
She gasped and tried to lower herself onto his thick cock, but he held her immobile while he toyed with and sucked on her breasts.
“ Now . Please, Ryder.”
He released her nipple and wrapped his massive hands around her waist, impaling her downward onto his cock.
His erection pressed thick and deep up inside her. A tremble rocked her body as the air hissed from her throat and her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head.
“Gods,” Ryder gasped, staying deep in her. “You’ve got the sweetest cunt in the universe, Talia.”
A slow laugh worked its way up through her throat. “I would hope that you have not bedded every woman in the universe.”
“I have not. Nor would I want to after having been with you.” His mouth covered hers again and he slowly moved his cock in and out of her.
Each pull of his cock against the swollen flesh of her vaginal walls sent hot licks of pleasure through her.
His tongue swept the interior of her mouth and he pressed her harder against the tree, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks. She cried out, moving her body the small amount she could against his thrusts.
He thrust harder, faster, and her back rubbed against the trunk of the tree. She buried her face into his shoulder, her tongue snaking out to lick his salty skin.
He angled her body so that her clit got stimulated, and she cried out as she came. Her cunt muscles clenched as trembles racked her body.
“Talia.” He squeezed her ass and then she felt him explode inside her. “Oh gods.”
He stayed buried inside her, not moving as their shallow breathing filled the air. He lifted his head and sighed.
“Ah, princess…what you do to me.”
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she clung to him as he walked them away from the tree.
He set her down on the ground and sighed. “We should get you back to your room.”
Her heart sank and she glanced out at the lake, biting down on her lip. The idea of going back inside, being locked back in that room, sucked away all her elation.
“Talia. Look at me.” His fingers gripped her chin, his touch gentle as he turned her face back to him. “I’m not proud of the way I’ve treated you the past couple of days, and I won’t ask you to forgive my behavior. But I want to say I’m sorry.”
The sincerity in his gaze ripped at her heart. She didn’t want to humanize him—to see this side of him. The wall around her heart crumbled and emotions slammed into her at once. Sadness, pain, hope, and…gods, it could not be love.
Her body began to shake. How could she have allowed herself to become so vulnerable? To willingly allow him into her body and so damn close to her heart? Four years with the Council she’d managed to keep a protective shell around her emotions; guarded her heart from ever feeling anything—be it pain or love. Two days with Ryder and she was putty in his hands.
“You’re cold. I should not have kept you out here so long after your fall into the water.” He grimaced and slipped out of his military jacket. “Here, let’s place this on you. It will ease the chill.”
If there was a chill she didn’t feel it. A bit numb, she lifted her arms, letting him slide the jacket onto her. The rough material abraded her nipples and fell well past her thighs.
“Come, we will walk back to the housing building.” He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
They did not walk the lake this time, but through the woods on a trail. She made no effort to make conversation or reply to his apology; she just needed the time and silence to analyze her heart and emotions.
Outside her room, he dialed in the code and the door opened. He escorted her a few feet inside and then stopped.
She turned to face him. Would he come in? Would he press her again for the information?
“Talia…” He brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek. “I only ask that you consider what you’ve seen this afternoon. Ask yourself if you truly believe the people of my planet to be barbaric heathens. To be deserving of the kind of attack Zortou has planned.”
She swallowed hard. Already the answer lay in her heart.
“I will send for you in a few hours and we will dine together.” He dipped his head and brushed his mouth across hers. “Until then.”
He turned and left, the door closing shut behind him.
She lifted her hands, thrusting her fingers through her hair and groaned. Oh gods. What was she going to do?
Krystal stormed through the halls, anger brimming in her blood and her fists clenched. How dare he assign her a silly duty with Dillon? She would see Trevon today, no matter what her brother said.
He had no right. Ryder did not know Trevon as she did. Most women on the planet would give their left eye to be the center of Trevon’s attention. He was handsome, fun, exciting, not to mention rich and influential.
Her thoughts turned to yesterday’s encounter in the aliaberry orchard, when she’d allowed him to kiss her and touch her breasts. Her stomach twisted a bit. Doubt pricked at her, and she shook her head. No, stop this .
Trevon had apologized, explained that he had been drunk and selfish in her first experience with letting a man touch her. He’d begged her for another moment alone, another chance. And if she could arrange it, she’d give him that moment.
Her eyes narrowed and she increased her pace. It would serve Ryder and Dillon right for trying to take control of her romantic life.
Her feet began to throb and she scowled. She wasn’t dressed for this long walk to the sector; she’d dressed to meet Trevon. Stepping off the path, she made her way to the nearest sky taxi center to hail a pod.
“To sector ten, please,” she commanded the computer and then sat back in her seat as the pod rose into the air.
Resting her head against the neck rest, she toyed with a curly strand of hair. Perhaps if she could gain Dillon’s support in her relationship with Trevon, then he would convince her brother to allow her to see him.
Hmm . She frowned and glanced down at the canopy of trees they flew over. Dillon had seemed a bit anti-Trevon as well, though.
She plucked at the short hem of her dress and smiled. Well. She would just have to convince him. As with Ryder, Dillon had always been easy enough to twist around her finger. She’d just have to turn on the charms a little bit heavier this time around.
“Arrival at sector ten.”
The pod lowered the hundred feet to the hangar, and she tugged her dress down in an attempt to look more modest before climbing out of the pod when the door slid up.
Her heels clicked across the concrete as she made her way to the entrance of the hangar. A mega-pod was docked in the middle of the building, the cargo unit door in the back wide open.
Where was Dillon? She glanced around, but didn’t see anyone.
“Hello?” Her voice resonated off the walls as she walked toward the back of the building. “Dillon?”
The sound of footsteps came from her right, and she turned her head to see Dillon striding across the room with a box in his hand.
“Hello, Krystal.” He offered a slow smile, his gaze locked on her. “What brings you by?”
“My brother.” The way he looked at her sent a warmth she didn’t understand through her, and she folded her arms across her chest defensively. “He asked that I help you load the cargo ship, but you look like you’re doing just fine by yourself.”
Dillon’s smile widened and he lifted an eyebrow. “Some place you’d rather be?”
Yes. With Trevon . She could hardly say it aloud, so she offered a shrug instead.
His gaze became knowing, his mouth suddenly tight. “Well, thank you for coming by. I could use the help.”
He strode past her and set the box down in the back of the pod.
Nice job, Krystal. If you want to convince him that your relationship with Trevon is not a bad thing, then you may want to work on not angering him right away .
“So what are we loading?” she asked, forcing a smile and following him as he went back to pick up another box.
“Medical supplies that are being shipped out this evening to the city of Glorus.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Are you sure you can walk in those shoes?”
She rolled her eyes and grabbed one of the smaller boxes, lifting it high against her chest. “I love my shoes, and I have been walking just fine in them since I turned the age of fifteen.”
He lifted a huge box and laughed. “I remember that. When you stopped wearing ragged old athletic shoes and put on those teetering high heels.”
She grimaced. “Oh, please, do not remind me of my lack of fashion as a child. I idolized you and Ryder so much that I think at times I fancied myself a boy.”
“You could never be a boy.” He set the box in the back of the ship next to the other one and shook his head. “Trust me on this.”
“Thank you, Dillon. Although some may argue with you about that.” She set her box down and went back to grab another.
The room went quiet, and she turned around to make sure Dillon hadn’t left her alone. He was still at the loading dock, but now he looked angry.
What had she said? “What’s wrong?”
“Who said it?”
“Said what?” She gave a nervous laugh and continued to grab another box.
“That you look like a boy.”
She scooped up another box, not answering right away. You don’t have a lot to work with . Trevon’s comments about her breasts had stung. Had made her feel anything but sexy. Forget what he said, he didn’t mean it. He was drunk .
“No one said it outright, and it does not matter.” She shrugged as she walked past him with the box. “I have always been a little self-conscious about my body.”
“You have no need to be.”
She gave a wry smile. “You’re practically under obligation to say that, being that you are my friend.”
He caught her elbow and halted her. Where his fingers touched, her bare flesh tingled. She lifted her gaze to meet his and the air locked in her throat. His eyes seemed a darker shade of blue and were intent upon her.
“I do not say that as your friend, Krystal.”
Something about the way he said the words made it seem as though he was being more than just supportive.
“You don’t?” She ran her tongue over her lips and his gaze dropped to her mouth. Her pulse quickened and she blinked, trying to force away the sudden haze in her head.
What was happening? Why couldn’t she form a straight thought? Wasn’t she here to get Dillon on her side about her being allowed to date…Her mind came up blank.
Trevon! Oh gods. How could she not even remember his name, when not even an hour ago he consumed her every thought?
“No, Krystal, I do not.” He reached up and touched one of her curls. “I say that because—”
“We should finish loading the ship.” She cut him off before he could finish. She didn’t want to hear the rest. Something deep in her gut knew it would change everything that had ever been simple between them.
Dillon’s mouth tightened, but he sighed and released her. “Yes. I suppose we had better. I need to take this shipment out before the next hour.”
Krystal’s hands trembled as she went to grab another box. What had just passed between them? The undercurrents in the room had changed into something heavy and thick. She lifted the box and closed her eyes. She wanted it back, that light and friendly ambiance they usually maintained.
More minutes of silence passed as they moved boxes, and finally she couldn’t take the quiet anymore.
“Do you remember when I was a child and used to spy on you and Ryder?” She brought up an old memory, something amusing to lighten the mood.
Sure enough Dillon’s mouth curved upward. “Of course. You always were a naughty little child.”
“I was not naughty, I was curious.” She grinned. “Naughty would be Ryder when I spotted him throwing gillie fish eggs at his instructor’s pod.”
Dillon laughed. “Ah, you saw that, did you?”
“Yes. I was quite scandalized.” She giggled. “And I remember this one time you had taken a girl to the lookout over Ile-scot Crater, and I followed you.”
“You did?” He raised an eyebrow, now looking very interested. “And what did you see?”
“What did I see? I saw—” She broke off as the image filled her head. She’d seen him kiss the girl, and then remove her shirt and kiss her breasts. His hand slipped under her dress.
A blush heated her cheeks. At the time she had thought it disgusting and good for a laugh, but now…now it did not seem so funny.
“I don’t remember,” she finished, her voice husky.
His eyes twinkled with amusement and something else she couldn’t put her finger on. Her stomach felt a bit fluttery and she pressed her hand against it. Perhaps her lunch did not agree with her?
“Is everything loaded?” she asked to change the subject.
“Yes, I believe that is everything.” He kept watching her and her stomach fluttered again.
Was she ill? She should hail a sky taxi and leave before it got much worse. Trevon. Oh gods. She’d completely forgotten to bring up Trevon. How would she ever sway Dillon to her side if she didn’t make an effort?
He shut the cargo door. “Yes, Krys?”
She hesitated. “You want to see me happy, do you not?”
A beat passed before he answered. “More than anything. You know I do.”
Her pulse skipped. Maybe he would help her. She took a deep breath and then plunged on. “Then surely you could not protest my relationship with Trevon. I am in love with him and he with me—”
“You haven’t figured it out yet, have you, Krystal?” He turned to face her and all traces of amusement were gone, his jaw tight.
“Figured it out yet?” she repeated, frustration clawing in her gut now. “What? That you and my brother do not want me to go anywhere near him? Yes, that’s fairly obvious.”
“No.” He closed the distance between them and slid an arm around her waist, jerking her hard against him. “That you belong to me.”