
Father, there is no color, no life on Our Earth. Everything looks so drab in black and white Down There. What if We add color to it?” asked the Son.

Looking at the black, white, and gray world beneath Them, the Father considered His Son’s query. He wanted the Earth to be a reflection of His wonderful Heaven—colorful and full of life.

“Yes, Son, do what is in Your heart,” God granted permission to the Son.

The Son looked around Himself in Heaven at the master copy He would follow as He created the Earth. Hmmm, grass, herbs, fruit trees—yes, that was what the Earth needed.

“Father, look,” said the Son.

The Son worked on the huge palette of the earth-mass as He created what was to be on Earth as it was in Heaven. As He created what He received from the Father, the Spirit of God moved across the face of the Earth waving His hands. Tiny seeds of color fell over the land as He sowed the power of God’s commandment to bring forth grass, herbs, and fruit trees on the Earth. The Spirit of God conducted as a musical maestro as living things sprang forth from the newly-created land mass.

Grass sprouted from its seed, herbs sprouted from their seeds, and wonderfully multicolored fruit trees sprouted from their seeds. The Son poured out of Himself all things to be created on the Earth to the pleasure of the Father. It pleased the Father that the Son had everything within Himself to create all things on the Earth, causing it to be a direct reflection of Heaven.

Magnificent!” exclaimed the Father in awe. It was a duplication of what He observed around Himself in His Heavenly abode.

Hallelujah!” exclaimed the Archangels, Gabriel and Michael. Immediately, the seraphims and cherubims took up the wave of ‘Hallelujahs,’ rejoicing at the creation they observed beneath them. All the angels with the exception of one …

The Creators descended to walk upon the face of the Earth. They were very pleased with Their creation so far. Beautiful! Magnificent! Awesome! were only three of the superlatives They used to describe Their creation to this point.

“Let’s get back to work,” God the Father advised excitedly as They ascended into the Heavens, elatedly making plans as They went. The Son returned to His palette as the Spirit of God stood by to carry out the will of God.

“You know, Son,” said the Father, “We should equip the Earth with times and seasons. Even though the Earth will be a direct reflection of Heaven, the Earth is also in an atmosphere quite different from Heaven. As a result, there will be a day and a night as well as four seasons to allow plants and other life forms to know when and when not to bring forth.”

“Umhmmm,” contemplated the Son. “So if We hang the Earth on an axis only We can see…like this,” the Son said, moving His hand over the Earth, “then the Earth can rotate on that axis. And, Father, I had a thought. To tell the difference between night and day, let Us hang these two lights above the Earth in the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth. One will be called the sun and will provide heat as well as light during the day on the Earth. It will be the stronger of the two lights …”

As the Son paused, the Spirit illustrated everything as it was thought out. He went about His task of setting into motion what the Son said.

“Then,” the Son continued, “We can place the other light called the moon in the same atmosphere as the sun. Now, although it will provide light during the night, it will not shine as brightly as the sun. These two lights will divide the light from the darkness, the day from the night. After this, Father, the universe will never experience this much darkness again,” the Son concluded.

“I agree, My Son. This light, it is good,” agreed Almighty God. “Let Us also add some lesser lights to the Heavens. We shall call them stars. They will also be used to show times and seasons and provide direction as well as light. Look in Your hands.”

The Son looked in His hands and saw the twinkling particles the Father called stars. There were so many of them! Throwing them out into the cosmos, they sparkled brightly in the atmosphere, surrounding the moon and the sun.

God the Father, His Son, and His Spirit observed that these things were good.

“Father God,” said the Spirit. “I’ve been thinking. The Earth is full of living things—the grass, herbs, and trees. But, there is no life. Look around Us.” He pointed. “There is life everywhere in every corner of Heaven. There are songs being sung, noises, laughter. You have created so much up here. But what about on the Earth?” the Spirit of God entreated.

“Umhmmm,” pondered God the Father. “I have contemplated that very thing, Spirit. You are correct. I have created the angels to inhabit the Heavens. There does need to be life and living on Earth as it is in Heaven. What shall We do?” He asked His Son and His Spirit.

“Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl, birds that may fly above the Earth in the open firmament of Heaven,” commanded God the Son. As He commanded, thunder clapped and lightning flashed in the Heavens. Time stood still as this new thing came forth in the Earth beneath.

In the water substance, They glimpsed a huge creature. This creature had a hump on top of it. In its head, the creature had a hole that spouted water as he swam on top of the water and then dove under the surface.

“I have created whales, fish, and other creatures that can live in and under the water,” explained the Son. “These creatures will provide food for each other and also for these creatures.” He pointed to the flying creatures hovering nearby. “Those are birds. They will live on the Earth and make their homes in trees and bushes.”

“Let the Earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the Earth after his kind, and it was so.”

The Trio observed these new creatures: big, small, and medium—every size one could imagine. These creatures, animals, were majestic in every way.

“What are they called?” asked the Spirit of God.

“I have not given any of them specific names yet,” said the Son. “I do not know why I feel this way, but it seems as though I Am missing something very important.”

“Son,” broke in Almighty God. “I believe I know what it is You are missing. You see, up until this point, all of the beings You have created have not been as We are. They do not have minds as We do. They are animals. They are living beings and have minds but they do not have souls. They do not have that certain something inside that will cause them to think as We do,” explained Almighty God.

“Father, what shall I do?” asked the Son.

“Let Us think on these things for a moment,” suggested God the Father.

The Three separated, walking away from the Others to contemplate Their dilemma. The Spirit of God descended to the Earth where the huge animals resided. As He moved among them, talking to and touching them, they responded to His voice and did as He commanded. A thought came to His mind right before He excitedly ascended.

The Son, observing the Spirit interacting with the animal beings on the Earth, had an idea as well. Observing both the Son and the Spirit, God the Father knew both Their thoughts.

“I know,” exclaimed the Father. “This is what We will do. We will create another type of being called ‘Man.’ Man will be a human being created in Our image after Our likeness. We will give Man authority over all We have created—the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle and the entire Earth, and everything that creeps upon it.”

They applauded each other for Their success. The angels hovered around the Majesty of the Heavens, wondering what this new creature, Man, would be like. Lucifer silently observed the happiness and excitement of the other created beings in Heaven.

“Silly twits,” he scoffed. “They just don’t understand what’s going on. God is going to replace us with this new creature called Man. Look at how much pleasure He derives from what He has created so far. Look at the attention He gives to those dumb ones on His Earth!”

Growing angrier and angrier, Lucifer considered what transpired around him. But he needed an ally, someone who would side with him.

He looked around at the other angels and keyed in on one of the cherubims floating by himself in a corner of Heaven. He had observed the little guy before, always alone, always by himself. What was his name again? Bright? No. Fright? No. Night? No. What was his name?

Lucifer pondered.

Sauntering slyly over to the little angel, his name suddenly popped into Lucifer’s mind—Right! That’s it: Right. But Lucifer knew very well the power of persuasion.

“Hello, Fright,” Lucifer said sonorously as he approached his victim. “Interesting activity going on below, isn’t it, Fright?” he carefully reiterated the false name, planting the seed of confusion into the mind of the angel.

“What did you call me, Archangel Lucifer?” the little angel asked respectfully, a puzzled look on his face. “I thought my name was Right, Archangel, Sir,” said the timid little angel.

Fright, angel, your name is Fright. I distinctly remember the Master calling you Fright when He created you. That is your name, isn’t it? After all, who would know better than an Archangel such as I? I was there before you were even created. I was on the planning committee with God Himself,” Lucifer retorted haughtily to the confused angel.

“But, Sir, I truly thought my name was Right,” repeated the angel.

The shy little angel had never exercised any of the power God had given him through his name. He did not know the power of his name. As a result, he recognized what he thought to be truth behind Lucifer’s statement of authority. Right considered the beautiful Archangel standing before him.

Lucifer cast a magnificent presence wherever he went. All the colors of Heaven were in him. He shone brilliantly as the Archangel of the Heavenly Host. As a cherub or cherubim, Right was in the lowest rank of angels. It was his job to follow the orders of the Seraphs (next highest) and the Archangels (the chief angels) placed over him under God. So of course Archangel Lucifer would know his name better than he knew it himself.

“I apologize, Sir. Of course you are correct and I am mistaken,” acquiesced Right, now Fright. “Please accept my humble apologies, Archangel Lucifer.”

“Of course I accept your apologies, Angel Fright. No worries,” Lucifer said calmly, pulling the little angel into his web of deceit. “Everyone makes a mistake every once in a while,” he said with a deceitfully friendly tone.

Lucifer looked around to make sure no one was near them. As he confided in the little angel, Fright’s countenance changed to match his new name. Fright grew even smaller and took on the appearance of one who was scared out of his wits. His eyes bulged from his scrawny, diaphanous, and scary form. Where he had had glistening gold wings, he now had ugly curved talons dripping with demonic drool.

Lucifer had found his first ally. Lucifer coerced Fright into following him down to this new place, Earth, to select a hiding place.

“Score one for me,” Lucifer congratulated himself.

Observing the exchange between Lucifer and the little angel Right, now Fright, God sadly shook His head. Even though he showed little regard for God’s way, God had always loved Lucifer. Lucifer was one who had to be the best at everything he did. God now understood—He had been too lenient with Lucifer.