Standing at a distance from the encounter, the Son saw everything. He was appalled, horrified at Lucifer’s actions. He had known Lucifer was up to something and had known it was coming.
As eternity progressed, the Son of God had perceived minute changes in Lucifer, none of them good. Lucifer had become prideful. He had been caught several times coercing and proselytizing other angels to come over to darkness.
Now he had finally done it—he had openly rebelled. Heaven stood still as the backlash of the confrontation subsided and Lucifer slunk to the shadows of Earth. Sauntering from the glow of the Holy One to the familiar darkness he allowed to cloud his mind and black heart, Lucifer hissed. He withdrew deeper and deeper into the abyss of the Hell he had created for himself and the other dark angels—the Hell of ignorance, rebellion, and disobedience.
The Heavenly Host scarcely breathed. None of them wanted to believe the scene playing out before them. How could Lucifer rebel like this?
Michael and Gabriel observed the chasm suddenly appearing out of nowhere between them and their former associate. A breach appeared in the center of the new Earth. It smelled of sulfur and tar and spewed out flames they had never observed before. As the Heavenly Host collectively turned away from the breach as it closed upon itself, they caught a brief glimpse of a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
The Son looked sadly at His created beings as they turned away from the horrible picture. He knew the fate of those who chose to rebel against God the Father—never-ending turmoil and suffering. They would never return to Heaven to stay as they had before their act of treason. Their destiny changed from one of glory to one of doom.
Other than a short season when God the Father would allow these demonic fellows to wreak havoc on the Earth against the humans as they pursued God’s will on the Earth, all these fallen angels were doomed to the fiery pit for all eternity. During this time, the demons under the mastery of Lucifer/satan were free to roam throughout the Earth seeking whomever they could devour.
“Father, are You all right?” asked the Son, concern heavy in His voice as He turned His attention to the beloved Father. “Is there anything I can do for You, Almighty? I Am at Your service,” He assured Him.
Almighty God glanced at His Son, contemplating the decision He had to make. He had already put the decision off for far too long. For now, though, it could wait. Now was a time for rejoicing as they populated the Earth They had carefully planned and created.
“Let Us go down to Earth and see how Adam and Eve fare,” He said out loud. He wanted to participate in the joy of His creation and not the sadness, not right now. “In fact, let Us take all the pre-borns with Us to observe what they will experience in their seasons.”
“That’s a splendid idea, Almighty!” the Son exclaimed. “Sort of like taking them on a field trip, isn’t it?” the Son suggested jovially. He was glad Almighty God was not going to allow one bad angel to spoil everything for everyone else.
They corralled thousands upon thousands of pre-born spirits with the help of the Heavenly Host to prepare them for their first field trip.
“This should prove to be interesting,” the Son said happily.
‘Oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ poured from the pre-born spirits descending to the Earth. They had watched Almighty God, the Son, and the Spirit as They created the Earth. Now, though, they were able to see everything up close and personal. They were even allowed to get closer to the Earth animals and beasts.
The pre-born spirits frolicked on the Earth, enjoying the new atmosphere. Heaven was beautiful to them and they enjoyed their home. However, many of them excitedly looked forward to their assignment in the Earth-realm.
They smelled the Earth air for the first time—it was wonderful! Many of them couldn’t wait until their turn to make the journey to Earth to live as humans. How exciting! They were all destined to become living souls at some point in time or the other.
Some were skeptical, though, about their upcoming assignments. They really didn’t want to leave Heaven. Although everything appeared interesting on the Earth, they knew the things in Heaven were more interesting. That’s where they wanted to remain!
Seeing the plant and animal life up close for the first time, the pre-born spirits were amazed. Many of the things they saw, touched, and smelled reminded them of Heaven, though Heaven’s actual articles were more magnificent! Even the food God created for the inhabitants of Earth was strange and came in so many wonderful colors!
Then the pre-born spirits saw Adam and Eve. They were beautiful creatures, brand spanking new from the creative heart of God. Although their memories of pre-born Adam and Eve were good memories, these creatures in their human shells were exemplary!
The pre-born spirits gathered around God Almighty and Adam and Eve as He gave them final instructions.
“Of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die,” God commanded Adam.
“Die?” twittered the pre-born spirits among themselves. “What does that mean?” they wondered. The Son instantly stood before them to answer their questions.
“To die means your spirit will leave your earthly body to return home to be with Jehovah God. It means you will no longer exist on the Earth except as a memory.”
Pre-born Spirit Miriam, piped up. “Does that mean we will be available for another assignment on the Earth, Holy Son?” she asked.
“No,” He answered. “It means you will come back home to Heaven after you have accomplished your mission on the Earth,” He explained. “And you will stay in Heaven if you have accepted Me as Your Savior,” the Son emphasized.
“But Son, what if we don’t receive You as our Savior?” asked Pre-born Spirit Kelly, wanting to know, yet fearing the answer.
“My child, you will go to the other place if you do not accept Me,” the Son sadly answered. “The place of darkness away from God,” He added.
“Oh,” murmured the other spirits in hushed understanding.
“We will only live one time on Earth but twice in Heaven?” asked Pre-born Spirit Tiffany, one of the more inquisitive pre-borns. “That sounds good,” she said, jittery with excitement. “So, Holy Son, how long will we live on Earth?”
“That is a question you will have to ask Almighty. He holds the balance of each of your lives in the palms of His hands. He alone will determine how long you will do anything in your Earth-life. Be patient and He will answer all your questions,” answered the Son, smiling at the eager pre-born spirits ready to get on with their new lives.
Lucifer/satan observed the goings-on between God and the pre-born spirits from his hiding place. He knew he had made the right decision by rebelling against that phony God he had served from the beginning of his existence. But no more! He was tired of being seen and treated as a lesser being! It was time to exercise the power he had been given from the moment of creation.
His deceitful beauty would take him into places that God and His simpering twits could not go. He would deceive his way to the top! He would show God! He already had a seed of an idea for his first spate of treachery with the humans. He was sure the fruit would be very sweet … at least to him.