Now, concerning your gifts and talents which will enable you to do the things for which you are being sent to Earth, they are all diverse. The Spirit of the Most High God will equip you with these gifts. Although many of you will be given some of the same gifts and talents, you will also find there are many different uses for these things. However, they all come from God Almighty,” instructed Angel Talifa, the Gifts and Talents Supervisory Angel.

“Finally, pre-born spirits, although there are different methods of operation of these gifts and talents, God will operate all these gifts through you. The manifestation of gifts and talents is given to every person Almighty God has created so they may profit in everything they do from these gifts. The Spirit issues these gifts to each of you as He wills in accordance with the purposes of the Father’s heart,” the angel continued the explanation in preparation for one of the most important sessions of the pre-born spirits’ existence.

The pre-born spirits were a-twitter with excitement as they prepared to move forward to their destinies. This was one of the final steps they would take before moving to the Earth-realm to live as humans for a season.

Agnion, the Assistant Angel of Gifts and Talents, spoke to the assembly.

“Pre-borns: pay attention! Time is of the essence! What you see before you are the Chambers of Gifts and Talents. Each chamber is filled with everything you will need to accomplish your missions on the Earth. What God has purposed for you will be performed. God’s plans for you will not be frustrated. Do I have a volunteer, please?” Agnion inquired, looking into the vast sea of pre-born spirits. One light flashed into Agnion’s periphery before any other could respond.

“I’ll volunteer, Angel Agnion,” said Pre-born Tiffany. “I can do anything!” the little spirit voice responded to the request, excited because of the new adventure.

“Splendid, Pre-born Tiffany! You will do just fine,” Angel Agnion replied. “Now this is what will happen. Tiffany will enter the Chamber of Gifts and Talents through this portal,” the angel explained, pointing to what appeared to be a door leading to a tube-like structure.

“We will observe everything through the transparent walls and doors as it happens. The same things you observe happening to Tiffany are the same things that will happen to you while you are in the chamber,” assured Angel Agnion.

Apprehensively, Pre-born Spirit Tiffany entered the chamber. Her spiritual light glowed brightly as gifts and talents poured into her as water into a vessel. Future scenes flashed through her cognitive senses as she saw herself as a human female from infancy through adulthood. She observed many people surrounding her at her Earth-birth, as she grew, and as she fulfilled the roles God had destined for her.

As her essence filled with each gift and talent, her light beam glowed brighter and brighter. The intensity was such that the other pre-borns had never seen before except when coming into the presence of Almighty God.

As Pre-born Tiffany proceeded through the chamber, her spiritual light became larger as well. Each gift and talent caused her to become heavier. She became endowed with the skills and abilities she needed to become a musician in her early years and a children’s doctor, a pediatrician, in her later years on the Earth. Her essence filled with mathematical and science skills that would cause her to excel in the medical field.

“Oh my,” exclaimed Pre-born Tiffany, continuing through the chamber. “Am I going to do all these things? Is that really me, the Earth-me?” she asked as she continued to fill, excitement and apprehension overpowering her as she proceeded through the chamber.

“Yes, Tiffany, that is the Earth-you you have seen through the chamber,” Angel Agnion assured as he turned back to the other pre-borns surrounding the chamber.

“Pre-borns,” Agnion continued, “notice that the further Tiffany goes through the chamber, not only does she become brighter, she also becomes rounder and heavier. She has received a glimpse of everything she will ever do in the life she is about to enter,” he informed the pre-born spirits.

“Everything you will ever need to fulfill the destiny God has for you is poured into your spirit in the chamber. While you receive your gifts and talents, you are being prepared to enter Earth as an infant child. This is your final phase of preparation before entering the Earth-realm,” Angel Agnion concluded.

Angel Talifa, the Supervisory Angel of Gifts and Talents, appeared in front of the assembly with a group of angels the pre-borns had not seen before.

“Pre-borns,” he said to the spirits, “as you exit the chamber, these angels will take you to your talent classes. Each of you has been filled with particular gifts and talents God has given to you from the moment He created you. Before the Father and the Son created you, They already knew who you would be and what you would do during your assignment on the Earth. While here in the Heavenly-realm,” he continued, “you will attend workshops in those specific areas. These gifts and talents will be in you when you transfer to the Earth-realm. They are called your ‘innate abilities.’ You will be born into the Earth with these abilities.”

“During the course of your life on the Earth,” Talifa explained, “you will grow more and more in these abilities. Some of you will grasp these abilities and use them and prosper. Some of you will take these abilities for granted and misuse them. Still others of you will wish for other abilities and learn late in life that these are the abilities you were gifted with and that you should use,” he continued.

“Those with medical callings, please follow Angel Curé. In the medical workshops, you will observe every aspect of the practice of medicine on people and on animals. Some of you will be doctors, some nurses, some dentists, some veterinarians. Then there are heart surgeons, brain surgeons, cancer specialists. Baby doctors, elder doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists …”

“Angel, Angel,” shouted Pre-born Spirit Sigmund. “Will we get to choose which area we will go into?” he asked excitedly.

“Well, Sigmund,” Angel Curé laughed. “You will be exposed to every aspect of medicine. When you go through the seasons of life on the Earth, you will innately know which area is right for you,” the medical angel explained.

Hundreds of thousands of pre-Earth spirits surrounded Angel Curé as he led them to the medical workshop area.

“Those created with musical abilities, please follow Angel Harmoné. Those who will be composers, singers, musicians, and every other aspect of music, now, please,” Angel Talifa urged.

“Pre-born Spirits Felix and Franz, you must hurry. You have no time to waste,” Angel Harmoné reiterated.

Millions of pre-born spirits surrounded Angel Harmoné in awe at having been chosen to provide music to the world. As they entered the hallowed halls of music, Pre-born Spirits Fantasia and Alicia hung back from the mass of other musical pre-Earth spirits.

“Do you think we’re going to enjoy this music stuff?” asked Fantasia. “I love listening to the Heavenly Choir but I don’t know if I want to do that on the Earth,” the pre-born spirit confided.

“Well, we can try. I think we’ll do well,” Alicia brightly replied. “What if we get to Earth and really like this music thing?” she asked, pondering the idea.

“Hey, come on, you two,” urged the melodic voice of one of their group, Pre-born Spirit Mahalia. “I’m excited about this music thing. I believe we’ll all do well,” she encouraged the other spirits.

Things quieted down in Almighty’s throne room as He observed the pre-born spirits entering the areas of their calling. Each spirit was filled with the instruments of their calling, things they would use to fulfill the missions for which He would send them into the world.

Scientists, musicians, doctors, lawyers, writers, nurses—there were so many callings He had for His creation.

“Oh, no! I’m not ready!” exclaimed pre-born spirit Emmaline. “I don’t want to go to Earth. That place scares me!” she reluctantly admitted to the atmosphere.

Her light dimmed considerably in dismay as she learned she was about to leave the one place she had ever known. She did not want to go to a place she had seen only once, then only fleetingly. It wasn’t that interesting to her.

Emmaline had seen the family and the place she would live. None of it looked good to her. Neither was she sure she could fulfill the Father’s mission for her as a soldier, a preacher, and an administrator, whatever those things were. She didn’t want to go. Maybe she could talk with someone about it.

“All right!” shouted Pre-born Spirit Joyce, her light taking on an effervescent glow of excitement. She was an adventurer! She looked forward with apprehensive excitement as Angel Agnion told the pre-borns what was about to happen to each of them.

In the chambers, Joyce received everything she needed to become a soldier, a mother, and a teacher, just like Jesus. She couldn’t wait. Barreling through the chambers, she laughed with glee, looking forward to the adventures she would face on Earth. She was going to have so much fun!

“I’m not going,” whined Pre-born Spirit Beverley, reluctantly backing toward the exit. She didn’t like what she had seen about that place called Earth. She had attended the humanities preview and observed her assigned family. Now she was being given everything she needed to become a soldier, singer, and a scribe or writer in the chambers.

Her imagination buds filled with images she would use as a writer. There were some other things she received but she closed her spiritual eyes when they flashed before her—they frightened her. She wasn’t planning on going down there for this Earth assignment. She would just have to tell Abba she wanted to remain in Heaven with Him.

“I’ll go, but I won’t like it,” groused Pre-born Spirit Margarette Ann. A quiet one, she was willing to do as told but readily admitted she wouldn’t like anything about it. As a matter of fact, she really didn’t like too much anyway.

She had observed all the goings-on of the other pre-borns and all their silliness. She wanted no part of that Earth-thing. She wanted to stay in Heaven with the Father … that’s what she wanted to do. She would go on this Earth mission, but they couldn’t make her like it.

As Margarette Ann went through the Chamber of Gifts and Talents, she received all she would need to become an evangelist—just like Philip—and a soldier, whatever that meant. But she didn’t want any of that stuff.

Evangelist Philip loved talking to people. She didn’t even like talking to the other pre-borns. She already knew she wouldn’t like talking to other people if she became one of them. Why her? She didn’t want to accept this assignment. Unfortunately, she knew she probably had no choice in the matter.

As the pre-borns lined up for their turn in the chambers, time lined up—in Eternity to release them into the Earth and in Earth to receive them in their pre-selected birth dates. As they passed through the chambers, their Earth-mother’s bodies prepared to receive these precious seeds into their wombs.

Once the pre-borns cleared the chambers, each was assigned an Angel of Earth Entry to accompany them into the wombs of the women destined to become their mothers. At the moment of conception, the spirit light went into the seed planted within the mother by the father. Although the pre-borns could communicate with the angels through their minds, they quickly moved into the next season of their existence as babies on the Earth.