He strode decisively into the History Chamber, robes glistening and swinging as he quickly moved toward the front of the amphitheater.
“Praise the Most High God, pre-born spirits,” Prophet Isaiah said with a very warm and welcoming voice. Tall and slender, the presence of the man-spirit filled the chamber as his voice boomed the greeting to the pre-born spirits.
“Hallelujah!” returned the excited chorus of pre-born spirits.
“Very well, then. Let us begin,” Isaiah said. “I was a prophet of the Most High God during my sojourn on the Earth. God allowed me to see many of His miraculous works. He also allowed me to see the destruction of many of His people. It does not please God to destroy His own people, the chosen of Israel. However, as the people of God decide they will do as they please, God is so inclined to allow many destructions to fall upon them,” Isaiah explained to the pre-borns. “Almighty God sends His prophets into the world with words of grace, mercy, righteousness, and judgment. Judah and Jerusalem fell away from God so badly, it became difficult to distinguish between those who were called by the name of God and those who were not. God willingly gives full mercy and grace to those who seek His face. He stood ready to help Judah and Jerusalem become clean if they were willing to put away their evil doings from before His holy eyes, bless His name. But they would not,” the Prophet continued sadly. “They desired to seek their own way so as to not be hindered from doing the will of their flesh. Now, considering you will not remember these things when you go to the Earth as children, you may ask why the other prophets and I have been commissioned to tell you these things. These are events that have occurred through the annals of time, the history you will be exposed to. Jehovah God desires that you know about these things so you will understand the goings-ons of the Earth you will inhabit,” explained Prophet Isaiah.
“Prophet, Prophet,” called a voice in the midst of the other pre-borns.
Pre-born spirit Beverley glowed brightly as she sought to get the attention of Prophet Isaiah. When he acknowledged her, she asked, “Did you see God while you were on the Earth?”
“Ah, a very good question, Beverley,” he assured the pre-born. “God gave me a vision of Himself. In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above the throne stood the seraphims and each one had six wings. With twain he covered his face; and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain did he fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of Him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke,” explained Prophet Isaiah.
All the pre-born spirits listened in awe as the commanding voice of Isaiah shared the vision.
“Prophet Isaiah,” called out James. “Will we have the same vision of God? Why won’t we be able to see God in the Earth as we see Him now, Prophet?”
“Brother Isaiah, may I answer the pre-born’s questions?” interrupted another booming voice.
All the pre-born spirits shifted their attention to the owner of the new voice entering the chamber. An ancient that the pre-borns saw quite frequently in the presence of the Divine Trio, they immediately knew who their next speaker would be—the great Prophet Moses. The two Returned Saints embraced with brotherly love as Prophet Isaiah relinquished the teaching podium.
“Pre-borns, I entreated the Lord our God to show His glory to me. Almighty Jehovah God said He would make all His goodness pass before me and He would proclaim His name, the name of the Lord, before me. He proclaimed that He would be gracious to whom He would be gracious, and He would show mercy upon whom He would show mercy. But Almighty God also told me I would not be able to see His face because of His holiness. You see, pre-borns, no person can see the face of the Lord and live. The main reason God the Father sent Jesus Christ the Son to the Earth was so God could be among His creation in a form His people could look upon without losing their life from seeing His glory. God is so gracious, pre-borns! Glory to His name!” Moses exclaimed. “While you are here before your Earth-existence, you are allowed to see the glory of God at all times because you are spirit and able to see the glory of His spirit. When you go to the Earth, you will be in human form as I was. In that form, you will not be able to see the spiritual form of God because the form will be invisible to you. But you will be able to see the glory of God in the evidence of all His creation, in the other humans you will be surrounded with, and nature. You yourself will be a manifestation of the glory of God in the Earth,” Prophet Moses explained to the pre-borns.
The pre-born spirits were ecstatic. They were hearing from witnesses who had already gone to the Earth and done some of the same things they would do when it was their season to go to the Earth. There were many more voices to come that they needed to hear from. God Almighty wanted them to know that their life on Earth would not always be one of joy and happiness.