* A letter from a bishop dismissing a clergyman from one diocese and recommending his reception to another.
* A member of the next to lowest ranking of the minor orders.
** The director of all the religious houses of a monastic order in a given district, called a province.
*The helmeted cardinal.
* The sentence cited by Fray Servando, in Madrileño dialect, reads: Ve a llamar al médicu que vengan a luna curar a Manolo del estómago, y le daremos veinte maíz.
** The Tuscan language in a Romans mouth.
* A Spaniard who has settled in Latin America. A pejorative term, in wide use in Mexico in the era of the struggle for independence, particularly by Creoles (Spanish by descent but born in the New World).
** The Unholy Alliance between Modern Theology and Philosophy to Destroy the Church and the Throne.
*** The Bird in the Alliance.
* Fray Servando is referring here to the triple prayer beginning with the words “Agnus dei” in the Latin liturgy.
** The pall is a linen cloth used to cover the chalice, and corporals are Communion cloths on which the sacred elements are consecrated.
*** On the Virgin Birth.
* On the Divine Names.