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Adams, John J., 198, 289

admissible evidence, 183, 246–248, 329, 351

Agnew, George B., 65, 238, 245

Albany, corruption in. see corruption

Albany Evening Journal, 62, 66, 67, 199, 207, 214, 216, 225–226, 231, 235–236, 300, 302, 310

Albany Lincoln League, 187

Allds, Jotham P., 89

Andrews, Charles, 32, 81, 119

Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 32, 346

Andrews, William S., 189

about, 32

on Bowers’s pretrial brief, 50–51

charge to the jury, 356–359

denial of printing industry corruption by defense, 249

dismissal of pretrial brief, 51

establishment of trial boundaries, 72–73

range of evidence decision, 82

state-of-mind ruling, 82–83, 208

anti-gambling law. see racetrack legislation

Argus printing company, 197, 199, 203, 235

Arndt, Walter, 204

Arnold v. Ingram, 223

Astoria Gas Bill, 117

autobiography, Roosevelt’s, 123–125


banking crisis, 175

Barnes, William, 29, 124, 267

about, 19–20, 56–57, 266–268

Albany Evening Journal editorials, 282–283, 293–297, 312–313

in Bowers’s summation, 335–346

bribes and, 50, 75, 89 (see also corruption, political)

call for new trial, 372–373

clashes with Roosevelt, 33, 64

and control of Albany, 183

and corrupt alliance with Murphy, 51, 53, 72, 91–96, 179, 184–185, 191–193, 204, 213–214, 220, 236, 244, 354–358

corruption and. see corruption, political

on direct primaries, 192–193

knowledge of corruption, 228–231, 235, 247

lawsuit, stakes of, 23

people’s ability to govern, 218–220, 271, 318–319

Platt letters and, 211

as political ally of Roosevelt, 24, 78, 130, 138

post-trial life, 377

as publisher and printer. see Albany Evening Journal

on racetrack legislation, 181–182, 204, 292–297, 312–313

response to verdict, 371

on Roosevelt as 1918 governor nominee, 377–378

on Roosevelt as temporary chairman, 277

taxation and, 64

as witness for defense, 207

Barnes v. Roosevelt

about, 12–13, 19–20

brief for dismissal, 37, 49–50

challenge to Ivins’s accuracy, 161–162

change of venue, 24

charge to the jury, 356–359

closing arguments, 330–331, 333–334

damages, calculation of, 35, 36, 37, 51, 52, 58

denial of printing industry corruption by defense, 249

directed verdict, request for, 326–329

duration, 334–335

Ivins’s summation, 347–356

jury concerns, 28

jury selection, 46–49

justification and mitigation, 51–53

libel issue of. see libel

location, 24–25

motion for dismissal, 68

opening of trial, 44–46

opening statement, defense, 60–66

opening statement, prosecution, 55–60

pretrial briefs, 36, 49–51

proof of malice, 153–155

public excitement over, 25–27 (see also news coverage)

racetrack legislation. see racetrack legislation

range of evidence decision, 82

reinterpretation of charge, 237–238, 241–242, 280–281

reversal of early state-of-mind ruling, 208

speeches supporting alleged libel, 158–159

statement at issue, 32–36

state printing business corruption. see printing company contracts

and Steel Corporation monopoly, 150–151, 174

strategies of defense, 37, 198–199, 225, 291, 301

strategies of prosecution, 53–54, 67–68, 70–71, 74

summations, 333, 334, 335–346, 347–356

tax dodging questions, 106, 107–108, 111

testimony of legislators, 290–291

trial boundaries, establishment of, 72–73

US law and, 23

verdict, 363, 365, 368–369

Barnum, William L., 141, 365

about, 31

jury selection, 46

Platt letters, questioning of, 139–149

US Senate election conspiracy questioning, 261–263, 265

Bayne Committee Report, 90–91

Beecher, Henry Ward, 30

Belmont, August, Jr., 254–255

Bennett, James Gordon, 120–121

Bennett, Pasquale, 299

Benschoten, William H. Van, 28, 177–179, 211–212

in charge to the jury, 360

opening statement, defense, 60–66

betting legislation. see racetrack legislation

Bill of Rights, 43

The Birth of a Nation, 27

Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 30, 379

Blackstone, William, 138

Blauvert bill, 275

Blavatsky, Helena, 103

boss party rule, 19, 24, 33–36, 54, 61–62, 64–66, 76–77, 112, 154–155, 352–354, 373, 375

Bowers, John M.

about, 28

cross-examination of Barnes, 281–288

jury selection, 47

motion for dismissal, 68

post-trial life, 377

pretrial briefs, 49–50

response to verdict, 371

summation of, 335–346

Bowers, Spotswood D., 234

Brackett, Edward, 260–261

Bresler, Frederick, 204–205

British law, 38–39, 73

Brown, Elon R., 258–259

Bull Moose Party, 24, 34, 57, 163–164, 378

Burden, Oliver, 46–48

burden of proof, about, 145

Burns, Edward, 366, 367–368


campaign contributions, 125, 131–135, 150–152, 310

change of venue, 24

charge to the jury, 356–359

Cherry v. Des Moines Leader, 41

Chicago convention, Republican nomination, 153–155

civil law, 41, 52, 138, 145, 357 (see also legal system, US)

Civil Service Reform, 117

civil trials, about, 138

Clarke, Charles J., 364

closing arguments, 330–331, 333–334

Coats, William, 207

Cobb, George, 266

Coffey, William, 290–291

Collins, Cornelius, 23

conservation, Roosevelt and, 18, 80

corroboration of witness, 319

corruption, personal. see Barnes, William

corruption, political (see also Franchise Tax Bill; racetrack legislation)

Albany Lincoln League and, 187

Barnes and. see Barnes, William

Bayne Committee Report, 90–91

boss rule, 19, 24, 33–36, 54, 61–62, 64–66, 76–77, 112, 113, 125–126, 154–155, 178, 352–354, 373, 375

defined, 237–238, 280, 328

Duell on, 195

elections and. see US Senate election conspiracy

Hennessy on, 93–94

machine politics and, 35, 113, 373

party control, 178, 195, 220

printing company contracts. see printing company contracts

public opinion and, 53–54, 110

review of during opening statements, 62

Roosevelt against, 19

Sulzer on, 93

Cosby, William, 39

counsel, for defense, 28 (see also Benschoten, William H. Van; Bowers, John M.)

counsel, for prosecution, 28–31 (see also Barnum, William L.; Ivins, William M.)

courtroom strategies, 53–54, 102–103

Crego, Burton I., 46

criminal law, 52, 138, 357

Crosswell, Harry, 40–41


damages, calculation of, 35, 36, 37, 51, 52, 58

Darrow, Clarence, 121, 334

Davenport, Frederick, 194–196

Davies, John C., 305

Day, James, 255–256, 317

defamation of character. see libel


brief for dismissal, 37

counsel for. see Benschoten, William H. Van; Bowers, John M.

opening statement, start of trial, 60–66

strategies of, 37, 198–199, 225, 291, 301

summation, 335–346

democracy, respect for law and, 22

Depew, Chauncey, 148, 213–214, 272, 279, 340, 358

Dickinson, Jacob, 203–204

dictionary, satirical, 147

directed verdict, request for, 326–329

Direct Nominations bill, 221

direct primaries, Barnes on, 192, 193

Dolan, Michael V., 197, 199–200, 202–203

Doran, Cassie, 44, 46, 227

Duell, Charles, 178, 195


economy, 98–99

Edison, Thomas, 121

Erb, Newman, 265

evidence, admissible, 183, 246–248, 329, 351

evidence, hearsay, 87–88, 351


Fairbanks, Charles, 15

federal income tax, 104 (see also Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” tax dodging questions)

Federalist Papers, 163

Foster, Frederick, 208, 210–211

France, Royal, 192–193

Franchise Tax Bill, 64, 73, 119, 166, 193, 264, 328–329

Barnes and, 64, 269

in Bowers’s summation, 338

Frank, Leo, 27

freedom of speech, 39–40

freedom of the press, 39–41, 42, 120–121

Frick, Henry, 150, 175


gambling legislation. see racetrack legislation

Gary, Elbert H., 150, 175

German-American pro-German sympathies, 46, 209, 233, 240, 288, 298

German war threats, 27, 28, 156–157, 201–202, 209, 230, 231–233, 239–240, 274, 298, 376, 378

Gleason, Blanchard, 325–326

governorship, power of, 169

Grattan, William, 65, 181–182, 195, 296, 299, 374–375

Great Marble Temple of Justice, 45

Griffin, Charles L., 49

Guggenheim, Simon, 314

Gulflight, 209


Hamilton, Alexander, 39–41, 163

Hamilton, Andrew, 39–40

Hammond, Fred, 264

Hancock, Stewart, 82, 299

Hanna, Mark, 170

Harper, James, 257

Hart-Agnew racetrack bill. see racetrack legislation

Harvard Law Review, 87–88

Haywood, William “Big Bill,” 121, 334

hearsay, defined, 87, 88

hearsay evidence, 87–88, 351

Hearst, William Randolph, 37, 209

Hendricks, Francis, 46, 64, 85, 99, 126

Herald, 79

Hinman, Harold, 266, 374

Hinman, Harvey, 32–33, 34, 57–58, 179, 191–192

Histriomastix, 39

Hitt, Robert R., 14–15

Hoag, Henry, 48, 366

Hobart, Garrett, 170

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 145

hostile witnesses, 68

Hotchkiss, William, 217

Hughes, Charles Evans, 65, 85, 322–324 (see also racetrack legislation)

Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (Roosevelt), 227

Hutchinson, John, 262–263, 315


Irwin, Roscoe, 197

Ishpeming Iron Ore, 28, 43–44, 60, 222, 376

Ivins, William M.

about, 22, 28–31, 45

death of, 377

excellence of, 104–107

on interpretation of “corrupt,” 241–244

opening statement, prosecution, 55–60

opening statement, summation, 350

request for Roosevelt correspondence, 36–37

summation of, 347–356

trial objections and, 73–74


J. B. Lyon printing company (see also printing company contracts)

Barnes and, 287–288, 301–302, 306–311, 337

Barnes’s stock ownership in, 97, 205–206, 214, 231

corruption and, 208, 210–211, 217, 227–228, 231, 235, 247, 287–288, 306–311, 337

Jefferson, Thomas, 40–41, 349

Jeffersonian Republicans, 163

Journal Company (Albany Evening Journal), 62, 66, 67, 199, 207, 214, 216, 225–226, 231, 235–236, 300, 302, 310

judges, role of, 189, 248

jurors, 361

as active trial participants, 154–155

on clarification of trial topics, 372

deliberations of, 360–369

as peers, 47, 351

responsibility of, 245–246

selection of, 46–49

trial proceedings and, 205

jury, trial by, about, 332

justification and mitigation, 51–53, 72, 73, 184, 218, 258–259


Keys, William, 290

Know-Nothing Party, 257–258


Lambdin, Victor R., 219

legal strategies, 37, 53–54, 67–68, 70–71, 74, 102–103, 198–199, 225, 291, 301

legal system, US

civil law and, 41, 52, 138, 145, 357

historical development of, 14, 22, 40

judges, role of, 189

jurors and, 154–155, 245–246

tort law and, 41, 52, 138, 145, 357

trial by jury, about, 332

legal training, standards for, 22

legislation, printing business and. see printing company contracts

legislation, racetrack. see racetrack legislation


cases of, 222

charge of, 19–20

in charge to the jury, 357–358

defined, 13, 19, 38–40, 242–244, 268, 351

laws regarding, 223–224

rise in cases of, 41

truth and, 39–41

libel suits of Roosevelt’s (previous), 42–44

Lincoln, Abraham, 14, 15, 92, 278, 323, 333, 344, 346, 353

Lincoln Republicanism, 323

Lincoln’s Last Trial (Abrams and Fisher), 14

Loeb, William J., 91, 182–183, 261–262, 265

testimony of, 183, 191, 313

US senate election conspiracy and, 325–326

Lusitania, 201–202, 230, 231–235, 239–240, 274, 288

Lyon, James B.

Barnes and, 287–288, 301–302, 306–311, 337

printing contract and, 227–228, 306–311

Lyon, William, 97


machine politics, 35, 103, 113, 373

Machine Politics & Money in Elections in New York City (Ivins), 103

Madison, James, 163

mail bombs, 298–299

malice, defined, 223

malice, question of, 315–316

McCarren, Patrick “Long Pat,” 296, 299–300

McCarthy, Henry J., 301–311

McGrath, John, 67

McKinley, William, 20, 71, 80, 170, 173

McLaughlin, Paugene, 258

McMillan, Henry C., 194

media coverage. see news coverage

Mills, Irving, 366

mitigation, justification and, 51–53, 72, 73, 184, 218, 258–259

Mooney, William McKinley, 225

Morrissey, John, 258

muckraking, 20, 42, 336

Murphy, Charles, 91–92, 183–184, 191

control over political appointments, 197

and corrupt alliance with Barnes, 51, 53, 72, 91–96, 179, 184–185, 191–193, 204, 213–214, 220, 236, 244, 354–358

in Roosevelt’s article, 34–36


Nativist Party, 257–258

Newcomb, Josiah T., 88–89, 196–197

New Nationalism, 277

news coverage

on Barnes post-trial, 374–375

on Barnes v. Roosevelt, 79–80, 209–210, 240–241, 288–289

on campaign contributions, 374–375

current events, 156, 201, 231

freedom of the press and, 39–41, 42, 120–121

of jury deliberations, 361–362

popularity of crimes and trials, 120–123

on printing corruption, 374

on racetrack legislation, 374

Roosevelt’s relationship with the press, 25–26

on Syracuse, 215–216

on verdict, 373

New York Herald, 120–121

New York Printing Company. see printing company contracts

New York Times v. Sullivan, 13

New York World, 25, 28, 42, 43–44, 67, 147, 220


Oakley, Annie, 41–42

objections in trials, about, 73

Odell, Benjamin B., 72, 113, 116, 258, 264–265

O’Gorman, James Aloysius, 261, 279

Onondaga County courthouse, 45, 63

Onondaga Hotel, 206

opening statements, 55–56

defense, 60–66

prosecution, 55–60

Osborne, Thomas Mott, 266, 282–283, 312

overprinting laws, 217–218


Panama Canal, 18, 42, 62, 72, 94, 117, 339, 376

Payn, Lewis F., 64, 125–126, 169

Peckham, Wheeler H., 101

people’s ability to self-govern, 218–220, 271, 318–319

peremptory challenges, 47, 49

The Perfect Tribute, 32, 346

Perkins, George, 150

personal corruption, Barnes and, 198–199

personal reputation, defense of, 38–39

Phagan, Mary, 27

Pierce, F. W., 366

Platt, Edward, 139–149, 162–163, 165, 203

Platt, Thomas C., 72, 84, 109, 111, 117, 125–127, 166–167

on Roosevelt as vice president, 146–147, 170–172

Platt letters, Barnes and, 211

political corruption. see corruption, political

political parties, boss rule, 19, 24, 33–36, 54, 61–62, 64–66, 76–77, 112, 154–155, 352–354, 373

Poole, Bill “the Butcher,” 257–258


of crimes and trials, 120–123

of Roosevelt, 34, 80, 209–210, 370, 371

Post, C. W., 42

press, news (see also news coverage)

freedom of, 39–41, 42

power of, 26

pretrial briefs, 36, 49–51

printing company contracts, 95–96, 100, 185–186, 202–203, 205, 226–227, 235, 301–311, 354–355 (see also Argus printing company; J. B. Lyon printing company)

in charge to the jury, 358

corruption and, 207, 217–218, 225–226, 301–311, 337

denial of use as defense, 249–251

McCarthy and, 301–311

Progressive (Bull Moose) Party, 24, 34, 57, 163–164, 378


counsel for. see Barnum, William L.; Ivins, William M.

opening statement, start of trial, 55–60

strategies of, 53–54, 67–68, 70–71, 74

summation, 347–356

Pruyn, Robert C., 311, 318

Prynn, William, 39


Quigg, Lemuel, 108–109, 165–166, 338


racetrack legislation

Andrews on, 238

Barnes and, 181–182, 204, 292–297, 312–313

Belmont and, 254–255, 272–273

Grattan and, 65, 181–182, 299–300

Hughes and, 204

Roosevelt on, 272–273, 320–322

in summation, 337

trial importance, 292–297

Rains, John, 20

Raleigh, Walter, 88

Republicans, Jeffersonian, 163

reputation, defense of, 38–39, 336

Rhoades, Franklin, 366

Robinson, Douglas, 90

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 210

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 12, 33, 90, 210, 213–214, 279

Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 29, 82, 115, 160, 219, 289, 378

1912 election and, 13, 33, 36, 57, 153, 163, 322, 362

about, 12–13, 17–19, 56, 70, 80–81, 100–101, 240

animosity toward Barnes, 33, 64, 153–155

autobiography of, 123–125

on campaign contributions, 125, 131–135, 150–152, 166–167

in charge to the jury, 359

correspondence of, 36–37, 118–119

death of, 379

on dinner with Platt, 320–321

on federal taxes, 64

finances of, 52

on Hughes’s direct primary bill, 322–324

intent of testimony, 180

issues on nomination for governorship, 108–112, 165–166

jury selection and, 47

lawsuit, stakes of, 23–24

libel suits and, 42–44

personality of, 18, 53, 84, 160, 172, 225, 240, 316

on Platt’s influence on political appointments, 139–149

as political ally of Barnes, 24, 78, 127–129, 130, 138

as political boss, 117

on political corruption, 20, 318–319

popularity of, 17–19, 34, 80, 209–210, 370, 371

as president, 80

previous libel suits, 42–44

on racetrack legislation, 320, 321–322 (see also racetrack legislation)

regarding trial, 375–376

relationship with newsmen, 25–26

reputation of, in Bowers’s summation, 342–346

response to Lusitania attack, 232–235, 239–240, 275, 288, 298

response to verdict, 370–371

righteousness of, 114–117

speeches against party boss rule, 158–159

on Superintendent of Public Works, 117

tax dodging questions, 106, 107–108, 111

as temporary chairman of the NY State Republican Party, 95, 153–154, 277

testimony on state of mind, 218–221

at trial conclusion, 370

Trust Buster, 150

on vice presidency, 20, 146–147, 170–171

WWI and, 27–28 (see also World War I)

Rooseveltian dictionary, satirical, 147

Root, Elihu, 30, 111, 119, 252–253

“Rosicrucianism” (Ivins), 103–104

Rough Riders, 70

Russell, Edith, 209


satirical Rooseveltian dictionary, 147

scandalum magnatum, 38

Schwieger, Walther, 232

Seibold, Louis, 25

self-government, 218–220, 271, 318–319

senator selection, politics of, 191

Sheehan, William F., 91, 238, 252–253, 283

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 150

slander. see libel

slander (libel)

cases of, 222

in charge to the jury, 357–358

defined, 13, 19, 38–40, 242–244, 268, 351

laws regarding, 223–224

rise in cases of, 41

truth and, 39–41

Smith, Alfred E., 263

social unrest, 27

Somers, Warren W., 363, 365

speech, freedom of, 39–40

Square Deal, 18, 168

State Constabulary Bill, 117

State Printing Board, 208

state printing contracts, 95–96, 100, 185–186, 202–203, 205, 207, 217–218, 225–226, 226–227, 235, 301–311, 337, 354–355

in charge to the jury, 358

denial of use as defense, 249–251

State v. Johnson, 243

Steel Corporation, 150, 174, 175–176

Stetson, Francis, 251–252

Stivers, John, 290

Strachey, John, 375

Sullivan, Yankee, 258

Sulzer, William, 93

summations, 333, 335–346, 347–356

Sweet, Thaddeus, 264

Syracuse, NY, 21, 215–216


Taft, William Howard, 13, 24, 42, 57, 135, 152–154, 163, 164, 252–253, 280

Tammany Hall, 33, 35, 86, 93, 258, 260–261, 311, 351

Tanner, Ray, 47–48, 366

Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, 150, 174, 175–176

Thaw, Harry K., 121

Tillman Act, 131

Tilton, Theodore, 30

Tilton-Beecher trial, 30, 289–290, 298

tort law, 41, 52, 138, 357

Towsley, Alfred, 265

trial by jury, about, 332

trial duration, 298, 334–335

trial expense, 137

trial proceedings. see Barnes v. Roosevelt


conduct of, 22

customary strategies in, 68–69

high profile, 11–12

length of, 298

objections in, about, 73

specific examples, 11–13, 41–42, 223, 243

trials of the century, 11, 120–121, 137–138

Trust Buster, Roosevelt as, 150

truth, as defense, 39–41, 58

Tweed, William “Boss,” 33, 66, 115


US legal system

civil law and, 41, 52, 138, 145, 357

historical development of, 14, 22, 40

judges, role of, 189

jurors and, 154–155, 245–246

tort law and, 41, 52, 138, 145, 357

trial by jury, about, 332

US Senate election conspiracy, 238, 252–253, 258–261, 266–273, 277–280, 284–286, 337

in Bowers’s summation, 340–341

in charge to the jury, 358

financial contributions and, 74–75, 125, 131–135, 150–152, 166–167, 193, 310

Roosevelt on, 322–324

testimony of legislators, 290–291

US Steel, 150, 175


Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne, 201–202, 232, 239

venue, change of, 24

verdict, 363, 365, 368–369

vice presidency, Roosevelt on, 20, 146–147, 170–172

voir dire, 46–49

Vreeland, Herbert, 193–194


Wachsman, Isadore, 207

Wagner, Earnest F., 46

Wainwright, J. Mayhew, 291–292, 311–312

Walters, J. Henry, 265

Washington, George, 40–41

Webster, Daniel, 349

Weed, Thurlow, 15, 23, 33, 77, 78, 92, 278

Weigall, Arthur, 28

Westerman, Harry J., 289

Whitman, Charles, 58, 178

Wigham, H. J., 234

Wigmore, John H., 87

Wilkinson, Horace, 54, 232, 233

Wilson, Woodrow, 156–157, 209

response to Lusitania attack, 234, 239–240, 274, 275

on Roosevelt, 376

Winchester, Charles, 205, 210, 212, 228

The Winning of the West (Roosevelt), 58, 103


hostile, 68

number of, 360

for the plaintiff, 67–69

Wolff, Henry, 236–237, 244, 326

in charge to the jury, 359

Wollman, William J., 261–262

World War I, 27, 28, 156–157, 201–202, 209, 230, 231–233, 239–240, 274, 298, 376, 378


Zenger, John Peter, 39–40

Zimmerman, Jerimiah, 256

Zuill, Walter J., 360