Aaron, Henry, 24

ACA, GOP attacks on, 170, 17781, 182, 195

administrations: Bush-Cheney, 70, 167, 221, 295; Clinton, 27273, 27981; Obama, 57, 22122, 233, 271, 273, 28081

Affordable Care Act. See ACA

African Americans: as disposable, 16, 55, 151, 189, 19093, 270, 297; enslavement, 54, 149, 158, 293; incarceration, 163, 16869; Jeff Sessions’ racism toward, 22630, 246; racial profiling, 135, 184, 226, 292; Trump’s racism toward, 28, 5455, 84, 91; violence toward, 28, 4142, 151, 205, 212

al-Adam, Munir, 244

Alexander, Michelle, 284

alt-right, 50, 1023, 150, 261. See also white supremacy

America, as dystopian, 1617, 31, 67, 92, 26162

“America First” (movement), 125

“America First” (phrase), 7172, 95, 158, 224. See also coded words/phrases; language

The American Prospect (Anderson, T.), 314

amnesia, historical. See historical memory

The Anatomy of Fascism (Paxton), 89

Anderson, Carol, 259

Anderson, Jon Lee, 197

Anderson, Theo, 314

Appadurai, Arjun, 259

Arendt, Hannah, on totalitarianism, 11, 25, 61, 63, 65, 8889, 90, 106, 110, 115, 120, 146

Arnn, Larry, 102

Aronowitz, Stanley, 318

Arpaio, Joe, 25152

authoritarianism, 31, 53, 84, 88, 1067, 182; cruelty under, 111, 16364; democracy vs., 40, 89, 105, 25658; historical memory vs., 5152, 6364, 6769, 81; impact of, 19, 4243, 62, 65, 67, 118, 166, 211, 271; neoliberalism and, 118, 210; opposing, 26, 106, 297, 30513; violence and, 21215

authoritarian states, 258

Bacevich, Andrew, 277

Bains, Chiraag, 163

Baker, Gerard, 96

Baker, Peter, 74

Baldwin, James, 22, 322

Ballen, Roger (The Stare), 62

Bannon, Steve: attacks on media, 8182; and DACA, 2034; pre-election strategist, 103, 153, 24243; Whitehouse advisor, 30, 37, 39, 57, 87, 23031

Bauman, Zygmunt, 138, 182, 186, 255

Beirich, Heidi, 226

Benda, Vaclav, 310

Berehulak, Daniel, 12829

Berkowitz, Roger, 38

Berlant, Lauren, 198

Berman, Ari, 227

Biehl, João, 192

Black Lives Matter, 106, 142, 148, 226, 236, 288

Black Panther Party, 287

blacks/black people. See African Americans

Black Youth Project 100, 106

Blow, Charles, 86, 240

Borosage, Robert L., 81

Brave New World (Huxley), 78

Breitbart News, 52, 73, 86, 153, 165; Steve Bannon head of, 231

Brenner, Michael, 125

Brinkley, Douglas, 92

Britain First, 239

Broder, David, 270

Bruce, Sasha, 227

bullying: culture of, 151, 15254, 162; Trump’s use of, 2930, 60, 97, 100, 12122, 149, 15455, 261. See also coded words/phrases; language

Bush-Cheney administration, 70, 167, 221, 295

Butler, Judith, 194

Camus, Albert, 3233

capitalism: characteristics, 20, 118, 152; vs. democracy, 20, 187, 21112, 303; expansion of free-market, 11415, 27071; “gangster” type, 43, 18182, 189; political support for, 18990, 260, 277, 27981, 296; vs. public good, 4041, 49, 7677, 17879, 19293. See also neoliberalism

Carson, Ben, 222, 292

Case, Anne, 36

Castoriadis, Cornelius, 208

Chait, Jonathan, 27981

Chao, Elaine, 222

Charlottesville, VA: riots, 24750, 252, 253, 265, 270; Trump’s response to, 231, 251, 266

Cheyfitz, Eric, 277

children/youth: criminal justice system and, 4546, 163; cuts to programs affecting, 4849, 15860, 163, 16970, 17475

Chomsky, Noam, 96, 124

Christian, Jeremy Joseph, 28

civic culture, 3334, 67, 81, 211, 307

civil rights, 12021, 16162

Clarke, David, 23637

Clement, Catherine, 294

Clinton administration, economic-political policies under, 27273, 27981

Clinton, Hillary, 34, 39, 134, 300; vitriol against, 15455

Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 54, 201

Cobb, Jelani, 248, 293

coded words/phrases: alt-right/right-wing, 148, 150, 162, 223; “America First”, 7172, 158, 224; “economic prosperity”, 164; “law and order”, 158, 193, 219, 226; “Making/Make America Great Again”, 16, 23, 54, 149, 158, 224; “safe place”, 2627; “white identity politics”, 102. See also bullying; language

Cohen, Richard, 231

Cohen, Roger, 82, 94

Cohn, Marjorie, 220

Cole, Juan, 202

collective resistance, 57, 60, 61, 135, 156, 187, 296300, 32023; resources on, 31415; vs. single-issue movements, 21, 28485. See also “democracy in exile”; solidarity

collective rights, vs. individual rights, 25455

Comey, James, 9799, 219

Conti, Judy, 164

Conway, Kellyanne, 66, 101

Cornel, Drucilla, 110

corporate capitalism. See capitalism; neoliberalism

corporate power. See capitalism; neoliberalism

Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 173

Crary, Jonathan, 137

credibility, 23, 7374, 259

criminal justice system: children/youth and, 4546, 47, 163; increasing cruelty of, 162, 16869, 184

critical thought, 33, 50, 65, 149, 182, 20910

cruelty, culture of, 15761, 16364, 16667, 17273; in criminal justice system, 162, 16869, 184

Cruz, Carmen Yulín, 197

Cruz, Ted, 177

Culp-Ressler, Tara, 159

Cupic, Blasé, 53

DACA, 53, 180, 190, 193, 195, 2012, 2034

Dakota Access pipeline, 94, 148

Danner, Mark, 155

Davis, Angela, 106, 322

Deaton, Angus, 36

Debord, Guy, 146

deceit/lies: Trump’s use of, 3335, 3839, 60, 7175, 99102, 26364; of White House staff, 6667, 1012

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. See DACA

de Grazia, Victoria, 111, 112

demagogues/dictators, Trump’s support for, 119, 12123, 125

democracy: vs. authoritarianism, 40, 89, 105, 136, 25658; eroded belief in, 2526, 138, 21112; role of public education in, 31516; undermining of, 221, 260, 26367, 29495

“democracy in exile”, 2122, 33, 58, 300301, 3056, 30812

Democratic Party: DACA and, 204; duplicity of, 26971; failure of, 49, 27678, 28285; neoliberalism under, 27276, 295, 317; pro-corporate authoritarianism of, 22122

democratic socialism, 283, 285, 289, 298, 304, 313

Department of Justice. See U.S. Department of Justice

Derber, Charles, 318

DeVega, Chauncey, 225

DeVos, Betsy, 222

Dickerson, Caitlin, 196

dictators. See demagogues/dictators

digital culture, 141

DiMaggio, Anthony, 106, 277

disimagination machine, 30, 50, 67, 185, 296

disposability (of groups, races), 56, 76, 15758, 182, 18486, 19095, 200201, 20910, 297. See also exclusion

dissent, suppression of, 50, 71, 72, 8283, 88, 97, 235, 252, 26566

Dixon, Brandon Victor, 237

domestic terrorism, 18687, 251, 252

Donskis, Leonidas, 186

Dorfman, Ariel, 160, 209

Doris, John, 144

“doublethink/doublespeak” (Orwell), 6566; normalization of, 7071, 92. See also coded words/phrases; language

Douglass, Frederick, 60, 119, 321

Dream Defenders, 106

Dreier, Peter, 110

drugs, war on, 12627, 158

Dunn, Susan, 71

Duterte, Rodrigo: support for/by Trump, 88, 12122, 125, 12629. See also The Philippines

dystopian society: America as, 1617, 31, 67, 92, 151, 173; Huxley’s, 78

Edelman, Marian Wright, 174

education: as resistance, 3132, 299, 301, 31314. See also public education and schools

Egypt, authoritarian government of, 88

el-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 122, 13031, 258, 263

Engelhardt, Tom, 146

environmental protection, 41, 49, 71, 80, 94, 121, 172

Erdogan, Recep Tyyip, 122, 125, 130, 258. See also Turkey

Evans, Brad, 3132, 163, 183, 185

Evans, Richard, 43

exclusion, 76, 181, 183, 192. See also disposability

Facebook, Trump’s use of, 242

“fake news”. See dissent, suppression of

Falk, Richard, 125

fascism: collaborators with, 12324; definition of, 13, 8990; different forms of, 116; emerging threat of, 8384, 10910, 223, 319; roots of, 24, 7879, 133, 26667; Trumpism as nascent, 37, 56, 11213, 125, 22122; violence and, 4344

Finnegan, William, 203

Fire and Fury (Wolff), 37, 4243, 8586

“flawed differently”, 5860

Flynn, Michael, 23334

Foa, Roberto Stefan, 25

food stamps, 159, 175

Forrester, Karen, 284

Foster, John Bellamy, 110

Foucault, Michael, 19

Fox News, 73, 86, 92, 177, 239, 241, 319

Franco, Jean, 161

Franken, Al, 238

Frankl, Victor, 67

Fransen, Jayda, 239

Fraser, Nancy, 272, 282

Gabler, Neal, 103, 111, 152

Gallagher, Tom, 281

Gates, Bill, 84

Geiselberger, Heinrich, 257

Gertner, Nancy, 163

Gessen, Marsha, 26, 29, 74

Gibbs, Lois Marie, 196

Gilroy, Paul, 293

Gitlin, Todd, 95

Goldberg, David Theo, 30, 67

Goldberg, Michelle, 86

Gopnik, Adam, 66, 116

Goya, Francisco, 18

Graeber, David, 274

Graham, Lindsey, 240

Gramsci, Antonio, 25354

Grosz, Stephen, 181

Guilford, Gwynn, 25

gun control, 2067, 213

gun deaths: children and, 4445, 127; mass shootings, 42, 44, 205, 208, 213

Hamilton, Lacino, 288

Hamilton (play), Pence’s presence at, 27, 237, 243

Handeyside, Hugh, 235

Hartung, William D., 232

Harvey, David, 284

Hasan, Mehdi, 99

Haspell, Gina, 80

hate crimes, 28, 151, 22526, 251. See also racism; violence

Havel, Vaclav, 58

healthcare reform bills. See ACA

health insurance, cuts in, 164, 170, 17475, 179, 18081

Hearst, William Randolph, 125

Hedges, Chris, 110, 210, 275, 317

Heer, Jet, 110

Herbert, Bob, 134

higher education: assault on, 4748, 68, 151. See also public education and schools

Hirschfield, Julie, 170

historical memory, 109, 123, 317; vs. authoritarianism, 5152, 6364, 6769, 81; Huxley on, 81; lack of (amnesia), 103, 253, 279; Orwell on, 6769; as resistance, 119, 29194; Trump’s lack of, 11920

Holder, Eric, 39

Holocaust Remembrance Day, 57, 68

Horowitz, David, 151

housing, low-income. See low-income housing

Hunt-Hendrix, Leah, 279, 281

Huxley, Aldous: author of Brave New World, 64; dystopian society of, 78, 105; vs. George Orwell, 78, 107; historical memory and, 81

ignorance: manufactured, 5051, 83, 149, 317; as violence, 30

immigration policies (Trump’s), 53, 5657, 76, 2045; Jeff Sessions’ support for, 22728; and sanctuary cities, 81, 279, 3079, 31113

inaugural speech (Trump’s), 72, 92, 94

incarceration state, 121, 16869

incivility, discourse of, 14347

individual responsibility, vs. systemic problems, 19091, 199

individual rights, vs. collective rights, 25455

Infowars, 52, 319

Ingraham, Christopher, 161

Instagram, Trump’s use of, 242

Institute of Museum and Library Sciences, 173

Jackson, Andrew, 18, 54, 116, 119, 14950, 226

Jones, Chuck, 237

journalists: harassment/suppression of, 235; violence against, 12728. See also dissent, suppression of; media

Justice Department. See U.S. Department of Justice

Kaczynski, Andrew, 228

Kadlec, Robert P., 198

Kaepernick, Colin, 265

Kagan, Robert, 110

Kaye, David, 127

Keller, Jared, 153

Kelley, Robin D.G., 106, 314

Kelly, John, 222

Kelly, Megyn, 241

Keystone XL pipeline, 94

Kim Jong-un, 75, 132. See also North Korea

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 21, 287

Klein, Naomi, 60

Krauthammer, Charles, 92

Kristof, Nicholas, 84

Krugman, Paul, 164, 199

Kushner, Jared, 93

Lakoff, George, 314

Lalami, Laila, 178

language: Orwell on use of, 6566, 7071; as propaganda, 95; of resistance and hope, 61, 14142, 29899, 3013; Trump’s use of, 2627, 69, 7273, 95, 223. See also coded words/phrases

Latinos: DACA and, 53, 180, 190, 193, 195, 2012, 2034; disenfranchisement of, 192; Mexican wall, 80, 83, 94, 162, 17576; racism toward, 70, 84

law enforcement: Trump’s politicization of, 219. See also police state; U.S. Department of Justice

Leonhardt, David, 219

Le Pen, Marine, 25, 123, 12930

Lerner, Michael, 139, 314, 321

Lieu, Ted, 269

Lindbergh, Charles, 72, 125

Llobera, Josep R., 211

low-income housing, cuts to, 17071

Lustig, Jessica, 152

Maass, Peter, 120

Macron, Emmanuel, 25

manufactured ignorance, 5051, 83, 149, 317; Brave New World and, 7879, 81

Marantz, Andrew, 154

Marcus, Lucy, 33

Marías, Javier, 291

Mason, Paul, 258

mass protest movements. See collective resistance

mass shootings, 42, 44, 205, 208, 213. See also gun deaths

Mattis, James, 222

McCandless, Brit, 308

McChesney, Robert, 96

McMaster, H.R., 223

media: censorship/suppression of, 8182, 120, 236, 31920; critique of Trump by mainstream, 85; “fake news” and, 23536; neoliberal use of, 50, 152; profit margin vs. public good, 9394, 261; right-wing, 50, 86, 92, 100; self-censorship, 9697; violence in, 2078. See also journalists; social media

Medicaid, 171, 17475, 180

medical research, cuts to, 172

Mercer, Robert, 165

Mexicans. See Latinos

militarization, 18, 133, 183; increased spending for, 17477, 23233, 234; of police, 135, 174, 192, 193, 230, 251; of U.S. culture, 21718, 22324, 22930

Mishel, Lawrence, 164

Mitchell, W.J.T., 151

Mnuchin, Steven, 222

Modi, Narendra, 258

Montgomery, Lisa Kennedy, 177

Moonves, Les, 93

Moore, Roy, 239

Mounk, Yascha, 26

Moyers, Bill, 66, 96

Mueller, Robert, 220

Mulvaney, Mick, 162

Muslims, racism against, 28, 37, 53, 56, 84, 91, 147, 225

narrative of reality, vs. facts, 3739

National Endowment for the Arts, 172

National Endowment for the Humanities, 172

National Public Radio (NPR), 96

Native Americans: disenfranchisement of, 94; genocide of, 18, 54, 149, 158, 293; Navajo veterans, 150, 240

Neiwert, David, 91

neo-fascism, 9192, 11617. See also authoritarianism; fascism

neoliberalism, 7677, 11314, 160, 17879; and authoritarianism, 118, 210; characteristics of, 13840, 18990; expansion of, 11415, 27276. See also capitalism

Nichols, John, 281

1984 (Orwell), 64

Nordicism, 1617

normalization, of Trumpism, 8687, 92, 9697, 100, 1023, 112, 301; through media self-censorship, 9697

North Korea: Trump’s bellicosity toward, 39, 42, 7475, 132. See also Kim Jong-un

NPR. See National Public Radio

nutrition assistance, 159, 175

Obama administration, 233; economic-political policies under, 22122, 27374, 28081; immigration policies, Trump’s reversal of, 57

Obama, Barack: DACA program under, 2012; President-elect Trump and, 84; surveillance state under, 49; Trump’s lies about, 54, 71, 101, 223, 240, 259

Obamacare. See ACA

oligarchy, 133, 182

Oliver, John, 85

online privacy protection, 4950

On Tyranny (Synder), 92, 314

oppositional politics, 21, 156. See also resistance, collective

Orban, Viktor, 256

Orwell, George: vs. Aldous Huxley, 78, 107; author of 1984, 64; historical memory and, 6769; on use of language, 7071; totalitarianism in, 6366, 77, 105

Ou, Ed, 235

Paddock, Stephen, 205

Palin, Sarah, 150, 294

Paris Climate Accord, 80, 135. See also environmental protection

Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 113

“patient dumping”, 16768

Paul, Rand, 177

Paxton, Robert O., 88, 8990, 215

Paxton, Timothy, 110

Pelosi, Nancy, 269

Pence, Mike: compared to Trump, 292; at football game, 26566; at Hamilton (play), 27, 237, 243

Penn, Mark, 278

The Philippines: authoritarian government of, 88, 258; Trump’s business ties with, 129. See also Duterte

The Plague (Camus), 32

plutocracy, Trumpism as, 110

police brutality: against African Americans, 42, 265; Trump’s support for, 218, 221, 245

police state: creation of, 53; expansion of, 135, 174, 192, 193, 230; increased brutality of, 42, 21819, 265. See also law enforcement

politics: of deceit, 3335; of disposability, 56, 76, 15758, 182, 18486, 19095, 200201, 20910, 297; of distraction, 35, 43, 119, 185, 26162, 26466; of exclusion, 30, 53, 56, 76, 181, 192; of fear, 19394, 21213; as reality TV, 40, 155, 185, 223, 261, 27172, 296; of resentment, 261; of violence, 2056

Price, Tom, 227

prison reforms, Sessions’ reversal of, 39

privatization, language of, 14243

propaganda, use of language as, 95

Protective Leadership Institute, 311

Public Citizens, 211

public education and schools: assault on, 4748, 68, 104, 151; funding cuts for, 40, 68, 78, 172; racism in, 28, 121, 184, 185, 246; as resistance, 3132, 299, 301, 31314; role of in democracy, 31516. See also students

public good: vs. capitalism, 4041, 7677, 21112; media profit margin vs., 9394; privatization of, 104; under Trump, 100

Puerto Rico: debt burden of, 19899; Hurricane Maria and, 193, 195, 196201

Putin, Vladimir: as dictator/demagogue, 263; support for/by Trump, 12122, 132; Trump compared to, 29, 130. See also Russia

Quigley, Bill, 314

racism, 18, 161; attacks fueled by, 28, 225; displays of Trump’s, 224, 231; in Hurricane Maria response, 200201; Jeff Sessions’, 22630, 246; Muslim ban as, 28, 53, 7576; rescinding DACA as, 2045

radical politics, 28486, 28991, 3034, 31819. See also collective resistance; democratic socialism

Rand, Ayn, 88

Rankine, Claudia, 58

Rather, Dan, 171

Reagan, Ronald, 294

regulatory restrictions, 8081

Reich, Robert, 110, 120, 169, 178

Remnick, David, 145

Republican Party, 49, 86, 87, 178

resentment politics, 261

resistance, collective, 60, 61, 135, 156, 187, 296300, 32023; resources on, 31415; vs. single-issue movements, 21, 28485

resistance networks, 52, 30910, 312

Rich, Frank, 92, 103, 242

Robbins, Katherine Gallagher, 180

Robin, Corey, 111

Robinson, Cedric, 150

Roof, Dylann, 205

Rose, Charlie, 203

Rosenberg, Chuck, 218

Rossello, Ricardo, 197

Ross, Wilbur, 244

Ross, William, 222

Rubin, Jennifer, 219

rural poor, 171, 180

Russia: as authoritarian state, 258; Flynn’s links to, 98; Trump’s business ties with, 13233; U.S. military spending compared to, 17576. See also Putin, Vladimir

“safe places”, 48, 60, 6162, 300301, 3079; cities as, 31113; as coded word/phrase, 2627; universities as, 315

sanctuaries/safe spaces, 48, 60, 6162, 81, 300301, 3079; cities as, 279, 31113; universities as, 305, 315

Sanders, Bernie, 176, 281

Sanders, Katie, 276

Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 241

Sanneh, Kelefa, 1023

Saturday Night Live, 237

Saudi Arabia, 244

Schell, Jonathan, 168

schools. See public education and schools

“school-to-prison pipeline”, 184, 192

Schumer, Chuck, 269

Second Amendment, 54, 158

Sennett, Richard, 195

Sesno, Frank, 238

Sessions, Jeff: DACA and, 202; James Comey and, 9899; loyalty and, 220; mandatory sentencing, 16263; racism of, 22630, 246; response to opioid crisis, 121; reversal of prison reforms, 39

settler-colonialism, white supremacy and, 24, 54, 14950, 158

sexism, 1012, 111, 231, 264, 285

Shulkin, David, 222

Silva, Jennifer, 298

Smith, Sable Elyse, 30

Snowden, Edward, 64

Snyder, Timothy, 51, 69, 88, 92, 110, 117, 143, 253, 314

social contract, 76, 254

social injustice, 16567, 18183, 18990; vs. personal resentment, 14849

socialist democracy. See democratic socialism

social media: Trump’s use of, 23742. See also Facebook; Instagram; Twitter

social programs, 16365, 16977. See also individual programs (food stamps, health insurance, etc.)

social transformation, 288

solidarity, 5152, 58, 61, 156, 215. See also collective resistance;

“democracy in exile” Spicer, Sean, 66, 101

The Stare (Ballen), 62

State Innovation Exchange, 311

state-sanctioned violence, 4244, 16768, 18687, 195, 206, 235, 24546, 252. See also militarization

state sovereignty, loss of, 21112

St. Clair, Jeffrey, 206, 250, 295

Stein, Andrew, 278

Steinhorn, Leonard, 279

Steppling, John, 31

Stern, Mark Joseph, 203

strongman politics, Trump’s, 79, 90, 15556, 233

student loans, 172

students: funding cuts for, 40, 68, 172; racism toward, 28; resistance by, 297, 311, 313, 31516; treatment of, 47, 76, 246. See also public education and schools

surveillance state, 4950, 6465, 1045, 183

Swing Left, 106

Sykes, Charles, 73, 100101, 110

Tackett, Michael, 74

tax reforms/tax cuts, 41, 81, 115, 158, 16465, 173, 179

Tillerson, Rex, 42, 222

totalitarianism, 13, 61, 65; characteristics of, 14041; Hannah Arendt on, 11, 25, 61, 63, 65, 8889, 90, 106, 110, 115, 120, 146; language use in, 6566; Orwell and, 6366, 77, 105

Traub, James, 100

trolling. See bullying

Trumpism: as authoritarian, 2930, 55, 134; democracy in exile vs., 3067; as nascent fascism, 37, 56, 11213, 125, 22122; normalization of, 8687, 92, 9697, 100, 1023, 112; plutocracy as, 110; strongman politics of, 15556

Turkey: authoritarian government of, 88, 258, 263. See also Erdogen, Recep Tyyip

Twitter, Trump’s use of, 20, 73, 86, 91, 23742

universities: assault on, 68; Erdogen’s assault on Turkey’s, 130; role of, 314, 31516; as safe places, 311, 315. See also public education and schools; students

U.S. Department of Justice: Trump’s undermining of, 184, 21920. See also Sessions, Jeff

U.S. National Security Agency, 64

Venook, Jeremy, 132

Vichy regime (France), Nazi collaboration of, 123

Villamor, Felipe, 126

violence: authoritarianism and, 21215; continuing increases in, 42, 161, 225; ignorance as, 30; pervasive culture of, 4445, 2069, 252; via social media, 23742. See also state-sanctioned violence

voting rights, restriction of, 230

war culture: Trump’s promotion of, 25, 76, 17476, 193, 235. See also militarization

Warren, Elizabeth, 269

Waters, Maxine, 269

Weissmann, Robert, 211

West, Cornel, 56, 106, 110, 222, 272

West, Rachel, 180

Whitehead, John W., 207

white supremacy, 1617; Charlottesville riots, 24750; normalization of, 2089, 247; policies supporting, 2045; from settler-colonialism, 24, 54; Trump’s embracing of, 53, 7576, 224, 24750, 25859. See also fascism; racism

Whitman, Meg, 110

Winfrey, Oprah, 84

Wolff, Michael (Fire and Fury), 37, 4243, 8586

Wolin, Sheldon, 88, 110

Woolhandler, Steffie, 180

xenophobia, 18, 91, 94, 226, 258

Yancy, George, 106, 189

Žižek, Slavoj, 181