African Heritage Memorial Park (New Glasgow, Nova Scotia), 36
African Services Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Education, 97
Africville, 11, 42, 88-89
expropriation and destruction, 88-89
Alexander Elementary School, 16
Anderson, Marion, 65
anti-war movement (see Vietnam War)
Apex College of Beauty Culture and Hairdressing, 66-69
Apex News and Hair Company, 66
Baker, Josephine, 65-66
Backhouse, Constance, 4
Best, Carrie M., 31, 33, 43-44, 66
Bishop, Bernadine (Hampden), 80-81
Bissett, Frederick William, 33
Black beauty culture, 54-77,
early pioneers, 54-63
and racial-uplift, 60-66
new ideal of Black beauty, 63-66,70-71
Black Panther Party, 91, 95
Black United Front (BUF), 96
Blake, James Fred, 45-46
Bloomfield High School, 18
Breedlove, Sara (see Madam C.J. Walker)
Burnett, Hugh, 51
Canadian Human Rights Act, 97
Canadian Museum of Human Rights, 38
Cape Breton University, 1-2, 35, 38
Caplan, Ron, 38
Carmichael, Stokely, 90-91, 92, 95
Cleaver, Eldridge, 91
Colaiacovo, Tony, 36-37
Colley, Sherri Bordon, 37
Cornwallis Street Baptist Church (See New Horizons Baptist Church)
Criterion Club, 22
Davis family, 8-15, 52
Charles C. Davis, 13
George Davis, 11-12
Gwendolyn (Johnson) Davis, 8,13, 14, 16
Helen Davis, 15, 81
James Albert Davis, 1, 14, 15
Viola Irene Davis (see Viola Desmond)
Wanda Davis (see Wanda Robson)
Dawn of Tomorrow, 66
Daye, Delmore William ‘Buddy”, 94, 95
Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute (dbdli), 97
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, 1968), 90
Desmond School of Beauty Culture (also, the Desmond Beauty Studio, 1944), 47-48, 52,
Desmond, John Gordon (Jack), 19-23
Desmond, Viola,
career as a teacher, 18-19
comparison to Rosa Parks, 41, 44-52
early years, 7, 16-18
education, 16-18,
free pardon, 2, 37-38
inspired by Madam C. J. Walker, 19
personal qualities, 52-53
pictured on the $10 bill, 39, 99
Roseland Theatre incident, 28-34, 44-45, 47-49, 99
Viola’s arrest and appeal (see also writ of certiorari), 28-34, 44-50, 52, 82
Viola and the emergence of Black beauty culture in Canada, 65-77
Dexter, Darrell, 37
Douglas, Rosie, 95
Dresden, Ontario, (see also racial segregation), 42-43
Du Bois, W.E.B., 63
Fair Accommodation Act, 85
Field Beauty Culture School, 67, 67
franchise business model, 57-59, 66, 72, 75
Francis, Mayann, 37, 39
Francisco, Etta Nelson, 69
Freedom Rides (see Stokely Carmichael)
Gannon, Rose, 70, 79
Gibson Girl, 61
Gottingen Street (see Halifax North End)
Halifax, 7-11, 14, 19
early history, 8-9
Halifax explosion of 1917, 7-8, 10
North End, 7-11, 14, 19, 86-88, 93-95
relief and rehabilitation effort, 10
urban development (see also Gordon Stephenson), 88
Harker, John, 38
Holocaust, (see also World War II), 82
Human Rights Act of 1963, 84, 86
human rights movements in Canada 81-87
civil rights movement in the United States, 91
Nova Scotia, 84
Human Rights Commission (see Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission)
Hunter, Geraldine (States), 80
Inter-Departmental Committee on Human Rights, 86
Jackson, Ruth, 81
Jackson, Vivian, 81
Jones, Burnley, “Rocky”, 42, 91-95
Johnson, Henry Hatcher, 13
Kane, Rachel, 80
King, Martin Luther King, Jr., 47, 91
Kwacha House, 93
Lelia College and School of Beauty Culture, 69
Louis Feder Advanced Hair Styling Studio, 70
MacDonald, Clyde, 37
Macintosh, Davis, 39
MacKinnon, Fred R., 87
MacLean, Ann, 36
MacMillan, Barrie, 36
MacNeil, Henry, 32, 48
Malone, Annie Turnbo, 55-56, 57, 59-60, 66
Mason, Norman, 43
McBrady, J.E., 64
Mirror Tone Hair Products, 75-76
Morneau, Bill, 39
Murray, Stuart, 38
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (naacp), 46-47, 50, 85
National Unity Association (nua), 51
Newton, Huey, 91
Nova Scotia Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (nsaacp), 33, 85, 88
Nova Scotia Nonviolent Action Project, 92-93
Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, 86, 100
Nurnberg Trials, 82
New Horizons Baptist Church, 13, 15, 84
Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs, 96
Oliver, Pearleen, 33, 52, 84
Oliver, William Pearly, 33, 51, 84-86, 89-90, 95
Parks, Rosa, 41, 45-51, 52
activist in the civil rights movement, 45-51
Montgomery Alabama bus protest and arrest, 45-47
Plough Chemical Company, 64-65
Poro College of Cosmetics in St. Louis, 56, 69
Poro, Madam (see Annie Turnbo Malone)
Project (see Nova Scotia Nonviolent Acton Project)
Queen Elizabeth High School, 25
Quinn, Debbie, 80
racial segregation, 4, 12-13, 41-45, 51-52, 81-82
desegregation, 85
in the United States, 45-51
Reynolds, Graham, 35, 38, 39
Robson, Joe, 35
Robson, Wanda, 1-2,3,15-18, 65-66
Roseland theatre, 3, 28-34, 43-45, 47-49, 82 (see also Viola Desmond)
Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church, 15
Saskatchewan Bill of Rights Act, 83-84
School Act of 1865, 13
school desegregation petition (see also racial segregation), 12-13
school desegregation in Nova Scotia, 85
Seale, Bobby, 91
Sepia beauty products, 70-72
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 91
Stanfield, Robert, 85-87
Stephenson, Gordon, 88
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (sncc), 91, 92
Student Union for Peace (supa), 92
The Clarion, 66,71, 79 (see also Carrie M. Best)
Till, Emmett, 46
Travis, Virginia, 42
Truro, Nova Scotia, 43
Trinity Anglican Church, 14, 15
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 82, 86
Vietnam War, 90, 91
Vi’s Studio of Beauty Culture, 67, 70
Waddell, Alfred E., 32-33
Walker, A’Lelia, 57
Walker, Madam C.J., 52, 55-68
Washington, Brooker T., 62
Washington, Madam Sara Spencer, 66-69
Wedderburn, H.A.J. (Gus), 89
Winthrop, Massachusetts, 26
Wonderful Hair Grower, 56, 57, 59-60
World War I, 8-9
World War II, 49-52, 82
as a catalyst for the civil rights movement in the United States and Canada, 49-51
writ of certiorari, 33
Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church, 15