Glossary of Places

For each entry, if the ancient name is listed, then the modern name (where known) and country are given. Some places (e.g. ‘Aventine Hill’) are given in their modern English form. The first appearance in the Histories is also listed, except in cases where names do not feature in Tacitus’ text but are mentioned in the Notes.

Achaia  (central and southern Greece) 1.23

Actium  (promontory at the mouth of Gulf of Amvrakia, western Greece) 1.1

Aenus  (River Inn, in the Alps) 3.5

Africa  (Tunisia and Tripolitania) 1.7

Albingaunum  (Albenga, town of northern Italy) 2.15

Albintimilium  (Ventimiglia, town of northern Italy) 2.13

Altinum  (Altino, town of north-east Italy) 3.6

Anagnia  (Anagni, town of central Italy) 3.62

Andematunnum  (Langres, town of eastern France)

Antioch  (Antiochia (Latin), Antakya (mod.), city of southern Turkey) 2.78

Antipolis  (Antibes, town of southern France) 2.15

Aquae Sextiae  (Aix-en-Provence, town of southern France)

Aquileia  (Aquileia, town of northern Italy) 2.46

Aquinum  (Aquino, town of central Italy) 1.88

Aquitania  (province located south-west of the River Loire, France) 1.76

Arar  (River Saône, south-east France) 2.59

Arenacum  (Rindern, village in Germany) 5.20

Aricia  (Ariccia, town of central Italy) 3.36

Ariminum  (Rimini, town of northern Italy) 3.41

Arretium  (Arezzo, north-west Italy)

Asciburgium  (Asberg, town of northern Germany) 4.33

Asia  (western Turkey) 1.10

Ateste  (Este, town of northern Italy) 3.6

Atria  (Adria, town of northern Italy) 3.12

Augusta Praetoria  (Aosta, north-west Italy)

Augusta Taurinorum  (Turin, north-west Italy)

Augusta Trevirorum  (Trier, on the Moselle, central-southern Germany) 4.62

Aventine Hill  (Rome) 3.70

Aventicum  (Avenches, town of Switzerland) 1.68

Baetica  (Andalucia, region of southern Spain) 1.53

Batavodurum  (north-eastern suburbs of Nijmegen, Netherlands) 5.20

Bedriacum  (probably Tornata, west of Bózzolo, town of northern Italy) 2.23

Belgica  (region of north-eastern France/Belgium) 1.12

Belius  (River Nahal Naaman, in Israel) 5.7

Beneventum  (Benevento, southern Italy)

Berytus  (Beirut, Lebanon) 2.81

Bingium  (Bingen, city of northern Germany) 4.70

Bithynia  (country in north-west Asia Minor, organized into a province with Pontus by Pompey in 63 BC)

Bonna  (Bonn, northern Germany) 4.19

Bononia  (Bologna, northern Italy) 2.53

Bovillae  (near Frattochie, town of central Italy) 4.2

Britannia  (the province of Britain)

Brixellum  (Brescello, town of northern Italy) 2.33

Brixia  (Brescia, town of northern Italy) 3.27

Brundisium  (Brindisi, town of southern Italy) 2.83

Byzantium  (Istanbul, Turkey) 2.83

Caesarea  (town between Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel) 2.78

Calabria  (province of Lecce, southern Italy) 2.83

Campania  (Lazio and Campania, central Italy) 1.2

Campus Martius  (Field of Mars, Rome) 1.86

Capitoline Hill  (Capitolium, Rome) 1.2

Cappadocia  (eastern Turkey) 1.78

Capua  (Santa Maria di Capua Vetere, southern Italy) 3.57

Carnutum  (town on the Danube between Petronell and Deutsch-Altenburg, Austria)

Carsulae  (close to Sangémini, central Italy) 3.60

Caspian Gates  (Dariel Pass in the Caucasus Mountains between Tblisi and Vladikavkas) 1.6.

Castores  (near Cremona, northern Italy) 2.24

Chobus  (River Khobi or Inguri, Caucasus, Georgia) 3.48

Cilicia  (coastal area in southern Asia Minor (now in Turkey)

Clazomenae  (town on the coast of Ionia, Turkey)

Clunia  (town in northern Spain, 25 miles north-west of Osma)

Cluviae  (exact location uncertain, central Italy) 4.5

Colonia Agrippinensium  (Cologne, Germany) 1.56

Commagene  (kingdom located between the River Euphrates and the Taurus mountains)

Cottian Alps  (mountain range west of Turin covering northern Italy and southern Switzerland) 1.61

Cremona  (Cremona, northern Italy) 2.17

Cyrene  (Shahhat, Libya) 4.45

Cythnus  (island of Kythnos, Aegean, Greece) 2.8

Dacia  (Romania) 3.53

Dalmatia  (Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia) 1.76

Divodurum  (Metz, central-eastern France) 1.63

Dyrrachium  (Durazzo, Albania) 2.83

Emerita  (Merida, central-southern Spain) 1.78

Eporedia  (Ivrea, northern Italy) 1.70

Etruria  (Tuscany, central Italy) 1.86

Fanum Fortunae  (Fano, central-northern Italy) 3.50

Ferentium  (Ferento, central Italy) 2.50

Fidenae  (Castel Giubileo, central Italy) 3.79

Forum Alieni  (perhaps Legnago, northern Italy) 3.6

Forum Julii  (Fréjus, southern France) 2.14

Galatia  (central Anatolia) 2.9

Gelduba  (Gellep, near Krefeld, western Germany) 4.26

Gemonian Steps  (Rome) 3.74

Graian Alps  (area round the Little St Bernard Pass) 2.66

Grinnes  (perhaps Rossum, Netherlands) 5.20

Grove of Refuge  (Rome) 3.71

Hadrumetum  (Sousse, Tunisia) 4.50

Haemus  (mountain range of Stara Planina and Rodolpi Planina, Bulgaria) 2.85

Hercules Monoecus  (Monaco, southern France) 3.42

Hispalis  (Seville, southern Spain) 1.78

Hispania Tarraconensis  (province covering north and east Spain)

Histria  (Istria, Croatia) 2.72

Hostilia  (Ostiglia, northern Italy) 2.100

Ida, mountain  (Psiloriti range, Crete, Greece) 5.2

Illyricum  (an area covering the Balkan peninsula, divided by the Romans into two provinces, Dalmatia and Pannonia) 1.6

Interamna  (Terni, central Italy) 2.64

Janiculum  (Rome) 3.51

Julian Alps  (also known as the Pannonian Alps; located between the north-east of Italy and north-west of Slovenia) 3.8

Latium  (region of central Italy)

Lepcis  (near al Khums, Libya) 4.50

Liguria  (Liguria with parts of Piedmont, northern Italy) 2.15

Lower Germany  (province on the left bank of the Rhine consisting of southern and western Netherlands, parts of Flanders and the Nordrhein-Westfalen region) 1.9

Lucania  (Lucania and southern Campania, Italy) 2.83

Luceria  (Lucera, town of Apulia, southern Italy) 3.86

Lucus  (Luc-en-Diois, south-eastern France) 1.66

Lugdunese Gaul  (a Roman province created by Augustus and covering the central region of France) 1.59

Lusitania  (province in central-western Spain and Portugal) 1.13

Lycia  (country in south-west Asia Minor)

Lyons  (Lugdunum (Latin), France) 1.51

Marcodurum  (perhaps Merken, near Düren, western Germany) 4.28

Maritime Alps  (small coastal province created by Augustus 14 BC and forming a buffer zone between Italy and Narbonese Gaul)

Mauretania Caesariensis  (eastern Morocco and western Algeria) 2.58

Mauretania Tingitana  (Morocco west of River Moulouya) 2.58

Mediolanum  (Milan, northern Italy) 1.70

Memphis  (near Bedrashen, south of Cairo, Egypt) 4.84

Mevania  (Bevagna, central Italy) 3.55

Milvian Bridge  (a Tiber crossing on the Via Flaminia just north of Rome) 1.87

Minturnae  (near mouth of River Garigliano, western-central Italy) 3.57

Misenum  (Miseno, western-central Italy) 2.9

Moesia  (area south of River Danube) 1.76

Mogontiacum  (Mainz, central-western Germany) 4.15

Mosa  (River Meuse or Maas, rising in France, then flowing through Belgium and the Netherlands until it reaches the North Sea) 4.28

Mount Vocetius  (perhaps Wöschnau, Switzerland) 1.68

Mutina  (Modena, northern Italy) 1.50

Nabalia  (river, perhaps Ijssel or Vecht, Netherlands) 5.26

Narbonese Gaul  (Provence and Languedoc, southern France) 1.76

Narnia  (Narni, central Italy) 3.58

Nava  (River Nahe, rising in the area of Nohfelden (Saarland), flowing through the Rhineland-Palatinate and joining the River Rhine at Bingen) 4.70

Nearer Spain  (Hispania Citerior (Latin), which designates the eastern area of Spain, later to be reorganized to become the province of Hispania Tarraconensis) 1.49

Noricum  (province in eastern Austria) 1.11

Novaesium  (Neuss, western Germany) 4.26

Novaria  (Novara, northern Italy) 1.70

Numidia  (eastern Algeria, western Tunisia)

Ocriculum  (Otricoli, central Italy) 3.78

Oea  (Tripoli, Libya) 4.50

Opitergium  (Oderzo, north-east Italy) 3.6

Ostia  (Ostia-Scavi, central Italy) 1.80

Palatine Hill  (Rome) 1.39

Pamphylia  (southern Anatolia) 2.9

Pannonia  (western Hungary and northern Croatia and Serbia) 1.76

Pannonian Alps  (also known as the Julian Alps; located between the north-east of Italy and north-west of Slovenia) 2.98

Paphos  (Cyprus) 2.2

Parthia  (country extending between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf, incorporating Iran, and parts of Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Azarbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan) 1.2

Patavium  (Padua, northern Italy) 3.6

Pelusium  (Tell el-Farama, the city at the easternmost end of the Nile in Egypt)

Pennine Alps  (Great St Bernard Pass through the western Alps on the Swiss-Italian border) 1.87

Perusia  (Perugia, central Italy) 1.50

Pharsalus  (Farsala, central Greece) 1.50

Philippi  (near Kavalla, Greece) 1.50

Phoenicia  (coastal land extending from Syria to southern Lebanon and Galilee) 5.6

Picenum  (Abruzzi, central Italy) 3.42

Placentia  (Piacenza, northern Italy) 2.17

Po  (river, Padus (Latin), in northern Italy, running from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea) 1.70

Poetovio  (Ptuj, eastern Slovenia) 3.1

Pontus  (northern Turkey) 2.6

Pool of Curtius  (Rome) 1.41

Pool of Fundanus  (Rome) 3.69

Portus Pisanus  (San Stefano, near Livorno, northern Italy) 3.42

Ptolemais  (Acre, coastal town of northern Israel)

Puteoli  (Pozzuoli, western-central Italy) 3.57

Quirinal Hill  (Rome)

Raetia  (east Switzerland, west Tirol and Germany within the Danube and Inn rivers) 1.11

Ravenna  (Ravenna, north-eastern Italy, but used to designate the port of Classis, 8 km to the south-east of the city) 2.100

Regium Lepidum  (Reggio Emilia, northern Italy) 2.50

Rhacotis  (south-west quarter of Alexandria, Egypt) 4.84

Rigodulum  (Riol, near Trier, western Germany) 4.71

Samnium  (region of southern Italy)

Saxa Rubra  (a few miles north of Rome) 3.79

Seleucia  (Samandağ, western Turkey) 4.84

Sena  (Siena, central Italy) 4.45

Sinope  (Sinop, western Turkey) 4.83

Sinuessa Spa  (Terme di San Ricco, near Mondragone, western-central Italy) 1.72

Stoechades Islands  (Îles d’Hyères, off the southern coast of France) 3.43

Suessa Pometia  (town about 20 miles south of Rome, which no longer existed in Tacitus’ time) 3.72

Tarentum  (Taranto, southern Italy) 2.83

Tarpeian Rock  (Rome) 3.71

Tarracina  (Terracina, western-central Italy) 3.57

Thrace  (Bulgaria) 1.11

Ticinum  (Pavia, northern Italy) 2.17

Tolbiacum  (Zülpich, near Cologne, western Germany) 4.79

Transpadane Gaul  (northern Piedmont and western Lombardy, Italy) 1.70

Trapezus  (Trabzon, north-eastern Turkey) 3.47

Tyrrhenian Sea  (part of the Mediterranean Sea off the west coast of Italy) 2.16

Upper Germany  (Rhineland south of Vinxtbach to Vosges) 1.9

Urvinum  (Collemancio, near Bevagna, central Italy) 3.62

Vada  (perhaps Heerewaarden, east of Rossum, central Netherlands) 5.20

Vercellae  (Vercelli, northern Italy) 1.70

Vesontio  (Besançon, eastern France)

Vetera  (Birten, near Xanten, western Germany) 4.18

Via Appia  (Appian Way; road between Rome–Benevento–Brindisi, central-southern Italy) 4.11

Via Flaminia  (Flaminian Way; road between Rome–Narni–Bevagna–Rimini, Italy) 1.86

Via Postumia  (Postumian Way; road between Genoa–Piacenza–Verona–Aquileia, northern Italy) 3.21

Via Salaria  (Salarian Way; road between Rome–Rieti–Ascoli Piceno–Porto d’Asconi, Italy) 3.78

Vicetia  (Vicenza, northern Italy) 3.8

Vindonissa  (Windisch, northern Switzerland) 4.61