
The Text Publishing Company

Swann House

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Melbourne Victoria 3000,


Copyright © 2020 Stephanie Alexander, Maggie Beer, Judith Brett, Jane Caro, Elizabeth Chong, Cresside Collette, Ali Cobby Eckermann, Helen Elliott, Helen Garner, Anastasia Gonis, Glenda Guest, Katherine Hattam, Célestine Hitiura Vaite, Yvette Holt, Cheryl Kernot, Ramona Koval, Alison Lester, Joan London, Jenny Macklin, Auntie Daphne Milward, Mona Mobarek, Carol Raye and Gillian Triggs

The moral right of the contributors to be identified as the authors of these essays has been asserted.

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First published in 2020 by The Text Publishing Company

Book design by Imogen Stubbs

Cover design Chong W.H.

Typeset by J&M Typesetting

ISBN: 9781922268600 (paperback)

ISBN: 9781925923223 (ebook)

A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia