Reader’s Guide

Building on the policy experience analysed over the past decades, the OECD has worked with member countries to elaborate a project to identify comparative best practices and programme principles, which can help guide employment and skills policies, as well as the design of local strategies targeted to Indigenous People, and integrate them with stronger economic development and entrepreneurship initiatives.

Each country report reviews policy actions in the following key areas:

Project approach for Canada

This study and report presents a range of employment, skills, entrepreneurship and economic development indicators to show the economic and social outcomes of Indigenous People in Canada. The report also focuses on key programmes and policies. In-depth interviews and analysis were undertaken across four case study areas:

It is important to note that three of these case studies focus mostly on First Nations communities. In Canada, the realities of Indigenous Peoples have to be examined along four distinct groupings for analytical purposes. These include: First Nations on-reserve, First Nations off-reserve, Inuit, and Metis. They are four very distinct realities. As such, these case studies do provide valuable best practices and useful insights that can inform policy making, recognizing however, they may not reflect the results for all Indigenous communities in Canada.