


Nova, try not to screw it up this time,” Levi teased.

I gave him a playful shove. “Be nice. This is only my second time.”

“You’re doing fine.”

He sat back on the park bench and crossed his arms over his chest while I readjusted the camera lens. Another kid at the skate park took his position at the top of the half pipe, and I anticipated his movement. I snapped a shot just as he completed a backside 360.

I looked over the photo on the LCD screen, and then showed it to Levi.

“Not bad. Try it again, anticipating just a second sooner.”

The same kid was still working the half pipe, so as he began an airwalk grab, I took the shot.

Levi looked it over and smiled. “Nice. Now you’re ready to be my assistant.”

“Ha. I’ll need more time getting to know your camera.”

“Mm, it’s not hard. Or you can always cheat and switch it to auto.” He flipped a switch on the camera and handed it back to me with a grin.

I cast him a scowl before raising the camera to the half pipe again, and took an easy picture. “Did you just want me to fail first?”

“Nope, I just wanted you to learn the real way. Almost anyone can take a picture these days with all the fancy cameras there are, but to truly learn photography skills is more beneficial. Next time, we can try out some vintage cameras.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

We went back to photographing the skate park, but while I took a phone call, Levi wandered toward the group of kids to talk to them. One of the boys was his younger cousin, Grier, and the other four were Grier’s friends.

The call was from work. Phoebe was sick and went home early. Ava was out of town for the day, and Becca had her little boys to watch, so the only feasible option was calling me in early. Normally I’d have no problem filling in—the other ladies had done it for me before—but I was having a good time with Levi at the park and didn’t want to leave.

But... “Yes, of course I’ll be there,” I told Robin. I glanced at my watch. “Just give me about twenty minutes.”

I joined Levi at the half pipe, and frowned. “I have to go into work early. I’m sorry.”


“Um, do you mind taking me there and I’ll just get a ride home later?”

“No, that’s fine.” He said departing words to the boys at the ramp, and then headed back to the bench. He grabbed his camera bag, and put the camera away while we walked to his truck.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I had a good time.”

“Me, too. I really don’t want to leave but...I guess I’ll have to make it up to you.”

“Yep, you will,” he said, taking my hand as we walked.

I started thinking about the fact that we’d seen each other a few times in the past month. I’d only known Levi since New Year’s Eve. I met him through my friend, Amelia, and even though I’d told him I was too busy to date, he’d convinced me to go out with him. I agreed, but only casually.

And now here we were, at the park enjoying the nice spring day before I headed into work. I really did like him since he was an extremely nice guy, but the pressure had built. A kiss was bound to come soon. I didn’t want a serious relationship with Levi but I did want him to kiss me.

Maybe he could read my mind, because when we stopped at his truck and he set his camera inside, he turned to me and asked, “Is it okay to kiss you? I mean, I really want to, but if it’s not something you’re comfortable with then I won’t. I know you agreed to a casual thing because of work and school, but I just feel like we’ve gotten to know each other a little better. And maybe it’s just me, but...”

See? Really nice guy.

He stopped talking when I wrapped my arms around his waist and stepped closer to him. It took him a moment to realize that was my answer, and after he concluded the pause with a smile, he leaned down and kissed me.


Friday brought me a new surprise. I had the morning shift that day, and Robin had just come in to take Becca’s tables when she leaned across the register and whispered, “He’s back, huh? Did he ask you out yet?” I gave her a blank stare and she gaped at me. “You still didn’t recognize him?” She motioned across the room with a nod of her head. “Table two.”

I settled my eyes on the guy sitting by himself, looking over some papers in between glancing out the window. Then he looked across the room and our eyes met.

He actually gave me a tiny smile, more of a smirk from the corner of his mouth, and then he returned his attention to the papers in front of him.

I think I growled out loud because Robin snorted and said, “He gets under your skin, huh? I thought it was the other guy that was annoying? You know, the big talker.”

I sighed. “I don’t know. I’m not sure what to think.”

“I think you should go talk to him. You’re done in fifteen, Nova. Just lose the apron and join him at his table.”

“What if he gets up and leaves?”

“Nova, I love you honey, but you’re being really fucking stupid right now. Excuse my language because I shouldn’t use that word, so don’t be a fucking dumbass.”

Before I could respond, she left for table five with a fresh pot of coffee.

A customer arrived to pay his tab and I was temporarily distracted, but after I completed the transaction, I glanced across the room to find the same pair of eyes looking my way, and then the tiny little smirk that followed.

Okay. I’m being insecure about this, right? I’ll just go over there, have a casual conversation with him, and see where it takes me.

Not that hard.

I hung up my apron in the back just as Phoebe arrived. After I clocked out, I found myself straightening up in the bathroom. There was nothing I could do about the cherry pie stain on the corner of my sleeve, but I could at least touch up my hair and makeup.

In realizing why I was trying to strengthen my appearance, I felt annoyed. I knew I was attracted to the guy, and I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. He was the one I wanted to win the bet, but then he’d completely snubbed me by paying the money instead of going out on a date with me. Yes, that offended me, and yes, it had wounded my confidence. But, according to Robin, he comes in somewhat regularly. Why? Obviously not to have me as a waitress so...why?

My curiosity got the better of me, and on a last-second whim, I took a deep breath and marched myself out to the dining room to finally talk to him.

He was already gone.