


Ben appeared with a halter and lead in his hands, and he handed them to me. “He really wants you to ride him.”

I glanced between Ben and my horse. Wild even made a little whinny, like he was greeting Ben or agreeing with him.

“Okay,” I nodded, climbing through the fence to halter him. “But you come with me,” I added to Ben.

He looked surprised, and then slightly shook his head. “Nah, that’s okay.”

“What, don’t even tell me you can’t ride a horse, Ben.”

“I can ride a horse—if I have to—but I just... Well, it’s not a good idea.”

I led Wild to the gate, and Ben held it open for me. “You mean because of Austin?” I asked directly.

He waited until we were heading for the barn before he replied. “Yeah.”

“Well, I invited you, so it’s only polite to accept. And plus, I’m still getting familiar with this guy, so I don’t prefer to be out with him alone.” I didn’t give Ben a chance to turn me down and told him to grab a horse. “I’m getting pretty good at this tacking up thing, so don’t let me beat you to the creek.”

He gave me a playful glare, but seemed to accept my challenge and turned down a different aisle.

I led Born to Be Wild to the tack room, and hitched him to a post. By the time I had a saddle hoisted onto his back, Ben hitched Bench Rider next to me.

“Don’t hurry too fast,” Ben smiled. “I wouldn’t want your saddle to slide off.”

“You just mind your own duties and get that horse ready.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

We both worked in silence for another minute, occasionally glancing at one another. Finally, Ben chuckled and said, “I feel like I’m thirteen again. My sister and I used to do this all the time.”

“Oh, yeah?” I replied, glancing at him over my horse.

“Yep. She was pretty competitive, no matter what we were doing.”

“So, who was faster at saddling a horse?” I asked, just about to finish with the bit.

“Me.” He smiled, grabbing the reins to lead his horse out of the barn.

I laughed to myself and quickly finished up, following after him ten seconds later. He was waiting for me outside, so I mounted my horse just as Sam came around the corner from the fields.

“Hey, grab a horse and come with us,” I told her.

She paused, seeming to really think it over. It was obviously a struggle because she kind of whined and said, “Oh man, I don’t think I should but...” She glanced over to the barn and said, “My dad has something to go over with me, and then maybe I’ll catch up to you.”

“Okay, no problem. I think I’ll just take on the East Trail today.”

“Perfect. I’m not sure how long I’ll be but if I don’t catch up to you, don’t bother waiting.”

“Okay,” I nodded.

Sam headed for the barn, so Ben pulled himself onto his horse with ease and we headed out.

“So, you don’t do this much?” I asked him.

“Mm, not really. This is actually the first time I’ve ridden a horse in a few years,” he added.



We passed the main house and took the trail for the creek. It was a beautiful day, sunny but cool, and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere but California in that moment.

“What’s Austin up to today?” he asked.

“Driving in Irwindale.”

“He’s gotta get his fix, huh?”

“Yeah, that’s his life.”

“And you don’t agree with that?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s who Austin is.”

“And what, you’ve ‘accepted’ that?” He chuckled.

I cast him a glare and said, “Why do you have to be so antagonistic?”

“Antagonistic?” he repeated. “Why do you have to be so sensitive?”

“I’m not sensitive.”

He gave me a look but only smiled.

“Okay, so maybe I am,” I admitted.

“There’s nothing wrong with being defensive about the things that hit close to home.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you know you and Austin have a difference of opinion, and the fact that an outside party can pick up on that bothers you.”

“It’s not a secret that his racing worries me.”

“Ah, but I sense it’s more than that.”

I scoffed. “And what do you know about our relationship?”

“I know you’re both on two entirely different roads.”

“That’s a lame assessment,” I retorted, even though I felt uneasy with how close to the truth he really was.

He shrugged. “Maybe so. But you gotta understand something about Austin. And maybe you know this, but maybe you just need reminded.”

I’ll admit I took the bait. “I’m listening.”

“Austin is...unbounded.”


“Meaning you can’t hold him down. He doesn’t like to feel restricted. He likes variety, different routines. If he had the same thing, day in and day out, he’d get bored. He likes change. Life is more exciting to him that way. Why do you think he works a few different jobs? Besides racing, if he was stuck with the same job every day, he’d get bored.”

I slowly nodded my agreement. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

“But do you understand what I’m saying?” he added, glancing my way. “Same goes with relationships. I’m actually surprised he even has a steady girlfriend.”

“Oh Jesus, let’s not get on this subject.”

“Why not? I’m trying to tie it up here, in reference to my ‘two entirely different roads’ theory.”

I groaned to myself, but I’ll confess, I was interested in what Ben had to say. He’d known Austin longer than I had, and I was curious to learn anything about him that could affect my future.

“Okay, I’m listening,” I finally relented.

He eyed me when we approached the shallow creek, Ben allowing me to go first. When we were both on the opposite bank, side-by-side on the trail, he smiled at me.

“You’re too curious to not let it go,” he stated.

“And you don’t have to rub it in.”

“No, I’m not holding that against you. I’m only here to help.”

“Right, and what’s in it for you?”

He thought about that for a second. “Absolutely nothing. But look, Nova. I really am trying to be helpful here. I know Austin doesn’t think much of me, but I still care about him. I don’t know if we’re ever going to be friends again, but I do care about him and the things going on in his life. That includes you.”

I could sense that from Ben. But I also knew Austin wouldn’t be too thrilled to find out I was talking to Ben about that kind of stuff. He had already agreed I had the right to be friends with whomever I wanted—even Ben, since he was a part of the “family” again—but talking about such private matters most likely wasn’t included in that.

But Ben was right: I was too curious to not let it go.

“Okay, I’m willing to listen to what you have to say, but I reserve the right to disagree with you at any time.”

“Of course. And I wouldn’t expect anything different,” he added with a smile.

“Fine, so back to the whole ‘on different roads’ thing. What makes you say that about two people in love, and completely devoted to one another?”

He laughed sarcastically. “Exactly that,” he said. “The fact that you would say that, out loud, when obviously it’s not true.”

“Obviously? What do you mean?”

“Okay, so we have Austin—a guy who has everything, including a thrilling career that puts him on top of the world, something he loves more than anything. Then we have you—a girl who’s smart, driven, hardworking, happy, passionate, unselfish...willing to give it all up for one unexpected relationship that just jumped out of the water and bit her in the ass. You see this going somewhere?”

“No.” I glared defiantly.

“Okay, here’s Austin on the road to glory,” he smiled, directing his hand forward to illustrate. “There’s no way he’s looking back now, no way he’s going to let anything slow him down. He’s headed for his life of thrills and fame, all the things that can bring constant excitement for him. Oh look, it’s a beautiful girl he just has to land. She’s different,” he stated, matter-of-factly. “She’s just the kind of change he’s looking for—nothing like all the snobby rich socialites or track bunnies he’s used to dating. No, she’s a new, exciting challenge. Something that could mix things up again so his life stays interesting.” 

“You are so treading on thin ice right now.” I scowled.

“No, actually I have four steady hooves under me. I think I’m good.”

“Why are you still stuck on the fact that Austin only pursued me because there was some other motivation to it? First, it was because he felt sorry for me. Now, it’s because I was ‘an exciting challenge?’ So, the bottom-line is, in your opinion, I’m not good enough for Austin.”

“What? No, that’s not what I’m—”

“Come on, Ben. Everything you say is telling me that. I get it, okay? I’m not the greatest catch in your opinion. Whether it’s because of my background or my status in life, you don’t think I’m an equal match. But Austin seems to think so. No, I know Austin feels that way. You can’t fake the kind of relationship we have.”

“I agree with that, but I wasn’t finished. The truth is, he does love you, but you’re too stubborn to realize it’s never going to go any further than that. He. Will. Never. Marry you.”