


It’s hard when you beat yourself up over the same thing on a regular basis, but when someone else points out your Achilles heel—the one thing you keep so private because it hurts too bad to think about—you feel so humiliatingly transparent.

That’s how I felt when Austin and I had our little discussion about marriage and I realized he didn’t want to marry me. At the time, I hoped that he only meant “for now.” But the more I thought about it, the more I began to dread the obvious.

Ben was right. Everything he said about Austin was completely right. Austin Gaines was a free spirit, a maverick. His life consisted of things he had complete control over, and they were things that he wanted, and the way he wanted them. Yes, he treated me wonderfully, and we did have a great relationship, but he didn’t want anything tying him down, and that included me. I liked to think I had some sort of power over him to change his mind—maybe in time he’d reconsider like my grandpa suggested—but it truly did seem like the facts were there, and I was only kidding myself.

“I’m really sorry,” Ben finally said quietly. “That was really harsh to say it like that. But I see what you guys have, and it worries me. For you, I mean. I don’t want to see you get hurt, Nova. I care about Austin, but right now he’s not seeing what this is doing to you. He’s always had that ability to persuade, to get people to agree with his way of thinking. That’s what makes him great at business. But with the personal stuff...I just want you to have your eyes open.”

I wasn’t naïve, and I trusted Austin more than I trusted Ben just because I knew him better, but everything Ben had said about Austin made sense. Even things Austin had said in the past: “I’m going to win...” “I’m going to be racing...” “I won’t back down...” “Racing is a lifestyle...” He was saying it in so many ways without actually saying it to me: He wasn’t willing to put me first in his life.

It became so clear. I know how that night might have ended had he actually said that out loud. I’m sure I would have left more angry than upset, and possibly we would have put the pieces back together at some point, but I wasn’t sure how I would have felt about us after that.

“Nova, let me explain something to you, okay?” Ben’s horse slowly came to a stop, and he waited for me to stop beside him. “This has nothing to do with you. And no, I do not think you’re not good enough for him. In fact, I think Austin did himself a favor by adding you to his life. But it’s like...mixing the dogs with the chickens, just because you only have one fence to put them in. Yeah, it’s more convenient, but I assure you the chickens really don’t belong with the dogs. It would be better to separate the two and deal with the extra work it will take instead of constantly cleaning up the mess that’s been made because they’re both together.”

“So, you’re saying I don’t belong with Austin? He belongs with another dog?”

“It was a stupid analogy.”

“Oh no, it was perfect,” I said mockingly. “It’s not every day I’m compared to a chicken.”

“Maybe I meant for you to be the dog. But anyway, I was leaning more towards the situation, not the animals involved.”

“If we’re being technical here, Austin wouldn’t be in the cage in the first place. He’s unbounded, remember?”

“You’re refusing to get the point.”

“No, I get the point,” I replied, cueing Born to Be Wild to start walking again. “I’m to understand that Austin and I are better off having our separate lives, right?”

Ben arrived beside me and said, “It was just an observation.”

“Well observe this,” I added, giving him the finger.

He laughed, but nodded his head. “Okay, maybe I deserve that. We can stop talking about this, then.”

I sighed. “You know you’re just poking the bee’s hive, right? I mean while we’re on the subject of creatures...”

“I understand.”

“And it’s really hard for me to hear things I already know. You don’t have to rub it in my face.”

He looked at me as we joined the trail that would loop us around to head back to Harmony Acres. “What do you mean you already know?”

It was my turn to look at him. “I thought that’s why you were bringing all of this up? Because you knew that Austin told me he wasn’t going to marry me.”

He raised his eyebrows, and then glanced down for a few seconds. “I’m- I’m sorry, but I actually didn’t know that. I’ve just observed your relationship the last couple of months and determined you wanted to get married, and I know Austin so...I just recognized a conflict.”

“Well, can I ask you a question then?”

“Of course.”

“What do you know from the rest of his family? I mean, do his parents wish for him to get married?”

“Oh yeah, definitely. Marlo is dying for grandkids, but not only that, I think they want to see Austin settle down for good.”

“For good,” I repeated dryly. “I can almost hear Austin say that with a ‘facing the death penalty’ kind of attitude.”

Ben laughed. “Ah, don’t dwell on those thoughts. Just give him some time.”

“Wait, first you say he’ll never marry me, and now you’re saying I should just give him time? Make up your mind.”

“I shouldn’t have said ‘never.’ I’m just trying to get you to hope for the best but expect the worst. You seem to already know what you’re facing, so obviously there’s something good in all of this.”

“Yeah, there is. But I’ve finally realized I’m just not meant to have things the way I want.”

“Maybe you just need to decide to make it happen.”

“I’m not Austin. I don’t have that kind of courage.”

“Maybe you do.”

I looked at him and shrugged, not sure what to say. But we both glanced behind us when we heard Sam on Inky Black, trotting to catch up.

After that, our ride was a little more carefree and heavy discussion about Austin disappeared. I always enjoyed being around Sam, and being with both Sam and Ben kind of made it like a fun day of hanging out with friends.

We returned to the ranch around five, and I headed straight to the guesthouse to shower. I had just finished dinner with the other occupants of the guesthouse when I heard Austin come up the drive. I didn’t miss Ben’s side-glance as we rinsed our dishes in the sink, but my feelings about Austin hadn’t changed just from one conversation about him. Maybe I did have it in me to get my way, but maybe I was more afraid my efforts would backfire.

No, I was just meant to be adaptable. I’d always been that way. I didn’t feel it was a bad trait, but I was comfortable with that aspect of my personality.

Just go with the flow.


Two days later, I was back in school. I was sitting in my first class that Monday and I guess I was sort of spacing off. We were doing a review, but it all seemed so mundane to me.

“Ms. Reynolds?” a voice said, possibly for the second time.

I realized several people were staring at me, including my professor.

“Um, yes?”

“I asked you the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Are you thinking it over, or was your mind actually somewhere else?”

A couple of people giggled, and yes, I was embarrassed. But I was also agitated. I guess being in school when I wanted to be somewhere else made me cranky. No wonder some people didn’t care for academics.

“My mind was actually somewhere else, but it’s here now.”

“Good, glad to hear it.” Professor Moore smirked. “So? Tell us what you know about the two cells.”



“Well, eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus; prokaryotic cells don’t.”

“And? What does that mean?”

“It means that the eukaryotic cell is a more complex, evolved organism. It’s a bit larger, the DNA is linear and contains histone proteins, and the cytoskeleton is more complex as well.”

“And reproduction?”

“Eukaryotic cells reproduce by meiosis. Prokaryotic don’t undergo meiosis, but they transfer DNA fragments through conjugation.”

“And what about chromosomes?”

Jesus, why don’t I just teach this class?

“Because eukaryotic cells contain a nuclei, they compact the chromosomes as chromatin. For prokaryotic cells, the chromosomes are dispersed in the cytoplasm.”

Professor Moore paused while she slowly nodded her head. “Very textbook. Hopefully you know what all of that actually means.”

Yes, I was textbook when it came to the science aspect of my studies. I took things word-for-word and drilled them into my head until they made sense. If I didn’t understand what I was reading, I knew I wasn’t truly learning anything. I was used to Jack drilling me on all kinds of things when it came to chemistry, biology, physics, biochemistry and microbiology. I could fire off answers on the spot, even while I was in the middle of something entirely different.

I’d always been a good student, but I really had noticed a change in my academic work since my summer at the ranch. I could see how much hands-on experience really made a difference, but I also believed there was a huge difference in the people I worked with. I couldn’t recall a single thing Lori had taught me. But then again, she wasn’t “responsible for my education,” as she’d once put it, and hardly bothered to include me in a learning experience.

Jack on the other hand... He truly was my mentor, and I owed him a lot.

During that month of January, I think I had my life figured out. I didn’t care for school anymore, and I was content with just finishing the necessary classes to get my tech degree. I realized my goal had been to get me somewhere I wanted to be, and at the time, I thought that meant pushing through six-plus years of schooling. I’d promised myself I would make my mom proud, and becoming a DVM was what I thought it would take. But I knew my mom would be happy with what I had achieved so far, and for the first time in a long time, I finally felt at ease with my decision.

I didn’t let Austin know because I wanted him to focus on the Showdown that month. On the 28th, I traveled to Irwindale to witness the race that truly marked his career. He took first place in the Showdown, and I was so damn proud of him. And with Austin, it wasn’t about the glory of such an event like Ben had alluded to; it was just the flat-out competition of it. He loved racing, and a win only proved he was the best. He didn’t care about the press or the money or the trophies.

Austin just liked to drive cars, and he liked to drive them fast.

I hardly saw him the following two weeks. I talked to him on the phone every day, but with the racing aftermath, he was extremely busy. He made sure we were together on Valentine’s Day, and then he finally had a couple of weeks to relax. He did go to Florida for a few days to race, and he wanted me to go with him, but I couldn’t because of an important lab I had to do that week.

He was still gone when I arrived at the ranch that Friday night, and as I worked Born to Be Wild in the arena by myself, I felt a familiar loneliness set in because Austin wasn’t around. I didn’t like it, so I concentrated even harder while I practiced reining around barrels.

“You might have to enter him in some competitions!” Sam hollered as she walked by the arena.

I shook my head. “Oh, no way. Not me, at least. Maybe you can enter him.”

She stopped at the railing and smiled. “He actually has amazing agility. How old is he again?”

“Six,” I replied, joining her at the wall.

“You should really consider it.”

“I don’t know anything about competitions.”

“You don’t have to, you have me. I’ll school you in all the basics; you just ride the horse.”

“Mm, nah, I don’t think so.”

“Don’t be afraid to try something new. The worst that could happen is you’ll come in last place or fall off your horse. Both have been done before, so it’s nothing new.”

“It’s that cut-and-dry, huh?” I joked.

She laughed. “Pretty much. Think about it, okay? I really would help you out. And he’s looking good lately. Maybe you should name him Re-Born to Be Wild.

When she left, I veered Wild into the arena to cool him down. It was past nine p.m. by the time I made it back to the guesthouse, and after I’d showered and returned downstairs, I had to laugh at the poker argument that was ensuing between Jack and Heath.

“He lost, and he won’t tell us the name of this lady he’s been trying to court,” Heath explained to me. Cal and Gene were at the table too, and they both snickered.

I looked at Jack, who seemed like he was about to flee, and asked, “You bet the name of your lady?”

Ben was standing at the counter and added, “Never bet the farm, Jack. Where’s your dignity?”

“Apparently it left with the last bit of my cash,” Jack replied, standing up.

“You’ve gotta pay up, boy,” Heath pestered with a motion of his hand. “Come on, out with it.”

I couldn’t help it. I had to do it. I looked at Jack and shrugged. “I guess we gotta tell ‘em.” He didn’t reply at first, probably because he didn’t get the hint right away, so I moved to him and put my arm around his waist. He put his arm over my shoulder when I announced, “Jack and I are secret lovers.”

The kitchen went deathly silent, even when Clara entered the room while she gaped at us with wide eyes.

“I guess we couldn’t hide it for long, sweetie pie,” Jack told me. “No more late nights in the back room together...”

I almost cracked a smile at that one, but I managed to hold it in.

“...No more private massages,” he continued. “No more...hands touching while in the middle of a biopsy...”

With that, I had to snort, and at the same time, Ben told everyone how gullible they were.


“You mean...?”

“Why would you...?”

“You two are just downright rotten!” Clara scoffed at us. “To finally get my hopes up after all these years; to finally know which way Jack swings!”

The room exploded with laughter, and even Jack couldn’t help but laugh just as Austin entered the house. He witnessed the chaos for a moment, and then asked, “Did I miss a kick-ass poker game, or what?”

“Jack just won your girlfriend,” Heath told him.

“Oh, yeah?” he asked, smiling at the two of us.

“Suit yourselves,” Jack shrugged. “I take that to mean the bet has been forgotten since you’re all assholes.”

“Wait, what was the bet again?” Austin wanted to know with a chuckle. By then he’d come across the room to kiss me, and waited for someone to answer.

“Jack’s got himself a woman,” Gene said. “He won’t tell us her name.”

“You mean Melissa Langley?” Austin offered.

There was an array of reactions to that one, even myself smacking Austin across the chest.

“What?” he argued. “He deserved that.”

Poor Jack didn’t seem to disagree, but it was Heath who said, “Ah, yes, it’s been so long.”

“So long since what?” I had to ask.

“For Austin’s revenge,” Cal chuckled.

I looked at my boyfriend, who was still eyeing Jack with a smile. Finally, Jack held up his hands and said, “Fine, fine, we’re even. But Nova, don’t listen to anything he says. I did not tell everyone that you and Austin were sneaking around together last summer.”

I gasped with feigned disbelief while everyone laughed.

Then he added, “That was Clara.”

It was her turn to gasp, and she threatened to go after him with her fist but he dodged her with a laugh. “I’m turning in folks. It’s been fun.”

“And tomorrow Melissa Langley is getting a phone call from me,” Clara growled as he headed up the stairs.

“And I’ll tell everyone what you really put in that stew last week,” was his reply.

All eyes were on Clara. She shrugged and said, “I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

I loved everyone at the ranch. They really were like a family—the boys acting like brothers, giving each other a hard time—but they had each other’s backs when it mattered.

“Well, beautiful?” Austin asked amidst everyone cleaning up. “Want to walk to the house with me and, uh, hang out for a bit?”

With a smile I replied, “Hang out, huh? Didn’t you miss me more than that?”

“I surely did. In fact, I have a gift for you.”

“You got me my t-shirt from Florida?”

He chuckled when we left the guesthouse arm-in-arm.

“What’s so funny? I said I wanted a t-shirt.”

“Okay, so I got you the t-shirt but I got you something else, as well.”


“Mmhmm. But you have to promise you’re not going to love the shirt more.”

“How can I promise that?”

He nudged me with his arm. “Do me a favor and just pretend.”

“Whatever you say, Boss.”

He led me into a quiet house. I knew his parents always went to bed before ten but I wasn’t sure where the girls were. We entered his bedroom and he closed the door, so I took up a spot on the couch. I liked Austin’s room. It was kind of like a hotel suite with its own living room and flat screen TV.

He tossed something at my face and said, “There’s your shirt.”

“Gee, thanks.” I smiled, sorting the fabric so I could see it. It was light blue and on the front, was an outline of Florida. But when I read what it said, I laughed and told him, “I would not wear this in public!”

He smiled and sat down next to me. “How come?”

“‘I’m Hot, You’re Not?’”

“It’s true. And I’m offended that you don’t like my choice of souvenir t-shirt. You just said it needed to say Florida on it, and there it is.”

In tiny lettering at the bottom, it did say soaking up the sun in Florida.

“You’re right, baby. I love it.” I gave him a cheesy smile and a big kiss.

But I did like it because it came from him, and he knew it.

“Okay, on to your other gift,” he said. He was hiding something at his side until he handed it to me. “This is a ‘just because’ gift.”

I eyed him carefully before I took the black box. It wasn’t a ring box, so there wasn’t a chance I got excited about that, but I could tell it was jewelry. “You already got me jewelry for Valentine’s Day,” I reminded him.

“I know but this goes with it.”

I carefully lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful amethyst pendant. “Wow, Austin. That is gorgeous.”

“You like it?”

“I love it.”

“I liked how the bracelet looked on you, so I decided to make it a set.”

I wrapped my arms around him, and we kissed until he lounged back on the couch and pulled me on top of him. “Thank you so much,” I told him. “And if you keep getting me gifts, you’re never going to get rid of me.”

“Your birthday is in three days. You want that gift, too?”

“No.” I studied him for a few seconds. “You seriously already have a birthday present for me?”

“I’ve had it for about a week. Actually, I think you should have it.”

“No, I don’t want it yet. I think it’s time for you to admit you’re just trying to bribe me for some reason...”

He smiled against my mouth and pressed me tighter against him. “Bribing you is never necessary,” he teased.

Deep down, I felt the gifts were just a replacement for what I really wanted, but I wasn’t ready to fight that battle again.