The sheep has nipples, the boy said,
And fur all around. The sheep
Has black legs, his name is Blacklegs,
And a cry like breaking glass.
The glass is broken. The glass
Is broken, and the milk falls down.
The bee has a suffering softness,
The boy said, a ring of fur,
Like a ring of fire. He burns
The flowers he enters, the way
The rain burns the grass. The bee
Has six legs, six strong legs,
And when he flies, the legs
Whistle like a blade of grass
Brought to the lips and blown.
The boy said, The horse runs hard
As sorrow, or a storm, or a man
With a stolen purse in his shirt.
The horse’s legs are a hundred
Or more, too many to count,
And he holds a moon white as fleece
In his mouth, cups it like water
So it will not spill out.
And the boy said this. I am a boy
And a man. My legs are two,
And they shine black as the arrows
That drop down on my throat
And my chest to draw out the blood
The bright animals feed on,
Those with wings, those without,
The ghosts of the heart—whose
Hunger is a dress for my song.