Solutions to Exercises

1. Introduction

  1. Perform the operation 3*4+6. The order of the operations will be discussed in subsequent chapters.

    >> 3*4+6

    ans =


  2. Perform the operation cos(5). The value of 5 is in radians.

    >> cos (5)

    ans =


  3. Perform the operation i_Image1 for x = 4.

    >> x = 4

    x =


    >> 3*sqrt(6+x)

    ans =


  4. Assign the value of 5.2 to the variable y.
  5. Assign the values of 3 and 4 to the variables x and y, respectively, then calculate the value of z where z = 2x − 7y.

    >> x = 3;
    >> y = 4;
    >> z = 2*x - 7*y

    z =


  6. Obtain help on the inv command.

     >> help inv
     INV Matrix inverse.
       INV(X) is the inverse of the square matrix X.
       A warning message is printed if X is badly scaled or nearly singular.

       See also slash, pinv, cond, condest, lsqnonneg, lscov.

       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories) help sym/inv.m

       Reference page in Help browser doc inv

  7. Generate the following matrix: A

    >> A = [1  0  2 -3 ; 0 5 2 2 ; 1 2 3 4 ; -2 0 1 3]

    A =

      1  0  2  -3
      0  5  2   2
      1  2  3   4
      -2  0  1   3

  8. Generate the following vector b

    >> b = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4]

    b =


  9. Evaluate the vector c where i_Image1 where A is the matrix given in Exercise 7 above and b is the vector given in Exercise 8 above.
  10. Solve the following system of simultaneous algebraic equation using Gaussian elimination.

    >> A = [ 5 2 ; 1 3]

    A =

       5  2
       1  3

    >> b = [3 ; −1]

    b =


    >> x = A\b

    x =


  11. Solve the system of simultaneous algebraic equations of Exercise 10 above using matrix inversion.
  12. Generate the following matrix X:

    >> X = [1 0 6 ; 1 2 3 ; 4 5 -2]

    X =

       1   0   6
       1   2   3
       4   5   -2

  13. Extract the sub-matrix in rows 2 to 3 and columns 1 to 2 of the matrix X in Exercise 12 above.

    >> X(2:3,1:2)

    ans =

       1   2
       4   5

  14. Extract the second column of the matrix X in Exercise 12 above.

    >> X(1:3,2)

    ans =

  15. Extract the first row of the matrix X in Exercise 12 above.

    >> X(1,1:3)

    ans =

       1   0   6

  16. Extract the element in row 1 and column 3 of the matrix X in Exercise 12 above.

    >> X(1,3)

    ans =


  17. Generate the row vector x with integer values ranging from 1 to 9.

    >> x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

    x =

       1  2   3  4  5  6  7  8   9

  18. Plot the graph of the function y = x3 − 2 for the range of the values of x in Exercise 17 above.

    >> y = x.^3 - 2

    y =

      -1  6  25  62  123  214  341  510 727

    >> plot(x,y)

  19. Generate a 4 x 4 magic square. What is the total of each row, column, and diagonal in this matrix.

    >> magic(4)

    ans =

      16   2   3  13
       5  11  10   8
       9   7   6  12
       4  14  15   1

    The sum of each row, column, or diagonal is 34.

2. Arithmetic Operations

  1. Perform the addition operation 7+9.
  2. Perform the subtraction operation 16-10.

    >> 16−10

    ans =


  3. Perform the multiplication operation 2*9.

    >> 2*9

    ans =


  4. Perform the division operation 12/3.

    >> 12/3

    ans =


  5. Perform the division operation 12/5.

    >> 12/5

    ans =


  6. Perform the exponentiation operation 3^5.
  7. Perform the exponentiation operation 3*(-5).

    >> 3^(-5)

    ans =


  8. Perform the exponentiation operation (-3)^5.

    >> (−3)^5

    ans =


  9. Perform the exponentiation operation -3^5.

    >> −3^5

    ans =


  10. Compute the value of i_Image1

    >> 2*pi/3

    ans =


  11. Obtain the value of the smallest number that can be handled by MATLAB.
  12. Perform the multiple operations 5+7-15.

    >> 5+7-15

    ans =


  13. Perform the multiple operations (6*7)+4.

    >> 6*7 +4

    ans =


  14. Perform the multiple operations 6*(7+4).

    >> 6*(7+4)

    ans =


  15. Perform the multiple operations 4.5 + (15/2).

    >> 4.5 + 15/2

    ans =


  16. Perform the multiple operations (4.5 + 15)/2.
  17. Perform the multiple operations (15 – 4 + 12)/5 – 2*(7^4)/100.

    >> (15–4+12) /5 – 2*(7^4)/100

    ans =


  18. Perform the multiple operations (15 – 4) + 12/5 – (2*7)^4/100.

    >> (15–4) + 12/5 – (2*7)^4/100

    ans =


  19. Define the number 2/3 as a symbolic number.

    >> sym(2/3)

    ans =


  20. Perform the fraction addition (2/3) + (3/4) numerically.

    >> 2/3 + 3/4

    ans =


  21. Perform the fraction addition (2/3) + (3/4) symbolically.

3. Variables

  1. Perform the operation 2*3+7 and store the result in the variable w.

    >> 2*3+7

    ans =


  2. Define the three variables a, b, and c equal to 4, −10, and 3.2, respectively.

    >> a = 4

    a =


    >> b = −10

    b =    


    >> c = 3.2

    c =


  3. Define the two variables y and Y equal to 10 and 100. Are the two variables identical?

    >> y = 10

    y =


    >> Y = 100

    Y =


    The two variables are not identical.

  4. Let x = 5.5 and y = −2.6. Calculate the value of the variable z = 2x−3y.

    x =


    >> y = −2.6

    y =


    >> z = 2*x − 3*y

    z =


  5. In Exercise 4 above, calculate the value of the variable w = 3yz + x/y.
  6. Let r = 6.3 and s = 5.8. Calculate the value of the variable final defined by final = r + s - r*s.

    >> r = 6.3

    r =


    >> s = 5.8

    s =


    >> final = r + s - r*s

    final =


  7. In Exercise 6 above, calculate the value of the variable this_is_the_result defined by this_is_the_result = r^2 – s^2.

    >> this_is_the_result = r^2 − s^2

    this_is_the_result =


  8. Define the three variable width, Width, and WIDTH equal to 1.5, 2.0, and 4.5, respectively. Are these three variables identical?

    The three variables are not identical.

  9. Write the following comment in MATLAB: This line will not be executed.

    % This line will not be executed.

  10. Assign the value of 3.5 to the variable s then add a comment about this assignment on the same line.

    >> s = 3.5  % the variable s is assigned the value 3.5

    s =


  11. Define the values of the variables y1 and y2 equal to 7 and 9 then perform the calculation y3 = y1 – y2/3. (Note: 2 in the formula is a subscript and should not be divided by 3).
  12. Perform the operation 2*m – 5. Do you get an error? Why?

    >> 2*m − 5
    ??? Undefined function or variable 'm'.

    We get an error message because the variable m is not defined.

  13. Define the variables cost and profit equal to 175 and 25, respectively, then calculate the variable sale_price defined by sale_price = cost + profit.
  14. Define the variable centigrade equal to 28 then calculate the variable fahrenheit defined by fahrenheit = (centigrade*9/5) + 32.

    >> centigrade = 28

    centigrade =


    >> fahrenheit = (centigrade*9/5) + 32

    fahrenheit =


  15. Use the format short and format long commands to write the values of 14/9 to four decimals and sixteen digits, respectively.

    >> format long
    >> 14/9

    ans =


    >> format short
    >> 14/9

    ans =


  16. Perform the who command to get a list of the variables stored in this session.

    >> who

    Your variables are:

    WIDTH    fahrenheit    x
     Width    final       y
     Y        profit      y1
     a       r         y2
     ans      s         y3
     b       sale_price    z
     c    this_is_the_result   centigrade
     w        cost       width

  17. Perform the whos command to get a list of the variables stored in this session along with their details.

    >> whos

    See Table

  18. Clear all the variables stored in this session by using the clear command.

    >> clear

  19. Calculate both the area and perimeter of a rectangle of sides 5 and 7. No units are used in this exercise.

    a =


    >> b = 7

    b =


    >> area = a*b

    area =


    >> perimeter = 2*(a+b)

    perimeter =


  20. Calculate both the area and perimeter of a circle of radius 6.45. No units are used in this exercise.

    >> r = 6.45

    r =


    >> area = pi*r^2

    area =


    >> perimeter = 2*pi*r

    perimeter =


  21. Define the symbolic variables x and z with values 4/5 and 14/17.
  22. In Exercise 21 above, calculate symbolically the value of the symbolic variable y defined by y = 2x – z.

    >> y = sym(2*x − z)

    y =


  23. Calculate symbolically the area of a circle of radius 2/3 without obtaining a numerical value. No units are used in this exercise.

    >> radius1 = 2/3

    radius1 =


    >> radius1 = sym(radius1)

    radius1 =


    >> area = pi*radius1^2

    area =


  24. Calculate symbolically the volume of a sphere of radius 2/3 without obtaining a numerical value. No units are used in this exercise.

    >> radius2 = 2/3

    radius2 =


    >> radius2 = sym(radius2)

    radius2 =


    >> volume = (4/3)*pi*radius2^3

    volume =


  25. In Exercise 23 above, use the double command to obtain the numerical value of the answer.

    >> double(area)

    ans =


  26. In Exercise 24 above, use the double command to obtain the numerical value of the answer.

    >> double(volume)

    ans =


  27. Define the symbolic variables y and date without assigning any numerical values to them.

    >> y = sym('y')

    y =


    >> date = sym('date')

    date =


4. Mathematical Functions

  1. Compute the square root of 10.

    >> sqrt(10)

    ans =


  2. Compute the factorial of 7.

    >> factorial(7)

    ans =


  3. Compute the cosine of the angle 45 where 45 is in radians.
  4. Compute the cosine of the angle 45 where 45 is in degrees.

    >> cos(45*pi/180)

    ans =


  5. Compute the sine of the angle of 45 where 45 is in degrees.

    >> sin(45*pi/180)

    ans =


  6. Compute the tangent of the angle 45 where 45 is in degrees.

    >> tan(45*pi/180)

    ans =


  7. Compute the inverse tangent of 1.5.

    >> atan(1.5)

    ans =


    The above result is in radians.

  8. Compute the tangent of the angle i_Image1. Do you get an error? Why?

    We get a very large number approaching infinity because the tanget function is not define at i_Image1.

  9. Compute the value of exponential function e3.

    >> exp(3)

    ans =


  10. Compute the value of the natural logarithm ln 3.5.

    >> log(3.5)

    ans =


  11. Compute the value of the logarithm log10 3.5.

    >> log10(3.5)

    ans =


  12. Use the MATLAB rounding function round to round the value of 2.43.
  13. Use the MATLAB remainder function rem to obtain the remainder when dividing 5 by 4.

    >> rem(5,4)

    ans =


  14. Compute the absolute value of -3.6.

    >> abs(-3.6)

    ans =


  15. Compute the value of the expression i_Image1

    >> 1.5 - 2*sqrt(6.7/5)

    ans =


  16. Compute the value of sin 2 π + cos2 π.

    >> sin(pi)^2 + cos(pi)^2

    ans =


  17. Compute the value of log10 0. Do you get an error? Why?

    We get minus infinity because the logarithmic function is not defined at zero.

  18. Let i_Image1 and y = 2π. Compute the value of the expression 2sin x cos y.

    >> x = 3*pi/2

    x =


    >> y = 2*pi

    y =


    >> 2*sin(x)*cos(y)

    ans =


  19. Compute the value of i_Image1 symbolically and simplify the result.
  20. Compute the value of i_Image1 numerically.

    >> double(ans)

    ans =


  21. Compute the sine of the angle 45 (degrees) symbolically.

    >> sym(sin(45*pi/180))

    ans =


  22. Compute the cosine of the angle 45 (degrees) symbolically.

    > sym(cos(45*pi/180))

    ans =


  23. Compute the tangent of the angle 45 (degrees) symbolically.
  24. Compute the value of eπ/2 symbolically.

    >> sym(exp(pi/2))

    ans =


  25. Compute the value of eπ/2 numerically.

    >> double(ans)

    ans =


5. Complex Numbers

  1. Compute the square root of -5.

    >> sqrt(-5)

    ans =

        0 + 2.2361i

  2. Define the complex number i_Image1.

    >> 4-3*sqrt(-8)

    ans =

      4.0000 - 8.4853i

  3. Define the two complex numbers with variables x and y where x = 2 − 6i and y = 4 +11i.
  4. In Exercise 3 above, perform the addition and subtraction operations x + y and xy.

    >> x+y

    ans =

      6.0000 + 5.0000i

    >> x-y

    ans =

      -2.0000 -17.0000i

  5. In Exercise 3 above, perform the multiplication and division operations x y and i_Image1
  6. In Exercise 3 above, perform the exponentiation operations x4 and y -3.

    >> x^4

    ans =

      4.4800e+002 +1.5360e+003i

    >> y^(-3)

    ans =

      -5.3979e-004 +3.1229e-004i

  7. In Exercise 3 above, perform the multiple operations 4x − 3y + 9.

    >> 4*x-3*y+9

    ans =

      5.0000 -57.0000i

  8. In Exercise 3 above, perform the multiple operations ix − 2y − 1.

    >> i*x-2*y-1

    ans =

      -3.0000 -20.0000i

  9. Compute the magnitude of the complex number 3 − 5i.
  10. Compute the angle of the complex number 3 − 5i in radians.

    >> angle(3−5i)

    ans =


  11. Compute the angle of the complex number 3 − 5i in degrees.

    >> angle(3-5i)*180/pi

    ans =


  12. Extract the real and imaginary parts of the complex number 3 − 5i.

    >> real(3−5i)

    ans =


    >> imag(3−5i)

    ans =


  13. Obtain the complex conjugate of the complex number 3 − 5i.
  14. Compute the sine, cosine, and tangent functions of the complex number 3 − 5i.

    >> sin(3-5i)

    ans =

      10.4725 +73.4606i

    >> cos(3-5i)

    ans =

      -73.4673 +10.4716i

    >> tan(3-5i)

    ans =

      -0.0000 - 0.9999i

  15. Compute e3-5i and ln(3 − 5i).

    >> exp(3-5i)

    ans =

      5.6975 +19.2605i

    >> log(3-5i)

    ans =

      1.7632 - 1.0304i

  16. Compute the values of sin i_Image1 and eπi /2.

    >> sin(pi*i/2)

    ans =

       0 + 2.3013i

    >> cos(pi*i/2)

    ans =


    >> exp(pi*i/2)

    ans =

      0.0000 + 1.0000i

  17. Compute the value of (3 + 4i)(2-i).

    >> (3+4i)^(2-i)

    ans =

      61.3022 +15.3369i

  18. Obtain i_Image1 symbolically.

    >> sym(sqrt(-13))

    ans =


  19. Obtain the magnitude of the complex number 3− 5i symbolically.
  20. Obtain the angle of the complex number 3− 5i symbolically. Make sure that you use the double command at the end.

    >> sym(angle(3-5i))

    ans =


    >> double(ans)

    ans =


  21. Obtain the cosine function of the complex number 3− 5i symbolically. Make sure that you use the double command at the end.

    >> sym(cos(3-5i))

    ans =


    >> double(ans)

    ans =

    -73.4673 +10.4716i

6. Vectors

  1. Store the vector [2 4 -6 0] in the variable w.

    >> w = [2 4 -6 0]

    w =

      2 4 -6 0

  2. In Exercise 1 above, extract the second element of the vector w.

    > w(2)

    ans =


  3. In Exercise 1 above, generate the vector z where i_Image1

    >> z = pi*w/2

    z =

      3.1416  6.2832  -9.4248   0

  4. In Exercise 3 above, extract the fourth element of the vector z.

    >> z(4)

    ans =


  5. In Exercise 3 above, extract the first three elements of the vector z.
  6. In Exercise 3 above, find the length of the vector z.

    >> length(z)

    ans =


  7. In Exercise 3 above, find the total sum of the values of the elements of the vector z.

    >> sum(z)

    ans =


  8. In Exercise 3 above, find the minimum and maximum values of the elements of the vector z.

    >> min(z)

    ans =


    >> max(z)

    ans =


  9. Generate a vector r with real values between 1 and 10 with an increment of 2.5.
  10. Generate a vector s with real values of ten numbers that are equally spaced between 1 and 100.

    >> s = linspace(1,100,10)

    s =

      1  12  23  34  45  56  67  78 89 100

  11. Form a new vector by joining the two vectors [9 3 -2 5 0] and [1 2 - 4].

    >> a = [9 3 -2 5 0]

    a =

      9  3   -2  5  0

    >> b = [1 2 -4]

    b =

       1  2  -4

    >> c = [a b]

    c =

      9  3  -2  5  0  1  2  -4

  12. Form a new vector by joining the vector [9 3 -2 5 0] with the number 4.
  13. Add the two vectors [0.2 1.3 -3.5] and [0.5 -2.5 1.0].

    >> x = [0.2 1.3 -3.5]

    x =

      0.2000  1.3000  -3.5000

    >> y = [0.5 -2.5 1.0]

    y =

      0.5000  -2.5000  1.0000

    >> x+y

    ans =

      0.7000  -1.2000  -2.5000

  14. Subtract the two vectors in Exercise 13 above.

    >> x-y

    ans =

      -0.3000 3.8000 -4.5000

  15. Try to multiply the two vectors in Exercise 13 above. Do you get an error message? Why?

    We get an error because the two vectors do not have the same length.

  16. Multiply the two elements in Exercise 13 above element by element.

    >> x.*y

    ans =

      0.1000  -3.2500  -3.5000

  17. Divide the two elements in Exercise 13 above element by element.

    >> x./y

    ans =

      0.4000  -0.5200  -3.5000

  18. Find the dot product of the two vectors in Exercise 13 above.

    >> x*y'

    ans =


  19. Try to add the two vectors [1 3 5] and [3 6]. Do you get an error message? Why?

    We get an error message because the two vectors do not have the same length.

  20. Try to subtract the two vectors in Exercise 20 above. Do you get an error message? Why?

    >> r-s
    ??? Error using ==> minus
    Matrix dimensions must agree.

    We get an error message because the two vectors do not have the same length.

  21. Let the vector w be defined by w = [0.1 1.3 -2.4]. Perform the operation of scalar addition 5+w.

    >> w = [0.1 1.3 -2.4]

    w =

      0.1000 1.3000 -2.4000

    >> 5+w

    ans =

      5.1000  6.3000  2.6000

  22. In Exercise 22 above, perform the operation of scalar subtraction -2-w.
  23. In Exercise 22 above, perform the operation of scalar multiplication 1.5*w.

    >> 1.5*w

    ans =

      0.1500  1.9500  -3.6000

  24. In Exercise 22 above, perform the operation of scalar division w/10.

    >> w/10

    ans =

      0.0100  0.1300  -0.2400

  25. In Exercise 22 above, perform the operation 3 − 2*w/5.

    >> 3-2*w/5

    ans =

      2.9600  2.4800  3.9600

  26. Define the vector b by b = [0 pi/3 2pi/3 pi]. Evaluate the three vectors sin b, cosb, and tan b (element by element).
  27. In Exercise 26 above, evaluate the vector eb (element by element).

    >> exp(b)

    ans =

      1.0000  2.8497  8.1205  23.1407

  28. In Exercise 26 above, evaluate the vector i_Image1 (element by element).

    >> sqrt(b)

    ans =

      0  1.0233  1.4472  1.7725

  29. Try to evaluate the vector 3b. Do you get an error message? Why?

    Yes, because this operation needs to be performed element by element.

  30. Perform the operation in Exercise 29 above element by element?

    >> 3.^b

    ans =

      1.0000  3.1597  9.9834  31.5443

  31. Generate a vector of 1’s with a length of 4 elements.

    > ones(1,4)

    ans =

       1  1  1  1

  32. Generate a vector of 0’s with a length of 6 elements.

    >> zeros(1,6)

    ans =

      0  0  0  0  0  0

  33. Sort the elements of the vector [0.35 -1.0 0.24 1.30 -0.03] in ascending order.
  34. Generate a random permutation vector with 5 elements.

    >> randperm(5)

    ans =

      2 4 3 5 1

  35. For the vector [2 4 -3 0 1 5 7], determine the range, mean, and median.
  36. Define the symbolic vector x = [r s t u v].

    >> syms r s t u v
    >> x = [r s t u v]

    x = [ r, s, t, u, v]

  37. In Exercise 36 above, perform the addition operation of the two vectors x and [1 0 -2 3 5] to obtain the new symbolic vector y.

    >> r = [1 0 -2 3 5]

    r =

      1 0 -2 3 5

    >> y = x+r

    y =

    [ r+1, s, t-2, u+3, v+5]

  38. In Exercise 37 above, extract the third element of the vector y.

    >> y(3)

    ans =


  39. In Exercise 37 above, perform the operation 2*x/7 + 3*y.

    >> 2*x/7 + 3*y

    ans =

    [  23/7*r+3, 23/7*s, 23/7*t-6,  23/7*u+9, 23/7*v+15]

  40. In Exercise 37 above, perform the dot products x*y′ and y*x′. Are the two results the same? Why?

    >> x*y'

    ans =


    >> y*x'

    ans =


    The two results are different because MATLAB treats these symbolic variables as complex variables by default. If they were real variables, then the results would be the same.

  41. In Exercise 37 above, find the square root of the symbolic vector x+y.

    >> sqrt(x+y)

    ans =

    [ (2*r+1)^(1/2), 2^(1/2)*s^(1/2), (2*t-2)^(1/2), (2*u+3)^(1/2), (2*v+5)^(1/2)]

7. Matrices

  1. Generate the following rectangular matrix in MATLAB. What is the size of this matrix?

    >> A = [3 0 -2 ; 1 3 5]

    A =

      3 0 -2
      1 3 5

    A is a rectangular matrix of size 2x3.

  2. In Exercise 1 above, extract the element in the second row and second column of the matrix A.

    >> A(2,2)

    ans =


  3. In Exercise 1 above, generate a new matrix B of the same size by multiplying the matrix A by the number i_Image1

    >> B = 3*pi*A/2

    B =

      14.1372    0 -9.4248
      4.7124 14.1372 23.5619

  4. In Exercise 3 above, extract the element in the first row and third column of the matrix B.
  5. In Exercise 3 above, extract the sub-matrix of the elements in common between the first and second rows and the second and third columns of the matrix B. What is the size of this new submatrix?

    >> B(1:2,2:3)

    ans =

          0  -9.4248
      14.1372  23.5619

    The above sub-matrix has size 2x2.

  6. In Exercise 3 above, determine the size of the matrix B using the MATLAB command size?

    >> size(B)

    ans =

      2  3

  7. In Exercise 3 above, determine the largest of the number of rows and columns of the matrix B using the MATLAB command length?

    >> length(B)

    ans =


  8. In Exercise 3 above, determine the number of elements in the matrix B using the MATLAB command numel?
  9. In Exercise 3 above, determine the total sum of each column of the matrix B? Determine also the minimum value and the maximum value of each column of the matrix B?

    >> sum(B)

    ans =

      18.8496  14.1372  14.1372

    >> min(B)

    ans =

      4.7124      0  -9.4248

    >> max(B)

    ans =

      14.1372  14.1372  23.5619

  10. Combine the three vectors [1 3 0 -4], [5 3 1 0], and [2 2 -1 1] to obtain a new matrix of size 3x4.
  11. Perform the operations of matrix addition and matrix subtraction on the following two matrices:
  12. In Exercise 11 above, multiply the two matrices R and S element-by-element.

    >> R.*S

    ans =

      1  6  0
     21  25 -21
      6  3  0

  13. In Exercise 11 above, divide the two matrices R and S element-byelement.

    >> R./S
    Warning: Divide by zero.

    ans =

      1.0000  0.6667    0
      2.3333  1.0000 -0.4286
      1.5000  0.3333  Inf

    Notice the division by zero (not allowed) above in the last element.

  14. In Exercise 11 above, perform the operation of matrix multiplication on the two matrices R and S. Do you get an error? Why?

    >> R*S

    ans =

      7  13  12
      16  37  21
      8  17  1

    We do not get an error because the number of columns of the first matrix is equal to the number of rows of the second matrix.

  15. Add the number 5 to each element of the matrix X given below:
  16. In Exercise 15 above, subtract the number 3 from each element of the matrix X.

    >> X-3

    ans =

      -2  -5  -3  -2
      -1   0  3  -1
      -6   2  -1  -2
       2  -5   1   1

  17. In Exercise 15 above, multiply each element of the matrix X by the number -3.

    >> -3*X

    ans =

      -3  6  0  -3
      -6  -9 -18  -6
       9  -15 -6  -3
      -15  6 -12 -12

  18. In Exercise 15 above, divide each element of the matrix X by the number 2.
  19. In Exercise 15 above, perform the following multiple scalar operation –3* X / 2.4 + 5.5.

    >> -3*X/2.4 + 5.5

    ans =

      4.2500  8.0000   5.5000  4.2500
      3.0000  1.7500  -2.0000  3.0000
      9.2500  -0.7500  3.0000  4.2500
      -0.7500  8.0000  0.5000  0.5000

  20. Determine the sine, cosine, and tangent of the matrix B given below (element-by-element).
  21. In Exercise 20 above, determine the square root of the matrix B element-by-element.

    >> sqrt(B)

    ans =

      1.0233  1.4472
      1.4472  1.7725

  22. In Exercise 20 above, determine the true square root of the matrix B.

    >> sqrtm(B)

    ans =

      0.5821 + 0.3598i  0.9419 - 0.2224i
      0.9419 - 0.2224i  1.5240 + 0.1374i

    Notice that we obtained a complex matrix. Try to check this answer by multiplying this complex matrix by itself to get the original matrix.

  23. In Exercise 20 above, determine the exponential of the matrix B element-by-element.
  24. In Exercise 20 above, determine the true exponential of the matrix B.

    >> expm(B)

    ans =

      23.9028  37.4119
      37.4119  61.3147

  25. In Exercise 20 above, determine the natural logarithm of the matrix B element-by-element.

    >> log(B)

    ans =

      0.0461  0.7393
      0.7393  1.1447

  26. In Exercise 20 above, determine the true natural logarithm of the matrix B.

    Notice that we obtain a non-principal complex matrix.

  27. In Exercise 20 above, perform the exponential operation 4B.

    >> 4^B

    ans =

      130.0124  209.2159
      209.2159  339.2283

  28. In Exercise 27 above, repeat the same exponential operation but this time element-by-element.

    >> 4.^B

    ans =

      4.2705  18.2369
      18.2369  77.8802

  29. In Exercise 20 above, perform the operation B4.

    >> B^4

    ans =

    107.0297  173.1717
    173.1717  280.2015

  30. Generate a rectangular matrix of 1’s of size 2x3.
  31. Generate a rectangular matrix of 0’s of size 2x3.

    >> zeros(2,3)

    ans =

      0  0  0
      0  0  0

  32. Generate a rectangular identity matrix of size 2x3.

    >> eye(2,3)

    ans =

      1  0  0
      0  1  0

  33. Generate a square matrix of 1’s of size 4.

    >> ones(4)

    ans =

      1  1  1  1
      1  1  1  1
      1  1  1  1
      1  1  1  1

  34. Generate a square matrix of 0’s of size 4.
  35. Generate a square identity matrix of size 4.

    >> eye(4)

    ans =

      1  0  0  0
      0  1  0  0
      0  0  1  0
      0  0  0  1

  36. Determine the transpose of the following matrix:

    >> C = [1 2 -3 0 ; 2 5 2 -3 ; 1 3 7 -2 ; 2 3 -1 3]

    C =

      1  2  -3  0
      2  5  2  -3
      1  3  7  -2
      2  3  -1  3

    >> C'

    ans =

      1  2  1  2
      2  5  3  3
      -3  2  7  -1
      0  -3  -2  3

  37. In Exercise 36 above, perform the operation C + C'. Do you get a symmetric matrix?

    >> C + C'

    ans =

      2  4  -2  2
      4  10  5  0
      -2  5  14 -3
      2  0  -3  6

    We get a symmetric matrix.

  38. In Exercise 36 above, extract the diagonal of the matrix C.

    >> diag(C)

    ans =


  39. In Exercise 36 above, extract the upper triangular part and the lower triangular part of the matrix C.
  40. In Exercise 36 above, determine the determinant and trace of the matrix C. Do you get scalars?

    >> det(C)

    ans =


    >> trace(C)

    ans =


    Both the determinant and trace are scalars (numbers in this example).

  41. In Exercise 36 above, determine the inverse of the matrix C.

    >> inv(C)

    ans =

      -10.5385  6.3846  -6.0000  2.3846
       5.3077  -3.0769  3.0000  -1.0769
      -0.3077   0.0769  -0.0000   0.0769
      1.6154   -1.1538  1.0000  -0.1538

  42. In Exercise 41 above, multiply the matrix C by its inverse matrix. Do you get the identity matrix?

    We get the identity matrix.

  43. In Exercise 36 above, determine the norm of the matrix C.

    >> norm(C)

    ans =


  44. In Exercise 36 above, determine the eigenvalues of the matrix C.

    >> eig(C)

    ans =

      3.9379 + 2.6615i
      3.9379 - 2.6615i

    We get four eigenvalues – some of them are complex numbers.

  45. In Exercise 36 above, determine the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the matrix C.

    >> poly(C)

    ans =

     1.0000 -16.0000 86.0000 -179.0000

    We get a fourth-degree polynomial with five coefficients.

  46. In Exercise 36 above, determine the rank of the matrix C.

    >> rank(C)

    ans =


  47. Generate a square random matrix of size 5.

    >> rand(5)

    ans =

      0.9501  0.7621  0.6154  0.4057  0.0579
      0.2311  0.4565  0.7919  0.9355  0.3529
      0.6068  0.0185  0.9218  0.9169  0.8132
      0.4860  0.8214  0.7382  0.4103  0.0099
      0.8913  0.4447  0.1763  0.8936  0.1389

  48. Generate a square magic matrix of size 7. What is the sum of each row, column or diagonal in this matrix.

    The sum of each row, column or diagonal is 175.

  49. Generate the following two symbolic matrices:

    >> syms x

    >> X = [1 x ; x-2 x^2]

    X =

    [ 1,   x]
    [ x-2, x^2]

    >> Y = [x/2 3*x ; 1-x 4]

    Y =

    [ 1/2*x, 3*x]
    [  1-x,  4]

  50. In Exercise 49 above, perform the matrix subtraction operation X Y to obtain the new matrix Z.

    >> Z = X-Y

    Z =

    [ 1-1/2*x,  -2*x]
    [  2*x-3,  x^2-4]

  51. In Exercise 50 above, determine the transpose of the matrix Z.

    In the above, it is assumed that x is a complex variable.

  52. In Exercise 50 above, determine the trace of the matrix Z.

    >> trace(Z)

    ans =


  53. In Exercise 50 above, determine the determinant of the matrix Z.

    >> det(Z)

    ans =


  54. In Exercise 50 above, determine the inverse of the matrix Z.

    >> inv(Z)

    ans =

    [ -2*(x^2-4)/(-10*x^2+8+x^3+8*x),
    [ 2*(2*x-3)/(-10*x^2+8+x^3+8*x),

    The inverse of Z obtained above may be simplified by factoring out the determinant that appears common in the denominators of all the elements of the matrix.

8. Programming

  1. Write a script of four lines as follows: the first line should be a comment line, the second and third lines should have the assignments cost = 200 and sale_price = 250, respectively. The fourth line should have the calculation profit = sale_price – cost. Store the script in a script file called example8.m. Finally run the script file.

    % This is an example
    cost = 200
    sale_price = 250
    profit = sale_price – cost

    Now, run the above script as follows:

    >> example8

    cost =


    sale_price =


    profit =


  2. Write a function of three lines to calculate the volume of a sphere of radius r. The first line should include the name of the function which is volume(r). The second line should be a comment line. The third line should include the calculation of the volume of the sphere which is i_Image1. Store the function in a function file called volume.m then run the function with the value of r equal to 2 (no units are used in this exercise).

    function volume(r)
    % This is a function
    volume = (4/3)*pi*r^3

    Now, run the above function as follows:

    >> volume(2)

    volume =


  3. Write a function with two arguments to calculate the area of a rectangle with sides a and b. The function should have three lines. The first line should include the name of the function which is RectangleArea(a,b). The second line should be a comment line. The third line should include the calculation of the area of the rectangle with is the product a*b. Store the function in a function file called RectangleArea.m then run the function twice as follow: the first execution with the values 3 and 6, while the second execution with the values 2.5 and 5.5.

    function RectangleArea(a,b)
    % This is another example of a function
    RectangleArea = a*b

    Now, run the above function as follows:

  4. Write a script containing a For loop to compute the vector x to have the values x(n) = n3 where n has the range from 1 to 7. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the script in a script file called example9.m then run the script and display the values of the elements of the vector x.

    % This is an example of a FOR loop
    for n = 1:7
     x(n) = n^3;

    Now, run the above script as follows:

    >> example9
    >> x

    x =

      1  8  27  64  125  216  343

  5. Write a script containing two nested For loops to compute the matrix y to have the values y(m,n) = m2-n2 where both m and n each has the range from 1 to 4. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the script in a script file called example10.m then run the script and display the values of the elements of the matrix y.

    %This is an example of another FOR loop
    for n = 1:4
      for m = 1:4
        y(m,n) = m^2 - n^2;

    Now, run the above script as follows:

  6. Write a script containing a While loop using the two variables tol and n. Before entering the While loop, initialize the two variables using the assignments tol = 0.0 and n = 3. Then use the two computations n = n + 1 and tol = tol + 0.1 inside the While loop. Make the loop end when the value of tol becomes equal or larger than 1.5. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the script in a script file called example11.m then run the script and display the values of the two variables tol and n.

    % This is an example of a While loop
    tol = 0.0;
    n = 3;
    while tol < 1.5
     n = n + 1;
     tol = tol + 0.1;

    Now, run the above script as follows:

  7. Write a function called price(items) containing an If construct as follows. Let the price of the items be determined by the computation price = items*130 unless the value of the variable items is greater than 5 – then in this case the computation price = items*160 should be used instead. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the function in a function file called price.m then run the function twice with the values of 3 and 9 for the variable items. Make sure that the function displays the results for the variable price.

    function price(items)
    % This is an example of an If Elseif construct
    price = items*130
    if items > 5
     price = items*160

    Now, run the above function as follows:

    >> price(3)

    price =


    >> price(9)

    price =


    price =


  8. Write a function called price2(items) containing an If Elseif construct as follows. If the value of the variable items is less than 3, then compute the variable price2 by multiplying items by 130. In the second case, if the value of the variable items is less than 5, then compute the variable price2 by multiplying items by 160. In the last case, if the value of the variable items is larger than 5, then compute the variable price2 by multiplying the items by 200. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the function in a function file called price2.m then run the function three times – with the values of 2, 4, and 6. Make sure that the function displays the results for the variable price2.

    function price2(items)
    % This is an example of an If Elseif construct
    if items < 3
     price2 = items*130
    elseif items < 5
     price2 = items*160
    elseif items > 5
     price2 = items*200

    Now, run the above function as follows:

  9. Write a function called price3(items) containing a Switch Case construct. The function should produce the same results obtained in Exercise 8 above. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the function in a function file called price3.m then run the function three times – with the values of 2, 4, and 6. Make sure that the function displays the results for the variable price3.

    function price3(items)
    % This is an example of the Switch Case construct
     switch items
      case 2
       price3 = items* 130
      case 4
       price3 = items* 160
      case 6
       price3 = items* 200
       price3 = 0

    Now, run the above function as follows:

  10. Write a script file to store the following symbolic matrix A then calculate its third power B = A3. Include a comment line at the beginning. Store the script in a script file called example12.m then run the script to display the two matrices A and B.

    % This is an example with the Symbolic
    Math Toolbox
    syms x
    A = [x/2 1-x ; x 3*x]
    B = A^3

    Now, run the above script as follows:

    >> example12

    A =

    [1/2*x, 1-x]
    [   x, 3*x]

    B =

    [   1/2*x*(1/4*x^2+(1-x)*x)+7/2*(1-x)*x^2,
    [   x*(1/4*x^2+(1-x)*x)+21/2*x^3,

  11. Write a function called SquareRoot2(matrix) similar to the function SquareRoot(matrix) described at the end of this chapter but with the following change. Substitute the value of 1.5 instead of 1 for the symbolic variable x. Make sure that you include a comment line at the beginning. Store the function in a function file called SquareRoot2.m then run the function using the following symbolic matrix:

    function SquareRoot2(matrix)
    % This is an example of a function
     with the Symbolic Math Toolbox
    y = det(matrix)
    z = subs(y,1.5)
    if z < 1
     M = 2*sqrt(matrix)
     M = sqrt(matrix)

    Now, run the above function as follows:

9. Graphs

Solve all the exercises using MATLAB. All the needed MATLAB commands for these exercises were presented in this chapter.

  1. Plot a two-dimensional graph of the two vectors x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] and y = [10 15 23 43 30 10 12] using the plot command.

    >> x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]

    x =

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      >> y = [10 15 23 43 30 10 12]
    y =

      10 15 23 43 30 10 12

    >> plot(x,y)

  2. In Exercise 1 above, add to the graph a suitable title along with labels for the x-axis and the y-axis.

    >> hold on;
    >> title('This is an exercise')
    >> xlabel('x-axis')
    >> ylabel('y-axis')

  3. Plot the mathematical function y = 2x3 + 5 in the range x from -6 to +6. Include a title for the graph as well as labels for the two axes.

    >> x = [-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6];
    >> y = 2*x.^3 +5;
    >> plot(x,y)
    >> hold on;
    >> title('This is another exercise')
    >> xlabel('values of x')
    >> ylabel('values of y')

  4. Repeat the plot of Exercise 3 above but show the curve with a blue dashed line with circle symbols at the plotted points.


  5. Plot the two mathematical functions i_Image1 and i_Image1 such that the two curves appear on the same 3 diagram. Make the range for x between 0 and 3π with increments of i_Image1 Distinguish the two curves by plotting one with a dashed line and the other one with a dotted line. Include the title and axis information on the graph as well as a grid and a legend.

    >> x = 0:pi/4:3*pi;
    >> y = 2*sin(x/3);
    >> z = 2*cos(x/3);
    >> plot(x,y,'--',x,z,':')
    >> hold on;
    >> grid on;
    >> title('This is an exercise in plotting two curves on the same diagram')
    >> xlabel('x')
    >> ylabel('2sin(x/3) and 2cos(x/3)')
    >> legend('2sin(x/3)','2cos(x/3)')

  6. Plot the following four mathematical functions each with its own diagram using the subplot command. The functions are i_Image1 and v = x2 + 3. Use the vector x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] as the range for x. No need to show title or axis information.

    >> x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
    >> y = 2*x.^3 -4;
    >> z = x+1;
    >> w = 2 - sqrt(x);
    >> v = x.^2 +3;
    >> subplot(2,2,1);
    >> hold on;
    >> plot(x,y);
    >> subplot(2,2,2);
    >> plot(x,z);
    >> subplot(2,2,3);
    >> plot(x,w);
    >> subplot(2,2,4);
    >> plot(x,v);

  7. Use the plot3 command to show a three-dimensional curve of the equation z = 2sin(xy). Use the vector x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] for both x and y. No need to show title or axis information.

    >> x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
    >> y = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
    >> z = 2*sin(x.*y);
    >> plot3(x,y,z)

  8. Use the mesh command to plot a three-dimensional mesh surface of elements of the matrix M given below. No need to show title or axis information.

    >> M = [0.1 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.3 ; 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.3 ; 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.4 ; 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 ; 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8]

    M =

     0.1000  0.2000  0.5000  0.7000  0.3000
     0.2000  0.8000  0.5000  0.6000  0.3000
     0.5000  0.9000  0.9000  0.4000  0.4000
     0.4000  0.4000  0.5000  0.7000  0.9000
     0.1000  0.3000  0.4000  0.6000  0.8000

    >> mesh(M)

  9. Use the surf command to plot a three-dimensional surface of the elements of the matrix M given in Exercise 8 above. No need to show title or axis information.

    >> surf(M)

  10. Use the contour command to plot a contour map of the elements of the matrix M given in Exercise 8 above. No need to show the contour values on the graph.
  11. Use the surfc command to plot a three-dimensional surface along with contours underneath it of the matrix M given in Exercise 8 above. No need to show title or axis information.

    >> surfc(M)


10. Solving Equations

  1. Solve the following linear algebraic equation for the variable x. Use the roots command.

       3x + 5 = 0

    >> p = [3 5]

    p =

      3  5

    >> roots(p)

    ans =


  2. Solve the following quadratic algebraic equation for the variable x. Use the roots command.

       x2 + x +1 = 0

    >> p = [1 1 1]

    p =

      1  1  1

    >> roots(p)

    ans =

      -0.5000 + 0.8660i
      -0.5000 - 0.8660i

  3. Solve the following algebraic equation for x. Use the roots command.

       3x4 - 2x3 + x - 3 = 0

    >> p = [3 -2 0 1 -3]

    p =

      3 -2 0 1 -3

    >> roots(p)

    ans =

      0.2426 + 0.9477i
      0.2426 - 0.9477i

  4. Solve the following system of linear simultaneous algebraic equations for the variables x and y. Use the inverse matrix method.

       3x + 5y = 9
        4x - 7y = 13

  5. In Exercise 4 above, solve the same linear system again but using the Gaussian elimination method with the backslash operator.

    >> A = [3 5 ; 4 -7]

    A =

      3  5
      4  -7

    >> b = [9 ; 13]

    b =


    >> x = A\b

    x =


  6. Solve the following system of linear simultaneous algebraic equations for the variables x, y, and z. Use Gaussian elimination with the backslash operator.

     2x - y + 3z = 5
      4x + 5z = 12
      x + y + 2z = -3

  7. Solve the following linear algebraic equation for the variable x in terms of the constant a.

       2x + a = 5

    >> syms x
    >> syms a
    >> solve('2*x + a - 5 = 0')

    ans =


  8. Solve the following quadratic algebraic equation for the variable x in terms of the constants a and b.

       x2 + ax + b = 0

    >> syms x
    >> syms a
    >> syms b
    >> solve('x^2 + a*x + b = 0')

    ans =


  9. Solve the following nonlinear equation for the variable x.

       2ex+ 3cos x = 0

    >> syms x

    >> solve('2*exp(x) + 3*cos(x) = 0')

    ans =


    The above answer is approximated as -1.694.

  10. Solve the following system of linear simultaneous algebraic equations for the variables x and y in terms of the constant c.

       2x − 3cy =5
        cx + 2y =7

  11. Solve the following system of nonlinear simultaneous algebraic equations for the variables x and y.

      3 x2 − 2+ + y = 7
        xy + x = 5

    >> syms x
    >> syms y
    >> [x,y] = solve('3*x^2 - 2*x + y - 7 = 0', 'x*y + x - 5 = 0')


    =       5/3

    y =


11. Beginning Calculus

  1. Define the following mathematical function in MATLAB using the inline command:

       f (x) = 3x2 + x - 1

  2. In Exercise 1 above, evaluate the function f at x = 1.

    >> f(1)

    ans =


  3. In Exercise 1 above, evaluate the function f at x = –2.

    >> f(-2)

    ans =


  4. In Exercise 1 above, differentiate the function f with respect to x.

    >> syms x
    >> diff(f(x),x)

    ans =


  5. Define the following mathematical function in MATLAB using the inline command:

       g(y) = 2sin(πy) + 3y cos(πy)

  6. In Exercise 5 above, differentiate the function g with respect to y.

    >> diff(g(y),y)

    ans =


  7. In Exercise 5 above, find the indefinite integral of the function g.

    >> int(g(y))

    ans =

    2/pi*cos(pi*y)+3/pi^2*(cos(pi*y)+y*sin(pi*y )*pi)

  8. In Exercise 5 above, find the value of the following definite integral

    >> int(g(y),0,1)

    ans =


  9. In Exercise 8 above, evaluate the value obtained numerically using the double command.
  10. Evaluate the following limit in MATLAB:

    >> limit(sin(x)+cos(x),x,0)

    ans =


  11. Evaluate the following limit in MATLAB:

    >> limit((x^2+x+1)/(3*x^2-2),x,Inf)

    ans =


  12. Find the Taylor series expansion for the function cos x up to eight terms.

    >> taylor(cos(x),x,8)

    ans =


  13. Find the Taylor series expansion for the function ex up to nine terms.
  14. Evaluate the following sum symbolically using the symsum command:

    >> syms k
    >> syms n
    >> symsum(1/k,1,n)

    ans =


    The above result is written in terms of special functions. Consult a book on special function for more details.

  15. Solve the following initial value ordinary differential equation using the dsolve command:

    >> dsolve('Dy = x*y - sin(x) + 3', 'y(0)=0')

    ans =
