
MATLAB Tutorials


This is an online tutorial in HTML format from Union College, New York. The tutorial emphasizes vectors, matrices, vector operations, loops, plots, executable files (scripts), subroutines (functions), if statements, and data files.


This is an online tutorial in HTML format from the University of Florida, Gainesville. The tutorial emphasizes matrices, variables, functions, decisions, loops, and scripts. This tutorial has a nice list of important commands of MATLAB with a short description of each command.


This is an online tutorial in HTML format available at the website of University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Original by Kermit Sigmon, University of Florida). This tutorial emphasizes matrices, decisions, loops, scalar functions, vector functions, matrix functions, strings, and graphics. You may also download the tutorial as a postscript file (39 pages that include a comprehensive reference section).


This is an online tutorial in HTML format hosted at MIT. It emphasizes matrices, arithmetic and logical operators, control structures, selective indexing, polynomial operations, signal processing functions, graphics, scripts, and functions.


This is an online 3-day tutorial at MIT in HTML format. It covers matrices, various MATLAB commands, help, plotting, polynomials, variables, scripts, functions, loops, debugging, differential equations, vectorization, three-dimensional graphics, and symbolic math.


This is a tutorial hosted at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. They provide six PDF files for download in the form of six lessons for a mathematics course they teach there. These lessons are somewhat advanced and specialized and are not recommended for beginner students of MATLAB.


This is a basic tutorial from Carnegie Mellon and the University of Michigan. It covers the basics of vectors, functions, plotting, polynomials, matrices, printing, help, and M-files.


This is an online tutorial from the MathWorks, the company that develops and sells MATLAB. This tutorial covers variables, calculations, plotting, scripts, and files.


This is an online short tutorial from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. This is a very simple tutorial recommended for beginners. It covers matrices, vectors, systems of equations, loops, and graphing in one and two dimensions.


This is an online tutorial in HTML format hosted at Michigan Tech and written by Mark S. Gockenback. It covers calculations, graphs, programming, advanced matrix calculations, advanced graphics, solving nonlinear problems, and advanced data types like structures, cell arrays, and objects.


MATLAB Educational Websites: This is an online HTML page containing links to several educational websites on various topics using MATLAB. The page contains also links to numerous MATLAB tutorials.


MATLAB Hypertext Reference: This is an online tutorial in HTML format written by Gerald Recktenwald and hosted at Portland State University, Portland. This tutorial covers variables, plotting, and programming.


Helpful Information for Using MATLAB: These pages of helpful information are maintained by Jim Maneval and hosted at Bucknell University, Lewisburg.


Getting Started with MATLAB: This is an online tutorial in HTML format. The tutorial may also be downloaded and printed as a PDF file (14 pages). This tutorial covers syntax, matrices, graphics, and programming.


Crash Course in MATLAB: This tutorial is in the form of a PDF file download. It is written by Tobin A. Driscoll and hosted at the University of Delaware, The tutorial is 66 pages that can be downloaded and printed. This tutorial covers arrays, matrices, scripts, functions, errors, 2D and 3D graphics, color, handles and properties, vectorization, advanced data structures (strings, cell arrays, structures), linear algebra, optimization, data fitting, quadrature, and differential equations.


An Introduction to MATLAB: This tutorial is in the form of a PDF file download. It is written by David F. Griffiths and is hosted at the University of Dundee. The tutorial is 37 pages that can be downloaded and printed. This tutorial covers numbers, formats, variables, output, vectors, 2D plotting, scripts, vector operations, matrices, matrix operations, systems of linear equations, strings, loops, decisions, 3D plotting, files, and graphical user interfaces.


An Introduction to MATLAB: This tutorial is in the form of a PDF file download. It is written by S. Butenko, P. Pardalos, and L. Pitsoulis. It is hosted at the University of Chicago. The tutorial is 28 pages that can be downloaded and printed. This tutorial covers matrices, matrix operations, workspace, formats, functions, vector functions, matrix functions, polynomial functions, programming, loops, decisions, M-files, and 2D and 3D graphics.


MATLAB Notes: This tutorial is in the form HTML pages online. It is hosted at Colorado State University. This tutorial covers arithmetic, array operations, scripts, functions, plotting, polynomials, matrices, vectors, linear systems of algebraic equations, and symbolic computation. There are some links to more tutorials on the internet that are hosted at other places.


Getting Started with MATLAB: This tutorial is in the form of online HTML pages that are hosted at Indiana University. It may also be downloaded as a PDF file (14 pages) and printed. This tutorial covers syntax, matrices, graphics, and programming.


This is an online reference guide for the MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox. It is hosted at the University of California, San Diego. The tutorial covers about 85 MATLAB symbolic math commands that are listed alphabetically with examples.


Using the Symbolic Math Toolbox: This tutorial is in the form of HTML pages that is hosted at the University of Florida, Gainesville. This tutorial seems to be comprehensive and covers calculus, simplifications, substitutions, variableprecision arithmetic, linear algebra, solving equations, special mathematical functions, using Maple functions, and the extended symbolic math toolbox.


This is a small overview in the form of an HTML page hosted at the website of Wikipedia, the free internet encyclopedia. The page has a brief history of MATLAB and some useful links.


MATLAB Exercises: This web page provides some MATLAB exercises for practice. The site is hosted at Bucknell University. The exercises cover syntax, arrays, relational operators, logical operators, decisions, loops, and programming.


MATLAB Exercises: This web page provides three sets of MATLAB exercises for practice. The site is hosted at Chalmers University of Technology and Gteborg University. The exercises cover arithmetic, formats, variables, vectors, matrices, decisions, scripts, loops, computer arithmetic, strings, and graphics.


MATLAB Exercises: These are MATLAB exercises taken from the book “Elementary Linear Algebra”, fifth edition, by Ron Larson. Each set of exercises is downloaded as a PDF file that can be printed. These exercises cover systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and complex vector spaces.


Supplementary MATLAB Exercises: These exercises are hosted at the University of Minnesota. They are written specifically for a mathematics course at the university. These exercises mostly deal with the graphics capabilities of MATLAB.


This is a PDF file download of a set of 8 pages of MATLAB exercises. The exercises are somewhat advanced and are not recommended for beginning students of MATLAB.


This is a PDF file download of 27 pages of MATLAB exercises. These exercises are written for a physics course and are somewhat advanced. They are not recommended for beginners.


29. Gilat, A., MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

30. Pratap, R., Getting Started with MATLAB 7: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press, 2005.

31. Hanselmann, D. and Littlefield, B., Mastering MATLAB 7, Prentice Hall, 2004.

32. Palm, W., Introduction to MATLAB 7 for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 2004.

33. Moore, H., MATLAB for Engineers, Prentice Hall, 2006.

34. Chapman, S., MATLAB Programming for Engineers, Thomson Engineering, 2004.

35. Davis, T. and Sigmon, K., MATLAB Primer, Seventh Edition, Chapman & Hall, 2004.

36. Higham, D. and Higham, N., MATLAB Guide, Second Edition, SIAM, 2005.

37. King, J., MATLAB for Engineers, Addison-Wesley, 1988.

38. Etter, D., Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice Hall, 1995.

39. Magrab, E. et al., An Engineer’s Guide to MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 2000.

40. Etter, D., Kuncicky, D. and Hull, D., Introduction to MATLAB 6, Prentice Hall, 2001.

41. Recktenwald, G., Introduction to Numerical Methods and MATLAB: Implementation and Applications, Prentice Hall, 2001.

42. Biran, A. and Breiner, M., MATLAB 5 for Engineers, Addison-Wesley, 1999.

43. Part-Enander, E. and Sjoberg, A., The MATLAB 5 Handbook, Addison-Wesley, 1999.

44. Etter, D., Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1993.

45. Chen, K., Giblin, P, and Irving, A., Mathematical Explorations with MATLAB, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

46. Mathews, J. and Fink, K., Numerical Methods Using MATLAB, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999.

47. Fausett, L., Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1999.