
Chapter Two


“What is wrong with you?” Sally asked later, when they were covered in dust from their cleaning labors and sat eating sandwiches.

Elly tore her gaze from the room and its probable invisible occupants. “Nothing.”

“Are you sure you didn’t have another hot dream? You wouldn’t hold out on me, would you? I’m deprived, deprived, I tell you.”

“I didn’t have a dream.”

“Why do you have a dreamy look in your eyes? Oh my God, are you blushing? Eloisa Vivian Waters, you are holding out on me. Spill it, or else I’ll eat every single chocolate biscuit in that pack you just bought.”


Her friend held up the biscuit packet. “You know I’m trying to diet. Would you do that to me? Would you?”

Elly swore she could feel three sets of eyes on her, Sally’s and two more. Did the ghosts get turned on by her discussions of their corporeal sessions? Elly suppressed a giggle as a bubble of mischief built up inside. In a desire to be naughty, she leaned across the table. “I woke up, Sal, in my dream of course, with something brushing my lips....”

Half an hour later, Sally leaned against the front door, fanning herself with her hands, a look of frustration on her face. “I can’t believe that stupid businessman wants to see that manor house now.”

Elly grinned at her petulant tone. “Think of the commission, go home, and shower. You look a mess.”

“Are you sure you told me everything? And are you sure you just don’t want to start over and tell me again?”

Elly took her by the shoulders and pulled her from the door so she could open it. “I’m sure. Go home. You have a house to sell.”

“But a rose, Ell, a rose. Oh my God, that’s so hot.”

“Goodbye, Sal,” Elly said firmly and closed the door. As soon as she turned, the two men appeared before her. “Ha, I knew you were listening.”

Anton moved to stand only inches from her. It was a bit disconcerting to almost see the rest of the room through him. “You have a gift for descriptive dialogue, Eloisa.”

“You have a vivid sexual imagination, Anton.”

“I was only fulfilling your desires.”

“That’s bull dust, and you know it.”

He grinned, and Elly wondered how many women had swooned at his feet when he was alive.

Phillipe moved to stand at her back. “I enjoyed hearing your story of our previous night, beautiful Mistress.”

“I enjoyed telling it, Phillipe.”

“Have you considered our proposal? May we stay with you? To share desire in the moonlight hours?” He ran a translucent hand along her arm and Elly felt a faint sensation, like being brushed with silk.

“Don’t you two make me hot and bothered while you are standing there all untouchable. It’s a long time until moonlight.”

Anton brushed his lips over hers, a soft echo of a touch. “The answer is yes?”

Maybe she was crazy? Elly no longer cared. “Yes.”

He smiled. Elly’s stomach muscles clenched. “We cannot touch you in the daylight, but we can watch while you touch yourself.”

Heat warmed her cheeks. “Oh no, don’t even think about it. It’s daylight, boys, daylight. I’m not an exhibitionist.”

Phillipe bent his face to her neck. Elly could almost feel the softness of his lips. “You do not have to be, just follow our instructions.”

“You’re going to teach me how to masturbate? I hate to disappoint you, but I learnt that as a teenager.”

“Eloisa.” Anton’s voice was coaxing. “Come and lay with us on the bed. Let us play.”

“Absolutely not.”

“It’s what you desire.”

“Anton, if you keep using that excuse it’s going to get old, fast.”

They vanished in a heartbeat, and Elly walked into the bedroom to find them sprawled across the covers.

“Are you actually on the covers, or just sort of hovering?”

“Stop making excuses. Come to us.”

“I’m dusty. I have to take another shower.”

“You wish us to watch?”

“N...No, I wish you to stay there.”

Phillipe linked his hands behind his head. “We will wait here.”

“No, you won’t. Afternoon delight is not on the agenda today. Off my bed, you two, behave.” She grabbed clean clothes and ducked back into the bathroom for her second shower of the day, knowing two gorgeous ghosts waited on the other side.

When she emerged, they had obeyed her instructions and left the bed. Instead, they stood by the bedroom’s bay window.

“What are you doing?”

“Watching,” Phillipe said.

“Watching what?”

“People. It is something we have done for an exceedingly long time.”

Curious and a little more relaxed now they weren’t lying on her bed waiting for her to play self-touchy-feely, Elly sat down at the window seat. “You can’t leave the house at all?”

“For many years we tried.” Anton said. “Now, we accept and we watch.” He gestured to her neighbors walking slowly down the street. “Frederick and Marcy Teal. For almost fifty years, they have been married. I recall her coming to the house as a young bride. Do you remember, Phillipe?”

“I do. Alicia threw rose petals as she passed.”

Another woman with pretty red hair crossed the street, holding the hand of a little girl aged about nine. She spoke to the couple for a few minutes.

“Karen is raising her child alone,” Phillipe said.

“She’s a widow?”

“No.” Anton’s voice held more than a hint of anger. “Her husband did not respect her. Once, when the child was small, we saw him yelling at her in the street. It made her cry. Anton and I experienced intense fury at his brutish attitude. We are glad she had the courage to dismiss him from her life.”

“Bert loves her,” Phillipe said.


“Bert.” He pointed across the street. Her mover, the man with the yellow boxer shorts, parked his van and crossed to Karen. He tugged down his dusty T-shirt and hitched his pants up, looking pleased and nervous at the same time. Bending, he said something to the little girl. She giggled.

“He loves them both. He does not know how to express it,” Anton explained as they watched the touching scene.

Karen blushed, nodded awkwardly, and they parted. Bert watched her as she walked away.

Elly studied her ghosts. “Do you know everyone in the village?”

“Everyone who passes by the window, yes. We know their stories and their wishes. All of this from watching their body language and listening.”

Elly swallowed the lump in her throat. Trapped. Her beautiful ghosts were trapped. “Tell me everything about yourselves. Where did you live?”

Phillipe touched her face. Elly closed her eyes at the light-as-air contact. “I lived in Stokely Manor.”

“The one they turned into a hotel? It’s a beautiful place, Phillipe.”

“I have not seen its current usage. Alicia told me about it.”

She bent her head as Anton caressed her nape with his fingertip. “I lived at Briorport, some ten miles from Stokely.”

“I don’t know that one.”

“I do not believe it exists any more. A dreadful shame, as the house was very grand.”

“Are you two related?”

“No. Lifelong friends, which, as it turns out, is quite some time. Our mothers both came from France and married Englishmen. Our families were close.”

Elly drew her knees up on the seat and leaned her back against the wall. “I have to ask. When you share your women, do you, you know, share each other, too?”

Anton’s snort gave her the answer before he spoke. “Certainly not. I do not wish Phillipe’s jutting walking stick anywhere near me.”

Elly blinked at Phillipe. “Jutting walking stick?”

Phillipe’s expression was serious, but something in his eyes, even with their translucent hue, struck her as teasing. “He is being accurate. It is the length of a walking stick. Anton, on the other hand, is a chopstick.”

She burst out laughing. “How do two Regency men—it is Regency, right?—know about chopsticks?”

Phillipe grinned at her. “Alicia liked oriental food. She has the eating implements in her kitchen drawer.”

Anton cleared his throat. “I wish that last comment regarding the physical dimensions of my anatomy to be struck from the record.”

Phillipe grinned again. “Anton’s uncle was a lawyer.”

Elly tapped her finger to her lips in thought. “I can’t be certain, of course, without seeing, as Phillipe was behind me the last two nights. I’m going with walking stick accuracy.” She fluttered her lashes. “Only thicker.”

“What about me?” Anton frowned at her.

She turned to look at him. “I have no idea yet. You can show me later.” His full lips curved into a smile. Her lower abdomen clenched.

“No boy touchy-feely, then?” she asked.

“No boy touchy-feely, as you so eloquently put it, even in our living lifetime. Our desires have always been for women. Now, we are here for your pleasure only. Desire and completion, whenever you wish, however you wish.”

Heat slithered up Elly’s spine, ran back down, and settled as a living pulse between her legs. “Damn. You’re a terrible influence. When I’m around you, I’m horny all the time.”

“I do not understand your meaning with your modern terminology.” Anton’s innocent tone didn’t fool her in the least. “There are still hours left until the moon rises and many such days ahead. We do not wish you to be unfulfilled. Do you know, sweet Eloisa, in our time there were various substitutes for when a man could not penetrate his woman.”

Elly grinned. “Anton, there is an entire industry of substitutes available these days for when a man cannot penetrate his woman.”

“Do you have any of these substitutes?”

“I don’t see how I’m going to need any with you two keeping me occupied at night.”

“For daytime play?”

“How much sexual energy do you think I have?”

“It would be our pleasure to find out.”

She laughed. She couldn’t help it. “If I can get online, I’ll show you some shopping sites. If not, Sally has a catalogue. I’ll steal it, and you can have a look. No promises. I told you I’m not an exhibitionist.” She dropped her voice. “Maybe when you’re very, very good.”

“We promise to be very, very good every day.” Phillipe brushed his ghostly lips over hers.

Elly had no doubts about that at all.

* * * *


ELLY SCOWLED AT THE outdated stovetop and twiddled a few more knobs before she threw up her hands in despair. “I don’t suppose either of you two knows how to operate this thing?”

Silence greeted her. Wiping her grubby hands on a dishcloth, she walked into the living room to catch two of the most striking ghostly men in the history of the world peering at her laptop in fascination.

“You say it gathers information, like a book?”

“A bit more than that. Didn’t Alicia have a computer?”

Anton shook his head. “This technology came about after she left work and spent her days at home with us.”

Elly jiggled the mouse. The screen came to life in a vivid display of colors. Both men jerked, making her smile. “You must have seen television? Moving pictures can’t be a complete shock to you.”

Phillipe gestured to the solid mahogany TV cabinet gathering dust in the corner of the room. Elly grimaced. “Point taken. Once we get the updated wiring done, I’ll really be able to show you how much the world has changed. Damn, the Wi-Fi around here leaves a lot to be desired.” She picked up the laptop and started to wave it around the room. “I’m looking for a signal,” she said to answer their bewildered expression. “It’s a...never mind. Can either of you operate that damn stove in the kitchen?”

Anton followed her back into the room. “The stove has not been used in some time. I believe I heard noises the other day. I suspect mice have taken up residence.”

Mice.” Elly shrieked and jumped onto the kitchen bench, tucking her feet under her. “Where?”

Both men watched her with amusement. She poked her tongue out. “Fine, I’ll get takeaway. You stay here. I’ll be back soon.”

Anton appeared by the front door before she opened it. “You will come back. I know the cottage is in disrepair, but...” he hesitated. “You will come back?”

He’s serious. A quick glance at Phillipe revealed an equally cautious expression. “Hey, of course I’m coming back.” She reached a hand out to Anton’s face, feeling the cool brush of silk in lieu of actual contact. With her other hand, she repeated the same gesture to Phillipe. The blond man angled his head, as if pushing into her palm.

“Before Alicia, the cottage had other residents, in all cases, women. For some reason, the house attracts them. I do not know if it is the curse.” Anton said. “None of them could see or hear us. We spent many years alone and in limbo.”

Elly’s heart went out to them both. “I can both hear and see you, and I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

“Thank you,” Phillipe said, before giving her a cheeky grin. “I intend to kiss you later. So far, that particular pleasure has been all Anton’s.”

“Deal.” She blew them a kiss and went in search of food.

After a fattening but delicious dinner of fried fish and chips, Elly laid on the couch and opened up her laptop, needing to catch up on some work. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, the worksheet in front of her blurring. A touch woke her, a real touch, and a kiss on her mouth.

“My first kiss, Eloisa,” Phillipe said.

“You’re solid.”

“You slept. The moon has risen.”

She leaped up from the sofa, almost sending the laptop crashing to the floor, and threw her arms around his neck. “I can feel you.”

Strong muscular arms snapped around her waist. “And I you.”

“Where’s Anton?”

“Here, beautiful Mistress.”

Phillipe released her, and she ran to Anton, swept up in his embrace. “I like nighttime.”

Dark brown eyes, without their haze of translucency, shone with joy and merriment. “I am particularly fond of it myself.”

Phillipe came up behind her. Elly found herself trapped between them. “This is bringing back memories of something I thought was a dream.”

“Not tonight.”

“No, not tonight.” She reached back and snaked her arm around Phillipe’s neck as he bent to kiss her shoulder. “You realize I should be orgasmed out. Tonight might be a total washout.”

“Eloisa.” Something in the way Anton said her name, with his hot as hell French accent, made her doubt her previous statement. “Do you not trust us?”

“Not to kill me with pleasure? Not entirely.”

“We do not want you dead.” Phillipe nuzzled her neck.

“Wouldn’t it mean we would all be together?” Their silence worried her, and she pulled away from their embrace. “What happens when I eventually die?”

“It is your choice, Eloisa.”

“What do you mean my choice?”

“We cannot tell you, unless you ask about the curse.”

“Then I’m asking.”

The men glanced at each other. “It is our understanding that if a woman chooses to stay with us, we may all be free to move on, to cross to the other side.”

“To stay with you? After she dies, you mean? Why wouldn’t a woman choose that?”

“Because the choice could mean a lifetime trapped here, if we are incorrect, to never see the others of her kin, like Alicia and her soldier or...” he paused. “Your parents, Eloisa.”

Elly swallowed. “Never?”

“We truly do not know. When Alicia passed, she made her choice, and we saw, for a fleeting moment, a young Alicia and her lost love before the window closed again. We were left here, unable to cross. If she had chosen us, there is a possibility we could have all been free, or else she would be destined to live her life in this cottage, for all eternity.”

“You don’t know the exact terms of the curse?”

“No. This was all Mary’s mother ever told us.”

Elly sat down. “That’s cruel and very uninformative.”

Phillipe gave her a rueful laugh. “I do not think curses are meant to be light-hearted and easy to break.”

She nodded, stood up again, squared her shoulders, and took a deep breath. “Okay, that bit of news kind of spoilt the sexual mood. But, hey, it’s nighttime, you’re here, I’m here, how about we all go to bed, and you hold me?” She held out her hands. “It’s what I desire.”

They slipped her fingers into theirs and led her to the bedroom. They held her as promised while troubling dreams assailed her sleep of her beloved parents slipping away, so close and yet so far.

* * * *


ELLY WOKE TO SUNSHINE and the daytime version of her ghosts. “Why didn’t you wake me up before dawn?”

“You were sleeping soundly,” Anton said. “Didn’t you say you were...what was the term? Orgasmed out?”

She pouted. “I was hoping you might prove me wrong.”

Phillipe laughed. “There is tonight and many other nights to come.”

And if I choose you, there could be all of eternity. I might never see my parents again. The thought slid into her head before she could stop it. “Breakfast,” she announced and shoved the covers aside.

“Eloisa.” Phillip appeared before her. “Are you all right?”

“I am, I promise, just hungry.”

Anton joined him. “You cannot lie to us. It is part of the curse. We always know what you are feeling.”

“I’m fine.” She puffed out a breath. “It’s just a lot to think about, okay?”

“We do not ask you for the choice. You should be with your parents, when the time comes,” Phillipe told her.

“What if no one else moves in here who can see you?”

He shrugged. “We would have had your love and Alicia’s. It is enough. Do not think of such things, dearest Eloisa. We do not wish you sad. We wish you only joy and pleasure.”

“I really want to hug you both right now.”

Anton grinned and winked. “Hug us tonight, after your orgasm.”

“Now you’re bragging.”

He gave one of those courtly bows, looking deliciously yummy in his grey cutaway coat and breeches. “Dammit, stop being so sexy.” She planted her hands on her hips. “I’m going to end up on this bed, being an exhibitionist after all.”

“Actually,” Phillipe said, “we were thinking of the bath.”

The very idea made Elly’s thighs quiver. I buy a rundown cottage, meet two ghosts, and end up a nymphomaniac. Who could have guessed that was in my future?

“Sorry. Today you’re out of luck. I need to do some actual work which requires client contact, and I can’t get a signal here. I need to go to Sally’s. I’ll be back by dinner time, I promise.”

They stood only inches from her. “Will you think of us while you are out of the house?”

“I don’t think I’ll be doing anything else.”

Phillipe put his mouth next to her ear. “You have the most superb derriere, Eloisa.”

“You do seem to enjoy being pressed against it.”

“Are you sure you do not wish to get back into the bed?”

Are my appointments really that desperate? “Yes, I mean, no. I have things I need to do. Stop tempting me.” She ducked into the bathroom, their deep laughter in her ears.

Elly drove to Sally’s home after breakfast. Sure enough, her thoughts returned to the men she’d left behind. A warm bath, a sponge, and two erotically-minded ghosts. Her hands tightened on the wheel. “Don’t think about it, Eloisa. You’ll crash the car.”

Her phone rang, and she put it on speaker. “Bonjour, Sal.”

“Hurray, you must be out of the house if you have a cell signal.”

“I am. I’m on my way to you now.”

“You know that electrician? He just rang. I can’t believe he managed to squeeze you in before Christmas, but he won’t be there until next week. Is that okay?”

“Sure, I think I can survive without internet for seven days, as long as I can borrow yours. My web clients know I’m in rewiring limbo, and work’s winding down for the holidays anyway. Put the kettle on. I’ll be there soon.”

Elly had to grin as she entered Sally’s pristine, white-on-white apartment, with its chic, designer furniture. Her ghosts could never be comfortable in a place like this. No, she wouldn’t redecorate, no matter how much Sal hounded her. The cottage needed to stay exactly as it was.

“Are you all right?” Sally asked her.

“I’m fine, why?”

“You seemed a bit distracted. Is it because of Christmas?” She pointed to the white stylized tree, with its white, glass baubles and tinsel.

“Honestly, I’m fine.”

“Are you going to put a tree up this year?”

The tree, standing in the center of her parents’ living room. Elly’s heart clenched. “No. Sorry, maybe I am a little distracted today.”

“You kept talking to me in French. You know I don’t speak French. If you’re tired, Ell, have an early night tonight.”

“I do plan on having an early night.” Elly grinned, clearing her throat when Sal gave her a strange look. “Okay, I seriously need to do some work.”

“Get to it.” Sal patted her shoulder. “I’ll be right next door in the office. Yell, if you want me.”

Catching up on her web designer work and her correspondence took longer than Elly expected. The sun set as she drove back to the cottage. After parking the car haphazardly, she threw open the front door. “I’m home. Come to me, boys.”

Phillipe’s arms snapped around her from behind. “Come for me, Eloisa.” He scooped her up as if she weighed no more than a feather and carried her laughing into the bedroom.

Anton kissed her while she tried to undress. “Stop that.” She fiddled with the buttons on her shirt. “I can’t think straight with you nibbling on my lip.”

“Good.” He brushed her hands away and tackled the buttons himself, making a much better job of it. After he pulled her arms from the garment, he turned her to face the other way. “Go to Phillipe.”

“Okay,” She draped her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts into his chest. “Hello, Phillipe.”

“Hello, beautiful Eloisa.” He kissed her long and deep while Anton unfastened her bra from the back and ran his hands down her spine.

Phillipe turned her again. “Do you want to watch Anton undress?”

“Yes, please.” She leaned back against his wide chest as Anton raised a brow at her. “Go on. It’s what I desire.”

“Insatiable wench.” He made a show of untying the cravat.

“If you can undress while in corporeal form, can you wear other clothes?”

“For a few hours, yes, but come dawn, we end up in these same outfits every time.”

“How very strange. Never mind. I’ll get you in jeans for a few hours at least.”

“Jeans?” Anton paused in unfastening his breeches.

“Jeans, like I’m wearing now”

“You wish to dress us in women’s clothing?”

“Of course not, they’re unisex. Stop stalling, Anton. We don’t have all night. Oh, wait, yes we do.”

Phillipe laughed as he stripped the bra from her body and molded her breasts in his hands.

Anton finished undressing. Elly gave him a look of approval. “Most definitely not a chopstick.”

“My male beauty is nothing compared to yours.”

“Darkness,” Elly said, understanding. “It’s been dark, the other times. You’ve never seen me while we....”

“Unfortunately, this is correct.”

“No darkness tonight, my beautiful ghosts. No secrets, only pleasure.”

Anton knelt before her, tugged down the zipper on the denim, leaving kisses in his wake. “I’m glad you approve of my body, and you will note I do know what a zipper is. Alicia’s clothing had them too.” Phillipe held her steady while Anton stripped the remainder of her clothing away.

Phillipe picked her up and laid her on the bed, coming down on top of her and covering her face and neck in kisses. Anton watched, his eyes shining with desire.

“Anton?” she asked.

“Phillipe’s turn tonight, my love. I don’t like getting too close to the walking stick, remember?”

Jutting walking stick, and I can’t tell, because Phillipe is still dressed.” She tugged at his cravat. Phillipe laughed, stood, and almost ripped off his clothing, tossing them aside. Instead of the missionary position, he turned Eloisa on her side and cuddled into her back. “Better, Anton?”

“Much better.” He threw himself down beside her and caught her mouth in a kiss while Phillipe played with her breasts and pressed kisses to her neck.

Phillipe parted her legs and pressed his erection against her damp flesh. Eloisa caught her breath. Despite all the erotic love play, this was the first time since meeting them she had been penetrated by anything other than fingers. Phillipe rocked forward, sinking deep. Elly almost purred with pleasure.

Anton continued to kiss her. She put a hand on his face to stop him. “You wish me to leave?” he asked, his expression serious.

“No, I have a question. Can you come by your own hand?”

The rich brown eyes darkened. “If my lady desires.”

She took his hand and wrapped it around his shaft. “Your lady desires very much, and she wants to watch.”

Phillipe slid his hand between her legs to touch her while he thrust. She put a finger to Anton’s lips. He drew it into his mouth and sucked. The sensation echoed Phillipe’s thrusts, and her body tightened. “No,” she murmured, “too soon.”

“Chase it,” Phillipe said in her ear. “Chase it, Eloisa, and fly.”

She did, coming apart in his arms only seconds later. Phillipe grunted against her throat and released into her so hard she almost climaxed again. Anton moaned, her finger still in his mouth, and released hot splashes on the sheet.

“Damn,” Elly said when she could breathe again. “Two minutes, that’s a disgrace.”

“We have all night, remember?” Anton said.

She eyed the sheets with a frown. “I have two ghost lovers, and I still have wet spots on the bed.”

“Anton’s fault, not mine,” Phillipe murmured in her ear. “He has a messy chopstick.”

“I’ll hit you later.” Anton yawned. “When I have the energy. Fear not, Eloisa, all physical traces will be gone when the sun rises.”


“Really, the wet spots will disappear.”

“Wow, that’s a neat trick.” Elly sighed. “I like nighttime.”

“Seconded,” Phillipe said.

“Thirded. Go to sleep, beautiful lover.”

They woke her twice in the night, taking their time, teasing her with kisses and caresses, spinning her into mind-blowing orgasms each time. Her ghosts did seem to have a system, with Phillipe taking over the lovemaking duties. Elly thought ahead, to Anton and his clever chopstick’s turn tomorrow. Oh my God, I am becoming a nymphomaniac.

In the predawn hours, Anton eased her from Phillipe’s arms into his own, but not for sex. “I need my cuddles, too, beautiful Mistress, before the daylight steals us away.” He tucked her back into his chest, so she faced Phillipe.

“Hello, Phillipe.” She traced his face with her fingers.

“Hello, beautiful Eloisa.” He stroked her hair.

She slept, nestled in their arms.