"This is an awesome book with such great ideas and recipes.
I have just started making my own soap and it is a fun thing to do but with the recipes Lisa Maliga has written in this book, bring on so many more ideas to try. People who are just into making soap it wouldn't take much to try this with the soap making.
Can't wait to try these and use these. So many options that can be done with this book. So worth the read! This will be a great companion to me in my adventure with soap and now shampoo."
Drue's Random Chatter's Reviews
"... the author focus on only a few recipes and covers them well exploiting variables strengths etc. The amount of information on the small recipe count here, overvalues the other soap books packed with loads of recipes and little instruction by leaps and bounds. If you are into organics or enjoy making any kind of soaps definitely get yourself a copy of this book!"
Raymond Rice, Customer review
"If you've enjoyed making your own soap this will expand your repertoire. Make your own shampoo bars instead of buying expensive ones at boutiques or health food stores."
bkeepr, Customer review
"Directions are easy to follow, and gives great suggestions on where to obtain ingredients which came in handy! Easy read and easy to understand."
Customer review