There’re a lot of people I want to thank for helping me bring my debut book out into the world. I guess I have to start at the beginning, because before a girl can publish a book, she has to love to write.
Thank you to my brothers, Chris and David, whose unabashed geekery, in too many ways, nourished my love of storytelling.
Thank you to my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Spratt, who, after reading my short story about gargoyles (inspired by the awesome cartoon), told me I had a gift for writing. I still have the comment slip.
Thank you to my fifth grade teacher, Ms. Braun, who let me stay in and finish my first book when I should have been outside for recess (I never liked physical activity anyway).
To Tracey Martin, who beta-read the first draft of this book, and the pit crew who were there when the world of writing caused many a headache. Thank you for listening to me whine.
To my wonderfully supportive agent, Natalie Lakosil, as well as my editor Amanda Rutter and the rest of the fabulous Strange Chemistry team. All of you helped make my dream a reality.
To my loved ones across the oceans. But especially, to my mother, Margaret, who never stopped encouraging me. And to my father, Patrick, who I wish were here to share this joy with me. Thank you all, endlessly, for your love and support.