
Every book project is like a massive, eighteen-month stalk. We go in with a general idea of where and what our target is, but have to cover a hell of a lot of unknown ground getting from here to there. And authors are like snipers in this way: they may look like solo operators, but there’s always a vast unseen team behind them working to help put them on point. Our thanks especially:

To Marc Resnick, our editor and solid champion at SMP, as great a publishing partner as you could hope for. Marc, you’re the best.

To Steve Cohen, EVP and COO at Macmillan, SMP’s parent company, whose peerless deal-making savvy is matched only by his sense of humor.

To our literary agent, Alyssa Reuben, for carrying our concepts around the canyons of Manhattan and helping them find their ideal homes.

To Jason Kenitzer, for the excellent map renderings, and to David Glazier at GoodTone Studios, for his expert work with us in creating the audiobook version.

To Chris Martin, for the superb research and groundwork behind his excellent Modern American Snipers.

To Jack Murphy and Benedetta Argentieri: it’s too bad we ended up not using that fantastic material on the women snipers of the YPJ (Kurdish People’s Defense Units); that book is crying out to be written, and we hope you write it.

To Glen, my best friend and NSW sniper school partner; you are missed by many, Bub. And to Chief Dan Goulart, for tapping two FNGs (fuckin’ new guys) to go through the NSW school.

To Glen’s family and Sean Lake for their steadfast class in the face of extreme adversity.

To Eric Davis, my partner in redesigning the NSW course, and to Chief Bob Nielsen and Chief Jay Manty, for trusting the two of us to do this crazy thing.

To Lanny Bassham for his pioneering work in mental management.

To all those SEAL snipers who graduated Eric’s and my course, many of whom have quietly surpassed most known confirmed kills of record.

To all military snipers. Only you know the level of attention to detail that goes into the craft, and what it means to sight in and pull the trigger under extreme mental pressure.

Finally, and most importantly, to Alex Morrison, Rob Furlong, Jason Delgado, Nick Irving, and all the others who serve in the craft. No matter how many words get put to paper, the world will never fully grasp the sacrifice you guys have made to keep the world a safer place.