Scorpion (Memory of Scorpions #1)
Lying with Scorpions (Memory of Scorpions #2)
A Taste for Poison (Memory of Scorpions #3)
Dark Soul, Volumes I-III
Gold Digger
Return on Investment (Return on Investment #1)
Risk Return (Return on Investment #2)
Broken Blades, with L.A. Witt
Unhinge the Universe, with L.A. Witt
Witches of London – Lars
Witches of London – Eagle’s Shadow, with Jordan Taylor
Witches of London – Shadows Watching, with Jordan Taylor
Dark Edge of Honor (Doctrine Wars), with Rhi Etzweiler
Incursion (Doctrine Wars)
Exile (Doctrine Wars)
Quid Pro Quo, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #1)
Take It Off, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #2)
If It Flies, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #3)
If It Fornicates, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #4)
Capture & Surrender, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #5)
If It Drives, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #6)
Payoff, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #7)
On the Clock, with L.A. Witt (Market Garden #9)
The Lion of Kent, with Kate Cotoner
For a full list, go to