MATT MIKALATOS entered Middle-earth in third grade and quickly went from there to Narnia, kindling a lifelong love of fantasy novels that are rich in adventure and explore deep questions about life and the world we live in. He believes in the hopeful vision of those two fantasy worlds in particular: the Stone Table will always be broken; the King will always return; love and friendship empower us and change the world.

For the last two decades Matt has worked in a nonprofit organization committed to creating a safer, more loving world by teaching people how to love one another, accept love themselves, and live good lives. He has lived in East Asia and served all over the world.

Matt’s science fiction and fantasy short stories have been published in a variety of places, including Nature FuturesDaily Science Fiction, and the Unidentified Funny Objects anthologies. His nonfiction work has appeared on Time.com, on the Today show website, and in Relevant magazine, among others. He also cohosts the StoryMen podcast at Storymen.us.

Matt lives in the Portland, Oregon, area with his wife and three daughters. You can connect with him on Twitter (@MattMikalatos), Facebook (facebook.com/mikalatosbooks), or via his website (www.thesunlitlands.com).