Many thanks to the following people, all of whom helped make the Sunlit Lands a better place: Leilani Paiaina Andrus, Adam Lausche, Jermayne Chapman, Kat McAllister, Mark Charles, Sydney Wu, Leah Cypress, Mark Lane, Julie Chen, Gabrielle Chen, Koko Toyama, and Kiel Russell. Special thanks to my friends on the Codex writers’ forum (quite possibly the kindest corner of the Internet).

Kristi Gravemann, thank you for your commitment to getting the word out about this book (and the books to come!). I am thankful for your creativity and hard work.

Wes Yoder, you are the source of magic in every project we pitch. Thank you for your unwavering belief in my books, for your advice, and for your friendship.

Thanks to Linda Howard, without whom this book could not exist. I asked, “What kind of book would you like?” and she said a book like this one. Here it is, Linda. Thank you!

Jesse Doogan lets me pitch thirty new projects a month and claims we will make them all. Jesse is a True Fan, and she can defeat all comers in Sunlit Lands–related trivia battles. Hufflechefs unite!

Matt Griffin ( provided the amazing art, and Dean Renninger turned it into the beautiful cover we all know and love. AND! Matt also drew the map, and Dean did the interior design. Thanks, Dean and Matt!

Sarah Rubio, you brought the music to the text, and asked the questions that deepened the relationships between the characters. Your influence is on every page, and I am grateful.

JR. Forasteros has been a source of encouragement, insight, and wisdom. Thank you (as always). And, of course, all of the StoryMen (Clay Morgan, Aaron Kretzmann, and Elliott Dodge), as well as Amanda and Jen!

Shasta Kramer, it’s so strange not to hear your thoughts on this book. I’m thankful for all the times you checked in on me along the way while I was writing, and for celebrating with me when I finished. I look forward to talking about the book with you one day.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for introducing me to Middle-earth and Narnia and for all your support and encouragement. And thank you, Janet and Terry, for being great in-laws!

To my dear wife, Krista, thank you for making room in our lives for me to go exploring fantasy worlds and for exploring fantastic places in the real world too.

Myca, you make me happy. I love reading with you and spending time with you.

Allie and Zoey, you were the first fans of the Sunlit Lands, and it was so fun sending you the chapters as they were written and talking through the story with you. I am thankful for your questions and your help in writing The Crescent Stone.

There are many more people at Tyndale House Publishers who have contributed to this book in big ways and small. I am thankful for your passion for this book and for the kindness you show to me in letting me be part of the Tyndale family.

Lastly, I am thankful for you, dear reader. Thank you for joining me, Jason, and Madeline on this adventure. I hope you’ll join us for the next one.