Kingdom of Thorius- the kingdom of men which encompasses the King’s seat of Wildecoast and the prince’s seat of Brightcastle
Wildecoast- city perched on the top of a cliff overlooking the sea on the east coast of Thorius; climate is mild but windy
Costa- coastal town around two days ride south of Wildecoast
Crystal Cave- a cavern on one of the Pinnacle islands, which lie off the coast south of Costa; it was the site of a treasure hunt but when Katrine broke through the magic protection, no treasure was found except one opal ear ring; she was almost killed disarming the magic trap
Brightcastle- large inland town surrounded by forests, around four days ride west of Wildecoast
Lenweri- the elven people who are tall and elegant with black skin and pointed ears; live in mountainous forests north and west of Thorius; also known as dark elves
Sis Lenweri- the faction of dark elves that wishes to take the kingdom of Thorius back from men
Princess Alecia Zialni- the King’s niece and daughter of Prince Jiseve Zialni who once ruled in Brightcastle and was next in line to the throne
Vard Anton- the love of Princess Alecia’s life and a shapeshifting Defender
Defender- a race of shapeshifters who are created to defend those in danger; they sense those in need of their help; a Defender can shift into animal form and the ability is inherited through family lines
Night hound- a beast the size of a wolf, with short gray hair, heavy snout, and stumpy ears; the eyes are red; there are six toes on each paw and the back feet have retractable cat-like claws, huge and razor sharp; have not been seen in Thorius for at least fifty years
Esta Aranati- Katrine Aranati’s older sister; she is head of the Aranati estate and was once a smuggler known as Lady Moonlight; heroine of The Lady and the Pirate
Samael Delacost- once a pirate, was captured by Nikolas Cosara, admiral of the King’s Navy and is now sworn to obey the admiral or spend the rest of his life in prison; hero of The Lady and the Pirate and now married to Esta Aranati
Nikolas Cosara- admiral of the King’s Navy; hero of The Lord and the Mermaid; half-brother to Samael Delacost- they share a mother, Vitavia
Reid Vetta- Master goldsmith in Wildecoast; once engaged to Esta Aranati; best friend of James Tomel, hero of The Master and the Sorceress
Master Anza- the master jeweler in Wildecoast to whom James was apprenticed
Queen Adriana- wife of the King in Wildecoast; is a patron of James Tomel