They were married that evening in the Temple of the Goddess in Costa, with only three priestesses for witnesses. Katrine wouldn’t have it any other way. A hundred candles lit the space as she pledged her life to James, and he promised to love and care for her until death parted them.
A joy she never imagined filled her heart, and the last of her doubts vanished as he kissed her. The celebrants drifted away after the last blessing, and they were alone at last.
“Come, my lady,” James said. “Your horse awaits.”
Demon snorted as James helped Katrine up then sat behind her for the short ride back to his mansion. He carried her over the threshold and straight to his room where he kicked the door shut and laid her on the bed.
“I hope you’re ready for a night of passion, my love,” he said. “We’ll sleep tomorrow.”
And that was the theme of their nights for the next week. Make love all night and sleep all day. Katrine was becoming a nocturnal creature, and her hounds weren’t happy. However, James said it was their honeymoon and theirs alone. The world could wait. He turned all visitors away, and they made plans to travel to Katrine’s family estate to celebrate their union properly.
Their mode of travel was the pony and cart—a much more intimate journey than it would have been on horseback. Eight days after their marriage, Katrine arrived back in the bosom of her family. Esta’s tears knew no end, and her mother wasn’t far behind. Sam clapped James on the back as if he was glad to have another brother. Everyone was happy to see them united, and Katrine secretly hoped she might be with child before the month was out. She cherished the idea she might already have James’s son or daughter within her womb.
The only black cloud on the horizon was Hetty. Kat had yet to tell her mentor of her decision. After a week back on the estate, she could put it off no longer. She retreated to her room one night when James and Sam were sharing a cigar in the drawing room.
Tension tightened her gut as she waited before the fire. “Hetty, we must speak.” She waved her hand before the flames, and the seamed face of the old witch appeared.
“Hello, child. You took a long time to return with your answer. It must be two weeks!”
Katrine forced herself to maintain eye contact. “A little more than two weeks. How are you, Hetty?”
“I am well but I don’t have time to sit here chatting. Give me your answer, girl!”
Katrine restrained the angry words that gathered on her tongue. She was a grown woman, not a girl, and she had every right to follow her own path without fear of upsetting Hetty. “I’m sorry, but I’ve decided not to move to Brightcastle. I’ll fight my fight here or wherever necessary with James by my side.”
There! It was out in the open! Silence greeted her words.
“I’m here child.”
Was it her imagination or did Hetty’s voice sound incredibly weary?
“It wasn’t a decision I took lightly, and I’m grateful you asked me to take your place. But James proposed, and I said ‘yes’.”
“Love will come and go, child, but the work of keeping the kingdom safe will continue.”
“There’s no point in further discussion, Hetty. I’ll help you whenever I can, but James has to come first.”
The face in the fire would have terrified most people. Kat’s toes curled with regret.
“I’m sorry, Hetty. Please keep in touch.”
Hetty’s image faded from the flames, and Kat choked back a sob. Her old friend hadn’t even wished her happy.
She paced back and forth across the rug, examining her dilemma from every angle. Could she keep Hetty content without risk to herself or James? It wasn’t as if she had refused to help her old friend, only ruled out moving to Brightcastle. Surely if she kept in touch through the flames, Hetty could summon her when needed? James must visit Brightcastle on a regular basis, and Kat would accompany him. She could learn what she needed over time and perhaps take up the mantle further down the track. Would her plan suffice to keep Hetty content and the kingdom safe?
James stepped into the room, and she immediately went to him, burying her face in his chest.
His strong arms engulfed her, and she felt better, more able to cope with whatever life might throw at her. If she ever worried about her decision to marry James, moments like this reinforced the fact she had chosen well. He was a joy and a comfort, and so many other things. Her face heated at the thought.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
Kat sighed, contentment seeping over the unrest of a moment before. “I told Hetty my decision. She wasn’t happy.”
“It’s not your fault, Kat. She can’t have her way in all things.”
“She’s trying to protect the kingdom and her magical heritage. I’m merely looking after myself.”
He raised her face to his with one finger under her chin. “And what if we have children? Your magical abilities may be passed on. Isn’t that important too?”
Kat took a deep breath as she imagined their dark-haired children, some of whom might even cast spells in future. “You’re right. Our children can be a force for good in the kingdom. I hadn’t imagined that.”
“Isn’t there a way you can help Hetty without uprooting your whole world, or doesn’t she want you under those conditions?”
Kat sighed. “I’m not sure. She was gone too quickly for me to ask. From my perspective, it’s very possible for me to keep in touch and help when needed.”
James hauled her against him. “Then that’s what we’ll do. We can visit Brightcastle whenever necessary, at least every few months. I need to take Princess Benae’s tiara to her soon, so you will accompany me. We’ll sort it all out with Hetty.”
“You would go with me?” Kat’s heart bounded at the thought of confronting Hetty face to face. If she had James’s solid presence at her side perhaps she could approach her friend with certainty that her decision was the correct one. It was important Hetty understood they were a team.
“You know I will,” he said, framing her face with his hands. “From now on, you and I will face everything together, the good and the bad, the joy and the sadness.”
He lowered his lips to hers, and, in his embrace, Kat finally believed she was where she was meant to be.