My deepest gratitude to Marie-Claude Grumbach, the very close friend without whom there would have been no “book.”
Thanks to my friends in the Mouvement des Femmes, with whom life goes on, born anew every day.
Thanks to Isabelle Huppert for proposing that we meet and for allowing me to publish our dialogue.
Thanks to Geneviève Leclaire for the privilege of paying tribute to Serge Leclaire.
Thanks to Françoise Ducrocq for authorizing me to republish the text that she requested for Traduire l’Europe.
Thanks to Emile Malet for inviting me to contribute so regularly to Passages .
Thanks to Marcel Gauchet for our dialogue in Le Débat.
Thanks to Jean Larose for our dialogue in Gravida.
Thanks to Pierre Nora for welcoming me into his collection.
Special thanks to Jacqueline Sag, who was in charge of the second edition, for her affectionate and patient demands.
I thank Anne Berger, who introduced us to Catherine Porter.
And I thank Sylvina Boissonnas, Elisabeth Nicoli, Mathilde Kerdelhué, Michèle Idels, and Marie-Aude Cochez.
Many thanks.