The page numbers in this index refer to the print edition, please use the search facility on your device to find the below key words.
almonds: almond Bakewell tarts 58
almond toffee meringues 201
baked apricots with almonds 9
chocolate & cherry amaretti tart 148
lemon, almond & blueberry gâteau 191
marbled chocolate
cheesecake 188
orange & white chocolate cake 225
pear, cranberry & frangipane tart 51
plum & almond tart 43
raspberry cheesecake 186
rhubarb crumble cake 210
tropical fruit cake 214
amaretti biscuits: chocolate & cherry amaretti tart 148
tiramisu torte 205
American-style plum cobbler 19
apples: apple & blueberry cake 209
apple & blueberry strudel 222
apple & cranberry strudel 219
apple & lemon tartlets 42
apple & raspberry mousse 106
apple compôte 94
apple sauce 63
apples with oats & blueberries 12
baked apples with butterscotch sauce 8
Bramley apple & custard tarts 63
caramelised apple tarts 44
classic apple pie 38
quick apple tart 41
rustic blackberry & apple pie 35
sugar-crusted fruit pie 36
tarte Tatin 45
apricots: baked apricots with almonds 9
summer fruit compôte 13
baked Alaska 170
double chocolate baked Alaskas 139
Bakewell tarts, almond 58
bananas: banana & chocolate ice cream pie 172
barbecue banoffee 83
Caribbean crush 97
chocolate & banana crêpes 125
instant banana ice cream 154
sticky banoffee pies 61
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
banoffee pies, sticky 61
barbecue banoffee 83
barbecued figs with Marsala 70
batters 235
Black Forest gâteau 192
Black Forest roulade 150
blackberries: pear & blackberry crumble 34
rustic blackberry & apple pie 35
blueberries: apple & blueberry cake 209
apple & blueberry strudel 222
apples with oats & blueberries 12
blueberry cheesecake 182, 186
lemon, almond & blueberry gâteau 191
lemon & berry crunch cake 212
lemon & blueberry pancakes 68
summer fruit compôte 13
bombes 123
cranberry Christmas bombe 176
boozy pannacotta 114
Bramley apple & custard tarts 63
brandy: brandy butter 24
brandy cream 52
caramelised orange trifle 204
chocolate & banana crêpes 125
chocolate & cherry amaretti tart 148
chocolate crêpes with a boozy sauce 128
chocolate panettone pudding 135
bread: bread & butter pudding 26
chocolate bread pudding 138
summer pudding 108
brioche toasts, warm plum 90
brownies: cherry & chocolate layer 101
butter, brandy 24
butterscotch sauce 232
baked apples with 8
cakes: apple & blueberry cake 209
grilled coconut cake 223
Italian ice cream cake 160
lemon & berry crunch cake 212
marshmallow meringue cake 198
orange & white chocolate cake 225
raspberry & peach cake 213
rhubarb crumble cake 210
toasted hazelnut meringue cake 195
tropical fruit cake 214
warm ginger ricotta cake 183
warm lemon syrup cake 216
white chocolate mousse cake 134
see also gâteaux
caramel: almond toffee meringues 201
baked apples with butterscotch sauce 8
caramelised apple tarts 44
caramelised orange tart 56
caramelised orange trifle 204
caramelised pineapple 73
Caribbean crush 97
easy pear & toffee tarte Tatin 46
mango gratin with sabayon 86
oranges with caramel sauce 10
peach brûlée 78
pears with hot fudge sauce 67
pistachio praline floating islands 237
plum tarte Tatin 47
speedy sticky toffee puddings 31
sticky banoffee pies 61
tarte Tatin 45
toffee cheesecake 187
toffee crunch ice cream 165
cardamom pods: plum & cardamom pie 37
Caribbean crush 97
champagne: champagne jellies 115
mango gratin with sabayon 86
cheat’s chocolate pots 124
cheat’s raspberry ice cream 155
cheese: see also cream cheese; mascarpone cheese; ricotta cheese
cheesecakes 234
baked chocolate cheesecake 234
blueberry cheesecake 182, 186
freezer feast banoffee cheesecake 190
marbled chocolate cheesecake 188
orange & chocolate cheesecake 184
pineapple & ginger cheesecake 186
raspberry cheesecake 186
toffee cheesecake 187
warm ginger ricotta cake 183
white chocolate & ginger cheesecake 189
Black Forest gâteau 192
Black Forest roulade 150
cherry & chocolate layer 101
chocolate & cherry amaretti tart 148
cherry clafoutis 20
cherry yogurt crush 100
chocolate & cherry gâteau 142
chocolate cherry roll 130
Italian ice cream cake 160
sugar-crusted fruit pie 36
chestnuts: chocolate meringue roulade 131
chocolate 233
baked chocolate & coffee custards 125
baked chocolate cheesecake 234
banana & chocolate ice cream pie 272
the best chocolate sauce 232
Black Forest gâteau 192
Black Forest roulade 150
cheat’s chocolate pots 124
cherry & chocolate layer 101
chocolate & banana crêpes 125
chocolate & cherry amaretti tart 148
chocolate & cherry gâteau 142
chocolate & hazelnut meringues 194
chocolate bread pudding 138
chocolate cherry roll 130
chocolate crêpes with a boozy sauce 128
chocolate custard tart 62
chocolate-dipped strawberries 151
chocolate ice cream 157, 230
chocolate meringue roulade 131
chocolate mousse 120
chocolate mousse roulade 132
chocolate orange tart 147
chocolate pancakes 235
chocolate panettone pudding 135
chocolate steamed sponge pudding 136
dark chocolate soufflés 140
decorations 233
double chocolate baked Alaskas 139
hot pear & white chocolate puddings 21
iced raspberry soufflés 166
Italian ice cream cake 160
marbled chocolate cheesecake 188
melting 233
mocha ice cream 162
mocha soufflés 141
orange & chocolate cheesecake 184
orange & white chocolate
cake 225
profiteroles 126
quick gooey chocolate puddings 137
rich chocolate pots 122
steamed chocolate sponge pudding 28
strawberries with chocolate meringue 200
strawberry & chocolate
muffins 208
sweet kebabs 82
tiramisu torte 205
toffee crunch ice cream 165
white chocolate & berry crêpes 129, 235
white chocolate & ginger cheesecake 189
white chocolate & raspberry tart 146
white chocolate & red fruit trifle 203
white chocolate fruit tarts 145
white chocolate ganache 225
white chocolate mousse cake 134
Christmas bombe, cranberry 176
Christmas pudding, cranberry 24
cinnamon: cinnamon & nutmeg ice cream 168
cinnamon custard tart 60
cinnamon pancakes 66
figs in cinnamon sauce 71
citrus fruit: see also lemon, oranges etc
clafoutis, cherry 20
cobbler, American-style plum 19
coconut: double chocolate baked
Alaskas 139
grilled coconut cake 223
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
tropical fruit cake 214
coconut cream: tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
coffee: baked chocolate & coffee custards 125
boozy pannacotta 114
classic tiramisu 113
coffee ice cream 230
coffee semifreddo 112
mocha ice cream 162
mocha soufflés 141
tiramisu torte 205
cognac & crème fraîche ice cream 169
coulis, raspberry 229
cranberries: apple & cranberry strudel 219
chocolate mousse roulade 132
cranberry Christmas bombe 176
cranberry Christmas pudding 24
glazed cranberry & orange tart 57
pear & cranberry strudel 221
pear, cranberry & frangipane tart 51
white chocolate & ginger cheesecake with cranberry sauce 189
cream: boozy pannacotta 114
brandy cream 52
cherry & chocolate layer 101
profiteroles 126
quick lemon mousse 107
rich chocolate pots 122
summer fruit with raspberry cream 102
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
white chocolate ganache 225
white chocolate mousse 121
see also ice cream
cream cheese: peach brûlée 78
see also mascarpone cheese; ricotta cheese
crème fraîche: cognac & crème
fraîche ice cream 169
white chocolate & red fruit trifle 203
crème patissière 54
crêpes: chocolate & banana crêpes 125
chocolate crêpes with a boozy sauce 128
white chocolate & berry crêpes 129, 235
see also pancakes
crumbles: pear & blackberry crumble 16
rhubarb & pear crumble 15
curls, chocolate 233
custard: baked chocolate & coffee
custards 125
baked orange custard 110
caramelised orange trifle 204
cheat’s chocolate pots 124
chocolate bread pudding 138
chocolate panettone pudding 135
easy vanilla ice cream 156
toffee crunch ice cream 165
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
vanilla custard 229
white chocolate & red fruit trifle 203
custard tarts: Bramley apple & custard tarts 63
chocolate custard tart 62
cinnamon custard tart 60
vanilla egg custard tart 62
dates: pistachio & date ice cream 163
speedy sticky toffee puddings 31
decorations, chocolate 233
dried fruit: cranberry Christmas pudding 24
speedy sticky toffee puddings 31
see also raisins
drunken pears 80
eggs: zabaglione 108
see also soufflés
elderflower & fruit jelly 116
Eton mess 97
figs: barbecued figs with Marsala 70
figs in cinnamon sauce 71
fruit kebabs with spiced pear dip 74
filo pastry: apple & blueberry strudel 222
apple & cranberry strudel 219
pear & cranberry strudel 221
spiced nut strudel 220
floating islands, pistachio praline 237
fools: rhubarb fool 109
frangipane: pear, cranberry & frangipane tart 51
freezer feast banoffee cheesecake 190
fromage frais: Eton mess 97
frozen yogurt sorbet 178
frozen yogurt sorbet 178
fruit ice cream 230
fruit kebabs with spiced pear dip 74
fruity rice pudding 99
golden honey fruits 82
iced raspberry soufflés 166
summer fruit with raspberry cream 102
summer pudding 105
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
tropical fruit cake 214
white chocolate & berry crêpes 129, 235
white chocolate & red fruit trifle 203
see also apples, strawberries etc
fruit salads: hot spiced fruit salad 11
spiced winter fruit 103
tropical fruit pots 85
fudge: barbecue banoffee 83
pears with hot fudge sauce 67
ganache, white chocolate 225
gâteaux: Black Forest gâteau 192
chocolate & cherry gâteau 142
lemon, almond & blueberry gâteau 191
see also cakes
ginger: ginger & whisky sauce 183
ginger-glazed pineapple 72
pear & ginger steamed pudding 22
pineapple & ginger cheesecake 186
spicy ginger ice cream 159
warm ginger ricotta cake 183
white chocolate & ginger cheesecake 189
golden honey fruits 82
golden syrup: steamed syrup sponge pudding 28
sticky syrup puddings 30
treacle tart 49
granitas: strawberry & black pepper granita 174
grapes: elderflower & fruit jelly 116
gratins: mango gratin with sabayon 86
polenta & plum gratin 89
summer gratin 79
hazelnuts: chocolate & hazelnut meringues 194
toasted hazelnut meringue cake 195
white chocolate & raspberry tart 146
honey: golden honey fruits 82
pinenut & honey tart 50
ice cream 230–2
baked Alaska 170
banana & chocolate ice cream pie 172
bombes 231
cheat’s raspberry ice cream 155
chocolate ice cream 157, 230
cinnamon & nutmeg ice cream 168
coffee ice cream 230
coffee semifreddo 112
cognac & crème fraîche ice cream 169
cranberry Christmas bombe 176
double chocolate baked Alaskas 139
easy vanilla ice cream 156
fruit ice cream 230
instant banana ice cream 154
Italian ice cream cake 160
mango ice cream terrine 173
marshmallow ice cream 198
mocha ice cream 162
nougat ice cream 164
pistachio & date ice cream 163
rippling 232
rum & raisin ice cream 158
spicy ginger ice cream 159
toffee crunch ice cream 165
vanilla ice cream 230
iced lemon meringue 171
iced raspberry soufflés 166
Italian ice cream cake 160
jam: baked Alaska 170
steamed jam sponge pudding 28
jellies: champagne jellies 115
elderflower & fruit jelly 116
strawberry fizz jellies 117
white chocolate mousse 121
kebabs: fruit kebabs with spiced pear dip 74
sweet kebabs 82
kumquats: marzipan & kumquat tart 52
lemon: apple & lemon tartlets 42
classic lemon tart 55
iced lemon meringue 171
lemon, almond & blueberry gâteau 191
lemon & berry crunch cake 212
lemon & blueberry pancakes 68
lemon meringue pie 196
lemon pancakes 235
lemon sorbet 179
quick lemon mousse 107
saucy hot lemon puddings 29
warm lemon syrup cake 216
limes: lime pancakes 235
lime sorbet 179
papaya with lime syrup 84
lingonberry sauce: fruity rice pudding 99
macadamia & maple tart 60
mangoes: fruit kebabs with spiced pear dip 74
mango gratin with sabayon 86
mango ice cream terrine 173
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
white chocolate fruit tarts 145
maple syrup: maple pecan tart 40
spiced nut strudel 220
sticky maple syrup pineapple 76
marbled chocolate cheesecake 188
Mars Bars: banana & chocolate ice cream pie 172
Marsala: barbecued figs with Marsala 70
zabaglione 108
marshmallow meringue cake 198
marzipan: caramelised apple tarts 44
marzipan & kumquat tart 52
mascarpone cheese: baked
chocolate & coffee custards 125
caramelised orange trifle 204
cinnamon & nutmeg ice cream 168
classic tiramisu 113
glazed cranberry & orange tart 57
orange & chocolate cheesecake 184
rich chocolate pots 122
tiramisu torte 205
toasted hazelnut meringue cake 195
white chocolate & ginger cheesecake 189
white chocolate & raspberry tart 146
melting chocolate 233
meringues 236–7
almond toffee meringues 201
baked Alaska 170
baked raspberry meringue pie 197
Caribbean crush 97
chocolate & hazelnut meringues 194
chocolate meringue roulade 131
double chocolate baked Alaskas 139
Eton mess 97
iced lemon meringue 171
lemon meringue pie 196
marshmallow meringue cake 198
pistachio praline floating islands 237
strawberries with chocolate meringue 200
toasted hazelnut meringue cake 195
milk: fruity rice pudding 99
rice pudding 14
vanilla chilled risotto 98
mincemeat: mincemeat & ricotta tart 48
mincemeat streusel 218
mocha ice cream 162
mocha soufflés 141
mousses: apple & raspberry mousse 106
chocolate mousse 120
quick lemon mousse 107
white chocolate mousse 121
muffins: strawberry & chocolate 208
nectarines: almond toffee meringues 201
spiced nectarines 96
nougat ice cream 164
nutmeg: cinnamon & nutmeg ice cream 168
nuts: spiced nut strudel 220
see also almonds, walnuts etc
oats, apples with blueberries & 12
oranges: baked orange custard 110
caramelised orange tart 56
caramelised orange trifle 204
chocolate orange tart 147
glazed cranberry & orange tart 57
orange & chocolate cheesecake 184
orange & white chocolate cake 225
orange pancakes 235
orange poached peaches 95
orange sorbet 175, 179
oranges with caramel sauce 10
pancakes 235
chocolate pancakes 235
cinnamon pancakes 66
lemon & blueberry pancakes 68
lemon pancakes 235
lime pancakes 235
orange pancakes 235
panettone pudding 26
chocolate panettone pudding 135
pannacotta, boozy 114
papaya with lime syrup 84
passion fruit: passion fruit sauce 223
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
pastries: apple & blueberry strudel 222
apple & cranberry strudel 219
pear & cranberry strudel 221
profiteroles 126
spiced nut strudel 220
see also pies; tarts
pastry, sweet shortcrust 228
peaches: griddled peaches 77
orange poached peaches 98
peach brûlée 78
poached peaches & strawberries 95
raspberry & peach cake 213
summer gratin 79
drunken pears 80
easy pear & toffee tarte Tatin 46
fruit kebabs with spiced pear dip 74
hot pear & white chocolate puddings 21
pear & blackberry crumble 16
pear & cranberry strudel 221
pear & ginger steamed pudding 22
pear, cranberry & frangipane tart 51
pears with hot fudge sauce 67
rhubarb & pear crumble 15
pecan nuts: maple pecan tart 40
pepper: strawberry & black pepper granita 174
pies: baked raspberry meringue pie 197
classic apple pie 38
lemon meringue pie 196
plum & cardamom pie 37
rhubarb & cinnamon pie 34
rustic blackberry & apple pie 35
sugar-crusted fruit pie 36
pineapple: caramelised pineapple 73
fruit kebabs with spiced pear dip 74
ginger-glazed pineapple 72
pineapple & ginger cheesecake 186
sticky maple syrup pineapple 76
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
pinenut & honey tart 50
pistachio nuts: Italian ice cream cake 160
pistachio & date ice cream 163
pistachio praline floating islands 237
plums: American-style plum cobbler 19
plum & almond tart 43
plum & cardamom pie 37
plum sauce 58
plum tarte Tatin 47
poached plums with port 91
polenta & plum gratin 89
warm plum brioche toasts 90
polenta & plum gratin 89
pomegranates: pistachio & date ice cream 163
port, poached plums with 91
praline: pistachio praline floating islands 237
profiteroles 126
raisins: bread & butter pudding 26
rum & raisin ice cream 158
spiced nut strudel 220
raspberries: almond toffee meringues 201
apple & raspberry mousse 106
baked raspberry meringue pie 197
cheat’s raspberry ice cream 155
cranberry Christmas bombe 176
elderflower & fruit jelly 116
iced raspberry soufflés 166
lemon & berry crunch cake 212
raspberry & peach cake 213
raspberry cheesecake 186
raspberry coulis 229
summer fruit with raspberry cream 102
toasted hazelnut meringue cake 195
white chocolate & raspberry tart 146
ratafia biscuits: caramelised orange trifle 204
cherry yogurt crush 100
redcurrants, sugared 176
rhubarb: poached rhubarb 210
rhubarb & cinnamon pie 34
rhubarb & pear crumble 15
rhubarb crumble cake 210
rhubarb fool 109
rice: fruity rice pudding 99
rice pudding 14
vanilla chilled risotto 98
ricotta cheese: mincemeat & ricotta tart 48
warm ginger ricotta cake 183
rippling ice cream 232
risotto, vanilla chilled 98
roulades: Black Forest roulade 150
chocolate cherry roll 130
chocolate meringue roulade 131
chocolate mousse roulade 132
rum: caramelised pineapple 73
chocolate & cherry gâteau 142
chocolate mousse 120
rum & raisin ice cream 158
tiramisu torte 205
rustic blackberry & apple pie 35
sabayon, mango gratin with 86
sauces: apple sauce 63
the best chocolate sauce 232
butterscotch sauce 232
ginger & whisky sauce 183
passion fruit sauce 223
plum sauce 58
raspberry coulis 229
strawberry sauce 232
vanilla custard 229
Savoiardi biscuits: Italian ice cream cake 160
shaving chocolate 233
shortcrust pastry, sweet 228
sloe gin: drunken pears 80
sorbets: frozen yogurt sorbet 178
lemon sorbet 179
lime sorbet 179
orange sorbet 175, 179
soufflés: dark chocolate soufflés 140
iced raspberry soufflés 166
mocha soufflés 141
spiced nectarines 96
spiced nut strudel 220
spiced winter fruit 103
spicy ginger ice cream 159
steamed puddings: chocolate
steamed sponge pudding 136
cranberry Christmas pudding 24
pear & ginger steamed pudding 22
saucy hot lemon puddings 29
steamed chocolate sponge pudding 28
steamed jam sponge pudding 28
steamed syrup sponge pudding 28
sticky banoffee pies 61
sticky maple syrup pineapple 76
sticky syrup puddings 30
sticky toffee puddings 31
strawberries: chocolate-dipped strawberries 151
Eton mess 97
orange & white chocolate cake 225
poached peaches & strawberries 95
strawberries with chocolate meringue 200
strawberry & black pepper granita 174
strawberry & chocolate muffins 208
strawberry fizz jellies 117
strawberry sauce 232
strawberry tart 54
summer fruit compôte 13
summer gratin 79
sweet kebabs 82
streusel, mincemeat 218
strudels: apple & blueberry strudel 222
apple & cranberry strudel 219
pear & cranberry strudel 221
spiced nut strudel 220
sugar-crusted fruit pie 36
sugared redcurrants 176
summer fruit compôte 13
summer fruit with raspberry cream 102
summer gratin 79
summer pudding 108
sweet kebabs 82
sweet shortcrust pastry 228
tarts: almond Bakewell tarts 58
apple & lemon tartlets 42
Bramley apple & custard tarts 63
caramelised apple tarts 44
caramelised orange tart 56
chocolate & cherry amaretti tart 148
chocolate custard tart 62
chocolate orange tart 147
cinnamon custard tart 60
classic lemon tart 55
easy pear & toffee tarte Tatin 46
glazed cranberry & orange tart 57
maple pecan tart 40
marzipan & kumquat tart 52
mincemeat & ricotta tart 48
mincemeat streusel 218
pear, cranberry & frangipane tart 51
pinenut & honey tart 50
plum & almond tart 43
plum tarte Tatin 47
quick apple tart 41
strawberry tart 54
tarte Tatin 45
treacle tart 49
vanilla egg custard tart 62
white chocolate & raspberry tart 146
white chocolate fruit tarts 145
terrines: mango ice cream terrine 173
Tia Maria: boozy pannacotta 114
tiramisu: classic tiramisu 113 tiramisu torte 205
toffee: almond toffee meringues 201
Caribbean crush 97
easy pear & toffee tarte Tatin 46
speedy sticky toffee puddings 31
sticky banoffee pies 61
toffee cheesecake 187
toffee crunch ice cream 165
torte, tiramisu 205
treacle tart 49
trifles: caramelised orange trifle 204
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
white chocolate & red fruit trifle 203
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
tropical fruit cake 214
tropical fruit pots 85
vanilla: easy vanilla ice cream 156
vanilla chilled risotto 98
vanilla custard 229
vanilla egg custard tart 62
walnuts: chocolate bread pudding 138
whisky: ginger & whisky sauce 183
white chocolate & berry crêpes 129, 235
white chocolate & ginger cheesecake 189
white chocolate & raspberry tart 146
white chocolate & red fruit trifle 203
white chocolate fruit tarts 145
white chocolate mousse 121
white chocolate mousse cake 134
wine: barbecued figs with Marsala 70
champagne jellies 115
drunken pears 80
figs in cinnamon sauce 71
mango gratin with sabayon 86
orange & white chocolate cake 225
plum sauce 58
polenta & plum gratin 89
strawberry fizz jellies 117
zabaglione 108
yogurt: cherry yogurt crush 100
Eton mess 97
frozen yogurt sorbet 178
lemon, almond & blueberry gâteau 191
raspberry cheesecake 186
rhubarb fool 109
tropical fruit & coconut trifle 202
tropical fruit pots 85
white chocolate mousse cake 134
zabaglione 108