About the Authors

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Catlin R. Tucker
is an accomplished Google Certified Teacher, international trainer, education consultant, speaker, and author. She currently teaches in Sonoma County where she was named Teacher of the Year in 2010. She has also taught online college-level writing courses, which led to her interest in blended learning and technology integration. Catlin’s first book, Blended Learning in Grades 4–12, is a bestseller. In 2015, Corwin published her second book, Creatively Teach the Common Core Literacy Standards with Technology. She authored a blended learning course for ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development), and writes a monthly column titled “Techy Teacher” for Educational Leadership. Catlin earned her BA in English from UCLA and her English credential and Masters in Education from UCSB. She writes an internationally ranked education technology blog at CatlinTucker.com and is active on Twitter @Catlin_Tucker.
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Tiffany Wycoff
is an innovative school leader with a specialization in blended learning and school technology integration. She was an early adopter of blended learning at the K-12 level, teaching and leading in both online and face-to-face settings. Tiffany has served as a school leader at Grandview Preparatory School in Florida and The Mandell School in New York, helping both schools establish technology rich learning environments and incorporate blended learning models into the academic program. She has presented on blended learning and the use of social media in education at conferences and universities, and helped other schools transform their programs through blended learning implementation. Tiffany collaborated on the design and development of the Redbird Professional Learning Platform that provides online professional development to teachers and leaders. She holds a BA in Elementary Education and a MA in Educational Leadership from Florida Atlantic University, and an Executive MS in Technology Management from Columbia University. Tiffany writes an educational leadership blog at www.TeachOnTheEdge.com and is active on Twitter @TeachOnTheEdge.
Jason T. Green,
inspired by his youth development and nonprofit work as a student at Morehouse College, has dedicated his career to creating positive change in education. As a member of the leadership team with Redbird Advanced Learning, Jason partnered with Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education to re-envision professional learning. He led the design of the Redbird Professional Learning Platform that now helps prepare thousands of teachers globally for 21st century learning. Jason has traveled nationally and internationally to help schools and districts build cultures of innovation and adapt to education’s changing landscape. Jason has spoken at leading universities and conferences, including Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, NCSM (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics), and iNACOL (International Association for K–12 Online Learning), as well as being featured in the Miami Herald, and the Philadelphia Inquirer and on NBC. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Morehouse College, Jason is driven by the belief that all children have a right to a high-quality education. Jason holds an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and an M.S. Ed from University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education. Jason has served as an adjunct professor and a board member for various nonprofits. Connect with Jason on Twitter @jasontoddgreen.