
The late Donald Auslen (1932–2018), great-nephew of Emma Wolf, shared Wolf family history and photographs, and we are very grateful for his generosity. We were helped in our research by Tim Wilson, librarian, San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library; Jeff Thomas, San Francisco Public Library; Rachel Misrati, archivist, National Library of Israel; Meri-Jane Rochelson, professor of English, Florida International University; Susan Bernstein, research professor, Boston University; Jennifer Tuttle, professor of English, University of New England; Lucas Dietrich, adjunct professor of humanities, Lesley University; Kimberly Chabot Davis, professor of English, Bridgewater State University; Elif Armbruster, associate professor of English, Suffolk University; Carmen Cisneros, office manager, Home of Peace Cemetery; Jessica Lydon, associate archivist, Special Collections Research Center, Temple University; and the Boston College Interlibrary Loan staff, especially Anne Kenny and Shannon McDowell. Thanks go to Doug Hochstetler, director of academic affairs at Penn State Lehigh Valley, for his support of the project. For their help in transcribing the novel, we thank Maggie McQuade, undergraduate research fellow, Boston College; Sara Roth, administrative assistant, Penn State Lehigh Valley; and Liu Tingu, student, Penn State Lehigh Valley. We also thank Anne Taylor for her careful copyediting of the manuscript and Sophia Pandelidis for double-checking the transcription. We are grateful for the translation expertise of Jessica Kirzane, who assisted with footnotes and offered feedback on the introduction. Finally, we thank Kathy Wildfong, Annie Martin, Kristin Harpster, Kristina Stonehill, Emily Nowak, Jamie Jones, and the rest of the staff at Wayne State University Press for their commitment to publishing works by Emma Wolf and other Jewish women writers.