


One day the Fenshians were there and then the next day the Fenshians left without a trace of them being there except for the destruction that they had left behind. My family stayed in hiding for more than ten thousand years until my twenty thousandth birthday to make sure that the Fenshians were truly gone. It was also because they had to wait for my aqualung and paralung to develop that allowed my body to convert any gaseous or liquid substance to oxygen.

This waiting had to be done because we happened to be beneath the ocean in hiding when everything went into chaos up above on land. Over ten million years ago bunkers were built at the bottom of the ocean, which were more than eleven miles beneath the water's surface, or sea level. Of course at that depth the pressure exacted on our bodies was more than one thousand kilograms per square centimeter and two hundred times that of gravity at the surface, which happened to be nineteen point eight meters per second squared.

Thus making the pressure at the bunkers twenty-three thousand, seven hundred and sixty meters per second squared. Over time of being in deep oceans and seas the Dochani developed thick skin like many of the whales and sharks that cohabited the oceans and seas with the Dochani, which allowed them to withstand the pressures of the sea and also different pressures on the various different planets in the universes.

Due to the predatory nature of most animals on land and fish in the sea and oceans, many Dochani were attacked on sight by these creatures of the deep. Those older than twenty thousand years old were usually not bothered unless they had an injury or were frail from age or disease, however, those under ten thousand years old were bothered constantly especially those considered young children not long after flight.



We knew that the Fenshians would not stay long because they would need to eat and so they would be off to devour another planet. So many Dochani were lost in those days and very little Fenshians perished. It is not known how many Fenshians had died because as soon as one died or even just before he died, they scooped him up and ate him. Terrible it was for those families who had relatives up above sea level, especially for those children left without their parents.

I was fortunate enough to have my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents and so on up to my fifteenth grandparent after my grandparents alive and well while growing up. Why was I so lucky and others were not? Well, in our society those who could travel or had the map of the universe ingrained into their minds were more valuable than those without it. Thus they were protected in war because of their rarity, and my family could all travel and had the map of the universe ingrained into their minds, including myself.

Out of all of the Dochani our family was the strongest travelers. As I have said before, fifty billion Dochani were left on Dochani Beta to fight the Fenshians even though it was not enough to guarantee victory. Many Dochani who were born after the war were born under the water in the bunkers, thus could not leave for twenty thousand years even if they had wanted to.



When I mention these bunkers it was not like they were a hollow hole in the ground, just that they did not have the same exquisite architecture as those buildings above ground. Granted these bunkers had to be designed to allow the young Dochani to breathe oxygen and provide some recreation that was, in some ways, taken for granted above sea level. Some buildings were made so that flight was made possible.

A building of note had a four mile high fake mountain that allowed those wanting to fly or climb to do so at their leisure. I especially liked the fact that we could go to a market or an amusement park and, of course, we could go swimming with a breathing apparatus. This defensive set of buildings, which is all we have left of Dochani Beta, provided shelter for only ten billion Dochani and more than seventy percent of those were under twenty thousand years old.

Thus for a while it was not safe to travel to the surface due to the increased activity of the creatures in the sea. Once I was able to fly, I spent a lot of my time perched on top of the fake four mile high mountain. Our architects were even able to simulate the wind and altitudinal drifts that flowed over and around the top of the mountain. For more than thirty thousand years I enjoyed the wind’s gentle caress as it ran its smooth, but powerful, masculine fingers through my hair.

The body of the wind embraced mine as though I was its lover sending its frosty tendrils up my legs, over my thighs, across my abdomen and across my breasts sending tender shivers up my spine. Ruffling the feathers of my outstretched wings with my back arched excepting the wind’s loving embrace I stayed their naked for several days without moving with only the wind as my sustenance. Oh, do I ever love the wind and it’s loving embrace. He takes care of me so much that I even get goose bumps just thinking about him.

Since most of our books were taken to our forty million colonies we only had the bare minimum to do our schooling and those we had to share with other students. Just think, we had a total of ninety million books for each subject for the just over two billion Dochani children who were under ten thousand years old. Thus twenty-five Dochani children would have to share a book for each subject.