At the time that I arrived from the Dochani home beneath the lake waters, eleven miles beneath the surface to be exact, I had finished my education which was the highest achievement for any Dochani to have a doctorate and was sixty-five thousand and five hundred years old. In the time that I was in the underwater home I had buried many of my older relatives that had passed away at even fifty thousand years old, and some at one hundred and ten thousand years old.
Some people just could not live in something that seemed so much like a cage even with all of the amenities and more that the surface of our planet had before the wars with the Fenshians finished destroying what our civil wars started to destroy. I implore you to be always free and go wherever you can as we don’t always get to have a choice to be free and go where we please when we want to.
The above was written by Veridas Serdoma in her journal or maybe she wrote many journals and we just have to find the right one. It is within her families’ collection of journals. Possibly on the planet Geh, but no one knows if that is the case. Although, there is suppose to be a few important books there that could only be read by a chosen one. Only one of her own blood could find the habitat that she talks about in her book, which was written more than a few million years ago.
Pretty much this book has a list of all of the colonies that were founded by the Dochani race and is much sought after by the Fenshians and their allies the Mechanaar. Not much is known of the journals of her family and it is supposed that if someone finds those journals that they might find this particular journal that is more important than the rest combined. If the books are on Geh, they might have destroyed them already. That planet has a ban on magic items and anyone found with them in their possession is killed by being burned with the items in question.