


They fought each other, and bit each other.  She was punched, and kicked in every place imaginable.  Her hands were bruised, and there was skin under her nails from fighting them off. No matter how weak she seemed she fought tooth, and nail not to have them enter her. Their naked bodies made her feel sick, and dirty deep inside herself. For hours she fought them until they, and her both were black, blue, and bloody all over.

Alexandra had bite marks all over her, but at least they were not able to enter her. Each time they bruised her, or tried to enter her the light that was dark reached out into the oblivion of her soul, and all went dark. When she went into unconsciousness they kept beating her. Tears welled up inside her as her spirit was broken. She wanted to cry, but there were no tears to come out so she cried on the inside. Life was not suppose to be like this, and she did not know what the bleak world would give her now.

She was sad, and in the grips of despair. How many of these flesh eating creeps bit, and beat her, she did not know? It was hard to tell when you felt pain, then numbness, then pain, and numbness again. This happened to her over, and over again. A simple life she did not have, she whimpered inside, and was not sure if it was heard outside of herself.

“That is enough.”

Is all that she heard as she continually lost, and gained consciousness while sobbing on the inside. She felt herself being wrapped in blankets, and carried away from the area of the whipping, and carnal lust of the flesh eaters. They were not able to enter her, but they had taken everything else.

Every movement caused excruciating pain in all parts of her body, this time her moans were herd aloud. Alexandra felt herself being set down on the ground. Waking some time later, the savage shaman said some incoherent words that Alexandra could not make out. It was a mumbling mess to her. He then brought the bucket back over to her. The elder said to her,

“The point of this inauguration is to make you belong to us by eating our excrement, which to us proves your loyalty, and your obedience to what we ask of you. We are not supposed to beat you to death, but we will if the need arises. Dog, come here. After this night you eat with your age group,” He looked at her naked form up and down, well naked except for the blanket around her.

“I judge you to be about twenty in appearance, even though your eyes say you may be older. Where is your soul dear, your eyes are black? That age could also be from what we have subjected you to, and what you experienced before coming here among us. So you will sit in the fifth group only if you eat what is in the bucket this night. This is the only time that you have to do this, and then it will be the same that everyone else has to eat.” The old elder comforted her like a grandfather would, and so she began to eat.



Alexandra did not like eating the filth, but felt that it was a better thing to do than dying, and tasted like honey compared to what she felt when they beat, whipped, and nearly entered her. Even so it tasted terrible and disgusting. She shook uncontrollably, and cried while she ate. Some darkness bubbled up and steadied her, she did not know what it was. Never would she get use to herself being used like that.

It tasted very strange, and she found that she was finished eating the contents of the bucket before she had realized it, even though she nearly threw up while eating it. She hoped that she would not be getting used to this type of food, or the degraded feeling that she felt now. Her face, and hands were covered in the waste. Not thinking, she licked her fingers, and nearly threw up again. It dawned on her that she would not be able to wipe, or wash it off, and she definitely could not take another beating, or more abuse.

The shaman said some incoherent words that Alexandra could not make out that sounded like Ghandus Mheris Mahsu, she was not quite sure. Reaching into the pouch around his neck he pulled out some powder, and rubbed it on her face, and hands. When he was done Alexandra’s face, and hands were clean. He then spoke,

“It was said that mutt could not wash with water, and that did not mean that she would not bathe, but that she could be cleaned with dirt. I have thus cleaned her face, and hands with sand. She is now one belonging to us. Mutt will remain a slave for the next ten years. Mutt, it was said that you would be a slave forever because that is protocol, and must be said. In order not to be a slave you must prove yourself worthy.

“So many things that one must do to be proved worthy as worthiness is not there at the start. All are born worthless. Now, to the smoking of the pipe. Mutt, the hierarchy of the passing of the pipe is similar to the meal, but there is a slight difference. The elders get the pipe first then myself, and the acolytes, then you, then the ones over fifty, then the ones over thirty, and then the ones over fifteen. The others do not take part in smoking the pipe.

“This pipe is different from the pipe that you have been smoking since you arrived. It is a more powerful hallucinogen that will make your visions more real than reality itself. Since it is your first time smoking the ceremonial pipe, we have to place you in a cage for your own protection, and ours. Your job right now is to present the pipe to the first elder, light it, and come back over here to this cage, and I will lock you in.”