Extended discussions of topics are listed in bold.
absolutism, 462–463, 548, 559, 566, 567, 571
Africa, American Negro and, 262–268
African art and, xvi, 77–78, 98–104, 188–193, 194–197
influence of, on modern painters, 99ff., 127–27, 189–191
on modern poets, 103, 125, 210
Alexander, Lewis, 66, 75, 206, 207
Allen, James S., 393
American temperament, 428–434
American thought and, 454, 455
Anderson, Marian, 165, 531
Ancestral arts (see also African art), 188–193
Anderson, Sherwood, 66
anti-Semitism, 376
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 98, 103, 190
Archipenko, 100, 127
Armstrong, Louis, 140, 146–147, 149
Arnold, Matthew, 436
art history, 129ff., 155ff.
Atlantic Charter, 536
Barnes, Albert, xxxii, 196
Barthé, Richmond, 133, 134
Barton, Rebecca, 229
Beecher, Henry Ward, 107
Benedict, Ruth, 346, 417
Beneke, F. E., 466
Benin bronzes, 193, 196
Bennett, Gwendolyn, 74, 206
Blondiau, Raoul, 127–128, 134
Boas, Franz, xxiii, 279, 347
Boileau, Nicolas, 10
Bontemps, Arna, 66, 86, 206
Bourne, Randolph, 412
Bradstreet, Ann, 86
Brancusi, Constantin, 127
Brawley, Benjamin, 44
Brooks, Van Wyck, xvii
Brown v. Board of Education, xxxiii
Brown, Sterling, xiv, xvi, xxxi, 71, 86, 204, 232, 236–238, 382
Brown, W. O., 394, 397
Brown, William Wells, 62
Browning, Robert, 6, 23
Buck, Pearl, 535
Buddhism, 569–570
Buell, Raymond Leslie, 305, 526
Bugge-Wicksell, Madame, 523
Bunche, Ralph, xxxi
Burge, Louise, 531
Burleigh, Henry T., 110, 138, 143, 184
Byron, George Gordon Lord, 19
Carlyle, Thomas, 18, 23, 24, 79
Carnavon Expedition, 176–179
Caturla, Garcia, 140, 141, 144
Cayton, Horace R., 411
Cendrars, Blaise, 103, 190
Chapin, Katherine Garrison, 530–533
Chateaubriand, François-Rene, 18
Cheney, Sheldon, 195
Chestnutt, Charles, 86
Cicero, 438
Clark, Kenneth, xxxiii
Collier, John, 417
Copeland, Lewis, 381
Cory, Herbert B., 464
Cousturier, Lucie, 42, 115, 191
Covarrubias, Miguel, 115
Cowdery, Mae, 78, 212–213
Cowell, Henry, 137, 138
Crisis, xxvi
Cullen, Countée, xiv, xvi, xxxi, 44, 48–51, 59, 66, 73, 74, 86, 184, 186, 206, 209, 210, 216, 226
cultural conflict, 361–365
economic basis of, 368–371
cultural criticism, xx, xxi, 240–248, 269–277, 285–292
of America, 428–434, 437–438
cultural history, 353, 355–359
cultural relativism, 271, 276, 295–296, 408, 463, 548–554, 566, 570 (see also Intercultural reciprocity)
culture, acquisition of, 435–436
charges against, 437–438
average tastes and, 440
self-criticism as, 487–490
defined, 491
and racialism, 494. see Negro Contributions to
Cummings, E. E., 66
Cuney, Waring, 66, 75, 207
Darrell, R. D., 150–151
Davis, Frank Howard, 234–235, 246
Dawson, C. A., 389–390
De La Mare, Walter, 48
Demaison, Andre, 40
democracy, xxiii, xxxiiff., 218, 324, 332–333, 335, 339
American minorities and, 409–412, 413, 429, 437, 441, 448, 494, 495–496, 534–540
values of, 537
“new” democracy, 539–540, 541–547, 562–563
Department of Antiquities (French), 177
Dett, Nathaniel, 111, 138, 184
Dewey, John, xii, xxiii, xxxi, 475
Diton, Carl, 111
Dixon, Thomas, 64, 278–284
Dollard, John, 395
dominance, social and cultural, 379–386
Dongen, Kees van, 113
Douglas, Aaron, 66, 134
Douglass, Frederick, vii, 85, 318–321
Dover, Cedric, 386
Du Bois, W. E. B., viii, xi
and talented tenth, xii, xxiv, xxvi, xxxi, xxxiv, 44–46, 95, 106, 109, 184, 264–265
Color and Democracy reviewed, 557–558
Dumas, Alexandre, 6
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, xiii, xvii, 5–9, 44, 49, 52, 59, 71, 86, 184, 199, 203, 244
Dvorák, Antonin, 112, 138, 139, 199
editorial work, of Locke, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii
Egyptian archeology, 175–179
Eliot, T. S., viii, xii
Ellington, Duke, 137, 140, 141–143, 149ff, 245
Embree, Edwin, 415
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xxiv
Ennis, Thomas E., 402
Epstein, Jacob, 100, 134
esthetic views, of Locke, xix–xxiii, xviii, 246, 489–490
157–158 (materialist base), 61, 68ff., 83–85, 93–97, 117ff., 181
pure art values, 186, 212
in African art, 98ff.
in plastic arts, 129–135
in music, 136–154
in theatre arts, 122. (see also Race, Culture and Value, and Negro Poetry)
and imperatives, 452–464
and values, 461–462
ethnic nationalism, see Minorities
ethnology, 266
Europe, Jim, 138
Fauset, Jessie, 46, 81–82, 184, 215
Federal Theatre Project, 247
films, 494–495
FIRE!!, 66–67, 215
Firestone Rubber Corporation, 519
Firth, Raymond, 359
Fisher, Rudolph, 65, 184, 215
folk material and art, 84, 117ff., 123ff., 138, 199–200, 203, 215–216, 226
Forced Labor, see International Commission on
Foreign Policy Association, 305
Foreman, Grant, 393
Frazier, E. Franklin, xxxi, 308, 334, 392, 494
Frederick the Great, 17
Freud, Sigmund, xx, 499–503
Friederici, Georg, 364–365
Frost, Robert, 59
Fry, Roger, 100, 190
Fuller, Meta Warrick, 130, 132, 184, 192
Gallagher, Buell, 373–374, 395–396
Gaston-Joseph, 38ff.
Gershwin, George, 140–142
Ghurye, G. S., 401–402
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 441
Goldenweiser, A. A., 100–101, 270, 273
Golding, Louis, 375, 382–383
Gregory, Montgomery, 95
Grimké, Angelina, 95, 123, 184
Guillaume, Paul, xxxii, 98–99, 100, 102, 127, 190, 196, 197
Handy, W. C., 137
Harlem, 194, 221, 307–317, 444
HARLEM (magazine), 219–220
Harlem Renaissance, vii, xii, xxi, xxii, xxxii, xxxv, 211–227, 488, 507
Harmon Foundation, xvii, 135
Harris, Joel Chandler, 6, 64
Hartmann, 461
Hayes, Roland, 110, 111, 186
Hegel, G. W. F., 24
Henderson, W. J., 139
Henley, W. E., 32
Herder, Johann G. von, xxii, 18, 218
Heredia, Jose Mairee de, 6
Herskovits, Melville, 353–354
Heyward, Du Bois, 65
Hobson, Wilder, 162
Holbein, Hans, 440
Hollywood, 248
Holmes, John Haynes, 288
Housman, A. E., 48, 49
Howard University, xv, xxxi, 94ff., 123, 177, 222, 265, 308, 494
Howells, William D., 5, 64
Hudson, G. F., 351, 355–356
Huether, Julius, 114
Hughes, Langston, xiv, xvi, xxii, 44, 52–54, 59, 66, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 86, 137, 184, 200, 202–203, 232
Hugo, Victor, 19, 20, 25
Hunter, Monica, 368, 394
Hurston, Zora Neale, xiv, 66, 86, 185
Hutt, W. H., 385
immigration, 388, 409–410
imperialism, 299, 356, 357, 365–367, 379, 384
in contemporary world, 399–405, 517. See also Mandates Systems
interchapters, from When Peoples Meet, see Race Contacts
intercultural reciprocity, xxv, xxix–xxx
contrasted with multiculturalism, xxix–xxx, 294, 295–296, 349–350, 354, 360, 464, 551–552, 568. See also Pluralism and values
International Commission on Forced Labor, 297–306
internationalism, 180–182, 268, 296, 322, 329, 333, 450, 511
Jacovleff, Alexandre, 129, 156
James, Henry, xiv
James, William, 497, 559, 560, 567
jazz, xix, 52, 137, 138, 139–140, 142, 146–154, 160, 162, 164, 198, 205, 245, 485
jazz recordings, 153–154
Johnson, Charles S., xi, xxvi, 119, 200, 297, 306, 370–371, 415
Johnson, Georgia Douglas, xiv, 44, 79–80, 184
Johnson, Guy B., 397
Johnson, Hall, 143
Johnson, James Weldon, xi, xxiii, 59, 69, 86, 96, 110, 137, 139, 184, 186, 202, 208, 215, 216, 243
Johnson. Malvin Gray, 132
Johnson, Sargent, 133, 134
Jubilee Singers, 107
Junod, H. A., 190
Kallen, Horace, viii, xxx, xxxi, 560, 571
Keats, John, xiii, 11–29
Kellogg, Paul, xxv, xxxiii
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 62
Kennedy, Raymond, 418
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottleib, 18
Kohn, Hans, 399
Krehbiel, Henry Edward, 106
La Guardia, Fiorello, 308, 313–314
Lambert, Constant, 149–150
language, in racial contact, 378, 405, 406
Latin America, Negro and, 243, 331–342
League of Nations, 303, 305, 404, 509–510, 565
Lessing, Gottfried, 18
Lewis, Edmonia, 130
Lewis, Sinclair, 66
Liberia, see International Commission on Forced Labor
Lincoln, Abraham, 7, 536
Lindsay, Vachel, 73, 199, 205, 214
literary history, 61ff., 83–88, 244–248
Lotze, R. H., 466
Lowell, Amy, 26
Lucretius, 32
Luxor (necropolis), 175
MaCartney, C. A., 362, 405–407
MacCrone, I. D., 363, 365, 376, 383
Mambour, Auguste, 113–115, 191
Mandates System, xxxiii, 303, 384, 509–527
America’s part in, 513–515, 558
Maran, Rene, 37
Batouala, 41ff., 185
Marmor, Judd, 501–502
Marshall, Thurgood, xxxiii
Marxism, 87, 232, 236, 238–239, 463
Masters, Edgar Lee, 55
Matisse, Pierre, 100, 134, 190
McKay, Claude, xxiii, 44, 49, 58, 74, 76, 82, 86, 184, 200, 207, 208, 224–227
McWilliams, Carey, 417
Meade, Margaret, 357
Means, Philip, 363
Meinong, A., 468
Mencken, H. L., 211
Milhaud, Darius, 103, 112, 190, 199
Mill, J. S., 468
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 48, 59, 96
Miller, Kelly, 44
Milton, John, 8
minorities, 388–395
in Europe, 405–408
in America, 409–412
in post-war period, 412–418
Minority Counter-Assertion, 395–399
Modernism, xxii, 30ff., 35, 111, 128, 132, 134, 195, 217
Modigliani, Amedeo, 100, 127, 134, 189
multiculturalism, see Intercultural reciprocity
Mumford, Lewis, xxxi–xxxii
Munsterberg, Hugo, 468
Museum of Modern Art, 194, 197
Musset, Alfred de, 19
Mwalimu Festival Chorus, 164
Myrdal, Gunnar, xxxii
Negro contributions to culture, 240–248, 285–292
Negro, historical background, 198–199
Negro migration, 444–445
Negro mind, 448
Negro poetry, 183–187, 200–210, 217
Negro, self-expression of, 443, 450, 487
Negroes and Mandates System, 513–515
New Deal, 528–529
New Negro, 244, 442–451, 487, 492–493
Nietzsche, F. W., 468, 475, 478
Northrop, F. S. C., 552–553, 568–570
O’Neill, Eugene, 122–125
Opportunity, xxvi, 114, 119, 137
Oxford (University), 423–427
medievalism of, 424–425
racial prejudice, 427, 492
Page, Thomas Nelson, 6, 63, 184
painting, Negro in contemporary, 113–116
Pan-African Congress, 263–264, 557
Pan-Americanism, 333–334, 546–547
Perry, Ralph Barton, 497
Petrarch, 50
Petry, Ann, 86
philanthropy, 326
Picasso, Pablo, 127, 134, 190
Pitt-Rivers, George, 359, 369
pluralism and values, 453, 559–566, 567–572
Pope, Alexander, 10
Positivism, 453
Powys, Llewellyn, 42
pragmatism, (instrumentalism) 453, 485–486, 564
proletarian poetry (social protest), 186, 208, 230–231, 232–239, 243, 246, 290, 445, 448
propaganda (vs. art), 212, 219–220, 228–239
Provinces, 221–223
public intellectual, Locke as, xxiii, xxxv
Race Classification, 278–284
Race Contacts, 253–261, 282, 331–342
Interchapters, 343–418, 345–346, 446 (see also Race Relations)
Race Creeds, 256–258, 344, 449
Race, culture and value in questions of, xi, xxiii, xxiv, xxvii, xxix, 60, 104, 105ff., 181, 183–187, 188, 198–210, 214, 240–248, 269–277, 290–292, 293–296, 507. (see also under, Negro)
Race relations, 322–330
in Latin America, 331–342
Race theory, xvii, xxiii, xxvii, 253–255, 256–258, 269–277, 278–284, 294, 340
Race tradition, xiii, 5ff., 180, 192, 201, 225, 273, 373–375
Racial myth, 344
Racial progress, 258–259
Racial uplift, xiv
realism, 185, 200, 216, 217, 218, 246
Redfield, Robert, 360
Reid, Ira de A., 397
Reinhardt, Max, 119
Reinhold, Frances L., 410
Reiss, Winold, 192
Renan, Ernest, 182
Republican Party, 528
Rhodes Scholarship, 426
Richardson, Willis, 123, 124
Ritschl, Albrecht, 467–468, 469
Roberts, Stephen H., 403–404
Robeson, Paul, 111, 118, 120, 184
Rodin, Auguste, 33
Rodzinski, Artur Dr., 530, 533
Roldan, Amateo, 140–141, 144
Romanticism, xv, xxii, 11–29, 186
definition of, 20ff.
and transcendence, 24
Keats’s esthetics, 26, 27
attitude towards nature, 28
Romanticism in Germany, 17–18
in France, 19
in England, 19, 463
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 14
Rostovtzeff, M., 350
Royce, Josiah, 464, 468
Rubens, Peter-Paul, 113
Reuckteschell, Walter von, 114, 191
Sapir, Edward, 271–272, 406
Sargeant, Winthrop, 160–161, 163
Sartre, Jean Paul, xxxv
Satie, Eric, 103
Schapera, I., 404–405
Schiller, Friedrich, 20, 22
Scholes, France V., 365
Schomburg, Arthur, xvi
Seme, Pa Ka Isaka, viii
Shakespeare, William, 8
Sheepshanks, Mary, 517
Sheldon, Edward, 122, 123
Shelley, Percy, 19, 20, 22
“Shuffle Along,” 95
Simmel, Georg, xxiii
Singer, Charles and Dorothea, 352
slavery (modern), 297–306, 332–335, 341–342
Smith, Adam, 468
Smith, James McCune, vii, 85
Smith, T. V., xxxi
social cleavage, 371, 376–377, 547
Soutine, Chaim, 100
Southey, Robert, 19
Spencer, Herbert, 469
Stael, Madame de, 18
Stern, Bernhard, xxviii, 387–388, 418
Still, William Grant, 112, 141, 145, 165, 165, 530
Stoddard, Lothrop, xxv
Survey Graphic, xxv, xxvi, xxxiii, 307, 311
Sweeney, James Johnson, 194–195, 196
Swinburne, Algernon C., 49
tabus (in Negro culture), 489–490
Tanner, Henry O., 130, 192
Teasdale, Sara, 48, 49, 59, 80
Teggart, Frederick, 351, 360
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, xiii, 49
Tharand, Jean and Jerome, 39
Theatre Arts Monthly, xviii
Third Comintern, 225
Thurman, Wallace, xix, xvii, 66, 81–82
Toomer, Jean, xiv, 45–46, 59, 65, 73, 86, 124, 185, 186, 205, 215, 488
Torrence, Ridgeley, 95, 96, 97, 118, 122, 123, 184, 214
Tourgee, Albion, 63
Toynbee, Arnold J., 365, 375, 379–380, 569
Tut-ankh-amen, tomb of, 176–179
Urban, Wilbur, 477, 479, 486
valuation, 454, 456, 474–475
value, xxixff.
criteria of, 468–469
existence and, 471–473
fact and, 470–471, 476
feeling-judgments, 455
feeling modes, 458
functional analysis of, 454
history of idea of, 466
and imperatives, 452–464
nature of, 465
value modes, 455–456
validity and, 473
value and art, 483–484
value realism, 478–480
value and science, 482–483
value theory, 477–478
value types, 458
value ultimates, 477–486
Van Vechten, Carl, xxii, 52, 110–111, 120, 137
Varese, Edgar, 112
Verhaeren, Emile, 30–36
role of city in, 32
style of, 32
Vestal, Stanley, 364
Von Ehrenfels, C., 468, 477
Wainwright, G. A., 102
Walker, Margaret, 86
Walrond, Eric, xxxv, 44, 184, 185, 186, 215
Ware, Caroline, 389–390
Washington, Booker T., 85, 318
Washington, Johnny, ix
Webb, Frank J., 63
Wells, James Lesesne, 132–133
West, Cornel, ix
Westerman, Diedrich, 352
Wheatley, Phyllis, 86
White, George L., 107
White supremacy, 288
White, Walter, 44, 65, 215
Whitman, Walt, xiv, 33–34, 59, 67, 233, 530
Windelband, W., 468
Wirth, Louis, 416
Wissler, Clark, 354
Woman’s Right Convention, 320
Woodruff, Hale, 132, 134
Woodson, Carter, 86, 265
Woofter, T. J. Jr., 409
Woolf, Leonard, 367, 401, 510, 526
Wordsworth, William, 19, 22, 25
Work, Professor (Folk Song of the American Negro) 107, 109, 112
world order, 541–547, 555–556, 565–566
Wright, Richard, xxviii, 86, 232, 233, 234
Young, George, 367, 370