

ELIES BARBERÀ (born Xàtiva, 1970) is an actor and a poet. His written works include Quaranta contes breus i un llarguíssim poema d’amor (Forty Short Stories and a Long Love Poem, 2000), and the poetry collections, Mata-rates (i altres vicis) (Rotgut (and other vices), 2003), Equilibrista (2004), Zoo (2007), Aixàtiva, Aixàtiva (Ah, Xàtiva, Xàtiva, 2008) and Allà on les grues nien (Where the Cranes Nest, 2009). His most recent publication is entitled En la Primavera perpètua (In Perpetual Spring, 2010), a play made up of poetic texts.

In 2008 he participated in the ‘Parallel Voices’ exchange program, as a result of which the Institute of Catalan Literature published the anthology De l’Atles a Formentor (From the Atlas Mountains to Formentor), and in 2011 he participated in the twentieth Seminar in Poetic Translation, held in Farrera de Pallars and Marseilles, also organized by the Institute of Catalan Literature.

Other collaborations towards which he has contributed include: 100 són 100 (100 is 100, 2007), For Sale o 50 veus de la terra (For Sale or 50 Voices of the Earth, 2010), and the anthology Tibar l’arc (Drawing the Bow, 2012) published by Tria Llibres.