As I mention in my author’s note, the spark for this novel came from David Grann’s superb non-fiction piece in The New Yorker. Without that to fire my imagination, there’d be no Who I’m Not. My thanks to him.

I also owe a big debt to many people closer to home for their support, encouragement and willingness to be pestered while I was writing a book that was more than a small change of pace for me. My longtime friend and colleague Peter Carver stands in the front rank.

My thanks as well to David Bennett at the Transatlantic Agency for his enthusiasm and energy on behalf of the book, and for two key insights that became crucial to shaping my story.

I’d also like to acknowledge the assistance of the Ontario Arts Council via a Writers’ Reserve Grant, and thank Richard Dionne of Red Deer Press for helping make that possible. It was greatly appreciated.

My friend and neighbor Mark Vandervennen, executive director of the Shalem Mental Health Network, helped me understand how “Danny” would experience the world. His vast experience with kids like my main character kept things in focus. I’m grateful.

And, of course, my thanks to everyone at Orca, particularly Andrew for his quick support of this project and to the ever-patient, ever-logical Sarah “Why? What’s that about?” Harvey, who so deftly edits my ramblings.

Finally, as always, the biggest thanks go to my son Will and my better half, Margaret. I’d only light out for the territories if they came too.