Meiling’s story wasn’t an easy one to tell, and I’m sure it wasn’t an easy one to read either. Are the events in the book over dramatized? Well, to an extent. Unfortunately, the dark side of life really does exist, and it doesn’t care who it chews up and spits out. Women and children are often the easiest targets because they’re perceived as weaker. Doesn’t mean they are weaker. Meiling had to be incredibly strong to survive the hand life dealt her.
This story is in no way meant to put a bad light on the legal system, or our police. There are bad apples everywhere, but there are a lot of good people out there too. I’m friends with a judge and my uncle is a retired police officer. Both are good men who would have moved heaven and earth to stop something like this from happening. Keep in mind this is fiction and not based on true events.
People deal with trauma in various ways. What works for one doesn’t work for another. For Meiling, she had to face her fears head-on, and she did that by giving up control to Dingo. She needed to know that she could, and perhaps show him just how much she trusted him.
Thank you for taking the time to read Dingo. If you feel moved to do so, please leave a review at the retailer of your choice, or on Goodreads or BookBub. I’m sure Meiling’s story will affect everyone differently and may evoke some strong emotions.
Until next time…
Harley Wylde