In that moment, he knew he had to address the attraction crackling between them. If he didn’t speak up, there was no way they’d be able to work together every day. Before he could get his speech off the ground, though, she spoke.

“Mr. Alvarez, I think it’s better if we address this now.”

His brow hitched. “You mean, the attraction between us?”

She nodded, her gaze drifting up to meet his. “You’re a handsome man, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you.”

He could feel the smile curling his lips. “I won’t deny how I feel about you, either.”

“And how is that?”

“Like a schoolboy with a crush.” It was an honest answer, and the best way he could think of to describe the way he felt whenever she entered his space.

She moved in, closing the space between them. A sly smile graced her full lips. “Oh, really.”

“Really.” He raised his hand, letting his knuckle graze the soft skin of her jaw. She trembled, but didn’t back away or reject his touch.