The Feminist Press at the City University of New York is a nonprofit literary and educational institution dedicated to publishing work by and about women. Our existence is grounded in the knowledge that women’s writing has often been absent or underrepresented on bookstore and library shelves and in educational curricula—and that such absences contribute, in turn, to the exclusion of women from the literary canon, from the historical record, and from the public discourse.
The Feminist Press was founded in 1970. In its early decades, The Feminist Press launched the contemporary rediscovery of “lost” American women writers, and went on to diversify its list by publishing significant works by American women writers of color. More recently, the Press’s publishing program has focused on international women writers, who remain far less likely to be translated than male writers, and on nonfiction works that explore issues affecting the lives of women around the world.
Founded in an activist spirit, The Feminist Press is currently undertaking initiatives that will bring its books and educational resources to underserved populations, including community colleges, public high schools and middle schools, literacy and ESL programs, and prison education programs. As we move forward into the twenty-first century, we continue to expand our work to respond to women’s silences wherever they are found.
For information about events and for a complete catalog of the Press’s 250 books, please refer to our website: