Also by Joe Bastianich

Restaurant Man

Grandi Vini: An Opinionated Tour of Italy’s 89 Finest Wines

Vino Italiano Buying Guide: The Ultimate Quick Reference to the Great Wines of Italy (with David Lynch)

Vino Italiano: The Regional Wines of Italy (with David Lynch)

Also by Tanya Bastianich Manuali

Lidia’s Commonsense Italian Cooking (with Lidia Bastianich)

Lidia’s Favorite Recipes (with Lidia Bastianich)

Lidia’s Italy in America (with Lidia Bastianich)

Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy (with Lidia Bastianich)

Lidia’s Italy (with Lidia Bastianich)

Reflections of the Breast: Breast Cancer in Art Through the Ages (with Francis Arena)