- ability see disposition
- acquaintance
- action
- Adorno, T.
- aesthetics
- agreement/disagreement
- ambiguity/synonymy
- Ambrose, A.
- analysis see logical analysis
- analytic/synthetic; see also analytic under definition
- “and so on”
- Anscombe, G.E.M.
- anthropology; see also human being
- antirealism; see also realism/antirealism
- a priori see analytic/synthetic, philosophy
- Aquinas, T.
- arbitrariness of grammar/autonomy of language
- architecture
- argument
- Aristotle
- arithmetic
- aspect
- perception, continuous
- blindness
- dawning/‐lighting up
- duck‐rabbit figure
- perception/seeing
- assertability
- assertion
- assumption
- atomism, logical see logical atomism
- Augustine
- Augustinian picture of language
- Austin, J.L.
- avowal (Äußerung/Ausdruck)
- axiom; see also set theory
- of choice
- of infinity
- of reducibility
- Ayer, A.J.
- Bacon, F.
- Bedeutung (meaning/reference); see also Frege, reference, Sinn (sense/meaning)
- Beethoven, L. van
- beetle in the box
- Begriffsschrift; see also notation, Begriffsschrift under Frege
- behavior/behaviorism
- belief
- basic
- forming of
- justified true
- propositional
- religious; see also faith
- Berkeley, G.
- bipolarity; see also negation
- bivalence; see also bipolarity
- Black, M.
- Boltzmann, L.
- Bolzano, B.
- bounds of sense see language/sense/thought under limit
- Bouwsma, O.K.
- Bradley, F.H.
- Brahe, T. de
- Brahms, J. von
- brain
- Brentano, F.
- broom
- Brouwer, L.E.J.
- Burge, T.
- calculus; see also logical analysis
- Camus, A.
- Cantor, G.
- Carnap, R.
- Carroll, L.
- Cartesianism; see also inner/outer
- category; see also logical form
- catharsis
- causation/cause; see also explanation, induction
- cause vs. reason/motive/ground
- law/principle of
- Cavell, S.
- certainty; see also On Certainty under works of Ludwig Wittgenstein
- chess
- Christianity; see also faith; religion
- Church, A.; see also Church’s under theorem
- clarity/clarification
- Coffey, P.
- cognitive science see cognitive under science
- Collingwood, R.G.
- color
- blindness
- exclusion/incompatibility problem
- octahedron/geometry
- primary vs. secondary
- sample
- common sense
- complex see simple/complex under object, Russell’s theory under judgment
- compositionalism
- computer
- concept passim
- conjecture
- Epsilon
- Goldbach’s
- mathematical
- Taniyama‐Shimura
- consciousness
- consistency/inconsistency; see also contradiction
- constant see logical constant
- constructivism
- contextualism
- contradiction
- convention/conventionalism; see also arbitrariness of grammar/autonomy of language
- Cooper, T.
- correctness
- constitution of
- criteria of
- phenomenology of
- standard of
- criteria
- applicability
- of identity see criteria under identity
- of correctness see criteria under correctness
- outer/public; see also inner/outer
- culture; see also aesthetics
- Dallago, C.
- Darwin, C.
- Davidson, D.
- De Quincey, T.
- decidability
- decision; see also intentionality
- deconstruction
- deed (Tat)
- definition
- analytic
- ostensive
- private
- piecemeal
- verbal
- deflationism
- depiction see representation
- Derrida, J.
- Descartes, R.
- description
- bundle of
- complete
- definite
- designation see name, naming
- desire see intentionality
- determinacy of sense
- Dewey, J.
- dialogue
- Socratic/Platonic
- with Frege
- disposition
- dog
- dogmatism
- Dostoevsky, F.
- doubt
- dream/dreaming
- Drury, M.O’C.
- Duhem, P.
- Dummett, M.
- fact see also state of affairs
- atomic
- superlative
- very general facts of nature
- faith; see also Christianity
- falsehood
- family resemblance
- Feagin, S.
- fear
- Feigl, H.
- Fermat, P. de; see also Fermat’s under theorem
- Feyerabend, P.
- Ficker, L. von
- fideism
- finitism, strict
- first person authority see first/third person asymmetry
- first/third person asymmetry
- fly‐bottle
- form of life
- form of representation (Form der Darstellung)
- formalism; see also nominalism
- Foucault, M.
- France, A.
- Frazer, J.G.
- Frege, G.
- Begriffsschrift
- Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
- Freud, S.; see also psychoanalysis
- Frey, G.
- function
- descriptive
- propositional
- truth‐ see function under truth
- game see calculus; language‐game
- Geach, P.
- Gellner, E.
- genealogical tree (Stammbaum)
- general propositional form (allgemeine Sattform)
- generality
- genuine duration
- geometry
- Gestalt see gestalt under psychology
- God; see also religion
- Gödel, K.
- Goethe, J.W. von
- Goldbach, C.
- Gorgias
- grammar
- depth vs. surface
- logical
- philosophical
- Grice, H.P.
- ground see cause vs. reason/motive/ground under causation/cause
- Hahn, H.
- Hanson, R.
- Hardy, G.H.
- harmony between language and reality
- Hegel, G.W.F.
- Heidegger, M.
- Heretics Society
- hermeneuticism
- hermeneutics
- Hertz, H.R.
- Hilbert, D.
- Hintikka, J.
- Hitler, A.
- Hobbes, T.
- holism; see also contextualism
- Horkheimer, M.
- Horwich, P.
- human being
- Hume, D.
- Husserl, E.
- hypothesis
- James, W.
- Johnson, S.
- Jourdain, P.
- judgment
- aesthetic
- agreement in
- ethical/moral
- Last Judgment
- maxim of (Kant)
- Russell’s theory of
- justification; see also explanation
- must come to an end see must come to an end under explanation
- Kant, I.
- Kenny, A.
- Kepler, J.
- Keynes, J.M.
- Kierkegaard, S.
- kinaesthesis
- Kirchhoff, G.
- Klimt, G.
- Klopstock, F.G.
- Köhler, W.
- Kokoschka, O.
- Kraus, K.
- Kripke, S.
- Kuhn, T.S.
- Labor, J.
- ladder
- language
- language‐game
- law and passim
- natural
- of causation see law/principle under causation/cause
- of excluded middle
- of induction see law under induction
- of logic
- of thought
- learning see teaching
- Leibniz, G.W.
- Lenau, N.
- length; see also length under sample, standard meter
- Lewis, C.I.
- Lichtenberg, G.C.
- limit
- of experience/knowledge
- of language/sense/thought; see also nonsense
- of the subject
- of the world
- linguistics
- lion
- Locke, J.
- logic and passim
- formal
- Fregean
- predicate
- propositional
- transcendental
- logical analysis
- logical atomism
- logical constant
- logical form
- of facts/propositions
- of language/reality/the world
- of names/objects
- logical grammar see logical under grammar
- logical inference see logical under inference
- logical necessity see logical under necessity
- logical positivism
- logical relation see logical under relation
- logical space
- logical syntax
- logicism
- Loos, A.
- lying/lie
- Mach, E.
- magic
- Mahler, G.
- Malcolm, N.
- Marx, K.
- mathematics; see also arithmetic, geometry, set theory
- Maxwell, J.C.
- meaning of life (Sinn des Lebens)
- meaning see Augustinian picture of language, Bedeutung (meaning/reference), Sinn (sense/meaning)
- meaningless; see also nonsense, senseless
- measure/measuring; see also standard meter
- mechanism
- Meinong, A.
- memory
- Mendelssohn, F.
- Menger, K.
- mental image/picture
- mental phenomenon (act/event/process/state)
- mentalism; see also Cartesianism, psychologism
- Merleau‐Ponty, M.
- metalogic
- metaphilosophy
- metaphor
- metaphysics
- meter stick see standard meter
- method
- Mill, J.S.
- mind and machine see human being
- mind vs. body; see also I/ego/self, inner/outer
- minima sensibilia of the Tractatus
- minimalism
- model; see also paradigm
- or picture; see also picture
- replacement
- Moore, G.E.; see also Moore’s under paradox
- Morell, O.
- motive see cause vs. reason/motive/ground under causation/cause
- Mozart, W.A.
- mystical/mysticism
- mythology
- name
- color
- combination/concatenation of
- proper
- simple
- naming; see also name
- natural history
- naturalism
- necessity; see also necessary under proposition
- Necker cube
- negation; see also bipolarity
- Neider, H.
- Nestroy, J.N.
- Neurath, O.
- Newton, I.
- Nietzsche, F.
- nominalism
- nonsense; see also meaningless, resolute reading
- mere/plain/sheer/austere conception of
- substantial/illuminating
- N‐operator
- norm of description/representation
- normativity
- notation
- number
- paradigm; see also sample
- paradox
- liar’s
- Moore’s
- of aspect perception
- of inference
- of the concept “horse”
- of the Tractatus
- of Tragedy
- rule‐following
- Russell’s
- skeptical
- Sorites
- Pascal, B.
- Pasternak, B.
- patterns in the tapestry of life (Lebensteppich)
- Peirce, C.S.
- Penrose, R.
- personal identity see criteria of under identity
- perspicuous/surveyable (re)presentation/overview (übersichtliche Darstellung); see also surveyability
- phenomenalism; see also sense‐data
- phenomenology
- philosophy
- analytic
- as critical activity
- continental
- elenctic rather than deductive
- leaves everything as it is
- of mathematics
- of mind
- of religion
- of science
- political see politics/political philosophy
- problems of
- systematic
- physics
- pictorial form (Form der Abbildung)
- picture see also picture theory, pictorial/picturing under relation, mental image/picture
- picture theory
- Pinsent, D.
- Plato
- Platonism; see also Plato
- pleasure
- Poincaré, H.
- politics/political philosophy
- Popper, K.
- possibility
- combinatorial
- inference‐ see possibility under inference
- possible world see possible under world
- truth see possibility under truth
- practice
- linguistic
- mathematical
- primitive
- pragmatics
- pragmatism
- predicate
- prescriptivism
- principle see also axiom, law
- closure
- context
- of excluded middle see excluded middle under law
- of indiscernibility of identicals
- verification/verifiability
- vicious circle
- Prior, A.
- privacy
- private language argument see private language under argument
- probability
- proof
- mathematical
- of God’s existence
- Sheffer’s
- property, internal/external see internal/external under relation
- proposition (Satz) passim
- complex/molecular
- elementary/atomic; see also logical atomism
- genuine
- grammatical
- hinge
- mathematical
- necessary
- pseudo; see also nonsense
- propositional function see propositional under function
- propositional sign (Satzzeichen)
- propositional variable see propositional under variable
- pseudo‐proposition see pseudo under proposition
- psychoanalysis; see also Freud
- psychologism
- psychology, philosophical; see also Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology under works of Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Putnam, H.
- Pyrrhonism; see also skepticism
- Pythagoras
- quantifying
- quietism
- Quine, W.V.
- Ramsey, F.P.
- rationality/rationalism
- realism/antirealism
- empirical
- pure
- vs. idealism
- reason see cause vs. reason/motive/ground under causation/cause
- recognition see memory
- reference; see also Bedeutung
- co‐reference
- system of (Bezugssystem)
- regularity
- Reichenbach, H.
- Reik, T.
- relation
- internal/external
- logical
- pictorial/picturing
- theory of judgment in Russell
- relativism
- religion; see also God
- reminders
- representation (Vorsteltung); see also projection under method, perspicuous/surveyable (re)presentation/overview
- resolute reading see also nonsense
- Jacobin vs. Girondin
- strong vs. weak
- Respinger, M.
- Rhees, R.
- Ribet, K.
- Richards, I.A.
- Rilke, R.M.
- ritual
- river‐bed
- Robinson, A.
- Robinson, A.
- Rorty, R.
- Rosh, E.
- Ross, W.D.
- rule see also grammar; logical syntax
- application of
- following
- grammatical
- grasping in a flash
- of inference see logical under inference
- of language
- skepticism see rule‐following under skepticism
- ruler see measure/measuring, standard meter
- rule‐skepticism see rule‐following under skepticism
- Russell, B.
- paradox see Russell’s under paradox
- Principia Mathematica
- Ryle, G.
- sample; see also paradigm
- Sartre, J.P.
- saying/showing
- scaffolding
- Schiele, E.
- Schiller, F.C.S.
- Schlick, M.
- Schopenhauer, A.
- Schubert, F.
- science
- Searle, J.
- seeing passim
- aspect‐ see perception/seeing under aspect
- concept of
- connections
- self‐consciousness see consciousness
- Sellars, W.
- semantics
- sensation; see also kinaesthesis
- private; see also private under object, private language under argument
- sense see Sinn (sense/meaning)
- sense/meaning distinction see Sinn (sense/meaning), Bedeutung (meaning/reference)
- sense‐data
- senseless (sinnlos); see also meaningless, nonsense
- sentence see proposition, propositional sign
- series, arithmetical/numerical
- set theory
- Shakespeare, W.
- Sheffer, H.
- Shimura, G.
- sign
- and symbol
- identity sign see sign under identity
- language see sign under language
- primitive/nonprimitive
- propositional see propositional sign
- simple; see also simple under name
- Sigwart, C.
- simple see simple/complex under object
- Sinn (sense/meaning); see also Bedeutung (meaning/reference), Frege
- situation (Sachlage); see also state of affairs
- skepticism
- Skinner, F.
- Socrates
- solipsism; see also I/ego/self
- sortal
- soul; see also I/self, solipsism
- speech act
- Spengler, O.
- Spinoza, B.
- Sraffa, P.
- standard meter; see also measure/measuring
- standard of correctness
- state of affairs (Sachverhalt); see also fact, situation
- Stonborough Wittgenstein, M.
- Strawson, P.F.
- style
- substance argument see substance under argument
- suicide
- superstition
- surveyability; see also perspicuous/surveyable (re)presentation/overview
- symbol
- symptom
- syntacticism
- syntax see logical syntax
- synthetic a priori; see also analytic/synthetic
- Taniyama, Y.
- Tarski, A.
- tautology; see also logic
- teaching/learning
- theorem
- Church’s
- Fermat’s last
- Gödel’s
- Pythagoras’s
- Tarski’s
- theory
- therapy; see also resolute reading, psychoanalysis
- third Wittgenstein
- Thurber, J.
- Tolstoy, L.N.
- toothache; see also pain under behavior
- Toulmin, S.
- training (Abrichten)
- Trakl, G.
- transcendental/transcendentalism; see also transcendental under idealism, transcendental under argument
- truth and passim; see also falsehood
- Uhland, L.
- unconscious/unconsciousness
- understanding
- first‐order vs. second‐order
- in a flash
- pre‐theoretical
- transitive vs. intransitive
- undogmatic procedure
- vagueness
- value; see also ethics
- aesthetic
- truth‐ see value under truth
- variable
- verification/verificationism
- Victoria, Queen
- Vienna Circle
- visual field
- voice; see also interlocutor
- von Wright, G.H.
- Waismann, F.
- Walter, B.
- Weininger, O.
- Weyl, H.
- Whitehead, A.N.
- Wiles, A.
- will/willing; see also intentionality, Schopenhauer
- Winch, P.
- Wisdom, J.
- Wittgenstein, H(ermine)
- Wittgenstein, K(arl)
- Wittgenstein, L(eopoldine)
- Wittgenstein’s self‐critique of the Tractatus
- works of Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Big Typescript
- Blue and Brown Books
- Culture and Value
- Nachlass, Wittgenstein’s
- On Certainty
- Philosophical Grammar
- Philosophical Investigations and passim
- Philosophical Remarks
- Remarks on Colour
- Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics
- Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology
- Tractatus Logico‐Philosophicus; see also Wittgenstein’s self‐critique of the Tractatus
- Zettel
- world
- world‐picture (Weltbild)/world‐view (Weltanschauung); see also hinge‐ under proposition, Spengler