298 "To have . . . hope": BA to HA, Oct. 13, 1895, Houghton Library. 298f "But for you" to "good genius": BA to HA, July 5, 1899, Houghton
Library. 300 "recognizes . . . it": Holmes-Laski Letters, ed. M. A. De Wolfe Howe (Cambridge, Mass., 1953), p. 618. annotations: in HA's copy of Karl Marx, Capital (London, 1887), p. 34 and passim, MHS.
302 "the sensitive . . . everywhere": Cecil Spring Rice to HA, June 1897.
303 "The teaching profession" to "silver men": HA, "The Tendency of
History," quoted in HA, Degradation of the Democratic Dogma,
P. 97-
308 "Great Heavens!" to "Hell!": CFA Jr. to HA, Nov. 20, 1895. published in 1900: CFA Jr., Charles Francis Adams (Cambridge,
zo. Behind the Scenes
309 "What. . . me?": Clarence King to HA, quoted in Harry Crosby,
"So Deep a Trail" (Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, 1953), p. 373. "from the arms" to "negro woman": King to HA, ibid.
310 "a pessimist. . . infinite": HA, quoted in Clarence King Memoirs, p.
174. 3i2f "good offices" to "Cuba": Donald Cameron and Henry Cabot
Lodge, Congressional Record, Senate, Jan. 29, Feb. 10, 20, 28,
1896. 313 "I have . . . behalf": Gonzalo de Quesada to HA, Feb. 21, 1896.
315 "I think . . . here": BA to HA, July 26, 1896, Houghton Library,
Harvard University.
316 "His Sufficiency" to "citizens": William Phillips to HA, May 25,
1896. "a tremendously . . . Department": Phillips to HA, Sept. 8, 1896.
317 "all. . . mischief": CFA Jr. to Lodge, Dec. 24, 1896. "It is . . . Cameron": Nation, Dec. 24, 1896.
"un documento" to "epoca": Herminio Vila, Historia de Cuba, HI (Havana, 1939), 191.
318 "an address" to "bunkers": Hay to Lodge, in Thayer, Life of John
Hay, II, 159.
319 "revolute": Thomas Slidell Rodgers to HA, July 27, 1897. 32if "he now . . . fire": Hay to EC, March 10, 1898, MHS.
323f "little project" to "lynching": Hay to HA, May 27, 1898; Letters of John Hay, III, 126, and Hay Papers, Brown University.
324 "historian" to "order": Edward Burlingame to HA, July 7, F898.
325 "my health" to "painful": quoted in Thayer, Life of John Hay, II,
173. "Don . . . landscape": Hay to Lodge, ibid., p. 178.
Page 326 "If the country" to "platter": Owen Wister, Theodore Roosevelt
(New York, 1930), p. 148. 328 "extra-official" to "accordingly": Horatio Rubens, Liberty: The
Story of Cuba (New York, 1932), pp. 386, 395. 332 "If . . . things": Hay to HA, March 29, 1899.
21. New England Gothic
335 "We hold" to "Gothic architecture": quoted in David Dickason, The Daring Young Men (Bloomington, Ind., 1953), p. 107. "His pupil, Henry Adams": inscribed in La Farge's copy, Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.
339 "Atleast. . .Germany": quoted in Thayer, Lifeofjohn Hay, II, 248.
340 "Did any . . . the body?": EC to HA, Aug. 13, 1900.
344 "I'm all right. . . funk": Beringause, Brooks Adams, p. 234. 344f "the policy" to "civilization": ibid., pp. 196—197.
348 "Thou ... no more": BA to Roosevelt, Sept. 23, 1901; quoted in
Beringause, Brooks Adams, p. 204. "You and I" to "listen": BA to HA, Oct. 13, 1901. "Your cheery ... to me": Hay to HA, Oct. 21, 1901; Ford, Letters
of Henry Adams, II, 359.
349 "bodyguard" to "for an hour": Hay to EC, March 17, 1901.
350 "Teddy . . . initiative"': Hay to HA, Oct. 31, 1901, Hay Papers,
Brown University. "I'm going . . . done": quoted in Garraty, Lodge, p. 222m 353 "exquisitely" to "statesmen": Shane Leslie, Film of Memory (London, 1938), p. 229; Leslie, American Wonderland (London, 1936), P- 53-
22. Thirteenth-Century Unity
355 Mont . . . Chartres: HA, Mont Saint Michel and Chartres (Baltimore, privately printed, 1904).
359 "Alas . . . cost": quoted in Charles Haskins, The Renaissance of the
Twelfth Century (Cambridge, Mass., 1927), p. 257.
360 "'You must. . . feminine'": Leslie, Film of Memory, p. 229.
"In western ... a god": Lafcadio Hearn, Interpretations of Literature (London, 1916), p. 3.
362 "an O altitudo": Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1642), pt. I,
sec. ix.
363 "to wander" to "splendid labyrinth": Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Na-
ture," sec. vii, "Spirit." 366 "In his mind's . . . distance": James Clerk Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism (London, 1873), preface.
366 "a sorting demon": On "sorting demon" see William Jordy, Henry
Adams, Scientific Historian (New York, 1952), p. i66n.
367 "You are . . . canonised": Charles W. Stoddard to HA, Dec. 20,
1904. "You dear . . . ASt.G.": Saint-Gaudens to HA, April 6, 1905. "I have . . . subject": Henry James to HA, 1905. "I can't help" to "irony?": William James to HA, April 28, 1910,
Houghton Library, Harvard University. "Mixed" to "die": BA to HA, May 12, 1905, ibid.
23. The Shield of Protection
374 "trying to steal Panama": Hay to HA, July 11, 1902.
"I could not spare you": Roosevelt to Hay, quoted in Dennett, John Hay, p. 431.
375 "got out" to "enjoyment": Hay to HA, ibid., p. 436.
"full of excitement" to "America": Hay, MS diary, Jan. 16, 1905,
Library of Congress, "committed" to "centre": Henry James to HA, Feb. 1, 1905.
376 "Adams" to "Angelicus": Hay, MS diary, April 3, 1904, Library of
Congress. "Oh, Adams! . . . angel thou": Hay to Saint-Gaudens, April 12, 1905; Letters of John Hay, III, 330.
377 "an incredible rate of speed": Hay, MS diary, May 1905, Library of
Congress. "You must" to "little time!": Dennett, John Hay, p. 438.
380 "if what. . . any more": Donald Cameron to HA, March 19, 1907. 38of "I have read" to "remarks out?": quoted in Harold Dean Cater,
Henry Adams and His Friends (Boston, 1947), p. xc.
381 "An overrated . . . book": quoted in Bliss Perry, Yale Review, 20
(Winter 1931), 382. "with great amusement and sympathy": BA to HA, Feb. 24, 1907,
Houghton Library, Harvard University. "Henry . . . scientific theory": BA, "The Heritage of Henry Adams,"
p. 103. 38if "I note . . . scepticism": Holmes to HA, Dec. 31, 1907.
382 "When I happened" to "rarely": Howe, Holmes-Pollock Letters, II,
"Why . . . Bible?": Clara Hay to HA, May 6, 1907.
"immensely" to "seems like that": Homer Saint-Gaudens to HA, May 6, 1907.
"In this . . . purpose": Henry Osborn Taylor's copy, Houghton Library.
"You are . . . sort of book": Nov. 25, 1911; M. A. De Wolfe Howe, ed., John Jay Chapman and His Letters (Boston, 1937).
Page 382 "I lost. . . amber": Henry James to HA, Aug. 31, 1909.
"a very stone" to "analysis": Moreton Frewen, Nineteenth Century, May 1919, p. 982. 384f "aged colored butler" to "hold of it!": Ferris Greenslet, Under the
Bridge (Boston, 1943), chap. 15. 385 "The boyhood part" to "time at all": William James to HA, Feb. 9, 1908.
389 "I should like" to "lose my mind": Eliot to Grace Norton, April 10,
1920; quoted in Barbara Solomon, Ancestors and Immigrants (Cambridge, Mass., 1956), p. 177.
390 "all that" to "worlds": Voltaire, Candide, chap. 3.
24. Schoolboy at Seventy
395 "The Democratic . . . pie": Hay to Howells, Oct. 14, 1880, Hay Pa-
pers, Brown University.
396 "What has become . . . living people": Whitelaw Reid to HA, Sept.
7, 1908. "You see . . . personal": Clara Hay to HA, Feb. 1908.
403 "Your brother has an eye": quoted in BA to HA, ca. 1906, Hough-
ton Library, Harvard University.
404 "brilliant coterie" to "floor": Elsie de Wolfe, After All (New York,
i935),PP-3i 5 107. "nieces," "aunt": quoted in Elisabeth Marbury, My Crystal Ball (New York, 1923), p. 183.
405 "like a fine dry sherry": Bernard Berenson, Sketch for a Self-Portrait
(New York, 1949), p. 134.
"We had much" to "a Jew": Bernard Berenson, Rumour and Reflection (New York, 1952), p. 301.
"There suddenly . . . tinder": ibid., p. 214.
406 "old . . . Faubourg": Edith Wharton, A Backward Glance (New
York, 1934), p. ^5. "succulent and corrupting meals": Henry James to Walter Berry, Oct. 5, 1907, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.
25. Teacher of Teachers
409 "Henry Adams . . . Massachusetts": Register of Wills, Washington,
410 "a new flaring . . . history": George Adams, "History and Philoso-
phy of History," American Historical Review, 14 (1908-09), 229, 231,236. 'Moveable personality" to "criticism of life": Frederick Jackson Turner to Edmond S. Meany, Jan. 11, 1919, Turner Correspondence, Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.
410 "if some new Darwin . . . historical evolution": HA, "The Tendency
of History," in Annual Report, American Historical Association (Washington, D.C., 1894), P- J 7-"The Rule of Phase Applied to History": in HA, Degradation of the Democratic Dogma.
411 "multiplied" to "our time": Lewis Mumford, Values of Survival
(New York, 1946), p. 103.
412 "ask in what way" to "gravitation or space": Sir William Crookes,
"Sir William Crookes on Physical Research," in Smithsonian Institution Annual Report (Washington, D.C., 1899), p. 201.
417 "great generalisation" to "rapidity": Andrew Gray, Lord Kelvin
(London, 1908), pp. 141-142. A Letter . . . History: HA, A Letter to American Teachers of History
(Baltimore, privately printed, 1910). "Suggestions . . . Evolution": Fortnightly Review, April 1909.
418 "Bertie ... to you": Berenson to HA, Oct. 17, 1909.
421 "I have never . . . impression": BA to HA, March 10, 24, 1910,
Houghton Library, Harvard University, "doubtful physical analogies" to "twenty years ago": Arthur Hadley
to HA, March 14, 1910. "for you" to "bitterness": Albert B. Hart to HA, May 2, 1910. "After two . . . grasped it": Barrett Wendell to HA, May 1, 1910.
422 "To tell" to "terminus": William James to HA, June 17, 1910.
"an epitome . . . universe": Arthur Lovejoy, "Bergson and Romantic Evolutionism," Chronicle (University of California), 15 (Oct. 1913).
"an authentic" to "humor": Charles Bennett, Yale Review, n.s., 9 (July 1920), 890-891.
26. The Benevolent Sage
425 "attempted . . . interpreting": Boston Evening Transcript, Nov. 1, 1911.
428 "Shocking" to "twenty": Berenson to HA, July 27, 1910.
429 "the running . . . clock": Berenson to HA, July 27, 1911.
430 "like a lone . . . dead": Henry James to HA, Jan. 26, 1911; Letters
of Henry James, ed. Leon Edel (New York, 1955).
431 "the finest thing": Waldo Leland to Harold D. Cater; quoted in Ca-
ter, Henry Adams and His Friends, p. xciv. "one of the greatest. . . America": John Franklin Jameson to HA, Dec. 17, 1912.
435 "I can't" to "help me": CFA Jr. to EC, May 2, 1912. "a number ... at all": EC to CFA Jr., June 3, 1912.
436 "a series" to "merry one!": CFA Jr. to Anna Cabot Lodge, July 3,
43 6f "Perhaps" to "sound good!": CFA Jr. to Anna Cabot Lodge, July 5, 1912, Lodge Papers, MHS.
437 "to devote ... to him": CFA Jr. to Anna Cabot Lodge, Aug. 24,
1912, Lodge Papers, MHS. "mainly female": CFA Jr. to Anna Cabot Lodge, Aug. 7, 1912. "in a manner" to "reach you": Henry James to HA, July 15, 1912. "the anxious . . . met": Edith Wharton to HA, June 24, 1912.
438 "is coming" to "the Past": Berenson to HA, July 12, Aug. 15, 1912. "like . . . King Lear": Edith Wharton to Berenson, Sept. 18, 1912.
439 "to argue for the publication": Ralph Adams Cram to HA, Nov. 29,
1912. "No one wants" to "any details": Ralph Adams Cram, My Life in Architecture (Boston, 1936), p. 227.
440 "an admirably balanced . . . monograph": Boston Evening Tran-
script,]^. 7,1914. "a careful" to "scholars": A. L. A. Booklist, 10 (1913-14), 215. "considerable insight" to "much else": Spectator, April 18, 1914, p.
652. "great delight" to "Henry Adams": Henry Osborn Taylor, American
Historical Review, April 1914, pp. 592-594.
441 "few and insignificant" to "infallible": Frederick B. Luquiens, Yale
Review, n.s., 3 (July 1914), 830.
27. The Abandoning Universe
443 "me grovel. . . triumph": Henry James to HA, May 26, 1913.
445 "very communicative": Thayer, Letters, p. 343.
"Henry Adams, of Washington": CFA Jr. to HA, Feb. 1914.
446 "I still find . . . make you do": Henry James to HA, March 21, 1914.
447 "The lamps . . . lifetime": quoted in Edward Gray, Twenty-five
Years, I (London, 1925), 20.
448 "will best express my devotion": Lubbock, Letters of Henry James,
P- 477-
452 "That arch-egoist" to "greatly": Hazen, Letters of Thayer, pp. 242,
251. "The rumor . . . Henry Adams": Ferris Greenslet to HA, Dec. 22, 1915.
453 "A letter . . . credit to you": EC to HA, Dec. 17, 1915.
455 "dear . . . gayety": EC to HA, 1916.
"a peace without victory": quoted in Gwynn, Letters and Friendships of Spring Rice, II, 374.
456 "Cabot! . . . now": quoted in Cater, Henry Adams and His Friends,
p. cv. "How I love ... up to?": Florence J. Harriman, From Pinafores to Politics (New York, 1923), p. 217.
457 "We men" to "Kill Wilson!": Beringause, Brooks Adams, pp. 373,
458 "a queer comfort. . . roof": Elizabeth Adams to EC, April 1, 1918. "Brooks . . . Bolsheviki": W. S. Bigelow to Lodge, May 17, 1918,
Lodge Papers, MHS.
459 "The Genesis of the Super-German": Dublin Review, April 1918,
pp. 224-233. 461 "Life" to "the moon": quoted in Cater, Henry Adams and His Friends, p. cvi.
"unusually bright... a good deal": Elizabeth Adams to Henry O. Taylor, May 5, 1918; in copy of the Education at Houghton Library, Harvard University.
"Good night, my dear": Aileen Tone to Mabel La Farge, March 29, 1918; quoted in Cater, Henry Adams and His Friends, p. 780.
"chapelle ardente": ibid., p. 779. 46if "(Easter, 1918) ... her protection": Leslie, American Wonderland, PP- 54-55-
Abelard, Peter, 353, 361, 363, 364, 419 Academy of Arts and Letters, 204, 375 Academy of Arts and Sciences, 11 Adams, Abigail Brooks (Mrs. Charles Francis; HA's mother), 5, 7, 27, 44, 95, 131, 215; marriage of, 2, 4; illnesses of, 6, 72, 75, 186, 216, 217, 224; death of, 230 Adams, Abigail Smith (Mrs. John; HA's
great-grandmother), 3, 112 Adams, Arthur (HA's brother), 4 Adams, Brooks (HA's brother), 6, 203, 204, 271, 299, 325, 378, 408; "The Platform of the New Party," 116; Emancipation of Massachusetts, 178, 179, 215; The Law of Civilization and Decay, 290-291, 294-299, 301, 302, 303, 306, 307,312,321, 333, 334; and Panic of 1893, 2 9°> 2 9 2 > 2 93> 2 94> 3° 2 ; The Gold Standard, 295-296; and HA, 305, 320, 331, 341, 342, 368, 411, 427, 436, 445; pessimism of, 313, 429, 454; and Democratic convention of 1896, 315; escape to Middle Ages, 334-335; The New Empire, 344; and Theodore Roosevelt, 345, 348, 349, 395; theory of history, 346; on HA's Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, 367-368, 381; on HA's Education, 381; biography of John Quincy Adams, 414; on HA's Letter to American Teachers, 421, 422; The Theory of Social Revolution, 444; and World War I, 448, 458; and Wilson, 457 Adams, Charles Francis (HA's father), 2-3, 4~5> 6» 7—8, 26, 33, 64, 118; and HA, 23, 25, 32, 68, 74, 79, 124, 125, 129, 166, 186; and election of i860, 38, 39;
and slavery, 38-39, 40, 41, 45; 1861 speech in Congress, 41, 42; and Lincoln, 42, 43, 44; as minister to England, 43-
44, 46, 48, 50, 58, 65-66, 68, 74; and Alabama claims, 96, 100; death of, 214-216
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. (HA's brother), 4, 33, 44, 62, 67, 199, 2 ° 2 , 301; and HA, 9, 20, 26, 28, 32, 36, 40, 42, 43,
45, 51, 53, 129, 172, 215, 281; "Reign of King Cotton," 42; in Civil War, 47, 59; wedding trip to London, 68-69; ex * pose of American railroads, 69, 70, 78, 79, 84, 98, 99; collaboration with HA, 79-80, 82, 83, 99, 120, 123, 307-308; as reformer, 81, 91, 97; campaign for governor, 84; "An Erie Raid," 98; "The Government and the Railroads," 98; and Clover Adams, 101, 129; "The Currency Debate of 1873-74," 116-117; as president of Union Pacific Railroad, 123, 208, 214, 260-261, 294; review of HA's Gallatin, 142-143; review of The Breadwinners, 148; as critic, 195, 196; and Panic of 1893, 2.89-290, 294; at Chicago World's Fair, 292; biography of father, 307-308, 370, 414; and HA's Education, 381; Studies, Military and Diplomatic, 431; and HA's stroke, 435, 436, 437; death of, 451; publication of autobiography, 452
Adams, Charles Kendall, 196-199 Adams, Elizabeth, 458, 461 Adams, George (HA's uncle), 2, 95 Adams, George B., 410 Adams, Henry Brooks: childhood of, 1-2, 5-8, 381; and grandfather, 1-2, 6, 7;
ancestors of, 3; birth of, 4; at Harvard College, 8-24; and Darwinism, 11-12,
60, 162; and slavery controversy, 19; relations with father, 23, 25, 32, 68, 74, 79, 124, 125, 129, 166, 186; law studies of, 25-26, 27-28, 30, 39, 43, 65, 66, 426; studies in Germany, 25-32; Grand Tour of, 2.5-37, 47; Italian letters of, 33-36; as father's private secretary, 39-40, 42, 45-75, 77, 2.89, 307; as Washington correspondent for Boston Daily Advertiser, 39-43; and Lincoln, 43, 49; as London correspondent of New York Times, 45, 48-54, 55-74; and science, 61-63, 135-137, I9i-i93> 155, 359, 362, 363, 366, 371, 376, 381, 387, 391, 399-401, 419-420; interest in geology,
61, 135-137, 303, 343; on Comte, 62, 346; and J. S. Mill, 62, 63, 65; on universal education, 63, 419; influence of Tocqueville on, 64-65; and reform movement, 66, 76-91, 117, 169-170, 398, 445; self-depreciation of, 71-72; as journalist in Washington, 77-89, 104; as editor of North American Review, 90, 97, 104-120, 388, 395; as professor at Harvard, 90-125, 233, 285, 387; marriage of, 95-96, 99-100, 171-173, 388; antipathy to Boston, 103, 122, 373, 379; and Teutonic theories, 109-111; on status of women, 112-113, 3 71; on Constitution, 114; and election of 1876, 119-120, 121, 125; on Washington, D.C., 124, 403; social life in Washington, 125-137, 166-179; an d currency questions, 128, 283, 288, 292-296, 318; and trade unions, 128, 219, 395, 419; at Beverly Farms, 135, 165, 185, 198, 202, 205, 236, 238, 279, 457; biography of Gallatin, 138-143, 149, 151, 152; art collection of, 167; and free trade movement, 169, 170, 171; and Henry James, 175-176, 249, 275, 178; on literary critics, 187; house-building in Washington, 194-196, 204; death of wife, 200-205, 3 21 , 3 z 7; study of Buddhism, 208, 209, 211, 212, 265-266, 342; and religion, 212, 270, 343, 344, 450; study of Chinese, 217, 224; and honorary degrees, 281, 282, 381; and history of Tahiti, 285-286; attitude to-
ward women, 286, 359-361, 449; and Panic of 1893, 288-294; opinion of usury, 296; study of Roman Empire, 2 97, 305-306; theory of history, 304, 390-391, 399, 410-411; on Norman architecture, 307, 334; and Cuban independence, 309-313, 316-317,319, 322, 323, 327-330; as isolationist, 312, 344; and anti-Semitism, 315, 316, 320, 321, 346, 405, 445; on socialism, 318, 32-3, 337; an d Philippines, 323, 328, 330, 337, 345, 348; study of Virgin Mary, 333, 340, 342-343, 344, 349, 35i, 354, 356-362, 364, 372, 379, 388, 432; and geopolitics, 342, 344, 345-346; and anti-imperialism, 345; on Theodore Roosevelt, 349-351, 380; and Hay's letters, 394-397; on mathematics, 399-400, 401; and law of acceleration, 399, 401, 409, 413; and expatriates in Paris, 402-408; will of, 409, 445-446; illness of, 435-439, 440, 459; on suffragettes, 445, 458; in Berkshires, 454; eightieth birthday of, 459; death of, 461 —writings:
"American Finance, 1865-1869," 80 "The Bank of England Restriction of
1797," 71,72,99 "British Finance in 1816," 70-71, 99 "Captain John Smith," 69-70, 99,
181,231 Chapters of Erie and Other Essays,
99,2M "Civil Service Reform," 83, 116 "The Declaration of Paris," 65, 231 Democracy, 112, 143-148, 162, 191,
192, 201, 368,452 Documents Relating to New England
Federalism, 1800-1815, 115 Education of Henry Adams, The, 62, 274, 397, 4i3, 414, 4i8, 419; on memory of Harvard, 10-11, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23; on English experience, 55; on Clarence King, 97, 135; on Early Women, 112; on Cuban experience, 309; beginning of, 352; writing of, 369-376, 378-380; reception of, 380-385; publication of, 385, 393, 394, 45 J -4545 on Hay, 396; scientific speculations of, 411; reprinting of, 411, 415; on La
Adams, Henry Brooks {continued)
Farge, 430; pessimism of, 434, 442, 444; and Pulitzer Prize, 454
Essays on Anglo-Saxon Law, 109-110,120-121
Esther, 112, 187, 189-193, 196, 199, 205, 211-212, 235-236, 266, 335
"The Great Secession Winter of 1860-61," 43
"Harvard College," 93
Historical Essays, 65, 231
History of the United States of America, 179, 184, 299, 354, 389, 414; and theory of social energy, 62; genesis of, 108, 180-181; writing of, 185-187, 195, 217-219, 222, 223, 227-228; first private printing of, 189; publication of, 225, 228-231, 368; reviews of, 276, 231-233; Loubat Prize for, 282; reprinting of, 327
"The Independents in the Canvass," 119-120
John Randolph, 181-183, 184
"The Legal Tender Act," 86, 99
A Letter to American Teachers of History, 417-423, 442, 456, 460
Life of Albert Gallatin, 138-143, 149, 151, 152, 181, 182, 185
Life of George Cabot Lodge, 423-424,426,437
Memoirs of Marau Taaroa, Last Queen of Tahiti, 285-287, 340, 348
"Men and Things in Washington," 85
Mont Saint Michel and Chartres: Virgin in, 112, 335, 356-357, 364; beginning of, 320, 336-337; writing of, 338-340, 35*> 354, 355-368; revision of, 348, 351, 428-429, 430, 431, 432; final chapters of, 352, 361-366, 390; mysticism of, 362-363; unity and multiplicity in, 363-364, 390; publication of, 439-440, 452; reviews of, 425-426, 440-441
"Napoleon Ier et Saint-Dominique," 187
New England Federalism, 163, 185
"The New York Gold Conspiracy," 84, 87,90,98,99, 261
"A Peep into Cabinet Windows," 85
"A Political Nuisance," 85
"The Primitive Rights of Women,"
112,231, 357 "Reading in College," 16 Report on Trades' Union Meeting (England, 1863), 65-66 Review of Lyell's Principles of Geology, 71-73 "The Rule of Phase Applied to History," 383, 410, 411, 412, 415, 419,422 "The Session," 81, 82, 83, 88, 91, 145 "The Tendency of History," 303, 410 "Two Letters on a Prussian Gymnasium," 29 "A Visit to Manchester—Extracts from a Private Diary," 51-52 Adams, Herbert B., 208, 303, 304 Adams, John (HA's great-grandfather), 3-4, 8, 9, 63, 95, 181; Works, 25; Essay on the Canon and the Feudal Law, 63 Adams, John Quincy (HA's grandfather), 1, 2, 3, 4, 64, 86, 98, 154, 275, 277; death of, 6-7, 215; at Harvard, 9; Letters and Addresses of Freemasonry, 21; in campaign of 1828, 114; and Randolph, 181, 182, 184; as minister to Russia, 346; biography of, 414 Adams, John Quincy II (HA's brother), 2, 4, 9, 44, 71, 76, 215, 234; as reformer, 81; conversion to Democratic party, 85, 91; and Panic of 1893, 289, 291 Adams, Louisa. See Kuhn, Louisa Adams Adams, Marian Hooper ("Clover"; Mrs. Henry), 58, 134, 142, 143, 164-165; and Adams family, 95-96, 129-130, 151; wedding trip of, 99-100, 101-103, 116; in Washington, 125, 126, 127, 129-131, 132, 149, 150, 167, 171, 173, 174, 187-188; and HA, 129, 151, 172, 219; and HA's Democracy, 145, 146, 147-148; in England, 153-154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161; as amateur photographer, 167, 188, 195, 200; illnesses of, 172-173, 198, 199, 222; and gossip, 173; on Matthew Arnold, 175; at Beverly Farms, 186, 457; death of, 191, 200-205, 206, 214, 282, 327, 349, 370, 388, 445, 451; and father, 196-198, 200, 211
Adams, Mary (HA's sister), 6, 59 Adams, Mary Ogden (HA's niece), 220 Adgar, William: Marienlegenden, 338 Agassiz, Alexander, 177, 206, 246, 255,
285,430 Agassiz, Louis, 11-12, 23, 60, 72, 73, 136,
162 Agoncillo, Felipe, 328 Albani, Dame Emma, 174 Albany Argus, 278 Alger, Russell, 3 29 Alphonso XII, 154 Ambrose, St., 379
American Association of Social Science, 79 American Historical Association (AHA),
198,208,302, 304, 311,410 American Historical Review, 41,418 American Institute of Architects, 439 Anderson, Larz, 277 Anderson, Nicholas, 10, 17, 26, 47, 133,
174, 188, 189, 202, 204, 277 Anthony, Susan B., 113 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 339, 340, 352, 362,
363, 365, 366, 367, 430; and the Virgin,
354, 364; death of, 361 Argyll, Elizabeth Campbell, duchess of, 57 Argyll, George Campbell, duke of, 57 Ariitaimai, Princess, 257, 258, 261, 286 Arnold, Matthew, 144, 175, 241, 249,
265; Culture and Anarchy, 161 Arthur, Chester A., 168, 169, 170, 196,
240 Athenaeum, 142, 233 Atkinson, Edward, 83 Atlantic Monthly, 42, 43, 51, 60, 73, 147,
232 Augustine, St., 384, 430, 449, 450, 459;
City of God, 379; Confessions, 379,
386-387 Australia, 263-264
Babbage, Sir Charles, 61
Bacon, Francis, 15, 22; "On Seditions and Troubles," 40
Badeau, Adam, 84
Baird, Spencer, 136
Balfour, Arthur, 318, 371, 456
Bancroft, George, 99, 106, 120, 168, 179, 278; as American minister to Germany, 100; and HA's Gallatin, 139; and Clover Adams, 167, 180, 188; and HA's His-
tory, 189; as president of American Historical Association, 208
Bancroft, Hubert Howe: Native Races of the Pacific, 111
Bancroft, John, 30
Bancroft, Mrs. George, 139
Baring Brothers, 164, 217, 260, 302
Barlow, Samuel, 74, 150
Barnard, George C, 84
Barnum, P. T, 175
Barrymore, Ethel, 352
Baudelaire, Charles, 273
Bayard, Thomas F., 171, 195, 319
Beck, Jean, 443
Beecher, Henry Ward, 58
Belmont, August, 167
Bennett, James Gordon, 58
Bentham, Jeremy, 12
Benton, Thomas Hart, 18
Berenson, Bernard, 404-405, 418, 427, 429, 437-438, 443; and Edith Wharton, 406-407, 428; and HA's Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, 439; and HA's medieval songs, 446; and World War I, 448
Bergerat, Emile; Vidocq, 377
Bergson, Henri: Time and Free Will, 275; L'evolution creatrice, 417, 456
Berlin Conference of 1884, 301
Berlioz, Hector: The Damnation of Faust,
Bernard, Montague, 102
Bernhardt, Sarah, 156, 174
Berry, Walter, 403
Beveridge, Albert, 429
Bey, Aristarchi, 131, 134, 167, 320
Bey, Mariette, 106
Bigelow, Carry, 30
Bigelow, Jacob, 4, 5
Bigelow, William Sturgis, 206, 209, 211,
265,279, 336, 341,415-416 Bispham, G. T, 115 Blaine, James G., 58, 118, 127, 146, 147,
170, 185, 195, 201; as secretary of state,
167-168, 171 Blanc, Louis, 56-57 Blavatsky, Mme. Helena P., 265 Boissier, Gaston, 379 Bonington, Richard P., 160 Bonnard, Pierre, 428 Boole, George, 61
Boston Atlas, 7
Boston Daily Advertiser, 33, 39, 40, 41,
45, 58,76, 117 Boston Daily Courier, 33, 35-36, 51, 52,
53,333 Boston Daily Whig, 8 Boston Evening Transcript, 4, 146, 202,
425,440 Boston Post, 118 Boston Traveler, 38 Bourget, Paul, 406 Boutwell, George S., 82, 116, 117 Bowen, Francis, 15, 21, 58; Principles of
Political Economy, 12-13 Bowles, Samuel, 23, 78, 81, 117 Bradford, Gamaliel, 104 Bright, John, 66, 70, 103, 157, 277 Bristow, Benjamin H., 118 Brooke, Stopford, 103 Brooks, Peter Chardon, 4, 5, 7, 9 Brooks, Phillips, 58, 192, 404 Brooks, Preston, 19 Browne, Sir Thomas, 362 Browning, Robert, 36, 56, 161 Brown-Sequard, Charles, 57 Bryan, William Jennings, 315-316, 319,
446 Bryant, William Cullen, 85 Bryce, James, 103, 158, 283, 395,42-9 Buchanan, James, 19 Buckle, Henry, 61, 62 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 56, 121 Bumstead, Henry A., 411 Burgess, John W, 383 Burke, Edmund, 89, no; Abridgement of
English History, 106 Burns, Anthony, 19 Burr, Aaron, 163, 181, 183, 184, 185 Butler, Benjamin, 78, 117 Butler, Andrew, 19 Butt, Archibald W, 434 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 249
Cabot, George, 114
Cabot, Lewis, 26, 372, 445
Cameron, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Donald): and Lafayette Square, 147, 223, 224, 229-230, 234-237; marriage of, 173, 292, 416; HA's relationship with, 203, 204-205, 234-237, 238, 270, 271, 272,
33i, 339-340, 342., 346, 347, 353; admirers of, 221, 222, 235; HA's letters from, 239-240, 241-242, 243, 248-249, 253-254, 263, 265, 266, 267-268; in Paris, 268, 319-320, 332, 336, 338, 341, 379, 406, 427, 428, 447; at St. Helena, 278-279, 285, 309, 310; salon in Washington, 284, 409; at Chicago World's Fair, 288; travels with HA, 313, 319-320, 322, 323, 415; home in England, 324; in Scotland, 352; and HA's Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, ^66\ and Lady Mendl, 404; and HA's stroke, 435, 436, 437, 443, 444; and World War I, 448, 449, 450, 451, 461; letters of, 453
Cameron, James Donald, 147, 173, 267, 288, 289, 309, 325; and Silver Purchase Act, 292; and Cuba, 312-313, 317; castle in Scotland, 352; HA on, 380
Cameron, Martha, 235, 267, 289, 378; birth of, 221; and HA, 223, 224, 237, 238, 248, 268, 270, 271, 315, 319, 339, 340, 341, 366; marriage of, 409, 416; and World War I, 448, 449, 461
Cameron, Rachel, 267, 268, 289
Cameron, Simon, 134
Candide, 85, 390
Canning, George, 163, 233
Cannon, Joseph, 418
Carlyle, Thomas, 89, 144, 274, 347, 352, 389; Heroes and Hero Worship, 387; Sartor Resartus, 387, 388
Carnegie, Andrew, 297
Casa, Marquess de, 154
Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 57
Cavour, Camillo Benso di, Count, 33, 34
Cecil, Robert, Lord, 456
Cedarkranz, Otto, 250
Century, 176, 188, 377
Ceylon, 265-267
Cezanne, Paul, 398
Chamberlain, Joseph, 277, 283, 318
Chambrun, Pierre de, 456
Chanler, Margaret (Mrs. Winthrop), 366, 378,382,399,400
Chanler, Winthrop, 333
Channing, Edward, 94
Chanson de Roland, 356, 425, 426, 433
Chapman, John Jay, 382
Chase, Samuel P., 185
Chicago Daily Journal, 46
Chicago Tribune, 133
Chicago World's Fair, 288, 292-293, 295,
Child, Francis, 10, 15
China, 333, 338, 345, 348
Choate, Joseph H., 325, 370, 454
Choate, Rufus, 19, 86
Christianity, n, 14, 212; failure of, 389
Christina, Maria, 154
Cicero, 15, 16, 22, 109
Cincinnati Commercial, 78
Civil War, 16, 38-54, 58, 67, 96, 103, 135, 394, 461; Battle of Gettysburg in, 59; currency of, 71; effect on Constitution, 114
Clark, Sir John, 164, 217, 271, 282, 289,
Clay, Henry, 184 Clemenceau, Georges, 398, 415 Clemens, Samuel. See Twain, Mark Cleveland, Frances Folsom (Mrs. Grover),
220 Cleveland, Grover, 170-171, 196, 260,
277, 279, 285, 293, 312; HA on, 197,
297; and Cuba, 311, 316 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 60, 237 Cobden, Richard, 56, 57, 70, 185, 277,
300 Compton, Frances Snow (HA's pseudonym), 190 Comte, Auguste, 61, 62, 63, 346; Cours de
philosophie positive, 13-14 Conkling, Roscoe, 168, 185, 195 Constable, John, 160, 167 Cook, Albert S., 426, 428, 439 Cook, Josiah, 11 Coquelin, Benoit, 156, 377 Corbin, Abel, 88 Corcoran, William W, 126, 127, 165, 166,
180,188 Corot, Jean Baptiste, 160 Cortissoz, Royal, 430 Cosmos Club, 136, 192 Cox, Jacob Dolson, 82, 92, 97, 98, 128,
133,149,151 Cram, Ralph Adams, 426, 452; Gothic
Quest, 439 Critic, The, 232
Cromwell, Oliver, 113
Crookes, Sir William, 61, 412
Cross, John, 158
Cross, Wilbur, 445
Crowninshield, Benjamin, 18, 23, 26, 30,
31,47 Crowninshield, Fanny, 44 Cuba, 285, 303, 309-310, 311 Cunliffe, Sir Robert, 74, 103, 153, 157,
172, 178, 199,2.2.5, 2.83, 312 Curtis, Benjamin, 78, 79 Curtis, George, 27 Curtius, Ernst, 100 Curzon, George, Lord, 331 Cushing, Frank: The Myths of Creation,
192 Cyon, Elias von, 302
Dallas, George, 46
Dalton, John, 376
Damien de Veuster, Joseph, Father, 251
Dana, Charles, 91
Dana, James Dwight, 246, 262; Corals and Coral Islands, 255, 256
Dana, Richard Henry, 8, 26, 95, 255
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 58
Dante Alighieri, 438; Paradiso, 212
Darwin, Charles, 12, 61, 73, 304, 371, 384, 417, 418, 421, 430; Voyage of the Beagle, 60; Origin of Species, 60, 410; theory of submergence, 246, 255-256, 262, 285; Agassiz vs., n, 72, 162; centennial of birth, 410
Daudet, Alphonse, 188; Nabob, 147
Davis, Henry Winter, 40
Deane, Charles, 58, 69, 91; A Discourse of Virginia, 69
Democracy, 63-65, 109-110, 128, 353, 389
Despeaux, Maxime: Cause des energies at-tractives, 400
Devens, Charles, 133
Dewey, George, 323
de Wolfe, Elsie, 352, 404
Diaz, Porfirio, 313
Dickens, Charles, 56, 132, 144
Diman, J. L., 115
Disraeli, Benjamin, 121, 147, 157, 158
Dixwell, Epes Sergeant, 7, 8
Dodge, Mary Abigail (pseud. Gail Hamilton), 127, 174
Dodge, Rebecca. See Rae, Rebecca Dodge
Dole, Sanford, 240
Donnay, Maurice: Education de prince, 369
Dore, Gustave, 160
Doty, Jacob, 284
Drake, Charles Daniel, 130
Draper, Ruth, 429, 443, 457
Dreyfus Affair, 320, 321, 337, 398, 407
Driesch, Hans, 417
Drumont, Edouard, 314
Dunbar, C. F., 115
Dupuy de Lome, Enrique, 312, 313
Duveen, Joseph, 407
Dwight, Theodore R, 136, 195, 199, 207, 222, 223, 224, 228, 230, 234, 276
Eaton, Dorman, 170
Economist, 313, 330, 350
Eddy, Spencer, 325
Edinburgh Review, 60, 64, 78, 80, 91
Edmonds, Frank, 59
Edwards, Jonathan, 391; "Sinners in the
Hands of an Angry God," 291 Egypt, 101, 321 Eisendecker, Karl von, 132 Eliot, Charles W., 90, 94, 107, 119, 122,
281,381,389,458 Eliot, George, 158, 162 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 4, 183, 266, 363,
Emerton, Ephraim, 94-95
Emmons, Samuel, 343
Endicott, Mary, 277
Engels, Friedrich, 13, 300
England, 4; neutral policy of, in Civil War, 47-48, 49; and Venezuela, 301; and China, 330, 338; in Boer War, 338; decline of, 341, 344, 345; imperialism of, 348; and Germany, 415
Equilaz, Don Leopoldo, 154
Evarts, William M., 57, 58, 66, 77, 78, 79, 84, 149; as secretary of state, 123, 167
Everett, C. C, 105
Everett, Edward, 6, 9, 18, 27, 28, 215
Everett, William, 215, 371
Examiner, The (London), 53
Expert, Henri, 443
Falconer, Hugh, 61
Faraday, Michael, 61, 366
Farman, Henri, 400
Farrand, Max, 410
Fay, Sigourney W, Father, 450, 458-459; with HA, "The Genesis of the Super-German," 459
Felton, Cornelius, 15
Fenollosa, Ernest, 209, 211, 213, 265
Field, Cyrus, 57
Field, David Dudley, 98
Field, John W, 198
Fiji Islands, 261-263
Findlay, Alexander: The Phase Rule and Its Applications, 401-402
Fish, Hamilton, 91
Fisk, James, 84, 87, 88, 98, 99
Fiske, John, 95, 162
Fitz-James, Rosa de, 406
Folsom, Charles, 168
Foraker, Joseph, 328
Ford, Paul Leicester, 207
Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 299, 302,
Forster, John, 56
Forster, William E., 56, 103, 157, 158
Fortnightly Review, 147, 417
Forum, 311
France, 30-31, no, 301, 330, 341, 348, 373,401,415
France, Anatole, 398
Francis Joseph I, 34
Francis of Assisi, St., 352, 362, 363
Frankland, Sir Edward, 61
Eraser's Magazine, 63
Freeman, Edward, 109, no, 161
Frelinghuysen, Frederick, 168, 171
Frelinghuysen, Lucy, 2o\
Frewen, Moreton, 286, 300, 318, 382, 461
Frothingham, Nathaniel, 9
Froude, James Anthony: History of England, 162
Fulbert (bishop of Chartres), 440
Gallatin, Albert, 108, 123, 135, 138-143, 151, 152, 318, 365. See also HA, Life of Albert Gallatin
Gallatin, Albert Rolaz, 123, 138
Galsworthy, John, 280
Gait, Mrs. Edith, 449
Gambetta, Leon, 156
Gardner, Isabella Stewart (Mrs. John L., Jr.), 133, 155, i^o, 379,404
Gardner, John L., Jr., 133, 155
Garfield, James A., 58, 116, 146, 150, 163, 167, 168; as reformer, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88; and gold panic, 84, 86
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 34, 57, 333
Garland, Hugh A., 182
Garrison, William Lloyd, 41, 42, 58
Gaskell, Charles Milnes: first meeting with HA, 59-60; friendship with HA, 72, 74, 81, 84, 89, 102, 153, 245, 268, 278, 289; correspondence with HA, 82, 87, 90—96 passim, 105, 108, 121—126 passim, 138, 150, 186-189 passim, 198, 219, 226, 234, 325, 401, 455; and politics, 158, 283; and HA's Education, 379
Gaskell, James Milnes, 59, 459
Gastoue, Amedee, 444
Gay, Walter, 403-404
Germany, 330, 339, 341, 348, 415, 447, 455; HA's travels in, 15, 23-32, 346; HA on, 302, 329, 345, 373, 374
Gibbon, Edward, 36, 83, 89, 106, 225, 229, 232, 264, 379, 386
Gibbs, Josiah Willard: Rule of Phase of, 401, 402, 411-412, 416, 420
Gibbs, Wolcott, 95
Gilder, Richard Watson, 188, 280, 335,
Gilman, Daniel Coit, 115, 122, 124, 136
Gissing, George, 277
Gladstone, William Ewart, 144, 157-158, 276, 283, 289, 372
Gneist, Heinrich Rudolph von, 100, 102, 107
Godkin, Edwin L., 91, 122, 128, 133, 134, 148, 169, 171, 177, 301; and North American Review, 116; and HA's Gallatin, 142, 143; and death of HA's wife, 203-204; review of HA's History, 232. See also Nation
Goldsmith, Oliver, 56
Gomez y Baez, Maximo, 311
Gore, Nathan, 145
Gould, Jay, 84, 87, 88, 99, 214, 260, 294
Granier, Jeanne, 369
Grant, Ulysses S., 59, 67, 127, 169; as president, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 91,
97, 98, 114, 117, 121, 126, 139-140; HA on, 84, 144, 163, 168, 432
Gray, Andrew, 416—417
Gray, Asa, 11-12, 60, 192; Natural Science and Religion, 192
Gray, George, 316
Gray, Horace, 39, 43, 66, 353
Greece, 322
Greeley, Horace, 27
Green, Alice Stopford (Mrs. John Richard),
145 Green, John Richard, 99, 106, 109, no,
145; Short History of the English
People, 161 Greenslet, Ferris, 384-385, 439, 451, 452,
454 Gretry, Andre: Richard Coeur de Lion, 275 Grey, Sir Edward, 447 Griscom, Lloyd C., 55, 284, 289 Grote, George, 342 The Growth of the American Republic,
Gryzanowski, Ernst, 101
Guilbert, Yvette, 314
Guiteau, Charles, 168
Guizot, Francois, no; History of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe, 14
Gurney, Ellen Hooper (Mrs. Ephraim), 200, 202, 203, 214, 222
Gurney, Ephraim, 81, 86, 90, 91, 95, 202, 203, 214
Hadley, Arthur T., 421 Hagner, Charles E., 200 Hague, Arnold, 135, 208, 241 Haig, Sir Douglas, 449, 460 Hale, Chandler, 304, 314 Hale, Charles, 39, 42, 58 Hale, Eugene, 304 Hale, Eugene, Jr., 314 Halstead, Murat, 78, 91 Hamilton, Alexander, 140, 149 Hamilton, Gail. See Dodge, Mary Abigail Hamilton, Paul, 231 Hankey, Thomson, 275 Hanna, Mark, 318 Harcourt, Sir William, 291-292 Hardy, Thomas: Tess of the D'Urbervilles, 277-278
Harkness, William, 136
Harriman, Florence H. (Mrs. J. Borden), 456
Harrison, Benjamin, 229, 240, 262, 279
Harrison, Frederic, 56
Harrison, William Henry, 207
Hart, Albert Bushnell, 421
Harte, Bret, 164, 178, 314, 396
Hartwell, Alfred, 240
Harvard College, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8-25, 90, 107, 301, 460
Harvard Magazine, 16, 17, 20-21
Hawaii, 240-242
Hay, Adelbert, 314
Hay, Clara (Mrs. John), 79, 377, 382, 393, 445; Letters of John Hay and Extracts from Diary, 394, 395~397, 4M
Hay, Helen, 313
Hay, John, 177-178, 202-203, 274; as Lincoln's secretary, 58; The Bread-Winners, 128, 148; biography of Lincoln, 133, 150, 206, 217-218, 231, 281, 282; and HA's Democracy, 144, 145, 146, 148; and Blaine, 147; as assistant secretary of state, 164, 176; as editor of New York Tribune, 167; and Grover Cleveland, 170, 293; and Elizabeth Cameron, 174, 221, 235, 394; correspondence with HA, 184, 209-213 passim, 242-293 passim; illness of, 186, 375, 376, 377; in Washington, 188-189, 194, 195, 197, 199, 234, 284; on HA's Esther, 211; on HA's History, 217; and Far Eastern policy, 251, 348, 374; and Panic of 1893, 260; as HA's traveling companion, 282, 303, 313, 314, 321, 322; and Theodore Roosevelt, 284, 350; as ambassador to England, 317-318, 319, 324; and Cuban independence, 323-324; as secretary of state, 324-326, 328, 331, 332, 337, 338-339, 34i, 345, 348, 349, 353, 373-374, 375, 385; and assassination of McKinley, 347, 348; death of son, 349; and Lodge, 380, 381, 423; death of, 392, 393, 430; biography of, 445,452, 453
Hayden, Ferdinand, 135
Hayes, Rutherford, B., 125, 126, 130, 132, 133, 134, 140, 168; and election of 1876, 118, 119, 121
Hazard, Stephen, 192
Hearn, Lafcadio, 360
Hegel, Georg W. F., 101
Helleu, Paul Cesar, 341
Hertz, Heinrich: Electric Waves, 400
Hewitt, Abram S., 58, 133, 189, 232
Higginson, James J., 29, 30
Hildreth, Richard, 42
Hitt, Robert, 155
Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood, 82, 85
Hobbes, Thomas, 12, 65
Holland, Sir Henry, 371
Holmes, John, 100
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 41, 58, 100, 179, 183
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 95, 123, 178-x 79, J 95, 300, 326, 353; Common Law, 179; on HA's Education, 381-382
Hoist, Hermann von, 107, 149; Constitutional and Political History of the United States, 114, 116
Holt, Henry, 143, 144, 151, 162, 190, 192, 199
Hooker, Joseph, 61
Hooper, Edward, 202, 222, 227, 279, 281; daughters of, 172, 282, 319, 349; as HA's financial manager, 177, 216, 234, 260; death of, 349
Hooper, Louisa ("Looly"), 394, 438
Hooper, Robert W, 58, 95, 132, 150, 151, 179; and daughter, Clover Adams, 129, 130, 200; illness and death of, 81, 196-197,214
Horace, 15, 16
Houghton, Lord. See Milnes, Richard Monckton
Houghton Mifflin Company, 184, 297, 384-385,439,451
Howe, Julia Ward, 5 8
Howe, Timothy, 89
Howells, William Dean, 58, 95, 104, 178, 188, 191, 375;^ Wedding Journey, 96-
97 Hubert, Henri, 341, 407, 426, 445, 447 Huerta, Victoriano, 446 Hughes, Charles Evans, 455 Hughes, Thomas, 56, 66, 103 Hunt, William Holman, 160 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 12, 56, 60, 61,
162, 387
Ibsen, Henrik: A Doll's House, 274;
Hedda Gabler, 274 Imperialism, 344-345, 348 India, 301, 331
International Review, 142, 150 Italy, 30-31, 33-36, 68, 89, 101, 333—335
Jackson, Andrew, 2, 63, 114, 126, 395, 409
Jackson, Dr., 5
James, Henry, 73, 95, 105, 153, 188, 375, 443; on HA, 130; and HA's Democracy, 145, 147; in Paris with HA, 155, 156, 403, 406, 407; French Poets and Novelists, 156; and HA, 159, 191, 249, 275, 278, 289, 314, 429-430; on Washington, D.C., 168, 175; on Oscar Wilde, 174; on Adamses, 175-176; Daisy Miller, 176; "Point of View," 176; Portrait of a Lady, 176; The Sacred Fount, 176; death of, 205, 455; and Stevenson, 252; and HA's Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, 367; and HA's Education, 370, 382; William Wetmore Story and His Friends, 372, 373, 446; Notes of a Son and Brother, 446; A Small Boy and Others, 446; and World War I, 448
James, William, 95, 105, 133, 177, 361, 429, 430, 457; on HA's works, 367, 385,422
Jameson, John Franklin, 409, 411, 418,
43* James R. Osgood and Company, 105-106 Japan, 206-214, M4, ^5, 35* Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 138, 139, 140, 151,
154, 184, 185, 313; HA on, 186, 195-
196,208, 232, 233 Jenckes, Thomas, 78 Johnson, Andrew, 76, 77, 78 Johnson, Reverdy, 74 Jouffroy, Theodore: Introduction to Ethics,
12, 14,21 Jourdain, Charles: Philosophie de St.
Thomas d'Aquin, 338 Jowett, Benjamin, 102 Jusserand, Jean, 429, 449, 455, 461 Justinian, 109; Institutes, 25
Kalakaua, David, 240, 259
Kelvin, Lord. See Thomson, William
Kemble, John, 109
Keyser, Cassius J., 399
King, Clarence, 133, 136, 164, 173, 177, 186, 220, 240, 246, 247; friendship with HA, 93, 149, 150, 176-177, 2.03, 230, 236, 238, 255, 300-301, 461; Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, 97, 214; Systematic Geology, 135, 137; and HA's Democracy, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148; on science, 189-190; and HA's Esther, 191, 192; and Cuba, 222, 310, 311, 312, 317, 330; and Panic of 1893, 2 ^°, 2 9°; as HA's traveling companion, 282, 296, 303, 309; "Shall Cuba Be Free?", 311; and Pre-Raphaelites, 335; death of, 349, 428,430
Kipling, Rudyard, 278, 283
Kitchin, George W: History of France, 106
Knox, Philander, 442
Kuhn, Charles, 31, 74, 101
Kuhn, Louisa Adams (Mrs. Charles; HA's sister), 4, 6, 31, 36, 59, 74, 89, 112
La Farge, John, 206-207, 2I 7, 2 3°, 2-82, 33 x > 375, 461; travels with HA, 208-213, 236-268 passim; Artist's Letters from japan, 211; and St. Gaudens statue, 226, 227, 280; Fayaway Sails Her Boat (painting), 249-250; influence on HA, 335; death of, 428, 429, 430
La Farge, John, Father, 450
La Farge, Mabel Hooper (Mrs. Bancel), 398
Lafayette Square, 165, 166-179, 180, 191, 327; "Five of Hearts" club at, 176, 194, 320,325,452
La Follette, Robert, 429
Lamar, Lucius Q. C, 131, 133, 134
Lampson, Hannah, 103
Landor, Walter Savage: Pentameron and Other Conversations, 264
Langley, Samuel, 307, 343, 459
Langtry, Lillie, 175
Laugel, Auguste, 155
Laughlin, James Lawrence, no
Lawrence, Elizabeth C. (Mrs. T. Bigelow), 132-133
Le Bon, Gustave, 401, 421; Evolution de la matiere, 399
Lecky, William, 161, 164; History of En-
Lecky, William {continued) gland during the Eighteenth Century, 161; The History of European Morals, 161; The History of Rationalism, 161
Lee, Fitzhugh ("Rooney"), 170, 316
Lee, Robert E., 67
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 390
Leland, Waldo, 431
Lamaitre, Jules, 273
Leslie, Shane, 353, 360, 461
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 239
Lewes, George Henry, 192; Biographical History of Philosophy, 13-14
Lincoln, Abraham, 38, 39, 41, 42, 49, 197; inauguration of, 43; view of secession, 47; and Seward, 48; reelection of, 67; assassination of, 68
Lindsay, Ronald, 409, 416
Livy, 15, 16
Locker, Frederick, 103
Lodge, Anna Cabot (Mrs. Henry Cabot), 230, 248, 279, 332, 341, 346, 436, 447; and HA's Education, 380-381; death of son, 416; death of, 451, 453
Lodge, George Cabot ("Bay"), 314, 403, 406,411,416,423-424,437
Lodge, Henry Cabot: as HA's student, 99, 102, 107, no, 113, 114, 122, 123; as assistant editor of North American Review, 104, 105, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121; Life and Letters of George Cabot, 115, 163; review of HA's Gallatin, 142; as editor of International Review, 150-151; political activity of, 163, 170, 455; and Charles Francis Adams, 215; and Cleveland, 293; travels with HA, 306, 311; and foreign policy, 312, 313, 316, 317, 319, 323; and assassination of McKinley, 347, 348; and Theodore Roosevelt, 350, 351, 374, 393; HA on, 380-381; and "memorial" to son George, 423, 424; and Taft, 429; and Titanic disaster, 434; and HA's stroke, 435, 436; Early Memories, 444; and World War I, 449, 450; and Charles Francis Adams, Jr., 451; and HA's Education, 453-454; and Wilson, 455-456, 457
Lodge, Sir Oliver: Electrons, 400, 401
Loring, Edward G., 19
Loring, Sally R, 148, 220
Lothrop, Anne H. (Mrs. Thornton), 457
Loti, Pierre, 254
Louisville Courier-Journal, 78
Lovejoy, Arthur O., 422
Lovering, Joseph, 11
Low, Seth, 282
Lowell, James Russell, 17, 32, 72, 95, 100, 102, 153, 372; A Fable for Critics, 14; influence on HA, 14; The Vision of Sir Launfal, 14; on HA, 98; on HA's Gallatin, 152; as ambassador to England, 164, 173, 174
Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm, 460
Luquiens, Frederick Bliss, 425, 428, 439, 440
Luther, Martin, 113
Lyall, Sir Alfred, 283
Lyell, Sir Charles, n, 56, 61, 136, 185, 371; Antiquity of Man, 60; Principles of Geology, 72-73, 2.55, 256
Macaulay, Thomas B., 186, 229, 232, 233, 342
McCarthy, Dennis, 8 5
McCulloch, Hugh, 77, 78
Mach, Ernst, 376, 399
McHenry, James, 84
McKinley, Ida S. (Mrs. William), 327
McKinley, William, 279, 294, 327, 331, 398; and election of 1896, 316; and Hay, 317, 324, 325; and Spanish War, 322, 323, 328, 329, 330; assassination of, 347
McLean, John, 315
McLellan, George, 67, 68
McLennan, John, 93
MacVeagh, Franklin, 288
MacVeagh, Wayne, 134, 168, 170, 292
Madison, James, 141, 151, 186, 217, 218, 224, 229,231
Maeterlinck, Maurice: The Life of the Bee,
359 Mahan, Alfred, 344-345; Naval Warfare,
282 Maine, Sir Henry, 107, 109, 238; Ancient
Law, 93, 102; Village Communities, 93,
102 Male, Emile, 430, 432
Malietoa, King, 243, 25 o
Manifest der Kommunisten (Marx and En-gels), 13
Mann, Horace, 18, 63
Manning, Daniel, 171
Marau Taaroa, Queen, 259, 284, 285, 286
Marble, Manton, 85, 91, 148
Marbury, Elizabeth, 376, 377, 404
Marcy, William, 45
Martineau, Harriet, 13
Marvel, Ik. (Donald Grant Mitchell), 27-28
Marx, Karl, 13, 302, 305, 398, 445; Capital, 13, 300, 301
Mason, James, 50
Massachusetts Historical Society, 451, 453,
Mataafa, King, 243, 250, 253, 258
Mather, Cotton, 391
Maupassant, Guy de, 273, 277
Maurras, Charles, 415
Maxwell, James Clerk, 61, 366
Melville, Herman, 254
Mendl, Lady. See de Wolfe, Elsie
Mercure de France, 417
Merriam, John M., 208
Mexico, 304, 311, 313
Michelet, Jules, 342
Miles, Sherman, 328, 329
Mill, John Stuart, 56, 63, 65, 70, 192, 300; Auguste Comte and Positivism, 62; Representative Government, 63-64; on Tocqueville, 64; The Subjection of Women, 112, 361
Millet, Francis D., 188, 434
Milnes, Richard Monckton, Lord Houghton, 56, 57, 59, 62, 64
Mitchell, Weir, 105
Modjeska, Mme. Helena, 208
Mommsen, Theodor, 100, 342
Monod, Gabriel, 155, 164, 187, 407
Monroe, James, 4, 163, 186, 196
Monroe Doctrine, 4, 301, 312, 329
Monti, Luigi, 10
Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 100
Moody, William Vaughn, 403
Moran, Benjamin, 45, 46, 58, 67, 74
Morgan, J. Livingston: The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 401
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 299, 352, 397 Morgan, Lewis Henry, 234, 238, 240, 253;
Ancient Society, 111 Morley, John: Life of Gladstone, 372, 377 Morrill Act, 50, 71 Morris, William, 335 Morse, James Herbert, 425 Morse, John T., Jr., 95, 151, 181, 183, 184 Morton, Thomas, 3 Motley, John Lothrop, 57, 58, 75, 76, 99,
372 Mount Vernon, 139, 149, 224 Mugwump movement (1884), 170, 194,
262, 282 Miiller, Friedrich Max, 265, 267 Mumford, Lewis, 411 Murchison, Sir Roderick, 61 Musset, Alfred de, 212, 274
Nahon, Isaac, 154
Napoleon I, 138, 152, 163, 233, 301
Napoleonic period, 69, 70, 163
Napoleon III, 33, no
Nasse, Erwin, 93
Nation, 72, 77, 116, 120, 123, 128, 155, 156, 301; reviews of HA's articles in, 70, 73, 89; HA's articles in, 78, 79, 84, 86, 99, 136, 137; tribute to Washington, D.C., 126; attack on HA's Gallatin, 142-143; review of The Bread-Winners, 148; HA's investment in, 169; reviews of History in, 232; and Cuba, 317
Newcomb, Simon, 115, 133, 151
Newton, Sir Isaac, 362, 376, 391, 421
New York Evening Post, 77, 78, 85, 169,
171 New York Herald, 42, 50, 128, 168 New York Sun, 201 New York Times, 34, 45, 48, 49, 53, 77,
231-232, 378 New York Tribune, 127, 144, 147, 174,
276, 394 New York World, 85, 200, 201 Newman, Francis, 56 Nicolay, John, 133, 231, 281, 282, 394,
396 Nieces, 172, 282, 416, 429, 438, 497; in
Washington, 220, 279, 349, 366, 394-
Nieces (continued)
395, 439, 44^-443; in France, 319, 355, 402, 404, 444, 447, 448
Nineteenth Century (magazine), 398
Nordau, Max: Degeneration, 314
Nordhoff, Charles, 78, 91, 128, 130, 134, 167
Norris, George, 429
North American Review, 113, 116, 117, 119-120, 131, 155; HA's articles in, 70, 72-73,81-82,86,88,89,91,93,96, 97, 113; HA's editorship of, 90, 97-98, 103, 104, 105-107, in, 115, 395; HA's resignation as editor of, 120; quarrel over policy at, 122; review of HA's Gallatin, 141
Norton, Charles Eliot, 70, 72, 73, 92, 105, 375,446
Norton, Grace, 389
Oberholtzer, Ellis, 414 Odyssey, 15, 247, 287 Okakura Kakuzo, 226 Oliphant, Lawrence, 59 Olney, Richard, 293, 301, 322, 383 Osier, Sir William, 376 Ostwald, Wilhelm, 376, 402 Outrey, Mme. Maxime, 149 Owen, Richard, 57, 60 Oxford University, 99, 102, 103
Palfrey, John Gorham, 8, 28, 58, 69, 70,
9i,95 Palgrave, Francis Turner, 60, 84, 87, 103,
158, 159-160, 322 Palmer, Bertha H. (Mrs. Potter), 428 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord, 50 Panama Canal, 345, 374 Panic of 1857, 13, 19 Panic of 1893, 26 °, 288-294, 302 Panicof 1907, 397-398, 403 Papanti, Lorenzo, 6 Parkman, Francis, 99, 100, 104, 131, 195,
217, 232; Montcalm and Wolfe, 187 Parkman, Mary Dwight (Mrs. Samuel),
139, 143
Paris Exposition, 338, 339, 341
Pascal, Blaise, 362, 363, 445
Pater, Walter, 306, 404; Marius the Epicurean, 278
Patterson-Bonaparte, Mme. Elizabeth, 138
Patti, Adelina, 174-175
Peabody, Andrew, 69
Pearson, Charles H.: National Life and Character, 300
Pearson, Karl: Grammar of Science, 576
Peirce, James, 15
Pendleton Civil Service Act, 170
Perceval, Spencer, 163
Perry, Bliss, 381
Perry, Thomas Sergeant, 95
Pertz, George H., 100
Petrarch, 205, 221, 235, 268, 270, 280, 300,311
Phillips, William Hallett, 285, 293, 315, 435; and Cuba, 309, 311-312, 313, 316, 317; drowning of, 319
Pickering, Timothy, 115
Pike, James S., 58
Pinckney, Charles, 163
Plato, 353, 362,425
Pliny the Elder, 306
Poincare, Lucien, 399; La physique mod-erne, 401
Pomare V, King, 259, 260, 285
Portuondo, Juan Domenech, 310
Potter, John, 445
Powell, John Wesley, 135, 136
Pre-Raphaelites, 335, 359, 362, 405
Prescott, William, 99, 372
Proclamation of Neutrality, 44, 47, 50
Puchta, Georg: Cursus der Institutionen,
*5, 30 Pullman, George, 297 Pumpelly, Raphael, 95, 144, 206, 229,
Quarterly Review, 84, 87, 90
Quay, Matthew, 292
Quesada, Gonzalo de, 312, 313, 316, 328, 329
Quincy (Massachusetts), 3, 55, 89, 381; Adams home in, 1, 7, 186, 214, 216, 217, 286; HA in, 16, 19, 21, 25, 72, 83, 124, 125, 154, 290, 298; in Civil War era, 38, 39
Quincy, Dorothy, 379
Rae, Rebecca Dodge (Mrs. Charles W), 202, 205, 220, 279
Ramsay, Sir William, 401, 402 Randolph, John, 108, 141, 181-183, 184,
185 Randolph, Sarah N., 139 Ranke, Leopold von, 100 Raymond, Henry J., 34, 45, 53, 58 Reconstruction, 76, 77-78, 85 Reeve, Henry, 60, 64, 78, 80, 84 Reichenbach, Frau, 31, 32 Reichenbach, Hofrath Heinrich G. L.,
Reid, Whitelaw, 91, 274-275, 326, 383,
384,394,395,396,397 Rejane, Gabrielle (Charlotte Reju), 273 Remusat, Charles de: Abelard, 338 Renan, Ernest, 162; "The Art of the
Middle Ages," 440 Revue historique, 155, 187 Rhodes, James Ford, 384, 400 Richardson, Henry Hobson, 167, 186,
189, 194, 195, 197, 257, 284, 430 Richard the Lion-Hearted, 432-433, 439,
Robinson, William S., 123
Rochefort, Henri, 314
Rockhill, William, 234, 322, 326, 333
Rodgers, Thomas Slidell, 312, 319
Rodin, Auguste, 341, 398-399
Romilly, Sir John, 103
Roosevelt, Alice, 461
Roosevelt, Theodore, 276, 284, 305, 390, 394, 434, 455, 461; on Saint-Gaudens statue, 280-281; as assistant secretary of the navy, 317; imperialism of, 323, 344, 345, 442; and assassination of McKinley, 347, 348; as President, 349-
350, 373, 374, 375, 37^, 377, 395, 4°9; and HA, 378, 380, 381, 393; fiscal policy of, 397; and Taft, 433; and Progressive party, 4 5 5
Root, Elihu, 351, 393, 429
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 334; "The Blessed Damozel," 334; "Sister Helen," 334
Rothschild, Nathan Meyer Lord, 291-292, 299
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 384, 386
Rubens, Horatio, 312, 328, 329
Ruskin, John, 144, 160, 276, 404; The Stones of Venice, 335; Seven Lamps of Architecture, 440
Russell, Bertrand, 418
Russell, John, Lord, 48, 50
Russia, 301, 302, 330, 331, 345, 348,
373-374, 387, 4475 HA's travels in,
332,346-347 Russo-Japanese War (1904), 373, 377
Sage, Russell, 294
Saglio, Edmond, 341
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 335, 336, 367, 375, 376, 3 82 » 430, 461; and Adams monument, 224, 225, 226-227, 248, 2-67, 279, 321, 355,462
St. Louis Exposition, 374-375, 431
Saint-Simon (Louis de Rouvroy), Due de,
Saint-Victor, Adam de, 342
Sala, Count Maurice, 311
Salmon, Alexander, 257
Salmon, Lucy, 199
Salmon, Tati, 257-258, 259, 284, 285, 348
Samoa, 242-253, 254, 256, 258, 260
Santayana, George: Egotism in German Philosophy, 457
Sargent, John Singer, 314, 443
Saturday Review, 141-142, 147
Savigny, Friedrich Karl von, 25
Schiller, Johann: Thirty Years' War, 101
Schofield, John, 77
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 266, 424, 425
Schurz, Carl, 117, 118, 119, 131, 134, 149, 189, 217; as minister to Spain, 58; as senator, 87, 98; and civil service reform, 87, 127, 146; as secretary of the interior, 136, 150, 167; and Garfield election, 167; as editor of New York Evening Post, 169; and Mugwump movement, 170
Schuyler, Eugene, 198, 199
Scott, Sir Walter, 18; The Pirate, 4; Mar-mion, $j6
Scribner, Charles, 228, 230, 231, 232
Scribner's Magazine, 324
Sedgwick, Arthur, 148
Senior, Nassau, 56, 64
Sewall, Harold, 242
Seward, William H., 27, 47, 48, 58; and Adams family, 32, 33, 38-39, 40, 41,
Seward, William H. (continued)
43, 44, 45; and Charles Francis Adams, 42, 49, 50, 66, 77; and HA, 51, 65, 66,
67,77 Shakespeare Club, 159 Shepherd, Alexander, 126 Sherman, William T., 160; Memoirs, 105 Sherman, John, 58, 173, 316, 318 Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 373 Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 288, 289,
291, 292, 293, 294 Slavery, 1, 8, 32, 38,63, 114 Slidell, John, 50 Smalley, George, 58, 161 Smith, Captain John: A True Relation of
Virginia, 69-70 Smith, Goldwin, 56
Smith, Sir William: History of Greece, 15 Smith, William Henry, 276 Socialism, 13, 337, 415, 419, 421 Social Science Society (London), 61-62 Society for the Advancement of Truth in
Art, 335 Sohm, Rudolph: Lex Salica, 93, 106 Sonnenschein, Swan, 298 Sophocles, 15 Southern Review, 70 Spain, 153-154 Spanish-American War, 323-324, 326,
330,424 Spaulding, Elbridge, 99; History of the Legal Tender Paper Money Issued during
the Great Rebellion, 86 Spectator, 147, 233, 440 Spencer, Herbert, 61, 63, 162, 387; First
Principles, 62 Spinoza, Baruch, 12, 16, 65, 363 Sprague, Catherine Chase (Mrs. William),
58 Springfield Republican, 23, 78, 81, 123 Spring Rice, Cecil, 220-221, 235, 302,
331,346,449,455,456 Stanley, Dean Arthur, 103, 158-159, 160 Stanley, Edward Henry, Lord, 74 Statist, 330, 350 Stephen, Leslie, 56, 72, 103; Science and
Ethics, 192 Stevenson, Fanny, 251, 252 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 234, 244, 251-
253,257, 258;^ Footnote to History, 250, 253; Letters, 338
Stickney, Albert: "Lawyer and Client," 98
Stickney, Joseph Trumbull, 336, 341, 352, 403
Stoddard, Charles Warren, 367; South Sea Idylls, 241
Storey, Moorfield, 79, 95
Story, William Wetmore, 36, 68, 101, 446
Straus, Oscar, 449
Stubbs, William, 99, 106, 107, 109, no; Constitutional History of England, 102; Documents Illustrative of the Constitutional History of England, 102
Sturgis, Russell, 164, 335
Sturgis family, 130
Suger, 359
Sumner, Charles, 41-42, 58, 372; and HA, 8, 26, 28, 79, 85, 95, 123; attack on, in Congress, 19, 32-33; and Adams family, 33, 38, 39, 40, 76-77; death of, 116
Sumner, William Graham, 115
Sutherland, Anna Hay MacKenzie, duchess
of, 57 Swift, Jonathan, 107 Swift, Lindsay, 94, 108 Swinburne, Algernon, 57, 205, 425 Sybel, Heinrich von, 100
Tacitus: Germania, 93
Taft, William Howard, 429, 433, 442
Tahiti, 253-256, 257-261, 278, 287, 309
Taine, Hippolyte, 115, 370
Tamasese, King, 250
Taylor, Bayard, 58; translation of Faust,
io5,395 Taylor, General Richard, 131 Taylor, Henry Osborn, 335, 342-343,
351, 376, 382, 440; Deliverance, 450 Taylor, Zachary, 131 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: Idylls of the King,
334 Tetuan, Duke of, 153 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 18, 271 Thayer, William Roscoe, 192, 445, 452,
453,454,46o Thermodynamics, Laws of, 412, 417,
420-421, 422
Thevenin, Marcel, 155
Thierry, Amedee, 379
Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), 61, 137, 352, 371, 400, 416-417, 418, 419
Thornton, Sir Edward, 150
Thoron, Marie Louise, 220
Thoron, Ward, 216, 428, 430, 443
Thwing, Charles F., 282, 383
Thurston, Sir John, 261-262
Tilden, Samuel J., 98, 119, 141
Times, The (London), 47, 50, 52, 53, 233, 300
Titanic, 434,435
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 63, 331; Democracy in America, 64, 361
Tone, Aileen, 438-439, 446, 450, 456, 461
Tooke, Home, 13
Torrey, Henry W, 14, 16
Treaty of Ghent, 4, 141
Treaty of Paris, 330
Treaty of Portsmouth, 374, 377
Treaty of 1783, 3
Treaty of Villafranca, 31, 33
Trent affair, 50, 51, 60, 63, 65
Trescott, William H.: "The Southern Question," 131
Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 103
Trevelyan, Sir George, 283
Trollope, Anthony, 147, 183
Trowbridge, John: What Is Electricity? 400
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 410
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), 177, 178, 375, 431; A Tramp Abroad, 164; Mysterious Stranger, 297; Diary of Adam, 360
Tyler, John, 1
Tyndall, John, 12, 61, 162
United States Geological Survey, 136 University of Berlin, 25, 32
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 88, 294 Victoria, Queen, 44, 46, 48, 59, 74, 157,
282 Vignaud, Henry, 155, 283
Vila, Herminio Portell, 317 Victor Emmanuel II, 34 Villiers, Charles P., 57 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel,
Waddington, William, 153, 155
Walcott, Charles, 343
Walker, Francis A., 78, 86, 117, 122
Walker, Robert J., 58
Wallace, Alfred, 264
Walter, Raymond, 143
Ward, Lester Frank, 136
Ward, Mary A. (Mrs. Humphry), 144,
Ward, Samuel Gray, 217
"Warrington" Pen-Portraits (William S. Robinson), 123
Washington, George, 4, 18, 34-35, 140
Washington Critic, 200, 201
Washington Evening Star, 128
Watterson, Henry, 78
Webster, Noah, 207
Weed, Thurlow, 58,66
Welles, Gideon, 77
Welling, James Clarke, 232
Wells, David A., 58, 80, 82, 85, 98, 133; as commissioner of revenue, 78, 97; and civil service reform, 83, 87; "The Reform of Local Taxation," 117
Wells, Herbert, 413
Wendell, Barrett, 386, 421
Westminster Review, 90, 98
Wharton, Edith, 437, 438, 448; in Paris, 2-75, 34i, 403, 405-406, 415; and Ber-enson, 407, 428
Whately, Richard, 15; Easy Lessons on the British Constitution, 16
Wheatstone, Sir Charles, 61
Whistler, James McNeil, 160
White, Andrew D., 198, 199
White, Henry, 324, 394, 450, 454, 461
White, Horace, 133, 317
White, Stanford, 224, 227, 248
Whitney, Josiah D., 95
Wigglesworth, Michael, 391
Wilberforce, William, 47
Wilde, Oscar, 174
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 376, 377, 415
Wilkes, Charles, 50
William of Champeaux, 361, 363, 364,
419 Wilson, Charles Lush, 46, 67 Wilson, Woodrow, 433-434, 442, 446,
449,450,455-456,457 Wister, Owen, 326 Wood, Fernando, 130 Wood, Leonard, 329 Woolner, Thomas, 60, 103, 159-160, 275
World War I, 447-451, 455, 457, 458,
459,460 Wright, Chauncey, 95
Yale Review, 422, 445 Yoshida Kiyonari, 131, 206 Young, Ernest, no
Zola, Emile, 322; / 'accuse, 320; Rome,
339 Zorn, Anders, 234, 341